9 _ T1ÙLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 2,*" 1919, ________ The Gem Feature Attractions TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7th THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th When you fall in love with an Indian nirl, she does not stand aside when you fight. No siree, she comes of a terrible ancestrv, and the chances are she’ll kill the other fellow before you can —as she i does in this th ri 11 i n o picture. . A six-shooter goes with the job in this Printing Office. SEE TOM MIX As the Editor of ‘‘THE KICKER” clean up the toughest town on earth and win a girl’s love in JESSE L. LARKY, Presents Cecil B. Deville’s Production “The Coming of the Law’ “The Squaw Man” A Charles Alden Seltzer story. A William Fox production. By Edwin Milton Royle A modern version of Edwin Milton Royle’s “Rip and Stitch Tailors’ famous play, “The Squaw Man.’’ PATHE NEWS. Jim's -timely interference »1 CF.C.L B. De MILLS'S Pi-oduction "THE SQUAW AW**“ .A- ill Si at C<’. st An ADTCDAFT Picture Sennett Comedy. URGES USE OF BOTH HANDS French Authority Points Out the Value of Ambidexterity and Ita Need of Cultivation. Necessity For Increased Telephone Rates France, in her earnest efforts to re­ habilitate herself, has come to the wise conclusion that a child—a man or woman of the near future—who can use either hand with equal facility Is almost twice as useful to the state as a “right-handed” or a “left-handed” person. The 1‘nrls correspondent of the Jour­ nal of the American Medical As­ sociation writes of the attempt to en­ courage ambidexterity In French chil­ dren. “At the recent meeting of the Acad­ emic de Medicine Doctor Armalngaud pointed out the losa^-mllltary, civil and economic—which results from an artificial disability Imposed on young children, and therefor« «n adults. In allowing them to use only their right hand, so that the left hand Is used only as an auxiliary to the right. “Speaking from a military point of view, Armalngaud called attention to the statement made by General Baden- Powell to the effect that no one could doubt the value of ambidexterity. If both hands were used equally by everybody Instead of being used only occasionally, or by a few persons, as Is the case today, the strength of the Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street army would be Increased notably. “At this time, when tha population Assessments of France is decimated by tuberculo­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That sis and alcoholism, and when the ex­ by virtue of a warrant issued by the cess of births over deaths Is less each City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- year, It is not a matter of Indifference on, dated September 30th, 1919, is­ to permit the population of France to sued by order of the Common Council continue what may be called a physio­ I of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under­ signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, logic mutilation, one which may be Oregon, has levied upon and will, on made to disappear at will. Friday the 7th day of November, Color Bllnanmc. "Armalngaud proposed to the acad­ 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. Color blindness proves to ee less emy (1) to issue an appeal to the peo­ sell at public auction to the highest staple thnn has been supposed, the ple of France, asking that the mothers, bidder for cash in hand, the properties defect being one of coloring instead In the Interest of the nntlon and in the hereinafter described. MODELS OF PIRFECTION. of vision in some cases. As reported The respective tracts or parcels of PERFECTLY by Dr. H. E. Howe of the American Interest of defense of the country, ground to be sold, together with the teach their children from the first to Chemical society, eyes quite perfect use both hands eqnally; (2) to request lespective names of the owner or SIMPLE In ordinary color perception have be­ the minister of public Instruction to owners thereof, and the amount lor come weak or fatigued for red and make the equal use of both hands ob­ which separate tract will be sold, are SIMPLY then havo responded to the green rays ligatory in all the primary and second­ as follows, to-wit; Original Town of Lincoln—Block 9, PERFECT. combined with the red from certain ary schools; (3) to urge the founda­ E. 24 ft.. Lot 5; W. 3% ft. Lot6. red glass. A veteran engine driver tion of a prize to be awarded annually E. M. Hooper, owner. Amt. of Lien, Needle«. Oil, Belt« and all kinds of Sewing properly Identified red light near at to the teacher in France who has been 9Machine supplied. Repairing a specialty.** $27.42; Int. to Nov. 7, »3.30. hand, while at considerable dlstnnct most successful in carrying out this Cost of advertising ................$4.37 the signal appeared green. The disc New Home Users most desirable reform.” Stillwell Add.—Block 3, Lot 4. J. of the lamp was found to be copper McMahan, owner. Amt. of Lien, are quality chosers. ruby glass and this and some other »47.04; Int. to Nov. 7, »4.23. Another Antigas Invention. kinds of red glass permit rays toward For Sale By Cost of advertising ..................$4.12 "Neutralizing ointment” is one of the blue end of the spectrum to pass the latest war Inventions. It Is pub­ Park Add.—Block 10, Lot 3. L. C. SHARFF lb DUBIVER In mixture with the red. The use of Smith, owner. Amt. of Lien, »33.79; licly revealed in an official descrip­ selenium ruby glass Is advised, its 172 3rd Street tion of the protective devices against Int. to Nov. 7, $4.06 Cost of advertising ................. $4 12 NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE transmission of only red rays insuring gas attacks, now being Issued to our Thayer ’s Add. Block 40, Lot G. that the normal eye will see no green. troops. COMPANY. D. W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt. of The mask, with its contained chem­ Lien, $37.25; Int to Nov. 7, $4.46. icals for neutralizing any poisonous Cost of advertising ................. »1.12 fumes that creep in, Is familiar. But Thayer’s Add.—Block 40, Lot 5. D. W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt. of one so-cnlled gas Is a liquid, and be­ cause of Its blistering effect the sol­ Lien, $37.25; Int to Nov. 7, »4.46. Cost of advertising ................. $4 12 diers have given It the name “mustard Stillwell Add.—Block 5, Lot 4. L. J. gas.” Vosburg, owner. Amt. of Lien, When an area Is drenched with »37.24; Int. to Nov 7. »4.46. this stuff the menace may persist for Cost of advertising ................. $4.12 many days. The peril Is not from the Stillwell Add.—Block 5, Lot 3 J. L. liquid Itself. Mustard gas burns i Vosburg. owner. Amt. of Lien, through the clothing, and makes pain­ ! »37.24; Int to Nov 7, »4.46. ful wounds where the flesh Is reached. Tost of advertising ........ ....$4.12 The newly invented ointment must ap­ Stillwell Add.— Block 10, Lot 5. parently he rubbed all over the body, Herman Theissen, owner. Amt. of ns well as on face and hands, to pro­ Lien. ,37.25: Int. to Nov. 7, »4.46. Cost of advertising ........ .. ..*4 12 tect the soldier when the enemy’s Stillwell Add Block 10, Lot 4 D. bursting shells are sprtiylng this hor. W. Ijams Estate, owner. Amt of rlble liquid gas about.—Providence Lien, »37.24; Int. to Nov. 7. ,4 46. Journal. Cost of advertising ................. $4.12 Maple Grove Add.—Block 3, Lot 1. Omar C. Kiger, owner. Amt. of Lien Phones and Divorces. Statisticians tell us that there Is one ,35 47; Int. to Nov 7. »4.20. Cost of advertising ..................$4.12 telephone for every ninth person In Said sale will take place at the this country and that every ninth mar­ front door of the City Hall in Tilla­ riage ends In divorce. The Inference Is mook City, Oregon, being the build­ obvious! The truth Is out at last! ing in which the Common Council of Mr. Bell’s Ingenious little Invention said Tillamook City holds its sessions. That names of the owners, or re­ has joined the discredited ranks of he pute.I *,w nor , of ‘h aforesaid nro- summer hammock, the cocktail, th perty as given in the foregoing list, fox trot, the roller skate, the Ice cream are the names of such owners, or re- parlor and the automobile It 1« In­ tuted owners as they appear or the deed a sorry state of affairs. One ond lien docket of Tillamook Citv, telephone for every ninth person, and Oregon, and the respective tracts of on every ninth phone Cupid gets the land described will be sold at said busy signal forever! All too soon, sale to satisfy .he assessment, in­ and costs due upon each tra t alas, the wireless telephone will come tent described herein, and each tract will Into general nse. and no home will be be sold separately. complete without Its own little aerial Said sale will be made for the pur­ runabout. O, statistician with thy pen. pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ prepare to write new records then!— ments for street improvements, duly assessed against said property, to­ Thrift Maga»1“*- gether with interest and costs there- Increased telephone rates are necessary to meet increased costs. Recent increases in wages alone to employees totaling for the State of Oregon up wards of $225,000.00, made an increase in telephone rates not only necessary but im perative to pay these wages. The net returns to the Company under the rates now in effect is less than 3 per cen on the valuatian of its property at $13,282,378.00, as found by the public service Com mission. Would you be satisfied with such a return on the capital you have invested in you business? Would you consider it sufficient? There has been no general increase in telephone rates for many years. Evei user of a telephone who stops to think knows that he would be paying an inedaquate ra now if he was not paying substantially more than he was before the war. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. f OFF AGAIN, ON AGAIN, GONE AGAIN on, such assessments having been made by the Common Council of Till­ amook City, Oregon ,on November 7th, 1917, and the said several own­ ers having made application to pay the same in installments, and said applications having been entered in the bond lien docket of Tillamook City, default having thereafter been made in the payment of the install­ ments due upon said assessments, and more than 20 days having eliywied, and the Common Council of Tilla­ mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd 1919, ordered a warrant issued for the collection of said delinquent as­ sessments in the manner provided by the charter of Tilamook City. Dated this September 30th, 1919. M. E. Gruber. Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. City, default having thereafter been made in the payment of the install- i* noon said assessments, and more than 20 days having elapses!, and the Common Council of Tilla­ mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd 1919, ordered a warrant issued for the collection of said delinquent as­ sessments in the manner provided by the charter of Tilamook City. Dated this September 30th, 1919. M. E. Gruber. Notice of Sale for IDellinqui Assessments NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI by virtue of a warrant issu< City Recorder of Tillamook on, dated September 30th, sued by order of the Comm' of Tillamook City, Oregon, signed, Marshal of Tillam Oregon, has levied upon an Friday the 7th day of ? 1919, at the hour of 10 o’c sell at public auction to t) Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. bidder for cash in hand, the hereinafter described. Assessments NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That' The respective tracts or ground .. to be sold, ■ togethei by virtue of a warrant issued by the i - City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore-1 rpsP('etlvp n“'Pps the and the on, dated September 30th, 1919, is- owners thereof, . s"-- ...e t- a sued by order of the Common Council whlS’hseparate tract will b of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under- as follows, to-wit; signed, Marshal of Tillamook City,1 Lincoln Add.—Block 3*A Z Notice of Sale for Delinquent Street Oregon, has levied upon and will, on Hadley, owner. Amt. to I ““J1 Friday the 7th day of November Int. to Nov. 7, $3.26. Assessments Cost of advertising ... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. Lincoln Add. Block 9. by virtue of a warrant issued by the sell at public auction to the highest Lol I; W 3.5 ft. Lot City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- | bidder for cash in hand, the properties Hooper, owner. Amt. on, dated September 30th, 1919, is- i hereinafter described. sued by order of the Common Council I The respective tracts or parcels of $333.85; Int. to Nov. 7, of Tillamook City, Oregon, the under- ; ground to be sold, together with the I Cost of advertising .. Block signed, Marshal of Tillamook City, lespective names of the owner or McDermott Add Oregon, has levied upon a.,1 will, on owners thereof, and the amount for L. Everson, owner. An $719.69; Int. to Nov. will be sold, Friday the 7th day of November which each separate tract ... Cost of auvercising ... 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. I are as follows, to-wit: McDermott Add.—Block sell at public auction to the highest Thayer’s Add Block 40, Lot 5 D. L. Everson, owner. Amt bidder for cash in hand, the properties I W. Ijams Estate. Amt of lien 479.83; Int. to Nov. 7, » hereinafter described. $212.21; Int. to Nov. 7, $39.07. __ ,____ ______ _____ __ of • Cost of advertising ............... »4.12 1 Cost of advertising ... The respective tracts _ or r parcels Block 3, ground 4..WW..U to w be w sold, wv.w, together with ...... the «„v (Thayer’s Add — Block 40, Lot 6, D. 1 Stillwell Add respective names of the owner or W. I jams Estate. Amt. of Lien, McMahan, owner. An* »192.39; Int. to Nov. 7 owners thereof, and the amount forI $212.21; Int. to Nov. 7, $39.07. Cost of advertising .. which each separate tract will be sold, | Cost of advertising ............... $4 ,2 Saul sale will tak* ) are as follows, to-wit: Said sale will take place at the front door of the City F Maple Grove Add Tract beginning front door of the City Hall hi Tilla­ City, Oregon, beir 330 feet S. of S. E. corner of Block ' mook City, Oregon, being the build­ mook ing in which the Comm< 8, Tillamook, 100 feet W.; thence S. ing in which the Common Council of said Tillamook City holds 105 ft. West 100 ft., N. 105 ft. E. said Tillamook City holds its sessions. . That named of the ov 100 ft., owner M. A. Baker estate. I That names of the owners, or re- owners, of the a' Amt. of lien, $35.40. Int. to Nov. 7,1 , puted owners, of the aforesaid pro- puted perty as given in the f. »10.11. I perty as given in the foregoing list, are the same _ of such __ _____ ... c Cost of advertising ................... $5.02 are the names of such owners, or re re-. outed owners as they a Maple Grove Add Block 3. Lot 1. puted owners as they appear on the t_ ’ bond lien docket of Ti owner, Omer Kiger. Am’t. of lien bond lien docket of Tillamook City, Oregon, and the respec Int. to Nov. 7, $105.6.3. I Oregon, and the respective tracts of land described will be Cost of advertising ... _ $4.12 land described will be sold at said sale to satisfy the as Said sale will take place at the 1 sale to satisfy the assessment, in- terst and costs due up front door of the City Hall in Tilla- ' terst and costs due upon each tract | described herein, and e mook City, Oregon, being the build- ■ described herein, and each tract will be sold separately. ing in which the Common Council of be sold separately. Said sale will be mad said Tillamook City holds its seitsions. Said sale will Be made for the pur- ! pose of satisfying A That names of the owners, or re­ lose of satisfying delinquent assess­ ments for street puted owners, of the aforesaid pro­ ments for street improvements, duly assessed again« perty as given in the forevoing list, assessed against said property, to­ gether with i’ are the names of such owners, or re­ gether with interest, and costs there on, such ar puted owners as they appear on the on, such assessments having been made by th bond lien docket of Tillamoog City, made by the Common Council of Till­ amook C k Oregon, and the respective tracts of amook City, Oregon, on May 7th. 1917, at* land described will be sold at said 4th, 1916, and the said several own ers having ma. sale to satisfy the assessment, in­ ers having made application to pay the same in insi tent and costs due upon each tract the same in installments, and said applications having described herein, and each tract will applications having been entered in the bond lien dockei lie sold separately. tn« bond lien docket of Tilltmool City, ilefault having . Said sale will be made for the pur­ City, default having thereafter been made in the payment pose of satisfying delinquent assess­ made in the payment of the install­ ments due upon said t ments for street improvements, duly ment« due upon said assessments, and more than 20 days assessed against said property, to­ more than 20 days having elapsed, and the Common C gether with interest and costs there­ and the Common Council of Tilla­ mook City having, ot on, such assessments having been mook City having, on Sepetbmer 3rd 1919, ordered a wai made by the Common Council of Till­ 1919, ordered a warrant issued for the collection of sai amook City, Oregon, on February the collection of said delinquent as­ sessments in the ma* 3rd, 1913, and the said leveral own­ sessments in the manner provided by the charter of Tilar ers having made application to pay the charter of Tilamook City. Dated this Septet the same in installments, and said Dated this September 30th, 1919. Dated this Septci applications having been entered in M. E. Gruber. . t'.e lend lien docket of Tillamooq Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. i Marshal of Tillam* 1