ïltuôiiûbt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER Tillamook Jottings. ially in the dry goods department. Mr. Byers was a good all round man, having a thorough knowledge of the dry goods business as well as a good window dresser and advt. writer, and for that reason we were sorry to see him leave the city, where he has made many friends, who wish him success in his new field of effort. What is Tillamook's loss is McMinn- Ville's gain. and Zoe C. Rldebalgh. Action for CHEESE SCORE AT STATE FAIR. rived the man had disappeared, but MEETING OF JERSEY CATTLE no quicker money. or surer way of building 1 ■ o was easily fnnr»H CLUB. found wo making K.- his way to Belle F. Conlogue vs School District Spend your evenings at the Gem up a desirable reputation for your -■r. 48, Zw Tillamook Till-------- County. ~ _ ______ No. Acuuu J lOi Tillamook County Fell Down—Coos the depot apparently eager to get out ■ ■ o herd than by making official records. Theatre. of town before he could be arrested. money. County Taking First Place. | F. Blackador attended the fair at Jersey Men First in Line With Pure He was arrested, but later released A marriage license was Issued to Andrew Peterson vs. Charles F. Spokane, Wash., and told of the Bred Stock—A Model Farm Rua Frank E. Cross and Mabel Harlung. Blum et al. Action for money. I Coose County obtained first honors and he was seen boarding a train out many inquiries at that place for of town and getting off at Wheeler, By A Woman. State of Oregon vs. William Jersey calves. B. in the cheese scoring contest at the undoubtedly Ed. Dunn, ot Dallas, is visiting for the purpose of con- ------ o Smith. Indictment. State Fair last week, with Tillamook Dr. Reedy told of the many letters friends and relatives here this week. Fred Bohmer vs F. L. Braden i and ¡County fourth on the list, which tinuing his game which is very The regular meeting of the Jersey he has received, asking for Jersey heart-felt to Rev. C. E. Gibson, of the Allied the' reputation of the Cattle Club was held at the home ot A. A. Yager. Action for money. ¡caused more or less surprise in this calves. He also invited the Jersey Church, is attending the annual M. Clay Daniels took two Holstein Tillamook County vs. Elmer D. (county. Prof. E. H. Farrington, of deaf. The Cravens want to warn the I, Theresa Ross on Thursday of last Club to meet at the cattle exchange public not to help such peddlers, who E. conference at Salem this week. week. heifers to the State Fair and carried Hall, et al. Condemnation. I Wisconsin, did the scoring, and the together with all other breeders. The Tillamook County vs. Hope B. ;reason that Tillamook cheese fell claim to be deaf mutes. As a rule the The members of the Jersey Cattle date of this meeting was fixed for Wanted, housekeeper, girl or mid­ off the grand and grand champion deaf do not beg. The Cravens wish Club are an enthusiastic and pro­ the 11th day of November, 1919. This [down was on account of newly made dle aged woman,, good wages. Phone prizes. Had the Holstein breeders of Moore, et al. Condemnation. __M.x,. It will uc Tillamook gressive _____ class ot , people. be date will not interfere with that ot County vs. Isaac H. cheese being sent from this county, the public to have arrested every per- (_______ 169-R or call room 4, Masonic Bldg. Tillamook county laken the same in­ son found begging or peddlipg and remembered that it was among these Moore, et al. terest in displaying their blooded Condemnation. the Pacific International Exposition and cheese with more age from the Dr. Shearer returned from Portland stock at the state fair as they did at Tillamook County w vs. ____ Isaac H. ¡other counties, and as Prof. Farring­ claiming to be a deaf mute for he is men that the first pure bred stock of at Portland. on Wednesday where he has been at­ the county fair, they would 1 The man carried ..... " ■ an ‘ impostor. ------- ---- ------ ’ " any breed was brought into Tilla- Mr. O'Brien, one of the most en­ have Moore et al. Condemnation. ton favors cheese with age to it was really tending a medical convention held carried off a large number of Tillamook County vs F. W. Ro- ¡the reason that the Coose County no peddler’s license and can really be ¡mook County. It is the Jersey men thusiastic members of the Jersey blue arrested for peddling without ________ , ________ there. ----- - ’ * * '*■ who who have preached "better bulls a ___ ______ obtained ribbons and won over $1,000 1 in« bitsch. Condemnation. Club, und an experienced herdsman, and ______________ Lane County cheese license also. The fakirs all over the at the hA»d head of yottr your herd" herd and were is leaving this county to take up his L. J. Winter and W. J. Hill vs. M. 'more points. The regular meeting of the Civic prizes. first to resolutions i and residence in the Willamette Valley, United States have been arrested and ¡also the VMV 41101 IU form fUt ill IUBU1UUU11S W. Harrison. Action for money. ' | The scores were as follows: Improvement Club will occur next A call was made on Saturday for for begging and peddling go on record to banish the scrubs. Credit Service Company vs. Ride- Guy Bunn, Coos ...................... where he is to take charge of a large Wednesday afternoon in the City a contribution of old clothes to be 95 % punished under such false pretenses. halgh & Co. Action for money. '— Martig, Lane....................... Soon the other breeds fell in line, Jersey herd. It is with much regret Hall at 2:30 o’clock. 95 sent to Armenia. Owing to condi- and now the Guernsey, the Holstein that we see him go. He has had Grace O'Neil vs Elsie Vidito. Dam- j— Anderson, Coos................. 95 Have you looked at the Gem Thea­ . tions brought on by the war the aSes- and other breeds have taken up the charge of some of the largest Jersey ¡Harry ThoniaB, Tillamook .. The Himple Farm Sold. 94 people of that country are suffering, tre program this week? Do it now. good work and many pure bred reg­ herds in the state. G. H. Ward vs. C. Hannant. Action Albert Schlappi, Tillamook . 94 You will want to see the plays offer­ and a relief ship will leave New for money. 1 Albert Worthington, Tillamook 94 The Himpel farm at Nehalem, con- istered cattle are in the county, with The Jersey Cattle Club has gone on York early in November for that ed, they’re all good. sistlng of 700 acres of river bottom , the Jersey In the lead, for, with record as favoring a county fair Solon Schiffmann vs Comstock — Luudy, Coos............................. 94 place. Anything that will keep a Mfg. Co. Action for money. ' land, has been sold to Charles Kunze . economy in production, persistency ground, and will stand by the County ¡Frank Wilson, Tillamook.......... 93 A. G. Beals vs. Silveis^pruce Co., is man, woman or child warm through and O. A. Schultz. As soon as the in Yield, Quality of product, health Court in the selection they make. State of Oregon vs. N. C. Hansen. Harry Hogan, Tillamook.......... 93 a suit filed in the circuit court to an Oregon winter is needed. Clothes Indictment. ¡new owners obtain possession of the and vigor, early maturity, longevity, The spirit of good will and get-to­ recover $387.00 for goods sold the Garden Road Cheese factory to be left at the Fire Co.’s rooms or place which will be in the course of a prepotency, beauly and attractive­ gether, is the undercurrent of all the State of Oregon vs Arnold Hansen. defendant company. Marion......................................... 93 in the basement of the city hall be­ Indictment. few days, they Intend having the ness—to find all these qualities in speeches and talks given by members A decree was granted in the divorce fore noon on Saturday of this week. i The J. E. Martin ' Co. vs. Silver Wisconsin cheese ... ..... i .. 93 'place dyked and converted Into one animal is to find the perfect cow, of the Jersey Cattle Club E. L. Hopkins, lillamook .......... 92 case of Alice Benner vs. Allen Ben­ The club adjourned to meet at the Robert J. Watt vs. Silsby Wood Spruce Co. Action for money.' Hugh Barber, Tillamook.......... 904 about 20 dairy farms, it being esti­ and tills is the Jersey. ner, which was tried before Justice Working Machine Co. At this meeting ot the olub, the home of Albert Johnson, on the W. B. Alderman vs Wremie Kellow. — Balentine, Coos...................... 91 mated that the place will keep 400 is a suit filed Bagley on Wednesday evening. J cows. The actual amount of money 1 leu looked over the thrifty little fourth Thursday in October, 1919. in the circuit court to recover mone/ Action on note.* Argo Cheese Factory, Coos . . . 88 Fred C. Skomp vs Charles Elliott. paid for the farms is not given out. farm of 17 acres belonging to Mrs. Miss Elaine Todd left Sunday for lor labor performed between April A Jersey Breeder Writes: Ross. Most men with larger farms Seattle, Wash. She will attend the and August, 1919, at the request of Action for money. "From a recent article in the Head­ Charles Elliott vs Fred C. Skomp. HOLSTEIN BREEDERS and more strength would do well “to State University there and take up a defendant. The complaint alleges GEM THEATRE PROGRAM light by the Holstein Breeders' Asso­ sit up and take notice". Mrs. Ross that plaintiff and Alex Watt agreed Damages. TO ORGANIZE. I cours in fine arts and designing. ciation, one would imagine that the keeps twelve cows, two heifers, one In tile matter of the petitions of Friday. October 3 — “ The Goose Girl ” , to work for the defendant, and other pure bred live stock breeders’ Weather conditions in Tillamook when they demanded their wages, Arnold Gruenenwald, Erank Von Large Enthusiastic Meeting of Breed­ i Paramount production, featuring ¡bull and two horses on her seventeen are not progressing any. The Jersey changed the first of the week. After .acres. It may be possible that she I Marguerite Clark. after giving three days’ notice that Euw, Fred Rohrbach, Herman Klug, i twu nights of frost, rain again made 'will have to buy two tons of hay. Club can readily prove this a mis­ er’s at State Fair—F. R. Beals i "Burton Holmes Travelogue.” they were going to quit woik, the John Slakes, Josef Enzler, Valentiue statement. There were eighteen pure its appearance on Tuesday morning. ¡Saturday, Oct. 4—“Fools And Their Her fence rows are mowed out aud Elected Vice-President. defendant refused to pay them, the Paule Werner, Josef Schrleber, Louis bred Jersey breeders who exhibited kept cleun and the grasij cut away Edward Wilhelm Ludtke, John Enz ­ Honey,” Metra production, featur­ Drugless methods used in chronic amounts due being $761.24 and at the fair and only eight Holstein The Holstein breeders of the state ler Einilie Baumann, John Albert ing Emmy Wehlen. A five act from the few stumps that remain on breeders: 66 2-3 per cent of the diseases of stomach, bowels .liver, $104.44. her place. She has a tine garden of herds on official test in the 1 Haedinger, William Thomas Collins, had their annual meeting at the Metro comedy. diebetes, bl ights disease, and nervous Bert Pugh was in the city Tues­ und Hjalmer Nordstrom, to become State Fair at Salem last Thursday "Billy Blazes Esq”. Comedy. many varieties'of vegetables, besides are Jerseys and 83 per cent county ; conditions. Room 4 Masonic, Bldg. in the day from Portland. He has been en­ citizens ot the United States ot afternoon in the assembly hall. After Sunday, Oct. 5—"The Ordeal of ¡a splendid potato crop. Mrs. Ross state. This official testing iB one of _ by E. T. Ilalloni to take charge America. Naturalization. Stop! Look! Read the program gaged i election of officers for the ensu- the Resetla”, Select production, featur- ¡and her young daughter do most of the most important steps in the pure offered at the Gem Theatre this week of < the dry goods department of his j Colin W. Cottum vs J. E. Sullivan, ing year everybody got acquainted 1 ing Alice Brady. This is Alice the work. During haying she em- bred live stock. If pure bred breeders and will be the ad man. Prev­ et al. To quiet title, will interest you. You can’t pick a store i und many matters of importance to Brady’s latest, greatesl and most ploys help in putting in her crop. do not take advantage of it they may poor one, you’ll want to see all of i ious to coming to Portland, where he i E. T. Parker vs. Bertha Lauritzen. the pure bred live stock industry of But all the milking and other work lovely production. as well have scrubs or grade cows. them. . 1 is employed by Ben Selling, he was Foreclosing tax lien. ¡the state were discussed, not only for that must be done on a farm is done “Pathe News.” "Why does the Jersey lead in the in Colorado. Mr. Pugh appears to j E. i. Parker vs T. B. Potter Realty the promotion of the black and white Monday, Oct. 6—-“You Never C. W. Miller was In from Portland Saw by Mrs. Ross and her daughter. county and state? Because she Is the be an exceedingly fine gentleman and Co. and Nellie L. Howard. Foreclos­ but for all breeds of cattle as well as Seventeen fertile acres temperd Tuesday. He will move his family to I Such a Girl", Paramount produc- most economical producer. Our ex­ Mr. Haltom has been fortunate in ure ot tax lien. hogs, sheep and horses, as well as the tion, featuring Vivian with a Trask river breeze constitute Aberdeen, Wash, for about two obtaining his services f6r the dry I Tillamook County Bank vb . H. feathered tribes of pure-bred produc­ I show you will want to Martin. A the land property of this industrious perimenting colleges have proven months and will then move to Cali­ watch the that for quality and quantity ot goods department of his store, for Brewster Karr, et al. Foreclosure of I tion. widow. Seventeen head of cattle, second time. fornia for the winter. cheese the Jersey cow cannot bo Mr. Pugh has had ocnsiderable ex- mortgage. eleven of which are milk cows make beaten. The general theme was, that all 1 “All Bound Round” Comedy. Owing to the Tillamook Creamery perience. He left Tuesday for Port­ j William A. Saling vs First National producers of critters in the state Tuesday, Oct. 7—"The Squaw Man,” thia their home. Enough hay and "Jersey milk proved to be tljp most Association having to place consid­ land. and will return the first of the ' Bank, Tillamook. For entry oi man­ should begin at once to lay the foun­ « vuumy IBlr Special production by Cecil B. De­ pasture Is raised to support all these uppetlsing at our Jvvcul> recent county fair. . erable cheese in cold storage, the w«ek with his wife and family, tak­ date. I dation for the future to get into the Millie, presenting an all star cast. cattle and ten head of hogs, these be- ‘glass of milk and a piece of cheese monthly checks will not be issued ing Mr. Byer’s place in the store. wt.h whey produced of the wlghed untl) 7J. ing r-a fed with ■ Alta Thomas vs. Chester A. Thomas pure-bred game from every point of The play is the modern version of Inp until the 15th of October. From present indications the Allied ¡suit tor support. [vantage. Edwin Milton Royle's famous play cows. The milk from the eleven cows gi li.i'is of milk had been con Mimed. is made into cheese and for one The Holstein breeders of the state, F. H. Briyides vs Llndle Thompson, church, which is composed of the , Anna E.’ McKune vs W. D. Mc- “The Squaw Man.” "The Tillamook Jersey Is the leader month the milk check was 3340.00 who believe in the black and whites, ' “Pathe News." et al, Is a suit filed in the circuit Methodists, Presbyterians and United Kuiie. Divorce. She’s the cow the wise farmer pleads Brethern will be dissolved, which Tillamook County Bank vs William 'are asked to join their county organ- Wednesday, Oct. 8—"Boots”, Para­ court to recover certain sums of Some one called ’’dinner" and we for. For cream and cheese she Is a was formed during the war, as It A. Clark, et al. Foreclosure of mort- ¡ization, and in this way become a money froip the defendant and the mount production, featuring all hurried in to the two tables that peach. Heh wholesome mllkcaunot be was*thought the city had too many gage. member of the Blate wide organiza- estate of L. E. Thompson. Dorothy Gish. A pleasing and in- were loaded to the groaning point , beat.” churches. It seems that the presiding Catherine A. Long and A. G. Beals [tion for promoting their best lnter- teristing photoplay. See it. with good things to eat. To tell you Any one having a room or apart- elder of the M. E. Churchh has prom­ vs _ Lee .— M. Tittle, 'et al. . ... To connect . eHtB individually and collectively, by of the fried chicken, green corn, “Bray Pictograph. Bathtubs are Fine for Zeppelin Raidz ment, unfuruishhed or partly unfur­ ised to appropriate $10,000 towards deed. co-operating along a given line. Thursday, Oct. 9—' Coming of The ¡cakes, pies, good coffee. with good nished which they will rent to desira the building of a new M. E. church Says Dorothy Gish. Marie Parker vs William Parker, Those counties ot the slate, wherein Law”, William Fox production, Jersey cream, would take too much ------ o— ble party, leave word at the Head­ in the city and in that event the Divorce. the organization work is not active Tom Mix. Come early for good [ space; suffice it to say, that none of First-hand Information as to what light oilice for appointment. Methodists will have to retain their • Bay City, a municipal corporation are to be promoted at once, with the seats. us felt hungry when we left those the average civilian did tn London The Presbyterians vs. Eugene McGill, M. !•’. Murphy and end in view ot securing a large co­ organization, "Rip and Stitch Tailors,” Mack tables. If you are looking for any one this ¡during the Zeppelin air raids can agreed to retain the present arrange- Stephen Collins. To quiet title. j The president of the club. Mr. operative organization. The board of Sennett comedy. week and don’t locate them, call al 'best be obtained by viewing "Boots” ments, provided, however, that a L. D. Smith vs. Chas Kunze, et al. [directors have provided that the Blackador, called the meeting to the unique character play in which the Gem Theatre, they will probably Presbyterian minister be engaged Accounting. membership and dues shall be $2.50 'order. The minutes of the last pre- be I here enjoying one of the classy Death of Ed Bailey. bewitching young Dorothy GiBh, of next year and a United Brethrn the Bay City, a municipal corporation per year, for the county association, ¡vious meeting were read. Bills were I "Lillie Disturber” fame, will appear programs that are billed in the pro­ following year. vs. W. S. Cone, Peter Mani and W. E. out ot these dues shall be levied the Again the Death Angel has entered audited and orderer payed. gram at the Gem Theatre next Wednesday. (sum of $1.00 per year for the state our midst and called to his eternal Thompson. To quiet title. A motion was made and carried Roy W. Donohoe vs. Cressle Dono- 'membership from which sum will be home, Edward Albert Bailey, who , ¡that the club »end Mr. Schulmerick, Much has been written and said Dr. und Mrs. Lebow have returned about the actions of the people dur­ Circuit Court Ou Monday ihoe. Divorce. and will be at Dr. Wise’s Tillamook 'subscribed and sent to each member was born near Malta, Morgan Coun­ of Hillsboro, Oregon, an experienced ing those trying times when the Hun Bay City, a municipal office on Monday and Tuesday, Bay ------ o — corporation a Holstein Breeder’s publication, ty, Ohio, September 18., 1879, aged Jersey breeder, who judged the Jer­ swept over Hie city and dropped their City on Wednesday; at Cloverdale on sey cattle at our recent County Fair, To quiet ¡thus placing each member ill touch 30 years. The October term of the circuit vs Jacob H. Cook, et al. 'tons ot death on the far-stricken pop­ Thursdays; Nehalem, Fridays and ¡with the larger side of their prob- Ed, as he was familiarly known, a long horn cheese together with a ulation. But Miss Gish shows just court will convene next Monday title. _ Wheeler Saturdays. * has been a resident of Ibis slate Io» vote of thanks for his service In judg­ morning, there being a long docket Emily Johnson vs. Estate of Janies 'lems by coming closely in touch with the past 16 years and was well ing the cattle. A vote of thanks was what people in their homes did, and Conover & Condit moved into their of nearly 100 cases. Judge Geo. R. Miss Gish knows, for she experienced Hughey. deceased. Appeal from pro-¡their fellow breeders, It was decided to show at the Pa- Known in this county, having made given the committee who arranged ¡nine air raids during her stay in new quarters on Wednesday having Bagley came in yesterday, and for bate court. ■ cific International Live Stock Show his home ^ere the greater und cared for the Jersey club booth part of bought out the Tillamook’ Feed Co.’s tile next three days will hear motions ¡London. Lewis L. Smith vs. Mary E. Smith. at Portland in November and with the time. ¡at the county fair. It was an attrac­ stock, where they will do business in anu demurrers. 1 here is no air raids In the picture Divorce. B. Bry- ‘this end in view many breeders are Ed. possessed a kind, congenial dis­ tion, and many were the compliments I nor is there a German, tor it 1 b an the future and will be glad to see District Attorney T. H. Goyne will Belle Brydon vs. William 'received in its behalf. A vote of 'now laying their future plans to be position and made friends wherever their old and new customers. not call the grand jury together, but don. Divorce. C.Hal- 'at the big livestock show in Portland ne went. During the last year ot the ¡thanks was also given to those who after the war play that has nothing whatever to do with battles or hor­ John Plasker has sold the "Palm” will wait until the new grand jury is J. W. Hatfield vs. Oliver - next month. late war he was stationed at Fort donated the milk and cheese to the rors of that nature. But there is an confectionery to F. L. Eberman, a drawn on Monday. The docket is as field. Divorce. vs. Allen Benner. The officers elected were W. Mc- McDowell, California, being a mem 'booth tis be served to the public free" explosion in it. And when "Bts” former Tillamook boy, who took over follows: Alice Benner 'Call, of Prineville, Pres.; F. R. Beals, her of Company C., Coast Artillery of charge. the imaginative little slave in the Nehalem Valley Bank vs. Roscoe* Divorce. the stock on Wednesday. Mr. Eber­ The president of the club read a of Tillamook, Vice-Pres.; Mr. Hall, Corps, and at the time of his dis­ man was recently discharged from Barker. Action tor money. Harry J. Foster vs. Dorothy Foster. lof Gresham, Sec-Tres. Directors four charge had atlained I lie rank of Ser letter from R. L. Burkhart, Secretary 'London boarding house hears It {throws a tin wash boiler over The First National Bank of Linn- Divorce. the navy, having served a year and and Treasurer of the Oregon Jersey ¡in number were elected from each geant. head and crawles under the sink. ton, Oregon, vs. W. F. Halderman. A. H. Harding vs. C. P. White and district in the state, the state being a half. In being called while in the prime iCattle Club, In which he speaks of Dorlhy states that it was a com- Action for money. Eva White, 1 oreclosure. Ludtke [ourco-operalion in making the Jersey ' divided Into four districts for organ- of young mauhood, lie leaves, besides Piano tuner, J. L. Wall, from Port­ mon occurrence for people in London First National Bank, of Tillamook, August Ludtke vs. Louis aside lization. Rollie W. Watson, of Tllla- many li lends, his mother Mrs. Della Jubelee, which was held last May, a ¡to have their tubs so arranged that land is in town. If your piano needs vs. C. A. Saling. Action for money. and Bell Ludtke. Suit to set linook, was elected to carry out the SniuJJwood, of Salem, Oregon; also 'complete success. He asks us to send attention leave orders at the Tilla­ W. B. Aiderman vs. Solon Schiff- deed. E. Max- 1 plans for a booth and publicity at three sisters, Mrs. Francis J. Welsh, cattle to the Pacific International two people could crawl under the in­ mook Drug store, and be assured of verted tub and thus protect them­ mann. Action for money. •W. H. Hudnut vs. William of mort- the Pacific International Show. of Beaver, Oregon, and Edith and Exposition, which 1» to be held in selves from lulling limbers in case first class work at the most moderate Hlllsboio Mercantile Company vs. Held, et al. Foreclosure Much enthusiasm was shown for the Itol Bailey, of Salem. Also many ortland, in November. It is his opin­ price, consistent with best workman­ Ed Wann. Action for money. gage. Hudson. coming big show and it was also other relatives both in this state and ion that we have enough show ani­ e xplosions should occur close to the ship. building. I he buthtub formed un ex- Wm. Anderson and E. Anderson vs Clyde Hudson vs Leia mals of the Jersey breed to will all evident that Tillamook County han in Ohio. ' cel lent protection. County Agriculturist Roy Jones B. Batzner and Leo Batzner. Action divorce. the prizes at the exposition. After His father proceeded him 17 years the largest and livest organization in The Buffalo Fertilizer Company vs. the state at this time. Those present ago, and Ed. grew to young manhood discussion of the subject by different and wife returned from Salem where for money. C. 0. &, C. M. Dawson Make Statement Credit Service Company vs Silver James F. Bradley and Belle F.Con- they had charge of the county exhib- ¡from Tillamook were F. R. Beals, withou' the protection und comrad 'members of the club, it was decided Spruce Company. Action for mondy. logue. To set aside deeds. ___ it. Tillamook County had a good ex- i Clay Daniels, R. W. Watson, B. A. ship ot a lather’s love, During I i I b to send a car load of these cattle to ' The repoit bus been circulated that Juliette Davey vs. Scott Bozorlh, et Herman H. Tubbesing vs. Edward Folks, J. J. Rupp and Frank Trout. bi let DineHs, he bore I FL k hibit but the judges placed it fourth his Buffering the Exposition and Wm. Hare was Rosenberg Bros, are Interested In our Action for money. M. Clark. Injunction. on the list, there being only four al. I business, which report Is absolutely Clay Daniels was much elated over with g eat fortitude and welcomed appointed as herdsman. Simon Kramer vs American Rail­ A. B. Freeberg vs. Rose Jacob and the fact that his yearling junior and death a s a release from pain, lie was coast counties exhibiting in this dis­ A letter from the American Jersey false. Our business is owned by C. 0. way Express Company. Action ¡Cattle Club wa read This club has and C. M. Dawson Inc., an Oregon for Barnhardt Jacob. To reform deed. trict. senior heifers took all the prizes at laid al rest at Beaver cemetery, Sep money. | Solon Schiffman vs Thad Robison, I the fair this year, and by the way, tember 28, 15419, Rev Young official - appropriated $2,500.00 for premiums corporation, and the stock of thai Married, on the 28th of September In the matter of the petition of and Comstock Mfg. Company. To the only show from Tillamook that ing. to be given In the Boya’ and Girls’ corporation Is owned by Carl M at the home of E. E. Cross, at Hebo, Guy Hamilton McLeod, al Alien, To ¡cancel assignment. ¡Calf tub, for the year 1919. $75.00 Dawson Cloyd O. Dawson, and thelt We 1 will not say that he is dead Oregon. Frank E. Cross and Miss become a citizen of the United States I E. E. White vs Retta White. Di­ got a look in. But only gone before of this sum will be presented to the wives with Homer Mason holding Mabel Harlung, tile ceremony being of America. vorce. first thirty-three clubs reporting to some preferred stock. This Is a mat Whei ..e e no farewell J’ " tears ______ are shed Aireit Deaf Mutes Who Peddle. performed by Justice of the Peace R. R. G. Clostermanu vs. W. C. Hawk, James Hiatt vs Osa Hiatt. Divorce. the Secretary of the A. J. C. C. as ter Of record in our corporatio»book Anu purtings are no more - o — Blalock. The happy couple are et al. Action for money. Hazel Shupe vs William J. Shupe. having organized The club must be which may be examined by anyon- Recently a midule aged man ap- well known in the south part of the Davis Bournonville Company vs. L. Divorce. organized during the year 1919« “fid who wish. Further than thia ther ¡peered on the streets of Tillamook county. Hiner and L. Reed. Action for money. E. J. Claussen vs. Feeney & Bremer Vivian Martin Has Fine Role in to consist of not less than twenty are no debts or obligations on th peddling a cheap quality of jewerly. Gus Jenson, et al vs. Silver Spruce Co., a corporation, and Emergency members each of whom has purchas part of the stockholders or ot th Dr. H. E. Rinehart, of Nehalem, is Her New Picture. He presented a card which declared ed n Jersey heifer. firm Itself to anyone which woul now in charge of Dr. Boa Is practice Company and J. K. Elder, Action for Fleet Corporation, a corporation. himselt to be a mute. Unwittingly he - ----- -o------- Foreclosure. Wm. Maxwell gave a talk on the give them any voice or Influence I while he is in the east. Dr. Boals had money. Hiw,. w at the back door of Mrs. J. in her newest Paramount picture, fine display of cattle shown at th"’ the management ot the tirm wha Laura Jane Martin vs John Weiss, Isaac Moore and Margurite J. the misfortune to have his fingers A. Craven, who is a real deaf mute. "You Never saw Such a Girl,” Vivian [county fair, and said among other ever. burned with the X-ray, and went Sr, aud John Weiss Ji. Action for Moore, vs. Tillamook County, a quasi The man waa apparently startled at Martin 1» almost a feminine version ‘things, that he doubted if a finer State of Oregon municiual corporation, et ag Injunc­ etc. east to have them treated. Should money. coming face to face with a genuine of the Beloved Vagabond. As a little Nehalem’ Valley Bank vs Andrew tion, Damages, vs. Paul Ebinger, ft showing of pure bred cattle could he Con illy of Tillamook. ss. the treatment not bring about the deaf mute and made a hasty retreat, child she is left parentless with a shown anywhere, and that Tillamook C. E. Hadley desirable results, it is thought he Net et al. Action for money. I. Clody O. Dawson, being first but he still tried his luck at the farming couple who h.ter die and shg, Rudolph Zweifel vs A. N. Boiling. al. Foreclosure County has 11101*0 pure bred cattle sworn dispose and say that will have to have several fingers other houses, working on the sympa- with an old maid school teacher, a Action for money. than any. other county In Oregon. F. D. Small the above statement la true. amputated. Ithy ui the public under false pre­ dog, a cat and ahotgtin. starts forth R. M. Wade & Co. vs. Tillamook Sam Bauer, otherwise known a M. Mills spoke of the benefits of Cloyd O tenues. Albert Byers, who has been with Farmers Co-op. Warehouse Company, on Bauer, et al. Foreclosure of Mort­ in ^dilapidated automobile tp hunt the fair for each of 11». That there la Subscribed and sworn to Haltom’s for five yearB, left on Wed­ Inc., et al. Action for money. for a grandmother. She finds instead something to be gained therefrom 1.1 th’is first day of October, 1 gage. Mr. B. L. Craven, deaf brother of love, adventure, romance and riches. nesday for McMinnville, where he F. D. Smail vs. M. W. Harrison and Imany ways, ¿"4 of the keen Interest, T. II. Uoyu Charles Gates vs Pete Buckbey, et Mrs. Craven's husband, who happen ­ will have an Interent tn the Osborn Enuna Harrison. Action for money. This picture will be seen at the and ___ ______ , ___ — , should tend only rivalry which Notary Public f al. Injunction. ed to be visiting at the house with department store of that city. Mr. Gem Theatre next Monday, and it Is _ to make ... the stock t i show a greater My commission expires May _______ T____ Tillamook County Bank vs. C. M. ¡bls wife, confronted him and almost certain to prove wholly delightful., auccess. Byers made good while tn Tillamook, Chnrchill and W. W. Todd. Action . I W have the b«. t equlg Jure bred Barred Plymouth Rock I used force in attempting to make and became quite popular with those for money. In the cast appeal* Hiutlson Ford, | Joe Donaldson ____ »ay that official I,.«.» store ... in the . city and rooster» for rale. Inquire of C. O. A him desist from his further peddling. as leading man, With a fine company .testing _____ who traded at Haltom’s store, espec- is the onlg^pioper way to test rio meal you S. J. Graham vs. W. W. Rldehalgh C. M. Dawson. He had a neighbor call up the police of players. < ¡pure bred dairy cattle. That there Is'k rocery requi MM ¡department and when the Sheriff ar- 4. ------- o------ I