Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 09, 1919, Image 4

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in or necessity of German language [
'newspapers in the United States, and
in view of what have taken place in ;
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
At the Methodist conference last the United States the past few years, i
week Bishop Hughes, in complaining with the German spy system and pro­
per year $2.00 * of the falling off in membership of Germans endeavoring to bring about
-1 that church, attributed it to the war a revolution in the United States, and
[and influenza. We are inclined to be­ the brazen effrontery of the German
Advertising Rates.
Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. lieve thut automobiles have more to language newspapers, it is none too
Locals ...........................per line 7c. do with the decrease in attendance soon to put a stop to it so as to pre­
at church than anything else. A good vent this in future. This is the po­
Readers, with reading matter
believe the Loy­
per line.................................. 7c. many preachers used to contend that sition thatwe
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. if the working class weue compelled al Legion will take, and it is a per­
to work less hours, so they could fectly logical one. The Legion will
have more time for leisure work days look with suspicion upon business
they would attend church Sundays. men who advertise in German lan-
This is another fallacy punctured, guage newspapers, as well as those
------- O-— ■
for they work less hours now and who subscribe for them.
Should flu make its appearance arc not attending church on Sundays.
again in this city, choke the fellow Even if the automobile is responsible
Business men of the city are quite
who proposes wearing mask .
for the decrease in tlie attendance at concerned about fire protection, and
------- o-------
church on Sundays there is this sat­ they have just cause to be,' for the
Everybody seems now to admit that isfaction of knowing that tlie people present waler system has outgrown
the Indian summer in the fall of the are getting out into the country, its usefulness on account of the in-
year is tlie most delightful part of breathing the fresh air and having crease of population since it was in-
the year. The weather the first of plenty of recreation and change of stalled. Notwithstanding that quite
the week could not be beat anywhere. scenery. This is the situation that a number of brick and
now confronts the church, and more buildings have been erected the city
We are willing to admit that we do automobiles there are it is going to is still in the frame build!...; class,
not coincide with President Wilson be harder for the church people to and will remain so until an ordi-
So there is over one half of one per­ solve.
nance is passed that all frame build­
cent of alcohol in sour butter milk,
------- o-------
ings are to be removed within the
is the verdict handed down by sever­ I The manner in which President business radius within a certain time.
al judges. So if anybody is desirous Wilson changed his opinion the past That, we think, is the first move­
of obtaining alcoholic stimulants, few years is certainly surprising. For ment to be undertaken. It may work
why, they can get a butter milk jag. instance, the president said:
a little hardship on some of the
How much it will cost to t^o the job, ! October 10, 1915—"America * * * property owners, but it is absolutely
or how much butter milk one has to ought to devote itself only to the imperative that all the old fire traps
embibe, that depends on whether one things that America believes in, and, be removed from the business por­
was an old soak or not.
believing that America stands apart tion of the city. Now as to fire pro­
------- o-------
in its ideals, it ought not to allow tection. Owing to the high cost of
and the Democratic party that the itself to be drawn, so far as its heart material and labor this is not the
league of nations covenant it will is concerned, into anybody’s quarrel proper time to rebuild the water sys­
prevent war; in fact, in our judg­ • *•***
tem with larger pipes, nor would a
ment the situation in the Balkans, i January 22, 1917—"It is inconceiv­ fire engine answer the purpose when
Russia and Germany will bring about able that the people of the United there is not sufficient water in the
another war in the neur future. Ger­ States should play no part in this water system. Besides a fire engine
many is just as arrogant today as she great enterprise. To take part in is an expensive undertaking. Several
was when she declared war in 1914, such service will be the opportunity times the past few years, it has been
and it is freely admitted that the.al­ for which they have sought .to pre­ suggested that a pumping system be
lies made a mistake when they pare themselves by the very princi­ installed so as to give better fire
agreed to the armistice.
ples and purposes of their polity and protection to the business portion of
------- o-------
tlie approved practices of their Gov­ the city. Taking all things into con­
We should have stated last week, ernment ever since the days when
sideration, we believe that this would
when discussing the road situation, they set up a new nation in the high
be the quickest and most economical
that the county has prepared seven and honorable hope that it might in
plan to adopt to meet present re­
miles of road bed for hardsurfacing, ail that it was and did show human­
quirements. The Coast Power Com­
so that the State Highway Commis­ ity the way to liberty.”
pany could furnish the power for the
sion cannot "come back” with the
pump, which would always be avail­
assertion that the road bed was not ' The snap shot man is in doubt
able, and the cost of laying a pipe
ready. Should the weather remain whether it was a wise or unwise
and placing a few hydrants in the
fine for another month the county move on the part of the county court business portion of the city would
will have the roads in good shape, to create another road district, mak­
not be excessive. That, to our way of ■
with every indication that the road ing Bayocean one, for the reason
thinking, is the best way to obtain
will be open to travel this winter for that we were the first to oppose so
speedy action. The rebuilding of the
automobiles to the Willamette Val­ many road districts and when there
water system could then wait until
were 20 or more in the county, We normal conditions returned, when it
------ o------
have always contended that there will be necessary to greatly enlarge
If it is the idea to tax the lot and should only be one road district and
the whole system and establish res­
property owners with special taxes one school district in the county, and
ervoirs. Several persons have asked
towards the improvement of roads in it was on account of the agitation of
the snap shot man to express his
the new road district of Bayocean, the snap shot man the road districts views on the subject, which we have
why wouldn’t it also be a good idea were reduced to three, which to our
done, but if anyone has a better
to put Garibaldi beach and the south way of thinking, was two too many.
plan that will ensure quicker results
side of Nehalem bay in a road dis­ During the winter months there is
at less expense, we are ready to sup­
trict. It might be a solution of the not more titan a dozen persons living port the same. It is quick action
beach route for the highway If the in the new road district and these and speedy results that are wanted,
property owners would vote favor­ few persons would have the power to for one never knows when a disas-
ably upon a special tax to help cover vote a special road tax whether they
terous fire has to be fought.
some of the expense. We feel certain were taxpayers or not. Heaven
that the Garibaldi beach people knows that the Bayocean district re­
under which those gentlemen could
Again, Who is the Liar?
[not afford to remain silent. Nor did
would do so. How does the south side celved shabby treatment in the past,
I they remain silent. Mr. Walsh, in a
of Nehalem bay feel about it?
------- o-------
and it is to be hoped that it will ob-
------ o-------
two column statement reiterated all
(Harvey's Weekly.)
tain a square deal in the future.
One perplexing question just now There is this much to say about cre­
The New York Herald was the firHt ( I the original charges, and, assuming
is the increase of crime, not only in ating a road district for Bayocean, a newspaper ot print in full the report > that England must eventually agree
the United States, but all over the per centage of the road money will of the Hon. Frank P. Walsh and ex-,1° an impartial court of inquiry,
world since the armistice was signed. have to be expended there.
Governor Dunne, of Illinois, upon pledged himself, as chairman of the
No one can deny that liquor used to
conditions in Ireland, It was a terri- Commission on Irish Independence,
be responsible for considerable crime,
President Wilson's illness is to be ble idictment. With 47 distinct speci­ to produce proof of a list of atrocities
but with the United States "dry" regretted at the present time and fications, Messrs Dunn and Walsh ac­ which, if they be proven, make ot
there is a great Increase in crime. there is a general hope that he will cused British Government officials England a country to be execrated by
Whatever may be the cause, one can­ soon recover. There is every reason of atrocities committed upon helpless all liberty-loving people.
not but take notice of the fact that a to believe that the president under- political prisoners in Irish jails ! But the New York Herald, which
large number of patroled and ex-con­ took to do too much himself during which in sheer brutality were quite was the first to arouse American in­
victs are responsible to a large ex­ the trying period of the war. the re­ on a par with the worst infamies per­ dignation by the publication of the
tent fot the increase of crime. There suit of which is a nervous ti reak- petrated by the Hun barbarians in Dunne-Walsh report in full, has not
Is too much silly sentimentalism in down. Instead of obtaining the assis­ their invasion
of Belgium and seen fit to await any such inquiry as
dealing with criminals and to our tance of some of our ablest states­ France.
I Mr. Walsh suggests. It has made an
way of thinking, the way to help men and
When the Herald spread this aw­ investigation on Its own account,
ComeZand Hear this Machine Play before Buying,
working hand-in-hand
______ to
stop crime is to keep the criminals with the United States Senate, he ful arraignment before the people of .With clear, positive instructions
It's tone is natural—No metallic sound, only
under lock and key.
entirely ignored them and assumed this country there was a general out­ bring an absolute unbiased mind to
-------o ■ ■
the role of dictator. Anyone reading burst of indignation. And its publi­ his task, to seek out the truth, the
the natural sound of voice and instrument played.
The National Republican asks this between the lines of Secretary of cation in England evoked stronger whole truth and nothing but the
State Lansing's remarks before the expressions of shame and anger there truth and to publish the same irres­
"Are you taking the daily or week­ Foreign Relations Committee of the than it did here. Nor for an instant pective of where and whom it hits,
ly newspaper in your locality which Senate, realized at once that even could the British Government remain the Herald sent its chief London cor­
comes out fearlessly for Republican the other members of the American silent under such fearful accusations. respondent, Mr. Truman H. Tally, to
principles, which is alive to the right delegation at the peace conference The accusers were responsible men. Ireland, Mr. Talley’s reports the Her­
side ot public questions not only in were kept in the dark and not con­ Mr. Walsh was an appointee of Pre ■- ald has been publishing from day to
the beat of campaign year but every sulted in some matters, It is stated ident Wilson to an important part i. day. They bear every internal evi-
to a conscientious adherence to
year and all year 'round? In choosing by tit - correspondents who accom- the administration. Mr. Dunn had de..
your reading matter don’t forget paniod the president on his western been governor of the third greatest - the . i.,:d instructions under which
that the local Republican paper de­ trip that what worried Mr. Wilson state in the Union. They went to his investigations were to be made.
serves und should have your support, most was when the audience ap- Ireland as accredited representatives They show no animus, no prejudice,
morally and financially."
plaudeil after he had read what those of the American people. As such they no leaning either toward one side or
We’are just completing 14 years of tank service for the people of
We lire afraid there are a good who opposed tie treaty and league of were received by British Government the other.
Bay City and tributary country.
We invite your further patron­
many persons in this county who nations had said. It was this, so it Is officials and as such, as they were ; Now, in a nutshell, Mr. Tally's re-
age, and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still
registered as Republicans, but sub­ reported, that unnerved the presi­ free to admit, every faculity foi their Port leaves Messrs. Walsh and Dunne
better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business
scribe for and support Democratic dent so completely, lt is to be re­ inquiries was afforded them.
under quite as heavy a cloud as did
with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate.
newspapers. A word ot advice is not gretted that Mr. Wilson did not
And as a result of these inquiries. [that of the British government offi­
out of place.
divide the heavy responsible load In a carefully prepared report, they cials themselves. Mr. Talley finds
that fell on his shoulders, and it spread before the world a record of that the Dunne-Walsh charges are
'l’he annual Tillamook County would have been better for the cold-blooded murder, torture and absolutely false. Thus Mr. Walsh and
Teachers' Institute, which was to United States and his own health starvation of political prisoners in Mr. Dunne lie under a double accu-
have been held next week, has been had he done so.
Irish jails that, if true, simply plac- nation of telling wllful,
wilful, deliberate
postponed because it is difficult to
ed the country and the government *les
obtain Instructors. No one will regret
We have received a copy of a Ger­ responsible for it beyond the pale of discord between us and a friendly na-
if there is no institute this year in the man-language newspaper which is civilizatlon.
lion and lies, which, with the reac-
Phone 32.
county, for the reason that the chil­ printed in Portland, and we are in­
The British government had to re- lion inevitable to their exposure, are
dren lost considerable valuable in­ formed it is the same pro-German ply and did reply. In a document calculated to do infinate harm to the
struction last year on account ot the newspaper that had to suspend but quite dispassionate in tone and as cause of Ireland itself.
flu. If the parents of the children resumed publication under a differ­ carefully and methodically prepared
Of course the matter
annot rest
could have their suy in the matter ent name. The reason it is sent to us as the Dunne-Walsh report itself, there. Messrs. Dunne an.', Walsh can- I
there would not be one half of one is because the Loyal Legion has every one of the 47 charges and ac­ not afford to let it rest there. We i
per cent of them who would consent started a campaign against German cusations made by Mr. Walsh and [confidently expect them to meet this
to closing the schools directly they language newspapers published in Mr. Dunne were met with a specific jnew accusation with material, indis­
started so that the teachers can talk the United States. What our atten­ categorial denial. The issue resolved putable facts and _ proofs of some
I which, once for all,
all. will put
nut an end
• shop ', at the taxpayers' expense. If tion is called to in the German itself into a clean-cut question of 'which,
to what has vuinv
come to
the county schisil superintendent is language newspaper is the advertise­ deliberate, calculated falsehood on -
io a mere me
Phone Main 73.
wise and is desirous
of doing ments ot several business men of th‘s one side or the other. There was no less tossing to and fro of the • word
what the people de Ire there will city. As suppression of German lan­ middle ground.. Either Messrs. Dunne •‘liar.”
not be a teachers' institute in this guage newspapers is going to be­ and Walsh were Infamous liars or
county this year, and in doing so be come an issue we want it known the officials of the British govern­
A Minnesota woman bought a mem­
will in some small way help to re­ where we stand, for we do not pro­ ment were infamous liars.
bership in the league of nations from
duce the high cost of living, for the pose to be on the fence. We are
a stranger for seven dollars. You
instructors have to be paid, their going to support the Loyal Legion in was published here leaving Messrs. can't be surprised that there are still
traveling expenses met
and the its efforts to suppress all German Dunne and Walsh under this charge folks left who swallow that "he kept
Repairing of all kinds.
teachers of the county are put to the language newspapers published in
us out of war stuff.” Indeed, is is
Give us a trial.
expense ot coming to th*, city when the United States. There Is no need suggest that this was an accusation said there's one born every minute.
Œillumnnk ìkaMighi.
they would rather
their districts.
Editorial »Snap Shots.
Watch Our Window
Entire New Stock of Candies
New Syrups. Come and See.
Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies
Dry Goods and Gasoline.
Bay City Garage
E. F. Schults,
photoplay, j_g made u
make repairs and for thi
in« reservoir.
V. L. Berkey
Goin A Wiedman.