J » « | £ F* Hcìiòlioht A Mi t.¡ / s V TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 9, 1919. a______ ._______ _____ _______________ Drugless methods used in chronic BAYOCEEAN ROAD DISTRICT. of public funds our fair board diseases of stomach, bowels .liver, ^SHSH52S2SHSHS2S25252sa525^HSaSH52SH5e5asZ5H5H525aSB525ES2SE5BSa5?525E5 ------- o------- _ in erecting ___ _ had to use its own money ------ o------ diebetes, bright» disease, and nervous Only Part of The Road Included in Ltxe coliseum, and that in order to be Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Percy conditions. Room 4 Masonic, Bldg. "Are you taking the daily or weekly news­ sale in reimbursing themselves they on October 4th, a daughter. The New District. Evelyn Steidinger vs. N. P. Hon­ have felt justified in accepting con- paper in your locality which comes out fear­ Mrs. Bailey expects to have a shop son and Hanna Hanson. Constantine cessious that no doubt they would lessly for Republican principles, ” asks the The County Court formed another down town. Announcement later. Peter, Alfred Josi and John Josl is a road district out of road district No. have excluded except for the finan­ National Republican, "which is alive to the Born to Mr. and Mrs. John F. suit filed in the circuit court to ob- : cial stringency. 2, to be known as road district No. 8, right side of public questions not only in the Slanger, of Blaine, October 8tn, a tain a temporary restraining order Resolved, that we declare our earn­ which takes in Bayocean and part of to prevent the defendants from daughter. est desire to support the state fair in heat of campaign year but every year and all the property on the south side of the blasting holes and digging holes on bay, leaving out the Beals ranch, every way possible, but insisting that There is one case of small pox in the property of the plaintiff, which • year 'round ? In choosing your reading mat­ which is somewhat surprising, as the it must be kept clear of these gamb­ the city and six at Mohler, The dis- is liable to divert and change the « ter don’t forget that the local Republican pa­ Bayocean road starts from the Tilla­ ling devices and immoral shows, the ease is in a light form. flow of thé Wilson river. per deserves and should have your support, mook bridge and clings to the side of president of the association is au­ The last two weeks the Sheriff’s John Plasker, who sold the "Palm” morally and financially.” the hill the entire length of the thorized to appoint a committee of office collected, on the second half Confectionery, has opened a music Beals lunch. The new road district five members to take this matter up of the 1918 tux roll, $16,900. store, and will devote his time to I starts at a point near Dicks point, ¡with the state fair board, and to as­ Miss Esther Coats who has been that business, he being the local and goes direct west, taking in only sure them that in case we can be as­ a small stretch of territory on the sured of a clean fair we will use visiting relatives here returned to agent for the Brunswick phono­ graphs, of which he has a large num- i south side of the bay, which should every possible endeavor to secure her home in Seattle Monday. bered ordered. Last week someone ; have Included all the property in the from the legislature sufficient finan­ Carl Haberlach went to Portland broke into the music store which ad- ’ water shed from the Tillamook cial support that the fair board will hear Senator Johnson •speak joins Jenkins’ jewelry store and bridge to Bayocean . It is certainly be independent of all questionable against the league of nations. stole a number of records. , surprising that only a part of the sources of revenue. The committee The case of Clara Davis vs. Ernest land is placed in the new road dis- is authorized to attend the meeting J. E. Butler, of Portland, an assis- Richardson tried in the Justice court tant engineer of the O. W. R. & N. ’ trict and the remainder retained in of the north Pacific fair circuit managers, if considered necessary. has been appealed to the circuit lines and the Southern Pacific lines road district No. 2. new road I The boundaries of the court. north of Ashland was a caller in the ’ district is as follows: CIRCUIT COURT CONVENES Cloverdale Mercantile Co. vs. Geo. city on Friday. Mr. Butler was one of | Beginning at the point where the ------ o------- the H. Ethel is a suit filed in the circuit the engineers that first entered south, line of section 15, Tp. 7 S., R. Only One Granted Naturalization for our present , court to recover $319.88 on a prom­ city on the survey 10 W„ intersects the west shore of I Paper» Out of 14. railroad nearly 14 years ago. Many ' For Twelve Months. issory note. Tillamook Bay, and running thence ------ o------ changes have taken place and says Marriage licenses were issued to .west along section lines to the shore ' Judge Geo. R. Bagley opened the he would hardly know he was in the Albert A. Schlappi and Edna E. n' line of the Pacific Ocean; thence October term of the circuit court on same place. Wisman; Thos. W. Cline and Gene- ¡northerly along the shore line of the Monday, having previously set cases ' The drive for the new Albertina vieve Ward. ' Pacific Ocean to the mouth of Tilla­ for two weeks. Kerr Nursery buliding fund has not mook Bay; thence Easterly and ! The first business taken up was up­ The foundation of the old M. E. Send in your orders at once to the Headlight office. met with the responses that was Southerly along the south and west on petitions for final papers, and church is being fixed up, as it is the hoped for. Tillamook County was' low water line of Tillamook Bay to this took the first part of the morn­ intention to use that building again asked to contribute one thousand . the place of beginning. ing session. V. W. Tomlinson, gov­ for worship. dollars toward the sixty thousand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ——— ernment naturalization commissioner, i Mrs. Carl Dawson left Sunday to dollars repuired. At this writing a who Is stationed at Portland, was ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY BILL BE­ giving this matter attention. Doubt- GAMES AT. FAIR HAPPED. visit with her sister at Dallas, Ed little over four hundred dollars has i present, and he put the applicants lless you have information and ar ­ FORE ROADS COMMITTEE. Dunn, who has been visiting here, been raised. Mrs. Upton, of Portland guments that will be useful here. I Resolutions to be presented to State ■through a rigid examination. The ------ o------- accompanied her. will be here next week to ask for shall appreciate receiving them and Fair Board; Undermining of In­ I only person who was granted final 'Strong- Plea made in its Behalf By further contributions. papers being Fred Rohrback. The shall make the best possible use of Lily Worthington vs. R. E. Myers Congressman Hawley. stitution Charged. [others were continued. them. Jack Rupp has taken an interest is a suit filed in the circuit court to Representative W. C. Hawley sent i We are asking for $2,500,000 out­ I The grqfid jury was then drawn as Kunze and O. A. recover $125 on a promissory note with Charts Resolutions contemnatory of games ¡us the following letter in regard to side the general road program for follows: T. D. Lucas, E. M. Condit, of the Him- Schultz in the purchase given to Clay Daniels. of chance operated at the state fair the Roosevelt highway bill which he the construction of a particular road. !W. F. Messner, W. 11. Edson, Lewis pel ranch at Nehalem. They are con­ grounds at Salem during the recent The annual Tillamook County templating turning it into a dairy introduced in the house to obtain Considerable difficulties 'are in the fair, and calling for future reform, Anderson, Wnt. Goeres and D. A. I Teachers’ Institute, which was to $2,500,000 to match that amount of way of obtaining this appropriation; farm with Holstein cattle. The have been passed by lhe Oregon Pure Bailey. The judge appointed convene next week, has been post­ Wheeler Reporter stated that Mr. money by the state to build the high­ any new data or arguments are Bred Livestock association, as pre­ Condit foreman of the jury. poned on account of the failure to Simon Kramer vs American Rail­ therefore very valuable. 1 shall con- Schultz was an experienced dairyman way: obtain sufficient instructors. On July 11th the Committee on tinue persistently to urge the com- sented by a special committee of in­ sway Express Company. Action for of this county, which is not the fact, vestigation. Members of this commit­ Mrs. Ethel Walls Bailey, expert for Oscar has a habit of hanging onto Public Roads of the House of Rep­ mittee to take favorable action, and, tee were Edward Curey, Mr. and money. Dismissed. pedicuring, will take patients by ap- the bed clothes away late in the resentatives, at my request, gave a after a report has been made to the Mrs. Frank Lynn, R. W. Hogg, Mrs. I Gus Jenson, et al vs. Silver Spruce hearing on my bill, H. R. 6751, ask­ House, to secure favorable cpnsidera- iCompany and J. K. Elder, Action for pointment, corns a specialty, even- morning, but when he begins pump­ Frank Laughry and N. C. Maris. ing an appropriation of $2,500,000 tion by that body. inoney. Settled and dismissed. ingB, between 7:30 and 8:30 at ing cows, why, he’s going to reform. This committee reported that one from the general government to as­ I « I Laura Jane Martin vs John Weiss, Boats’ hospital, both phones. member counted over 70 concessions Andrew Peterson vs. F. R. Beals sist in the construction of the Roose­ Sr, and John Weiss Jr. Action for Dr. Boals Is still in the hospital in and Bird L. Beals, A. M. Churchihll, velt Military Highway along the Pa­ Film Version of Famous Novel to be dealing in the sale of chances at vari­ ¡money. Verdict in favor of defend­ ous lotteries during the recent state Shown Here. the East, where he is having his James Pallin and Laura Pallln, cific Coast of Oregon. These hearings I ant. ------- o------- fair, and that some of these games fingers treated for a X-ray burn. The Charles F. Blum and Minnie Blum, after much delay have just been I Belle F. Conlogue vs School District Rich in pathos, humor, sentiment 'offered the slim margin of one first treatment did not prove success­ Shute Savings Bank and the Federal printed. ,No. 48, Tillamook County. Action for chance out of 136 for the player to and sweet charm, "Little Women, ” Land Bank of Spokane is a suit filed ful and will have to be done over. The Committe gave us an excellent money. On motion of plaintiff a non­ in the circuit court in which plain­ hearing, nearly all of its members be­ the celebrated story written by Lou­ win. suit granted. J. C. Penney Co. has rented the Others alleged gaming concessions, tiff prays that the title to the undi­ ing present. Since the hearing I isa M. Alcott, has for fity years ex­ Andrew Peterson vs. Charles F. Rosenberg building on second Ave, vided one-half interest of certain have been giving the matter atten­ erted a wide appeal upon the reading it is charged, to evude the law gave Blum et al. Action for money. DIs- and Fred Esch, of Dallas, will have property be declared established, tion and find, as I believe the situa­ public of the world. "Little Women” ¡trifling awardB with each chance missed. charge of the store, which is expected that an accounting be had; that all tion is favorable although much has been translated in many lang­ taken. The committee reported that | W. B. Aiderman vs Wretnle Kellow. to open up about the first of the the defendants may be adjudged to work still remains to be done. The uages and its beauty has been recog­ ¡country girls and boys gamed their 'Action on note. Judgment against year. have no rights whatever to the land; situation is complicated somewhat nized in foreign lands with the result savings away at these various devices the defendant for $800. State Fire Warden F. A. Elliott that they be enjoined and restrained by demands from other states for that the little heroines of the book— ¡without receiving anything of value | Lee McCracken vs. Bay City Land was in the city last week, and it is from claiming any title or interest similar appropriations due to the Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy are the most in return, and that in one instance Co. Mandate from Supreme court, a youth spent $15 without drawing a reported that he is gonig to take in the same, and that the mortgage publicity given to our hearing by the celebrated characters in literature. ¡plaintiff’s suit and complaint dismis­ some action to put a stop to the be canceled. press throughout the country. Also 1 This wonderful story has been film­ ¡single prize of any worth. sed. i The livestock association is openly ed and as a Paramount-Artcraft cinders from the saw mill flying over I William A. Saling vs FirBt National Mrs. C. A. Schultz and Mrs. ‘O. A. there is a growing demand in the hostile to any continuance of these the city. Schultz entertained at a 500 party country and in Congress for a very special picture, it will be shown at ¡Bank, Tillamook. For entry of man­ the Gem Theatre next Tuesday, Oct. practices, holding that the dignity date. Mandate of supreme court. Joseph Emmenegger and wife vs. last Thursday at the home of the lat­ great reduction in appropriations. and significance of the big annual I Tillamook County Bank vs William 14, Every man, woman and child in However, I believe that since we pro ­ Ole Woemer and wife is a suit filed ter. The home was prettily decorated exposition is undermined by brazen ^he cty who has read the story should A. Clark, et al. Foreclosure of mort- in the circuit court to restrain the with large bouquets of astors, lillies, pose to appropriate more than three see it on the silver screen, for it games of chance, and will carry its Igage. Plaintiff given defendants from blocking and check­ sweep peas and roses, which were the dollars for every dollar asked from permission to io the at- ¡visualizes the celebrated characters resolutions and findings 'amend complaint, in which Thad ing of the water of two sloughs gifts of friends. Much pleasure was the government and since this money board at an i which will never fade in the memory tention of the state fair : Robison and school Dlst. No. 7 to be derived in the novel way of finding is to be used in the construction of which cross plaintiff’s land. early opportunity. The résolu lions partners, this was accomplished by essential miHtary highway invalu­ of those who laughed and cried over numed defendants. M. F. Lamb and wife, after spend­ passed are as follows: an auto race. Mrs. W. A. Lewis as­ able for the national defense we the novel in their youth. The picture Roy W. Donohoe V«. CreHsie Dono- ing the summer on their farm south Whereas, the Oregon Pure Bred sisted by Mrs. Albert Stanley won have a stronger case than others, 'was filemed in and about the home of hoe. Divorce. Divorce granted on May that of town, left for their home in Eu­ Livestock Association believes Miss Alcott in Concord, Mass., and it the championship with a Studebaker. and one of very great public Impor- 1, 1919, set aside. gene. Melvin Lamb will take charge is more than usually interesting on the foundation of fairs is agriculture The hostesses assisted by Mrs. F. tance. Belle Brydon vs. William B. Bry- of the ranch, who has been in the und livestock and that their chief Thinking that you might be inter- ¡that account. A fine cast has been Stranahan served a dainty lunch. don. Divorce. Divorce granted. car service in Portland for 12 years. functon is educational and that in I Alice Benner vh . Allen Benner. The invited guests were Mesdantes ested in the arguments and informa­ provided by the producers, the little John Patterson, of Portland, has A. J. Anderson, W. B. Aiderman, E. tion presented to the Committee 1 am I women being portrayed by Isabel the conduct of fairs the only thing to Divorce. Divorce gtanted. be considered as taking precedence bought out the Louvrie Restaurant Allen, E. Bales, F, C. Baker, A. K. forwarding under another cover a I Lamon. Dorothy Bernard, Lillian I August Ludtke vs. Louis Ludtke over the livestock and agricultural from Charley Vogler, and will aim to Cane, C. I. Clough, H. A. Franklin. J. copy of the hearings. You have been ¡Hall and Florence Flinn. and Bell Ludtke. Suit to set aside exhibits is the moral aud cbaractei make it a first class restaurant, Groat. M. E. Gruber, L. Morrison, R. deed. Dismissed. of those who visit the fairs, especial ­ making a specialty of Sunday din- H. McGrath, J. C. Maginnis, S. Moul­ Solon Schlffman vs Thad Robison, ly of the boys and girls, therefore ners. Mr. Patterson took possession ton. J. F. Stranahan, M. A. Schultz. and Comstock Mfg. Company. To this association believes that insofar today. R. N. Henkie, C. Haberlach, J. C. cancel assignment. Default. as possible all exhibits und conces­ E. J. Claussen vs. Feeney & Bremer C. H. Burggraf, of Albany, was in Holden, W. L. Campbell, W. Holmes, sions should curry educational value Co., a corporation. and Emergency from Albany. He is the architect for R. C. Jones, W. A. Lewis, J. S. Lamar. and be morally clean and the Oregon Fleet Corporation, a corporation, the Bay City and Cloverdale schools. B. C. Lamb, A. Plank, L. Partridge, state fair has recognized these prin­ Foreclosure. Decree and property There was only one bid for the Bay F. D. Small, E. E. Koch, A. Stanley, ciple.« by the prominence it lias given ordered sold. City high school and us it was con­ F. Poorman, S. Coates, H. H. Rosen- to children’s industrial club work, as , i Isaac Moore and Margurite J. sidered too high another call for bids berg, H. A. Williams, B. Long, of well as the liberal premiums it gives Moore, vh . Tillamook County, a quasi Oklahoma, E. Jannery, of Chicago, w ill be made. for livestock, and and the Misses Esther Coats, of Seat­ municipal corporation, et a). Injunc­ Whereas, This association believes Rev. C. E. Gibson, who was pastor tle, Viola Long, of Oaklahoma tion. Damages, etc. Dismissed on mo­ that all gambling devices and many tion of the plaintiffs. of the Allied church. in which the Ruth Partridge. of the sideshows seen at the Oregon Methodist, Presbyterian and United Charles Gates vh Pete Buckbey, et state fair and other fairs on the Brethren formed a union church al. Injunction. Temporary restrain­ north Pacific circuit are unwhole­ An Excellent Photoplay. ing order granted. during the war. has been appointed some and demoralizing and in some ------- o------- Joseph Emmenegger vs. Ole Wo«’ pastor of the M. E. Church at cases disgusting beyond description, i All who admire real comedy liter. Injunction. Temporary restrain­ Newbarg. and are especially detrimental to strong dramatic action presented ing order granted. boys and girls the best crop grown i he Fairview Water Supply Co.. harmonious combination, should see Evelyn Steidinger vs N. P Hansen on the Oregon farms therefore be it Billie Burke in her latest Paramount Co., has let a contract to the Crane et al. Injunction. Temporary Resolved, That this association of Portland, for five miles of Math­ photoplay, "Good Gracious Anna­ ■training order granted hereby express its absolute disap­ eson steel pipe, for the new water belle" which will be shown at the R. M. Wade A Co. vs. Tillamook proval of allowing such games and system for the Fairview district. The Gem Theatre next Wednesday. It is Farmers Co-op. Warehouse- Company, shows on the fair grounds and earn ­ Crane Co. is the same firm that put in every respect an excellent photo­ Inc., et al Action for money. Jury estly requests the Oregon state fail awarded the plaintiff $31 APO.«' play.. Miss Burke is splendidly HUP- in the city water system. bourd and all other fair boards on the ported, her leading man being Her- W. H. Hudnut vs. William E. Max- At the M. E. annual conference, north Pacific circuit to putge t heir j leld, el al. Foreclosure of mort­ bert Rawlinson. Ker. G. O. Oliver was appointed to grounds of gambling devices and gage. Non suit. the M. E. Church of this city, taking questionable amusements, and be it the place of Rev. C. E. Gibson, and Ray and "Fair Due in "Be a Little further Sport. the Rev. H. J. Hickerson was ap­ If there is an epidemic of Influenza I Resolved. That we express our ------ o------ pointed to Wheeler and Nehalem and great appreciation of the enterprise this winter another of President Wil­ Albert Ray and Elinor Fair will be Rev. G. L. Tufts to Bay City. of the Oregon state fair board in son's fourteen points will be realiz­ at the Gem Theatre next Thursday making the many improvements for 'd. We will then have freedom of the August Ludtke vs. Louis Ludtke in a rollicking story called "Be a the comfort and convenience of the sneeze. Little Sport. ” This is another of the circuit and wife is a suit filed In the exhibitors and visitors, especially which court in which the plaintiff prays "sweetest stories ever told", appreciating the livestock coliseum, If opponents of the league without that the defendants pay him $40.00 William Fox is picking for these which is an absolute necessity for the reservations are pro-Gerntans, what hie youthful stars. It Is described as a month during the remainder r success of our fair and which has would you call the men who in lt'16 natural life and $50.00 as sul. Iftnon- filled with laughter producing situa­ been erected at great cost, much of encouraged the Kaiser In hla career ey and $250.00 attorneys fees, and tions. In the cast with Mr. Ray and the funds having been provided per­ .of madness by plastering the country that a hen be Impressed upon the Miss Fair are Lule Warrenton. Geo. sonally by members of the fair board ,with those lltographs and cartoons certain lands conveyed to the de- Hernandez. Leota Lorraine and Eu­ We depreciate the fact that for lack .on "He kept us out of war?” fendants, upon certain agreements. gene Pallette. Tillamook Jottings. Until October 31st, 1919, we offer BARGAINS IN HOME PAPERS. Daily Oregonian and Headlight for $5.50 Daily and Sunday Oregonian and Headlight 7.50 Weekly Oregonian and Headlight 2.25 Remember these Bargains are only good until the end of this month WHERE WE GET OFF