Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 02, 1919, Image 2

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    T1LLÁM0OK HEADLIGHT, 0C10BER 2, 1919
says the Good Judge
Obey General Order No. 1, Which Soldier’s View of Pure Delight
Abruptly Dissipated.
is Simply, Find Out!
Wise tobacco chcwers long
since got over the big-chew
idea. A little chew of this
real quality tobacco gives
them better satisfaction
and they find their chew­
ing costs even less.
With this class of tobacco,
you don’t need a fresh
chew so often and you find
you’re saving part of your
tobacco money.
European Families That Had Moro
Than Ordinary Claim* to
World’* Attention.
First Class Job Printing at the
Headlight Print Shop
There Is living at Bilbao, Spain, a
family of seven who between them
possess no fewer than 164 fingers. One
I Head* of Big and Little Butine**, Officer of the Djy Had His Own of them has 23 fingers, another 21.
while of the remaining five each can
Ideas Concerning the Wine
Who Do This, Will Be the Win­
a couple of hands with 12 fln-
Cellar and the American
nert in the Great Industrial
gers Vplece.
Battle Now On.
At Koshlllvo, Russia, a very similar
phenomenon exists in the fifty or more
How would you like to have six descendants of a peasant with extra
Find out! That's general order No.
prisoners, whom you were guarding Angers on his bands, who married at
1 In American big business.
Can Du Ponts. who made three- ’.mJ who apparently had no means of th • beginning of the last century, all
cape, suddenly disappear from sight, of whom are dowered with from one
quarters of all explosives used against
. Germany, swing that vast machine ami to al) appearances from the face to five fingers In excess of the normal Adventurers Irresistibly Lured to Spirit That Animates the Return­
of lhe earth?
! Into a useful purpose of peace?
Untraveled Faths.
ing Soldiers.
Such was the experience of a Sev-
It hired 2,000 chemists, set them to
The last surviving member of whnt
enth Infantryman on guard not I- ng w.:s perhaps the record family with
research work and found out!
Can the United States double its ago.
re-rnrd to weigh: waa. In the person Martin Johnson «nd His Wife, Setting Men Who Gloriously Fi.ii*hcd th*
According to the guard's own story, of Charles Atkins, a few years back
: wheat product and add a half to Its
Out for the South Sea Islands,
Greatest War in History Have
meat supply? Spend $25.000.000 In he was In charge of six prisoners who Interrod at Harrow. England. He
put up in two styles
Explain Yearning That Calls
Now But One Idea: Their
research work along agricultural llr.es v re »1 gging a hole near the rear of weighed 470 pounds, his brothers, who
Country's Good.
Them to the Jungle Land.
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
predec: used Idin, being no less than
How can Standard Oil ntll’ze every three sides were walls of such height 5»‘1 ami 5f!0 pounds.
To perpetuate the work that Jack
Th » American soldier In the gtpjt
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
drop of that black ooze w! ch pours that ft would be Impoaslble for the
The family record for longevity has
prisoners to scale them. On the re- not been beaten since Robert I’arr. the Lomlon commenced and to film the tin- war dedicated bls life to th - establlab.
Weyman-BrutonCompany, 1107 Broadway. blew YQr.k City '
ploying chemists and engineers who maining side was the guard, bayonet gr. nt-grandson of the celebrated explored mysteries of the Jungle land ment of Justice, freedom and dentoc.
fixed and eve:- on the alert for disor- Thomas Pan-, died in 1757 at the age —that vnst unknown bush country of racy in the world. Analytical wiw
can find out.
guys have been busy ever since Anter
Why does Armour have 125 subsld- ders among his charges.
of one hundred anti twenty-four. H .« the South Sea islands; to bring back i
"For an instant.” said the guard. “I fa her lived to celebrate his one hun­ photographic rec ■ Is of the habits, b- got Into the war. furnishing cyni­
j iary companies, many of them highly
j profitable, and which as the elder Ar- glanced away from my prisoners, dred and ninth birthday, his grand­ customs and manto risms of tribes of cal explanations of the American light­
ing man's Impelling motive.
tí I mour said utilize every part of the When I again looked in their direction father reached one hundred nnd thir which no white man has any knowl­
In spite of the complex nrgutnentigf
I pig but the squeal? Because it spends they were gone. For a few minutes 1 te>n. while his greatgrandfather was edge; to endanger their lives in the
tropic heat; to rub » Ibows with natives the .analytical psychologists who can
an immense sum to carry out that was almost paralyzed, 1 began tn 152 at the time of his death.
understand anything but the simple
general order No. 1 of all big business. think I had lost my mind or that
There Is mentioned In the Harlelnn who are afflicted with leprosy, ele­
sincerity of an honest man. the Amer
I nightly recreation in the wlrtschafts
Find out!
Miscellany a S<-otch weaver nnd his phantiasis and other dangerous forms lean soldier did tight tn war for the
There are In the United States to­ had permanently affected my eyesight. wife who were the proud parents of of contagious disease. All these Items
day 40 concerns, each of which spends I knew they couldn’t get over the G2 children, 50 of whom reached their mean nothing at all to Martin Johnson establishment of those principle*, and
rail his pretty wife. Osa, who will has every Intention of working fa
anywhere from $100,000 to half a mil­ walls, I was sure that they had not majority.
All Work Guaranteed
peace for the preservation of that (or
passed in?, and yet In the fraction of
Large ns this family was. Its fame I ave New York Monday for Australia
Let Me Keep You Out o! Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich
finding out, writes “Girard" In the , .’ second they had disappeared from nnl-’s before that of a Russian, one prior to Invading the vast bush coun­ which he fought.
I talked of the purposes of the Amer
Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Ivan Wass:!lg, who ' as the proud fa­ try, the unexplored interiors of which
Legion with Colonel Roosevelt In
P It is the supreme day of the expert, Visions of serving the sentences of ther of 87. By his first wife he had no white man has ever seen, writes lean
Your Patronage Solicited.
his conversation, as he explained theta
G9 children in the following order:
to me, the word “crystallization" or
Ci the era of unlimited research work, mind of the guard. Then he decided Four times quadruplets at a birth, go to the South Sea islands because ft curred
again and again.
Is leather too scarce and expensive? that some action must be taken, and seven times triplets and 16 times Is the nearest place to paradise on
"We want,” he said, ‘To crystallize
taken Immediately. He rushed to the twins. B.v Ills second spouse he had God's earth,” said Martin Johnson.
Find a substitute.
“There are no strikes there, nnd It Is the spirit that made It possible for ut
Is there a famine in white paper? edge of tile hole and peered Into Its twice triplets nnd six times twins.
to get Into this war and to fight It u
Set your researchers to discover a | depths, At first he found no clew to
Undoubtedly the record for misfor­ a far safer place than in your little we did.”
i j the mystery. ' Then in one corner of tune
new crop.
belongs to a Belgian family old New York. You may have Broad­
Do you realize, you who read this,
Two-thlrds of al! the energy tn coal ■ the excavation i he saw a few loose named Adnet. The father. Jean Ad- way If you like, but as for me I want
goes up the chimney In smoke, The bricks and an opening into whnt net. was drowned; his wife committed to get away from your talk of ‘Rolshe- what that spirit is that this organiza­
biggest fuel burners, such as the I seemed to be an underground passage­ suicide, while of his two sisters one vhlskey’ and everything that has any­ tion wants to crystallize and prssewe?
Pennsylvania railroad, spent big sums I way. With one jump he reached this was killed by the kb-k of a horse and thing to do with It at all. Pro or con I’ll give you an example of It that I
to find out a way to lessen the smoke opening, and shoving his gun and bay­ the other by a blow received from a ft doesn’t make any difference. And saw.
A shattered church In the .Marne n-
onet ahead of him, he crowded his falling scaffold.
and increase the heat in a boiler.
then again,” Mr. Johnson continued,
during the latter part of July: It
“Can you take that battery?” asked way along a narrow brick-lined tun­
Jean Adnet had six children, four
nel. A few steps along this and he sons and two daughters. Of these the no white man has seen. There Is the was filled with freshly-wounded n
the general.
“I think I can.” replied the colonel. found himself In a large cellar, amply Intter perished throngh the overturn­ great adventure about it. It Is a yearn­ stretchers. The shells were whtnlng
“Go take it,” said the commander, stocked with ancient vintages from ing of a pleasure boat. One of the ing to get away from all this b 'ck here over and bursting about It. A dim,
big-eyed, very boyish boy was brought
“and don't come back until you do.”
the vineyards along the Rhine.
sons was stabbed In a drunken brawl, and be out In the great wild. Tt Is the
in all shot to pieces, He w is n very
“Here’s $10,000," says the corpora­
Seated on the wine casks, nnd evi­ another was crushed to death by a
tion president to his chief of research dently very much at ease, sat the six heavy wagon, while the remaining wilderness that lures me." For SLw. ordinary American boy, certa Inly not
By exhaustive study
workers, "find out how we can save prisoners, smiling at the discomfiture two, who emigrated to America, were Johnson this represents her second I more than eighteen. A medicar ma-
jor was passing.
a fraction of a cent on each ton of of their guardian.
and actual tests our
slain in 1891 while fighting for Bal- trip to the bush country, nnd she prob­ I
“Hey, doc," the young fellow called
With his charges once more In hnnd maceda
Board of Lubrication
And the fellow who can find out has the mind of the Infantryman Instant­ Stories.
United States to achieve such a dis-
major askHl
“Whnt Is IL
won a great Industrial battle and cap­ ly formulated a plnn. Hurrying the
Engineers has deter­
| »'n-tion Th» m-.rn'i’v of th“ natives
bending above
tured a battery from his more slug- "willful six" back Into the daylight,
mined the correct con­
“Tell me, doc,” the boy begged hi»
gtsh competitor.
he began to brick up the entrance to
Darius Cobb, artist, who died recent­ ; by Mrs. Johnson, who depr"'-:it'” the I
sistency of Zerolene for
One winter day In his banking of- the discovery with a plan for future ly, and Cyrus Cobh, sculptor, were j morality of the white people, declar­ klly. “Am I—am 1—bad hit?"
The major looked at the descripfl»»
flee I saw Winthrop Smith hand a reference.
your make of automo­
twins whose similarity, not only In ex­ ing the former to be of a higher stand­ slip with which the wounded boy wa*
sliver dollar to his old friend, the
Just then the officer of the day ternal features but in the nature nnd ard. “No man covets hl« neighbor’s
tagged and hesitated. He knew th*
bile. Their recommenda­
magician. Kellar.
yame on the scene.
development of their talents, Is one wife there.” she said. "Only In one In­ young fellow had less than half so
tions are available for
Result—The secret passageway and of the most remarkable In scientific stance did I see the penalty that a
“Hands are too cold." replied the wine collar came Into official notice, history. At fourteen both were paint­ woman paid for alienating the affeo hour of life left in him.
you in the Zerolene Cor­
“Well, I’ll tell you, son," he saW
alelght of hand artist, but taking the was ordered “out of bounds to the ing views of th- Mls-'sslnn' river. tlons of another woman's husband.
coin be flipped It Into the air and A. E. F.” and Seventh Infantry dreams At sixteen they were both leading or­ They hanged her to a tree and execut­ »lowly. “You're In a pretty bad way.
rect Lubrication Charts.
Instantly ft seemed as If It were of a private wine cellar went the way chestras, having simultaneously taken ed her by slashing her body. A man but we're going to do all we can for
There is a chart for each
raining silver dollars In Kellar’« silk of the goo! and dodo.—From The up the study of music. About th« live« three years with a woman before you.”
The boy—who was a very ordinary
make of car. Get one for
Watch on the Rhine, Andernaeh, Ger- same time they both wrote poems for he marrlea her, In the Solomon Islands, young fellow, as I have said—saw the
That'« how some of the wizards In many.
a paper published by the father, the In all that time he Is never permitted troth under the thin camouflage of
your car at your dealer’s
trade operate. By an apparent stroke
to meet her In the open or mention
Rev. Sylvanus Cobh.
or our nearest station.
of genius they multiply one dollar of
When the twins were nineteen years hl* name to her, or she to him. Tljelr
He knew he was dead. He caught
profit Into nearly a dozen.
old they started painting, profession­ coming together la decreed hy order of Ms breath quickly, closed his eye«
"Luck,” you say.
ally. Cyrus pnfntlng the portrait of i the chief. The man Is told who his
Not that at all. It wasn't luck around Wayoverbehlnd declined to set tbelr fnther and Darius that of their mate Is to be anil where lie can find ■nd. reaching up, caught hold of th*
major’s hand and held It tight tor
which enabled the magician to ma-
mother. At twenty they added litho­ her. In the dead of night he goee to
nlpulate the coins, but years of pa- by old time," said Farmer Hornbeak. graphing to their accomplishments. her. If they like each other they are a little time.
Then he sighed, opened his eyes,an®
“It seems to me that a government
tlent practice nnd study.
In the Civil war they enlisted and mnrrfed In three years. If not. then
The follow who thinks he can win commission should be appointed to ln- fought side by side. At the close of their children are given over to the un­ folded his arms contentedly on hi»
breast. He looked up at the major,
In business today without once fol­ vestlgate the matter. Those of us the war cam“ the first diversity in married
or bridegroom’s ■nd there was the calm light of a
lowing the Injunction "And out,” had who are outraged by the refusal of their activities. Cyrus then devoted parents.'
I resignation on his face.
better telephone for the sheriff to n»n those moss-grown procrastinators to himself to sculpture, designing n num­ t
“Well, anyhow,” he whispered tri­
act In harmony with us will feel that ber of soldiers' monuments and his­
up his door.
U m of Chemical Products.
umphantly, “I guess I mndb
H. C. BOONE, Agent, Tillamook, Oregon
we are going to be avenged, and the
toric figure«. Dnrlus became a Ms-
The Interest In chemistry and chem­ didn't I?"
commission will move so slowly that tor b-a I painter.
His head of Christ,
It will not be ready to commence to upon which 11“ labored 34 years, was ical products has greatly Increased' I i “You sure did, son.” the major a»-
In the United States owing to the fact swred him.
do anything until after the time has regarded as Ills masterpiece.
that this country has been forced by
The boy smiled again and died,
been changed back again, and then
the war to depend upon Its own re­ happy in the knowledge that he b“
there will be no cause for action. Ac­
Far From Oth*r Cities.
sources In this direction. The follow­ made good In bls personal obligati"»
cordingly those nonprogressive but en­
Is the most ont-of-th --way ing uses are ascribed to these chenv to establish the principles of Justice,
tirely worthy persons will not he dis­
turbed. and the rest of tis will have place in the United States? A Utah leal products: In making soap and freedom nnd democracy.
That's the spirit that the American
the happy consciousness of having man nominates Hanksville, In that paper pulp, mercerizing cotton and
done our whole duty when we snouted stnte. for the distinction. Hanksville, purifying mineral oils, caustic soda Is Legion wants to crystallize, to perpet­
into their affairs.—Kansas City Star. he says. Is the last postoffice for sev­ used; soda ash Is necessary in the uate, to preserve and translate Into
eral hundred miles to the south and a manufacture of soap nnd glass; .«lo­ terms of constructive civilian >'nnrt
hundred miles to the cast. The mall i cate of soda (better known as water that will insure the continuation in
Cigarette Rings.
that rec<-hes there goes through so glass) Is utilize d In the manufacture force of the principles that t'*»’
icratle women in Ijindon nre much hardship that the wrappings are of soap and In dyeing nnd printing enl- filer fought to save.—William S aven»
wear : gem ring cigarette holders. usually worn out. for It must pass Ico, finishing cotton goods, preventing McNutt in ('< llier's Weekly.
It's the very latest wrinkle. The ring« through the hands of three star route wool rot, bleaching jute and preserv­ 1
nre advert'sed in British magazines contractors before reaching Its des­ ing eggs.
The Italian Farmer.
ns made I his majesty’s Jeweler. You tination. A letter from Hanksville, he
The Italian farmer is evidently noth­
have to be aristocratic or plutocratic says, had Ju«t reached him at Green
Abolishing Trench Foot.
ing If not willing t<» experiment. S»
to wear one. because they cost from River GO m'les away, which had been
In the first winter of the war ne fewer than three ejttsses of collective
¡50 to $300 apiece.
16 days on the way.
used to hear much about “trench foot.” fnnns are lu successful operation 1»
The rings nre gold or platinum, set
due to standing long in the ley water the country. Tn on»* class a co-op t*
with precious stones. You press a
end mini of the trenches. It was tin five society of farmers acts ns Inti'Ho™
Used Theater Programs Cleaned.
tiny catch on the side nnd up spring«
Conservation lias extended even to Í Inflammation that ranged from a sort for the Individual members, each ™
a dainty metal linger with a circlet nt rumpled theater programs, left In the of glorified chilblain to a condition of whom tills his .awn farm Independent!?
the end through which you Jnsert your seats by the patron of a theater. Ac­ gangrene.
of the others. Under the second P**"
cigarette nnd then put! away. The cording to Popular Mechanics Maga­
Col. George G. Nasmith, who com­ the co-operative society holds '!*•
women wear the rings on their fore­ zine. Between L'm and 300 nre picked manded the Canadian Mobile Labora­ land, decides from year to year ho« J*
fingers. The holder, according to the up each night, piled In stacks of 50 tory with the British expeditionary Is to he divided nnd cultivated.
nicotine each, and pressed fiat In a bookbind­ forces In France, says In the Medical appoints each member to his part ®
i from coloring the fingers. So far the er's press for 24 hours. Emerging lint liecord that this vanished from the ! the program of cultivation. Tlte thl™
rings haven't reached this country. and unwrinkled from this process, British army when It was discovered plan Is more complicated: the <*
Hit American Jewelers expect the fad they are th»n nin through rubber roll- that the periodical removal of puttees,
operative society rents a large f»rn
will soon appear on thl- «Ide of the era. which erase all fingerprints nnd drying and chafing the feet nnd legs, which Is worked by a permanent ’I’*
stains. It is said that It is liniKissIhle covering them with whale oil nnd put- of member* receiving a salary for tb**f
to distinguish these reclaimed pro- ting on dry socks was an absolute pre- services, and by other members wh°
But She Brought Him.
grams from those Just off the printing ventive.
divide their time between work on th*
“Dornh," said the library woman. press.
eo-operatlve farm and on private!?
Boy Scout*.
“I wish you would go down to the
owned farms. All three forms of
Th* New Version.
library and bring me 'Flavius Jose­
The boy scouts' organization WR« operation are highly «uceessful a»cofd-
"Gnbe Gosnell got buncoed good founded In England In 1910 and Intro­ Ing to recent accounts. They have thl*
phus.' ”
The new girl left the room and has­ and plenty on his trip,” related Hurt duced In the United States the same point In common, the elimination ™
Blurt of Petunia.
tened to execute the commission.
your. The object Is to develop patriot­ middlemen between farmer and con-
“Aw. well,” returned old Riley Ret. ism. discipline, courage and self control •tunar.
Presently a terrific noise was heard
and borah pushed the door open with zfdew, “a fool and his money go to in boys, as well as to put the Golden
her foot a moment later, dragging In Kansas City.”—Kansas City Star.
Rule Into daily practice. The unit of
Ivory ’’Mln«*.’’
by the collar h reluctant Newfound
the organization Is the "patrol" of from
Scheutze, who Will •
UT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce more smoke
Welcome Home Day.
six to eight boys; a “troop" comprises I member of a United States naval ex­
land dog.
happiness than you ever before collected I P. A.’s built to
“Pitpa." Billie asked, “Is a trillion two or more "patrols" and the scout­
“Here he is. Mrs. Dlnnis," she said,
pedition sent Into the «retie In scare*
master Is the officer in charge of a of the exploration ship Jeannette, ro
fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands I It has the "but y» ought not to have slnt me fr more than a billion?”
“Yes," Billie was answered.
'Im. It's a man’s Job. The brute
'roop. Lieutenant-General Sir Robert ports the discovery of Ivory “mines'
jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran
"Then, papa. I'll bet there's a trillion Rnden-Powell was the father of the
thrled to bite me nn’ I had to fight
In a group of Islands lying northed
against I
people lookin’ at the parade.”
>oy scout movement In England and of the Lena river, situated In north
Itu Iv'ry fut o' the way.”
Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want
Ernest Thompson Seton in the United east Siberia. 1 Vast numbers nf mn*
to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put
moths. It appears, have been div
ered buried tn a sea of Ice, and «
it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without
Record Shorthand Writing.
Is held that, for a short period esc*
tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process
Herman J. Stlch, an American court year, probably a few weeks.
cuts out bite and parch.
reporter, wrote under moat rigorous mammoths could be “mined” wit*
rules nt the rate of 300 words a min­ * great profit, owing to the Unmenrttf
Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy
ute for five consecutive minutes, and Ì of the tusks, four times the sire «*
pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to
then presented a transcript that with those of the elephant of this sge. £®<*i
only two Immaterial errors almost because of ths great value of Ivory •*
reached perfection, the percentage of
t. Ap Ivory "mining” exp*d*
aocuracy being 9BZ. Mr. Sticb's
all *
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