Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 02, 1919, Image 3

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Notice of Sale of Real Property By appliances for castings, acetelyns
welding apparatus and all parts.
Administratrix De Bonis Nou
------ o------
He Could Take a Joke.
In the circuit court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multnom­
ah, Probate Department.
In the matter of the estate of
Leonard Krebs, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that pur­
suant to power and authority grant­
ed to the administratrix de bonis
non of the estate of Leonard Krebs,
deceased, by the above entitled court
on the 3rd day of September, A. D.,
1919. the administratrix de bonis
non of the above entitled estate will,
from and after Saturday, the 25th
day of October, 1919, offer for sale
and will proceed to sell at private
sale to the highest bidder, for cash,
subject to the confirmation by the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
tor Multnomah County, all the right,
title and interest of said estate in
und to the following described reai
property situate in the County ot
Tillamook, State of Oregon, to-wit:
"A tract of land formerly known
as Lots Five (5), six (6). Seven (7).
Eight (8) and Nine (9). in Block
Three (3) in Ocean Park. situate in
Section Ninteen
(19), Township
Four (4) South. Range Ten (10)
West, Willamette Meridian, in Tilla­
mook County. State of Oregon, con­
taining .60 acres, more or less, as
shown in Assessor's Tract Book as
Tract number 930.”
Bids offered in writing for said
real property may be made at any
time after the publication of this
notice and before making sale, at
the office of Emil P. Slovarp. Attor­
ney :.t Law, 608-9 Henry Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Dated and first published Septem­
ber 18, 1919,
Helen Krebs. Adminis­
tratrix de bonis non of
the Estate of Leonard
Krebs, deceased.
C. C. Stout and Emil Slovarp,
608-9 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Attorneys for Estate.
A benevolent old gentleman
stopped by a tramp who asked for
money to get a night’s lodging.
Well, look here my man,” the old
gentleman said, "what would you
say it 1 offered you work?”
Bless, yer life, sir,” came the re­
ply. "I wouldn't mind a bit. I can
lake a joke same as most people!”
Weighing The Bone.
Some time since a woman went in­
to a butcher shop und asked for two
pounds ot certain kind ot meat. Im­
mediately the butcher started to
oblige and closely the customer
wutched lord as he cut, sawed and
“Just u moment," tinally interposed
the customer as the meat was being
placed on the scales. “You are”—
What's the trouble?" quickly in­
terjected me butcher. "This is the
Kind you wanted, isn't it?”
“Yes," replied the woman, "but
you are giving me too much bone."
“Oh, no, I’m not,” returned the
butcher, denying what he thought
was a charge of generosity. 'You're
paying for it.”
------- o-------
Urgent Need
An insurance man tells this one:
“Not long ago there rushed into
one ot our offices in the South a very
excited woman; so excited, in fact,
that she was out of breath and could
speak with difficulty.
’What's the trouble?” asked
of mu clerks.
■ 1 want a policy at once—at once’
exclaimed the woman, when she had
recovered sutticiently to articulate.
Our house is on tire!"
A Financial Diagnosis.
a cu..ndeutial little talk to a
group of medical students an eminent
physician took up the extremely im­
portant matter of correct diagnosis
or the maximum tee.
“The best rewards,” he said, “come
of course, to the established special­
ist. For instance, I charge $25 for a
call at the residence, $10 tor an of­
fice consultation, and $5 for a tele­
phone consultation."
There was an appreciative and env­
ious silence, and then a voice from the
back of the amphitheatre, slightly
thickened, spoke:
“Doc,” it asked, "how much do you
charge a fellow for passing you on
the Btreet?"
Registered Holsteins.
» 8th
Barbecue and Free Lunch at Noon
Western Breeders Sales & Pedigree Company,
202 Wilcox Building, Portland, Oregon
Mandiiis Olsen Estate, Owners, Seghers, Oregon
Prevents Punctures and Blowouts
C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook.
Notice is given that the undersign­
ed, Jesse C. Snyder, has been ap­
pointed administrator of the estate of
John L. Snyder, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamook County, and has quali­
fied as such. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, duly
verified, as by law required, to the
undersigned at 1012 Gasco Building,
Portland, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 4th
day of September, 1919.
Jesse C. Snyder,
Laidlaw, Owen & Lawrence,
Attorneys for Estate,
I 1012 Gasco Building,
Portland, Oregon.
------- o-------
Notice to Contractors.
In the Circuit Court of the State oí
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Sealed bids will be received by the
James Hiatt, Plaintiff.
board of directors of School Distric1
No. 31, Bay City. Oregon, at 7 p.m.
Osa Hiatt, Defendant.
October 6, 1919, lor the erection an«
To Osa Hiatt, Defendant.
completion of a public school build
In the name of the State of Oregon: ling, according to plans and specifica
Yo.i are hereby notified and required Hons prepared by Charles H. Burg
to appear in the above entitle cause graf. architect, Albany, Oregon. A
and court and answer the complaint bids must be accompanied by a certf
filed herein, within six weeks from fied check payable to “School Di.
the date of the first publication of trict No. 31 Bay City, Oregon,” fo
this summons, which said date is the the sum of $200.00 as a guarant«
lltli day of September, 1919, and if that the contractor will furnish a
you fall so to appear, for want there­ approved surity bond equal to 60 p«
------ o------
of, the plaintiff will apply to the cent of the contract within ten da;
A Good Defense.
Court for the relief demanded in the after the awarding of the contract
The Magistrate—This lady says you
complaint, to-wit: for an order and
All bidH must be made out o
tried to speak to her at the railway
decree forever dissolving, cancelling blank proposals for the tamo. Blan
and anulling the contract and rela­ furnished upon application by t
The Accused—It was a mistake. I
tion of marriage heretofore existing clerk or architect. Plane mid speci
was looking for my wife’B young
between the plaintiff and defendant, cations may be seen at H, Bulle
niece, whom I’ve
never seen, but
and for such other and further relief office, Bay City, Oregon, Reco
who'd been described to me as a
as to the court may seem equitable Abstract office, Portland, or
handsome, blond lady with classic
in the premises.
Architect’s office.
features, fine complexion, perfect
This summons is served upon you
The successful bidder will
figure, beautifully dressed and—
by publication, by order of the Hon. quired to give references and
ihe Complaining Witness—I don't
A. M. Hare, Judge of the County proved bond equal to 50 per cent
care to prosecute the gentleman. Any
Court of the State of Oregon, for the amount of the contract.
one might have made the same mis­
Tillamook County.
The board reserves the right
Made and entered at Chambers at reject any and all bids.
------- o
the City of Tillamook, County of '
Contract to be completed with
Tillamook, State of Oregon, on the 1 four months.
The Real Thing.
By order of School Board No. 1
10th day of September. 1919.
Hickop had decided to turn over a
Talmage, Claussen & Mannix
new lea! ana he couldn’t help letting
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
ever; body know.
Address Tillamook, Oregon.
T have resolved,” he said, feeling
------ o-------
it his halo was on stiaight,
In the Circuit Court of the Stat«
shail not drink any more."
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Notice of Sale on Execution.
"But my dear fellow," protested a
Jeanette Seymour, Plaintiff
doubting Thomas, ‘you couldn’t drink
In the Circuit Court of the State of
any more. The point is have you re­
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Antone J. Seymour, Defendant.
solved to diiuk any less?”
E. J. Claussen, Plaintiff.
To Antone J. Seymour, the ab
------- o-------
named defendant: in the name of
Complete dispersal, Cloveridge Farm herd, and 9 choice young females from the herd of Thus. Carmichael.
Feeney & Bremer Company, a
State of Oregon:
Girl Is Not So “Mere'’
You are hereby required to ap«
DUKE HOMESTEAD AAGGIE’S daughters are undoubtedly unexcelled by thoseof any other bull in the corporation, Defendant.
small boy
sometimes sees
Notice is hereby given, that I. w and answer the complaint 1
straight and sees far. He reads the Northwest from the standpoint of confirmation, color and breeding.
Ilis dam, Princess Rose Aaggie, ' » made
signs of the times unabashed. John, 30.7 lbs. of butter in 7 days, and her owner, Mr. W. S. Noscrip, one of the greatest breeders in America, says L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook against you ill the above ent!
County, Oregon, by virtue of an ex cause, on or before the date of
al a co-education school in Englund,
ecut ion issued out of the above en­ last publication of this summons
cut quite a good figure at the exam­ she is capable of making 40 lbs.
titled court in the above entitled wit: on or before November 13, 1'
inations, but failed to get the highest
cause, said execution being dated the and if you fail so to appear and
marks awarded in his mixed class.
9th day of September, 1919, and be-|wei. (|1(, complaint, for want the
His father was astonished and in­
Ing based upon a judgment entered ihe plaintiff will apply to the C
censed. John beaten by a girl!
' John, 1 am surprised to find that
Mr. Carmichael and Mr. Newell have taken all of the chance in building up these here’s. The ability of the in the Circuit. Court of the State of for the relief demand«-«! in the
Oregon tor Tillamook County, said plaint, to-wit: That the contra«
you have allowed yourself to be de­
cattle to produce at the pail has been proved.
judgment being entered In Hald Cir­ ¡matrimony now existing betweei
feated by a mere girl."
“Yes father,” says John, unblush-
PRINCESS LILL DEKOL sold to < ). A C. by W. K. Newell as a heifer made 24.13 lbs. of butter in 7 cuit Court on the 6th day of Septem­ plaintiff and defendant lie diss«
ber, 1919, and being rendered In fa- and that the plaintiff be grant«
ingly, “1 have; but I can tell you days.
1 ler dam made over 19 lbs. ; just dropped a calf and is milking 00 lbs today. She’s in the «ale besides I vor of the above named plaintiff, and absolute divorce from the defen
something—girls are not
8 other high A. R.O. cows with their progency, sired by Duke Homestead Aaggie
against the above named defendant, |and fo|. gu(,.h other relief as
mere after ail.”
and being in the sum of $ 1,300.09 Court muy deem just and meet,
------- o
with Interest thereon at the rate of | ThiH summons i* published b
Name of His Mansion.
8 per cent per annum from April 23. d,.r of th<. Hon A M Hare. (’.
Some time ago a distiller bought a
1918, until paid; in the further sum Jud(;e of nilamook County, Ot
beautiful estate in the country, and
of $95.55 with interest thereon at sa|d order b,.lng dilted septemb.
after having the house rebuilt to suit
Do not fail to be on time and inspect the cattle thoroughly before the sale.
the rate of 8 per cent per annum 1919, and the date of the first
his taste he set about to give the
from June 23, 1919, until paid; in Heat ion being Oct. 2nd, 1919, n
To reach Seghers Station take S. P. red cars. The barns are only 500 feet from Seghers Station.
place an appropriate name. Nothing
the sum of $150.00 attorney fees, the last publication, Novenibel
that he could think of appealed to
and for the costs and disbursements 1919.
him, so he decided to consult a friend
taxed and allowed at $16.20, and.
Johnson it Hand
One-half freight paid on car load lots.
“Say Bill,” said he, going into the
said Judgment further providing that '
Attorneys for the Pia
office of the friend one afternoon
a certain mortgage given to secure
P. O. Address:
“I want you to help me out of a bole."
the principal sum hereinbefore nam­
I. O. O. F.
“All right, old man.” responded
ed, be foreclosed in the manner pre­
the friend. “State the case and you
scribed by law, and that the property
will find me right op the job.”
described in said mortgage be sold as
"I want a fitting name for that
by law provided and I he proceeds of
new place of mine,” returned the
said sale applied to the satisfaction NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN
of said judgment. That said property the un'lenigned has been by th«
distiller. “I have considered a hun­
is described as follows, to-wit:
dred. but none of them seem to do."
ty Court of Tillamook County, <
Beginning at the northwest corner
"That’s an easy one, old man,”
appointed administrator of th«
1 of tide lot number four (4) of W. D
was the smiling response ot the
of William H. Perry, deceusr
friend. "What’s the matter with call-
J. W. HUGHES, Forest Grove, Oregon ; and
(now Tillamook City) and running persons having claims agaii
'Aico Hall?”
thence north 111 feet; thence east estate are required to preset
GEO. A. GUE, Yakima, Wash., Auctioneers.
parallel with the north line of the for allowance to the undersii
C. D. MINTON, Portland, Oregon, Assistant.
A Few Tragedies.
Edrlck Thomas D. L. C. to the east the office of Botts & Winslov
— o
line of lot Three (3) of section monk, Oregon, within six mont
twenty five (25), in township one date hereof.
exchange prints the following
‘ (1) south of range ten (10) west of
Dated this Sept
under the head. “A few Tragedies:”
, th«- Willamette Meridian, and run i
A man struck a match to see if the
nlng thence south along the east line
gasoline tank on his auto was empty.
of said lol three (3) to the north
It wasn't.
line of the said Edrlck Thomas D. L. i
A man patted a strange bulldog on
C. and running thence west to the j tariff and abolish vuv u»K
the bead to see if the critter was af­
fectionate. It wasn't.
Lwing." 1919 “Ratify the
county of Tillamook and State of nations covenant without ch
A man speeded up to see if he
Oregon. Also all the machinery und stop the high cost ot llVln
Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense,
could beat the train to a crossing,
money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By
equipment in the buildings on said will Mr Wllson’M next re
fie couldn't.
Just Received, aJTon of Shoes, all
leal property, including in particular ,
preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­
A man touched a trolly wire to
¡excuse be?
sues, from Shetland Ponies up.
the following, which constitute th«;,
sure. safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated
-e if It was charged. It was.
----- e-----
Also Rubber Shoes.
larger pieces of machinery, to-wit: I ;
inside and out, they lequire no cementing aud no vul­
, When John Sharp Will
canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube.
The Grand Army national encanip-
Lathe; 1 36 Inch Lathe; 1 Barnes i manriu
mands Just ROW th»4f
satisfactory, if not, bring it back
ent demands th* Americanizing of
“mZr/wnh “sliding’bead - 1 Davis’ troops be sent to Ajinenie
and I will make good without
e league of nations covenant. Those
24 in Shaper; 14» h.p. motor and [the .«dinlnistraUgh beans
extra charge.
vet» did not vote for Hen Ford's
ry «*
Being all the foundry property of
the mortgagor» including buildings
and equipment located on the above
described real property and property
adjoining thereto.
Now, therefore, in accordance with
the direction of said execution, com­
manding uie to sell the premises and
property hereinbefore described in
the manner provided by law, for the
satisfaction of said decree according
to the terms thereof, and the costs
and disbursements thereof and ac­
cruing upon this writ, I will on Sat­
urday, the Uth day of October. 1919,
at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on said
date, sell at public auction, at the
front door of the County Court House
in Tillamook City, Oregon, to the
highest bidder for cash, all the right,
title and interest of the said Feeney
& Bremer Company, a corporation,
defendant herein named, in and to
all the property both real and per­
sonal hereinbefore described.
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.