TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 2. 1919. Scraps of Paper. who, under pressure, abandons his police commissioners in the District of Columbia and tells them to back up in the face of political threats, Ln order not to meet just the issue Gov­ ernor Coolidge was uut afraid to face. It's the difference between a political opportunist and a courageous patriot tn public office. ------ °~----- There are a dozen wars now in Eu­ rope proper. The various govern­ ments pay littlj» heed to the orders of tile peace conference, made up of the same governments that will form the league. Will they pay any more to the league and can he say we will not have to help administer disci­ pline? Mr. Wilson favors this gov­ ernment accepting a mandate under the league tor Armenia. That will require an army of 100,000 men right off the bat. It would be a di­ rect consequence of the treaty under which, if ratified, he tells the folks, "the men in khaki will never have to cross the seas again.” He must think the folks of the West are mentally mighty weak. He told quite another story to the Senators. MICKIE SAYS * ^”»9 xuk'taobM couuo sax A See the Tillamook Feed Co. about Republic tires and save money. ------------ - ------ ■ 1 1 ■ ■ For Life Insurance, there is nothing better than what the Mass. Mutual offers. Ask to see specimen policy. —W. A. Church. • Remember the good old Republican HOW MANN PAPEM I FEEO \ days when the standard price for a into T his eto patss.b* Twau) REAIIZE THAI E n ’RN PAPES. ¿ good shirt was one dollar? ------ o i frees into aoiffeben - v home It is announced that the army has INMEXE If’» RE AO XN AU. TWE See Williams about Miller Cord and enough shoes to last five years. How MEMieX« OF “TMS FAMIUN , Fabric tires. Prices right. Satisfac­ would you like to be the army? WUAN SAN I i frUESS 1HE AO- tion guaranteed. Tillamook Feed ------ Q------ Company. • ,NEX1IS«A« NIOULO AU. bE Presideut Wilson says he is getting S s TANO in ' IN VINE IhllXH fHElR (COPN N4V4EN \ OPEN UP lb* Wanted—Salesman to sell groceries, ready to put the question of wages wholesale, direct to farmers, com- UI ne moanin ' , i setcvAEA'. on a new tooting. The old footing for mission. One competent to estab­ ¡wages was getting paid for what you lish and take charge of business did; the new footing, one may as­ paying 33000.00 to 34200.00 a sume from watching the motions of year. We furnish training, exper­ deserving Democratic job holders, is ience, capitol. Not easy money but getting paid for what you don't do. permanent profitable opening for ------ o right man. Quality goods sold on There are rumors that President satisfaction or money back basis. Wilson will seek a third term. Noth­ Farmers save 20 per cent. Man ing would better please a lot of peo­ with farm experience preferred. ple wuo liiiu they have huu enough Car or rig required. Give age, ex­ of inconsistency, of oratorical para­ perience. phone number. Parks chuting, of extravagant economies, Bros. Portland. Oregon.’ of indifference to domestic issues, of OU know how costly altruism that gets nowhere. See Williams about the Republic, the ------ o much toasting im­ yellow chasis truck that serves so Just to show how honest it is in the w'ell and honestly, a truck at an statement that the league of nations proves bread. Makes honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. covenant will end war, the adminis­ Letter Front Mexico. tration asks for a billion dollars a it taste good. Of course Tillamook Feed Co. buys hides. Come ———o year for the army and a few hundred in and investigate their prices. Noria, Sonora, Mexico. more flavor millions for the navy. For those who CH««»S September 20, 1919. believe that sort of thing that is If you are contemplating buying a «U4.MC drag saw see the Tillamook Feed about the sort of thing they would Editor Tillamook Headlight, Same with tobacco Co and get prices. Tillamook, Oregon. believe. Dear Sir: I beg space in the col­ —especially Kentucky Films, Cameras and Photo Supplies The battleship Baden, the cruisers umns of your valuable paper, to Films developed 10c. with print and Emden make a statement to the people of Frankfort, Nueremberg Burley. orders.—J. W. Edwall. • and fifteen destroyers, all of the Tillamook, who own land here, with One cent a word per issue. huge German fleet sunk by its crew regards to conditions in the farming Auto Tires—investigate the Republic Buy yourself a pack­ at Scapa Flow, have been floated, line. Being acquainted with those Standard, five thousand miles For Sale, Briscoe five passenger who have bought land here. I feel it advised in the State department was guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ touring car, 1918 model. Price London. my duty as a friend to give them age of Lucky Strike mook Feed Co. au official dispatch from 3700, terms. Carl Loll, Bay City. Three more destroyers are expected what information I can relative to Oregon. Oct. 9. Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ cigarettes. Notice the conditions here. I have a friend here to be raised. mook office across the street from from California, a Mr. Ripley, who is For Sale—Cedar Posts.—M. Guthert, ------ o------ the court house, Mondays, Tues­ toasted flavor. Great! Royalty never had much on a gen­ an experienced dry farmer. He now Hemlock, Oregon. days and Wednesdays until further tleman in this country who is travel­ owns a farm adjoining the one I am notice. Nothing like it. The ing de luxe at public expense. Kings i operating for Kathleen Mills and her For Sale, Pigs from the Duroc Jersey Sow, Zell Colonel, a winner of sev­ and queens, that is by those names, . brother Morrison Mills. He is only real Burley cigarette eral blue ribbons. Pigs eligible to have no standing here, but kingly ’ exerimenting this year with differ­ Motor for Sale register. J. W. Jennings, Kilchis and queenly splendor rules on that ent varieties of crops adapted to a River. train. Then, too, as an advertising ; dry climate; we have worked togeth- For sale, % h. p. motor and shaft, campaign it isn't so bad—at the > er this summer and studied the soil For Sale, 1918 Overland in good ing. In good condition and equal to conditions and rainfall and different price. shape, with good tires. A bargain new. Call at Parker’s Hamess shop. crops, and what I am writing is the ■.... —o------ at |600. Enquire of Reed Farmer, "We must join our fortunes to the i true state of conditions as we see Beaver, Oregon. Wanted To Rent. fortunes of men everywhere,” says i them. In the first place, we wish to state President Wilson. For a statesman Equity in $550 almost new piano Dairy near Tillamook on share tor sale at a bargain. Inquire Sing­ who believes in Jim-crow aers and that you people who own land down basis by competent dairyman of long er Sewing Agency, Opp. P. O. disfranchisement for the black citi­ here and wish to have it farmed, it time experience. Reference exchang­ zens ot the United States, President is impossible to operate a tractor ed, address "X” Headlight office. Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays successfully here, as fuel is too high, I Wilson does a pretty good job of pre­ all records at their best.—Palm tending to want to get real chummy and there are no repair shops nearer Confectionary. • For Sale, than Nogales, so taking into consid­ with everybody on earth. eration the loss of time in case of ------ o------ Alfalfa Hay, quality quaranteed at 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only The partisan purpose of the sena- breakdowns which are liable to oc­ lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. been run 300 miles. Good tires on ¡tors who are determined to amend cur at any time, and the necessity of machine and one extra, also a bump­ the covenant, says the New York working this land at the proper time, Square Grand Piano for sale $75.00, QPECIFY Firestone Gray Sidewall er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire Times, is demonstrated by their de­ it is very necessary to have mules to or will exchange for cook stove termination to make the debate pub­ do it with. They are well adapted to | and heater. See Mrs. Baurer, Bar at Willard Battery Station. Tires when ordering your car and lic. Yes if they were good administra­ the work required here, as there is View, or Inquire at Singer Meh. I tion senators they would keep their an abundance of grass during the Agency, Tillamook Sep. 18 For Sale. make every mile you drive a pleasanter, proceedings as dark as the debates at busy season, and with very little grain good results may be obtained, Dining room for rent—Todd Hotel, Dairy-man, this is a snap for a Versailles. easier, less expensive mile. You’ll know large double range, tables ana man who wants to make money. 180 Hand labor Is plentiful, but it is im- ------ o------ chairs, cash rent or will board for acres, 2% miles south of Coquille. '■ One of the greatest St.Louls brew­ possible to hire good teams, so by the feeling of confidence that really rent. Inquire at Hotel. 40 acres cleared, % mile frontage on eries is reported to be making more owning your own stock and imple­ money manufacturing soft drinks ments you can get your land farmed Special Sale used Sewing Machines, river, about 5 acres up land, balance dependable tires bring. than it made on beer because of the right, and with our experiments with including one Singer, 110 to 325. the very finest bottom easy to clear. great reduction in the expense of do­ different varieties of crops, we be­ Singer Agency Opp. P. O. • Fair barn on place, no house, My price is >90 an acre if taken soon, ing business. It does not have to fi­ lieve good profits may be made. Most miles per dollar is a simpiifed There seems to be an impression For Sale:—80 acres of alder bottom, worth |150 now, easy terms to right nance a chain of hundreds of thou­ one mile from Taft . Enough clear­ man. Address Mrs. K. A. Cole, sands of saloons and do business there, that with caster beans, all you statement of Firestone economy. It ed to run 8 cows. Address Mrs. i Myrtle Point Oregon. with irresponsible retail booze sel- have to do is to plant them and bar- Viroqua Ferrin, Taft, Ore. Oct. 1. 'vest them. This is a mistake, We lers. means the greatest return on your in­ have thoroughly proven that the o ■ — Attention Berry Growers. ------ o------ What this country needs, and soil here needs thorough cultivation, For Sale—My >/2 interest in acre, vestment, the biggest value for your lot in McCoy's Add, to Bay City, needs badly right now, is a man like and it is very important to do so Graves Canning Co., are ready to for tax valuation, write Gilbert Theodore when it is in the right condition, Grover Cleveland, or receive your blackberries at any time money, Eyk, New Auburn, Wisconsin. Roosevelt, a man at the head of the Crops grow very fast here when They will furnish you crate« free of nation who has real back bone properly handled. For Sale—Two good beach lots at charge, and you can obtain them at Another matter of very much im- for a spinal column, not merely Rockaway. Phone 42-R, or write any time by calling at the cannar? The faithful service of the Firestone whalebone stitched in the back of his portance is the seeding of this land opposite the Tillamook Bakery. Re Box 28,5, Tillamook. coat, and a flood of milk of human when in proper condition. We have member Graves Cannery Co. operat Gray Sidewall Tire has been the talk of kindness saturating the interior of made several mistakes this season For Sale—One of the best dairy an exclusive berry cannery, and ar farms in Tillamook county, con­ here to stay and will pay you at a) owing to a lack of knowledge of soil his chest. car owners for the past year. It means taining 59 acres of river bottom times the full market price for youi and climatic conditions here, which ------ o- ■■ An administration organ calls at­ we will be able to avoid another year land, with good house and large fruit. fewer tire troubles, less annoying delays, barn; also the dairy herd. Will di­ tention to the fact that we have with proper equipment to work with. J. M. Smith is affiliated with th I vide the place up into three parts Graves Canning Co. as field manag' The mules, when not at work, will loaned European nations 39,672,272- less upkeep expense. '4 if desired. Se C. A. Swenson, on the Anyone wishing to sell their berrb 585 and wants to know what will not require feeding, as there is an '4 place for particulars. happen to this debt if "the treaty is abundance of grass for grazing pur­ picked or otherwise, can call M defeated or the league scrapped.” If poses; this makes their upkeep very Smith at his residence on elth< That a more liberal mileage adjustment we have loaned ten billion dollars of slight. We have some experimental For rent—Restaurant doing good phone. business at Bay City. the American people's money to re- crops growing that look fine, consid­ Graves Canning Company, Inc is in effect is only an additional reason ering the amount of equipment with pudiationists the sooner we find it out and pass judgment on the public which to work them. We have a Miscellaneous Advertisements. for riding on— small piece of Sudan Grass that will ofiicials who did it the better. make six tons of good hay per acre. Dr. Wise—Dentist. he We think it advisable to get mules President Wilson says he won’t ates r stop agitating. . The trouble with from Arizona or the Imperial Valley, Persons having garbage or swill can have it carried away by applying President Wilson was that when he Calif., as they are accustomed to a to Frank Hannenkratt. and his party got complete control of warm climate; they should b bought both the legislative and executive in winter so as to become acclintai d Party located in Tillamook branches of government and had the gradually; the mules here are small Wanted: who can devote a 'title time each power to bring to the people all the and of an inferior breed but even day to the work of soliciting orders objects they had been agitating for, they will beat the tractor at tiiat. By for us from the retail grocery trade several of you buying together, a ear instead of doing anything to better Liberal commission paid. Address conditions they just kept on agitat- load could be obtained much cheaper. Page ti Son, Portland, Oregon. We are writing this article because ing v.hile conditions grew worse in- we have great confidence in the fu­ if you are in need of a heating stove, stead of better. ture of tills country, and to remove ■ o------ it will pay you to call and see my In 1913 nearly half the cost of gov- the impression that seems to prevail line of new and used heaters. I al­ ernment was paid from duties col- in Tillamook that there is everything so exchange new h I ovch for old lected al our custom houses on for- required to farm with here. stoves.- Allen Page. There is an abundance of wild hay veign importations, forty-four per cent, to be exact In 1919 custom du- here that could be made good use of Wanted: Men or women to take or­ Electricity's latest gift to ders among friends and neighbors tie» provided only 4 per cent of the when we get the proper equipment to the housewife—greatest for the genuine guaranteed howery, handle the same. cost of government, The Democratic since the electric iron full line for men, women and Mr. Coffeit. from Coon County, Ore. politicians do not care how high tax­ and electric vacuum children. Eliminates darning. We es are, just so the American people owns a farm adjoining that of Miss pay 50c. an hour Hpare time or cleaner—the pay all of them and the alien gets Mills and Mr. Mills. He has a small 324 a week for full time. Exper­ free entry into the American market crop ot Milo Maize growing that was ience unnecessary. Write Internat­ Western Electric without asHuming any oblibation to planted very late, but will make a ional Stocking Mill«, Norristown, support or protect the American gov­ fair crop anyway, and Is certainly P ortable Pa. Dae 29 much better than we expected it ernment. would be. ----- o------- S ewing M achine Our first planting u?'., lives In this country as long as I Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4 TT> OBERT H. McGRATH. ■ ■■ 0------ EBSTER HOLMES. Masonic Building. tion. All honor to Governor Coolidge, of have, they have but little desire to R. O. L. HOHLFELD. C ocnsellor -A t L aw , I face of live there again. Massachusetts, who in the Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COAS7 POU EK ( menace as organized policemen de­ I With regards and best wishes to Wise. ODDFELLOWS' buildin ?, VETERINARIAN. all I beg to remain. serted their posts of duty declared: THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Yours sincerely, Counter Sales Books—Order your "Government and the form of law TILLAMOOK. OREGON. ELECTRIC | STO/ J. W. Maddux. Sales Books from W. F. Baker, tell Phone — 2F2 Mutual Phon« will be cannot be arbitrated. Order FIRST . STRl^iT» Porn and O fficb L. 8. Ripley agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call maintained.” Some difference be- ^/***’>*' OREGON (8 Beadlight. Enos J. Coffeit. 1110 W ilcox B ld . tween that sort of executive and one Oregon Tillamook . J** Yes stec Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. T restone TIRES Most Miles per Dollar a T L '