Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 09, 1919, Image 5

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    The Gem Feature Attractions.
Tuesday, October 14th.
Thursday, October 16th
$100,000 to Get Married!
What a Tempting Offer!
10,000,000 Persons Love These Girls !
But it led to the funniest
series of matrimonial com­
plications that ever harassed
a lovesick youth anti a
good-natured maiden.
They are four of the sweetest fgirls in American
They never had a “triangle”, in their family.
Their beauty never turned the universe.
But they are fairly HUMAN !
When you see them—Why! You’ll really LIVE
THEIR LIVES ! You’ll be Amy; and Laurie will
court you. E&
YOU'LL be Jo and Professor Baer will kneel at
your feet.
You WILL live this picture! That’s how go< d it
is ! Come and see.
the brilliant y'nung comedians in
Happy, snappy comedy—clean, clever.
Just one laugh after another.
“Little Women”
William A. Brady presents
Louisa M- Alcott’s Famous Story
A Paramount-Artcrafi Special
prtAuibs 'LITTLE WOMEN'^ W^.
“One Every Minute.”
Two Reel Flag Comedy.
ROAD CONTRACTORS MAY BE I Wanted—Ranches For Rent.
One Of The Causes Of The High $1,398.100 annually," Mr. Thompson
asserted. “Most of them receice more
Cost of Living.
------- o-------
„ ...
Mr. Rollie W. Watson,
John A. Nelson, our popular mer­
than the Chief Justice of the United
Friday, Oct, 10—“Puddn’head Wil­ I
chant, surprised his many friends by
Speaking at a “welcome home" cel­ States, whose compensation is $15,.
son”, Paramount production, Feat- Delay in Completing Work Arouses i Tillamook City, Oregon.
Dear Sir—1 am inquiring if you 'slipping out to Portland and marry­ ebration in Pennsylvania the other 000 a year; more than Gen. Pershing,
urirg Theodore Roberts. Story
any places for rent with about ing Miss Alice Keen, who is a sister day Major General Atterbury gave more than cabinet officers, senators
n by Mark Twain.
16 to 20 cows; will pay cash rent, Ito Mrs. Chas. F. Girard.
some interesting figures bearing on and representatives.
"Burton Holmes Travelogue.”
Road contractors who are slow in imust be bottom land, I want a good
Gust Danson had the misfortune of the decline of railway efficiency. At
“The records will show that five
Saturday, Oct. 11—"Belle of the
their work—and there are several [place. Will rent it on shares, cash [having a finger badly mashed at the the Renova, Pa., shops, before the ,of these officials are each receiv­
Season", Metro production, featur-
such on the Pacific Highway—will 'payment, or will buy stock and Un­ Ridehalgh cannery Monday.
war, shopmen were on a piecework ing $50,000 per annum, two are get­
ing Emmy Wehlen.*—Star in the
find the time limit penalty enforced plements. Would like to be close to
Hotel accomodations are hard to basis and a ten hour day. When the ting $40,000, three $35.000, two
picture shown last Saturday night.
against them. This is the decision of cheese factory and school if possible, get here as the Bay View and Glr- government took over the Pennsyl- $30,000, eight $25,000, eleven $20,-
"Fools and Their Money.”
the state highway commission adopt­ please let me hear from you at once. aid’s Hotels are full to c.
overflowlng. vania lines piece work was abolished 000,. jne $18,500, one $18,000, and
"Just Neighbors" Harold
ed Tuesday on a motion of Commis­
Xours very truly.
¡A number of transients have had to and the output per man per hour $17,000, six $15.000, one $14,000,
dropped from 110 per cent to 75 per one $13.200, one $12,500, four$12.-
sioner Booth. It appears that certain
[go to Tillamook.
Sunday, Oct. 12—"A Pair of Silk
contractors have been dallying along
Note—What have you to offer
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. White have cent. The shops were put on an eight 000, one $10,800, one $10,600 and
Stockings”. Select production, feat­
in such a leisurely manner that their along above lines of inquiry? We are [moved to Wheeler where he will hour basis, and thiB cut the output twenty-three $10,000. None of these
uring Constance Talmage. A Klever
fifteen per cent, so that the output ■ large salaries were authorized speci­
work is nowhere near completed; getting Inquiries like that most work in the mill there.
Kotnedy drama.
Mrs. J. M. Bodie returned Tuesday per man per day in the shops is now fically by Congress."
that they have graded and torn up every day. If you want to rent your
Pathe News.
roads and now the rains are setting place answer this quick.
from a short visit at Corvallis where 'only 60 per cent of what it was be­
| Monday, Oct. 13—‘The Poor Boob”, in and these roads are impassable.
Rollie W. Watson.
I her son and daughter are attending fore the war. The number of man
Nazarene Church Service«.
Paramount production, featuring The roads must be rocked. Either
[employed on the Pennsylvania has
“The Go Getter."
Bryant Washburn.
Mrs. T. E. Ashley has returned increased under government control
the contractor must rock them or the
10 a.m., Sunday School, Mrs. Bert
Washburn Picture a Hit.
state must and where contractors are
from Portland where she has been from 147,713 to 168,892, or fourteen King, Supt.
per cent, while the traffic units de­
visiting relatives and friends.
slow, the penalty collected from
11 a.m., preaching by the pastor on
Tuesday, Oct. 14—"Little Women,” them may reimburse the state for the
Bryant Washburn will appear at
The local mill here has turned out creased from 16,800,000 to 15,000,- a timely theme.
Paramount-Artcraft Special pro­
the Gem Theatre next Monday in his some very large timbers for donkey 000 or eleven per cent. The average
7:30 p.m., Peoples’ service, led by
cost of rocking.
duction, featuring an all star cast.
Honey. All welcome.
This announcement from the com­ new Paramount picture "Poor Boob.’ engine skids for C. F. Stone, who is number of traffic units per employe Jay
Picturization of Louisa M. Alcott’s mission will cause consternation with It is a typical Washburn role and his .working on the highway.
fell from 113,932 as 89,308. The de-| 8 p.m., evening sermon; special
famous story ‘Little Women.”
two or three contractors who, are al­ portrayal of a simp who is believed | J. O. Bozorth left for Portland the crease in number of hours worked i singing.
Wednesday, Oct. 15—“Good Gracious most certain to be caught for heavy to be a failure, but who fools every­ first of the week for a much needed was also accompanied by u decrettsr
Mid-week service on Thursday at 8
Annabelle", Paramount production, penalties. It probably will have the body In the end is delightful. ’Poor vacation.
in the product per man per hour, al- p.
] ni.
featuring Billie Burke.
effect also of spurring others to rush [Boob” is in every respect a photo-
Rev. H. J. Hickerson, pastor of the though it haB long been believed that
"Bray Pictograph.”
Call for General Fund Warrants.
comple- comedy well worth seeing. Wanda M. E. Church, has been transferred shortened hours would increased ef­
I Thursday, Oct.
Oct. 16—“Be A Little
Hawley, a popular leading woman to Wheeler and Nehalem. Mr. Hick­ ficiency. All this, of course, helps ex­
All general fund warrants endors­
Tillamook county asked for blds and Mary Thurman, a famous Para­ erson will be badly missed, here for plain the high cost of living. The in­
featuring Albert Ray and Elinor for hard surfacing 15 miles in that mount Mack Sennett star, divide the he was well liked as a minister and a creased number of men producing ed
prior to and including April 10th,
Fair. A comedy of confusion—a county be let by January so that the honors won by a supporting cast of 'good citizen. Rev. G. L. Tufts will ¡less on the Pennsylvania, means the 1919, will be paid on presentation.
merry mess of mix-ups. Don’t fail successful contractor could have his unusual merit.
ceases this 10th day of
'occupy the pulpit for the coming ¡withdrawal of that many more men Interest
to see the fun.
from other occupations, so that less October,
equipment on the ground early and
"One Every Minute” Flag Comedy. start work as soon as the weather
B. C. Lamb, City Treas.
Nelson & Co., have purchased a production is accompanied by more
High School Notes.
----------- —---- ---- i
------ o------
opens in the spring. Chairman Ben­
new Dodge delivery
____ . truck.
Christian Church Notes.
On Monday the student body 1 had I Mrs. Albert Biggs, Jr., has been
Reformed Congregational Church
son explained that by postponing
------ o —
bids on this work, the commission an interesting business meeting, . A employed as teacher in the place of 72 Rail “Princes” Get $1,398,100
The revival at the
I 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m.
was saving the contractor money and picnic was was decided upon for Mrs. Byron Rice, who has not yet
Church is in full force. Evangelist
preaching, theme: “The Red Carna­
that when bids were called for it Saturday at the upper Kilchis river. arrived from Montana.
Cross, who has been Chaplain in the
Fifty-nine officials of the railroad tion or the Fate of an Orphan Girl.”
would be in time for the contractor Members of the student body and
late war, comes with an experience
Rev. R. Schuetze, pastor.
administration, "Princes at Washing­
faculty are expected to attend. The
to commence operations early.
that will help everyone in the com-
ton who sit in upholstered furniture
custom of the annual picnic has
I tnunlty. Also his natural reputation
long been established in this school
That City Treasurer be instructed and swing in swivil chairs admist
I as a minister of the gospel is a real the service of an engineer for three
market roads,' under the market road and Is looked forward to by the stu­ to call all warrants issued previous luxurious surroundings,” receive a
uplift to all who have this message.
Century wood saw now
act. The county will receive approx­
Sunday afternoon to men only, on
Pershing. Representative Thompson. in operation.
I "The 3rd Degree Man.” Tonight he imately $21,000 from the Btate mar­ teachers to be initiated into the jpresented for payment within 30
All orders promptly attended to.
ket road fund and will match this school life of Tillamook.
[days be cancelled. By order of Com- | (Ohio) charge in the house the
will speak on "The 7 Triangles", Fri­
on the
A committee was appointed to look mon Council.
-—— day.
—,. "Seventy-two
-------, — men
— —
..— .Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders
amount, giving it $42,000 for the
day at 4 p.m. Mrs. Cross will speak
■staff of the Director General of Rail- at Star Grocery or Sutton's Market,
three market roads. No action was after the renting of a hall for basket
Frances B. Stranahan,
I to girls. Evening subject "Noah’s
I ball. Those appointed on the commit­
roads receive salaries aggregating
Karl Wilhelms.
I Ark, Where Is It?”. Saturday "The
county for a similar engineering tee are: Ernest Ford, Gladys Brown,
I Ready Man.
assistance, as the commission has not and Rodney Farley. Both boys and
Sunday morning, "God’s Tomb-
I stone.” Hear Mrs. Cross sing, this is worked out the plan under which glrs are anticipating a lot of whole­
it intends dealing with the market some amusement during the basket
I your opportunity.
the law the ball season.
A number have made the good con- road problem. Under
market roads
The executive council met Tuesday
[ fession and many more ought to counties built these
but the engineering is supplied by to levy a high school membership fee.
I make it. Remember no one can tell
The sum of fifty cents per capita was
| what the times of confession will the state highway commission.
decided upon.
[bring forth, it maybe your last. Come
Everything is Sphinx-like with the
lout and hear and act.
Junior and Freshmen. Why, haven't
The regular services of the Presby­ you heard that the Freshmen are
“A Pair of Silk Stockings."
terian church will be resumed next giving the Juniors a party?
1 If your husband not only objected Sunday, October 12.
Sunday School will be held at 10 Famous Court Room Picture in Film.
[to yo:.r taste in motor cars, insisting
------ o------
on one of his own selection, but o’clock, with Mrs. Robt. H. McGrath
How an enterprising lawyer
bought sables for another woman as acting superintendent.
Preaching services will be held at • ployed finger prints after many years
moke _ you
jealous) as well, would
prou immediately lose no time in su- eleven o’clock in the morning and to restore a young man to his lawful
ung for a divorce? ■
at 8 o’clock in the evening with the inheritance and expose an imposter,
| Come to the Gem Theatre on Sun- <Rev. Allen A. McRea in the pulpit, are admirably shown in the Para­
«lay. Oct., 12 and see just how Mollie [ The subject of the sermon in the mount pictui ization of Mark Twain’s
Thornhill (Constance Talmage) solv- morning will be "The Vision that famous story, ‘Pudd’nhead Wilson,”
es the problem of the motor car and Gives Power,” and in the evening with Theodore Roberts as star, which
will be presented at the Gem Theatre
the sables, in her latest Select Pic-¡"The Loyalty of Love.”
ture In which she is presented by ; There will be some good music and next Friday, Oct. 10.
Like all pioneers In the sciences.
Lewis J. Selznick.
everybody is invited to come out and
Sant and Mollie Thorhill, a young listen to the music, join tn the sing- Wilson’s hobby of detecting crime by
English couple, are happy indeed, ing and hear the message which Mr. means of finger-prints was derided
and sneered at. The scenes of the
until the serious question of a motor McRea will bring to us.
story transpire In the pre-rebellion
car arises. Mollie wants this and Sam
period when the finger-print theory
wants that with the result that Sam ■
Teachers Wanted.
was in its Infancy. But Wilson’s per­
in a rage, goes off to make Mollie
sistency and his knowledge of his
jealous and attempts this by the
brought the
In company with some of the other science,
the bill around for her to find. Mollie counties of the Btate Tillamook wheels of justice to revolve in the
not only linds the bill but the speed­ ¡county is suffering a shortage of right direction, to the satisfaction of
iest, way of divorcing Sam and starts teachers. Six small schools are at all concerned.
Mr. Roberts is admirably supported
off to tour the country in a car of a present in need of teachers.
It has occurred to me that there in this great photoplay. Thomas
iriBke which she is sure Sam disap­
proves. They are brought together may be several ex-teachers in the Meighan, one of the best known of
again however through the medium county who would be willing to screen stars, has an important role
of a "Pair of Silk Stockings” which teach a few months at least, to help Others in the cast are Jane Wolff,
Florence Dagmar, Enrent Joy and
Mollie looses, and the two are re­ out.
Should there be any such teachers Gertrude Keller,
joined and married by the vicar in
please communicate with my office
the village.
either by phone or letter and
l .— the
Reformed Church.
matter of certitication will be con-
------ 0------
Call For City Road Waiianti.
------- o-------
sidered and an effort made to ar-
Lienkamer. pastor.
All warrants on the Road Fund range thé work, and you will be
Sunday School at 10 a.ui.
endorsed prior to and including placed In touch with some school
Public worship at 11 o’clock
August 9th, 1919, will be paid on needing a teacher.
Subject of sermon: "Two Import­
presentation. Interest ceases thia
G. B. Lamb,
ant Questions.” Singing by the male
10th day of October. 1919.
County School Supt.
B. C. Lamb, City Treaa.