TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 2, 1919. What the Editors Say o ■ - Mr. Wilson says we have outgrown the advice of George Washington. Yes. Also other habits of the lament­ ed father of his country. His person­ al expense account for the entire eight years of the revolutionary war was $65.000. This compared with the millions spent by Woodrow in bis recent peace confab, makes George look like a piker. Mr. Wilson will spend more of the people’s money in his present swing around the circle advocating the denationalizing of the United States, than Mr. Washington spent in his eight years.—Gazette Times. Simplicity and Economy. RÜEX. MeNAIR & co GEflERflU HfiRDCUfiRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere AND ALL KINDS OF TRADE V u L c A N 1 All Work GUARANTEED PLANNING foR. NEXT YEAR. M R. Farmer now is a yood time to lie-in looking ahead. Perhaps you wilt need more livestock want to add to add to your acreage or improve tit place or build a silo or do something else practical Don't forget First National Bank. C(> OPERA TION is here for yon. And in tin- nieantinu ‘Nationalize” your bank account. DIRECTORS : A. II’. Hunn, Parmer. P. Helsel. Parmer. C. J Edwards,Mgr. C.Powcrt '.o. ./. C. Holden. I7< e Pres. II. C. Lamb. lluUding Materials. John Morgan. Parmer. IV J. Riechers. Cashier. ThefìrstNationàlBankA \The Brunswick ‘ Ultona” plays all records at their best. fc: ¿.'I (From the Minneapolis Journal) Through all the speeches of the President has made thus far on his tour ruus the assumption that every man who does not favor the Wilson Deague of Nations precisely as it is set down in the Covenant, is opposed to the League of Nations. There is no League but the Wilson League. He who would change one word in the sacred document la trying to prevent the ending of war, to betray the ideals of the American people, to sac­ rifice the objects for which the Am- ierican service men fought and died in France, to dishonor the mothers I w ho gave up their sons for a holy cause— and so on and so on. This is the way of the special pleader —to shift the argument from the main and to set up a false Issue on which there can be no real conten­ tion. But what the President's argu­ ment really amounts to is this: "My way, or no way. Here is my covenant, take it exactly as it stands, or there can be no covenant.” But the President is far from in­ fallible. He has made many mistakes. And he has changed his mind on almost all the important questions that have arisen in his administra­ tion, from woman suffrage to keep­ ing us out of war. What assurance have we that this time he is per­ manently and unchangeably • right? What evidence have that he is a a safe or a searching counselor? LAMB-SCHRADER CO brotherhoods offers no relief from present conditions. It only plunges the country deeper into an impossi­ ble condition. The constantly grow­ ing financial burden would still be -addled upon the public, while con­ flicting interests, bad politics and mismanagement continued to run riot in railroad control. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND URICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE— It is evident from the testimony of COR. FRONT AND 3 rd AVE. WEST, TILLAMOOK, OR. Bullitt that if the American del- Mr.____ egation to the peace conference had ¿2S2S2S252525252525252525252525252S2525252S25’252525252S25ü252S2S2S^ been governed by majority rule in­ stead of the “me-und-Gott” principle it never would have approved the 52525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252522 Shantung decision and the pending league of nations covenant. The train on which President Wil­ son is now touring the country runs, TESTED AND PROVEN ------ o------ like Ringling’s circus, in two sec- Lions. The Presidential train There is a Heap of Saloce in Being proper has eight coaches, two of Able to Depend Upon a Well- which are occupied by Mr. Wilson Earned Reputation. and his immediate parly; others by press agents, telegraphers, movie For months Tillamook readers photographers (five,—-count ’em— have seen the constant expression of five,) secret agents etc., etc. praise for Doan’s Kidney Pills, and When President Lincoln went to read about the good work they have Gettysburg to deliver his brief ad­ done in this locality. What other dress he traveled in a day coach with remedy ever produced such convinc­ I the ordinary passengers. But that ing proof of merit? was before we got back to ‘‘that dem­ T. J. Campbell, retired farmer, Ash ocratic government,” promised in St. Dallas, Oregn., says: "For a long the platform upon which Mr. Wilson time I have been using Doan’s Kid- was first elected President. At that ney Pills when my kidneys have time the Democratic orators and ed­ needed attention and in every in- itors thought there was too much stance, I have found them all they pomp and circumstance about the are represented to be. I couldn’t rec­ Presidency. Within seven years the Not A League of Nations But, My ommend a better medicine for back­ candidate elected on that pledge had ache and for regulating the kidneys League of Nations. paid out more money to support the than Doan’s Kidney Pills.” executive, his traveling expenses and Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t (New York Herald) the outlay of his entourage than had simply ask for a kidney remedy—get been expended by all his predecessors "A” League and "This” League. Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that for the same purpose from the be- I don't find any man anywhere, Mr. Campbell had. Foster-Milburn ginning of the government. I rash or bold enough to say that he Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd Adv. | does not desire a League of Nations. Has the President Forgotten the 1 only find men here and there say­ ing that they do not desire the Leag­ Constitution ? ue of Nations. I want to ask you to Senator Penrose declared in the reflect upon what that means.— senate Monday that President Wilson President Wilson at Portland. The United States The question before the Senate of and his party brought back from the Paris peace conference jewels and the United States and before the Grain Corporation other gifts the senator had been in­ American people is not "a” League S Announces that it will formed by customs authorities were of Nations but "this" League of Na- ra "Straight” grade flour, to all I tions. worth more than $1,000,000. S purchasers, in carload lots, in If that is true the president has I It is of highest importance, there­ e 140 lb. jute sacks, gross weight forgotten the constitution of the fore, that the minds of Americans, a delivered to any railway sta- United States. Article 1, section 8, in public office and out of public of­ § tion in Zone 10, comprising the lays down the following explicit pro­ I fice, * should not be diverted from B) States of Oregon, Washington, ¡consideration of "this” League of g and Idaho, at not to exceed hibition: "No person holding any office of Nations by glittering generalities ra $10.00 per bbl. net cash. Pur- profit or trust under them (the about the desirability of "a” League g chasers will be supplied from United States) shall, without the of Nations. S nearest , available mill, which And it is of the highest importance 5 may result in slight saving for consent of the congress, accept of any present, emolument, office or title of that the issues involved in the pres­ g buyers’ account. any kind whatever from any king, ent controversy should be fairly and Wholesale and jobbing prof­ fully presented. The President’s ef­ S prince or foreign state." The president is not expected to fort to make it appear that Senator­ il its on such flour must not ex- answer the great flood of unofficial ial critics of “this" league covenant g ceed 75c per bbl. and retailer's criticism that is always the lot of an are seeking to destroy the entire g profit must not exceed $1.25 occupant of the White House. But structure when, in fact, the recom­ !per bbl. Address all communi­ cations to lie should take cognizance of this ac­ mendation of the Senate committee cusation, made by a senator ill open is for certain specific reservations session of the senate of the United and amendments is as misleading as is his effort to make it appear that States. If prohibited gifts were tendered those who would change some pro­ him in Europe his proper course visions of the document are inspired UNITED STATES GRAIN would have been to express his great by "hatred of me.” CORPORATION The Senate is being urged to ap- appreciation, while ut the same time 510 Board of Trade Building advising the donors that the Ameri­ prove a contract on behalf of the Portland, Oregon. can constitution prohibited their ac­ American people which involves, for good oi lor ill, the whole future of raiararajaraiaa'EWJaE/aWi'ijæÆjajaÆiajë® ceptance. i lie proper course for any king, this nation. Senators and other prince or foreign state wishing to Americans are pilloried when they bestow a present upon the president show a disposition to give to the is to communicate his desire to the terms of this contract the same care­ congress of the United States. ful and questioning scrutiny that they would give to a contract for the Perpetrators of Government Waste purchase of a house or a horse. Th(T Secretary of State of the United The greatest thing in the Deserve Punishment. States is quoted as saying, in effect, world is the plain truth that the Senate and the people would When seventy million dollars were "blown in" on a nitro plant at Nitro, never accept this contract if they W. Va., one of the arguments oftered knew what was in it. Senators who in behalf of the expenditure was are scrutinizing the contract are MOVTHPtZCC that the plant, after the war, would acting, in a sense, as the legal repre­ CIG AD ETTES be used to manufacture commercial sentatives of the American people. Instead of indulging in the pleas­ lertilizer. Now the plant is being of­ have a great reputation be­ fered for sale to the highest bidder, ant pastime of soaring with human­ cause they tell the truth about and is not expected to bring more ity somewhere in the clouds, the good tobacco, finely blended. than a very small fraction pf the cost sponsor for "this" League of Nations You cannot buy a better cig­ of construction. This evidently, is to covenant, or contract, should devote be tha fate, also, of the Mussel 'himself to an attempt to meet in de­ arette for the money and that Shoals, Ala., plant, upon which tail the objections to it as these are is a fact accepted everywhere scores of millions have been wasted. presented in the report of the Senate as true. Committee on Foreign Relations. When Senator Chamberlain suggest­ ed the impeachment of Secretary 10 for 13c Baker he uttered a thought that has Enough Experience. The John Bollman Co. Branch been in the minds of a good many o----- Manufacturera people. The most charitable thing to say about some of the spectacles of The demand of the railroad brother- waste presented by the war depart- I hood heads for the joint control with BEFORE OR AFTER! inent is that they are evidence of the government of the railroads is an rank incompetency and indifference impossible dream in the light of the INFLUENZA7 to the interests of the American peo­ experience the government has pass­ ed through in railroad control. ple. They have been accompanied in B y D r . M. C ook some Instances by deliberate defiance | We have had enough of experiment The cool fighter always wins and so for these times. It is time to get 01 law and of the will of congress. The National Republican is present­ down to earth and exercise of com­ there is no need to become panic- ing troni week to week some of the mon business sense, not only as to stricken. Avoid fear and crowds. Ex- specific Instances of public waste un­ the railroads, but in all other lines ercise in the fresh air and practise the der the present national administra­ of business and industry. This is not three C’s: a Clean Mouth, a Clean Skin tion. While President Wilson is trav­ the time to attempt to remedy what and Clean Bowels. To carry off the eling about the country declaring disastrous experiment has wroimbt poisons that accumulate within the body that delay in ratification of the by blindly rushing into another. and to ward off an attack of the influ­ league of nations covenant is respon­ I Government control of railroads enza baci.lus, take a good liver regulator sible for continuance of the high has failed from whatever viewpoint to move the bowels, such as Castor Oil it is regarded. cost of living, it is clear that the ur a pill made up of May-apple, leaves largest single factor In the creation I It has lowered the standard of of aloe and root of jalap, to be had at of high living costs Is the carnival of service to the public. any drug store, and called Dr. Pierce’s waste his own administration has i It has increased rates beyond even Pleasant Pellets. . the demands of the railroad operat ­ been and still Is carrying oil. If the The system should be built up bv tha ors before the government took con- only way to stop this is to impeach use of a good iron tonic, such as "Iron- tic” tablets, to be obtained at some drug ronie of the cabinet officers directly t vol. responsible for it. then congress owes | It has destroyed the morale of the stores, or that well known blood-maker to the country the duty of beginning business organization of transporta­ and herbal tonic made from roots and barks of forest trees—sold everywhere such proceedings. It is evident that tion lines. It has failed to maintain the need­ as Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ there will be no hault in the extra­ covery. vagance of the administration, which ed improvements in railroad opera- For a tonic that will freshen up the tion. and is now asking 200 millions ('hairman Good, of the House Appro­ blood, clean the digestive tract and put I for the item of Impaired rolling stock priât ions committee. estimates will new force and vim into you, I know of create a treasury deficit of more than alone. nothing better than Dr. Pierce’s Golden It has increased wages with a lav- Medical Discovery—and it contains no three billion dollars this year, de­ spite enormous taxes, until some­ ' ish hand, but it has failed to satisfy alcohol or narcotic so is perfectly safe thing diastic is done by the legisla­ the railroad employes and now faces to take tive branch of the government by­ '»hit promises to be the greatest A.wtoria, Oregon—‘‘After havinr had tha way of ejecting from office some of -strike in years. those who continue to pour out the I Finally, and worse than all else, it Grippe I could not regain my strength; people’s money as if the duty to ; itas failed in business management, my blood was poor, I was nervous and also which they are sworn were that of In addition to all that it has cost the had rheumatism. I tried everything but public in loss of service, it has cost ust could not get any relief. Finally I anting it. more than 1 U billion dollars In defi- decided to take Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi­ If. as President Wilson says. the cits in revenues. not counting the cal Discovery and it cured me. 1 think it inade-ln-Kurope covenant gives UH 272 millions ot shortage during the is simply gnat. I use the ‘Pleasant Pel­ the right to meddle in other people's first first five months of the present lets', too, for constipation. buHlneM. then it give* other nations year. the *••»• right to meddle || our* Against luendoUH doesn't KT R E p We carry a Full Line of A United States Tires, I Also Used Tires and Tubes R We take your Tires in Exchange. z I I N W est C oast R ubber Co N G First Street, next to McNair’s Hardware Store, G TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Assumes There Can Be No League people of the country from govern­ ment operation. But His League. The plan offered by the railroad Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector HELL PHONE, MAIN 3. PHONE '¿525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252520 COSTS LESS THAN 5 CENTS A CORD TO SAW YOUR WOOD. OPERATES FARM MACHINERY ALSO. VAUGHAN PORTABLE DRAG SAW FLOUR RE-SALE IMPEPIALES MUTUAL VAUGHAN l‘A( IS The only dray; saw with rhe jiffy saw holder. Grips or releases sate instantly. No holes to drill in sate head. Only saiv with drive straight behind saw. Metalic clutch. Sturdy, Tested. Vaughn Motor Works, Inc. 476 E. Main, Portland. Ore. ALDERMAN & POORMAN, Auto Dealers Tires, Tubing, etc., Gas and Oil 3rd Street, betweeu 1st and 2nd Ave. Satisfaction Guaranteed, tn 5cS25252525252525252S25252525252S2S2£2S252S2525252S25252S2S2525'2 ,?25252=i ^^52525252525252525252S2S252S252525H525252S252525?52525252 j 252S25252S2S lr. r THE NEW HARNESS SHOP Repairing Auto Tops & Curtains •• Gas and Motor Oils, Auto Robes. g J. A. PAFEER, 1 deer West oi Recife's blacksmith's shop, m n! ft* Irr 525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 ^aS2SSS2SZS2S2^252525252525252525H525H5252S25252525252525252S2S2S252 K CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disinfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. Li C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. BE A LEADER • V »1.1 ,.t ,„M l,a.. M, «.--...I; I J, «.„„."-E l . An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Oregon Agricultural College if®?«? Tr»irw foe le.drt.h,p in the induMne, end proteMione u lotto«. COMMERCE. FORESTRY. PHARMACY. MUSIC. N’ C,V1L ENGINEERING. electrical engineering . CHEMICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ARTS, MINING ENGINEERING. LOGGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE The Collet? tra,nin< include, eourset in English. Eeonotriea. Art. Mathematics. Modern Languages. Physical Education. Industrial Journalism. Natural Sciences, and all esaermals of an educattoss. Three regular terms—Fall term begins September 22, 1919 For Colicfe Catalof. Illustrated Booklet and other information address THE REGISTRAR. Ort^n Acrxullur .1 Colirle Corv.llt*