Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 25, 1919, Image 8

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    T.LL -MCOK EEAZL1GHT, SErfEMBEH 25. 1919.
............................................................................. .............................................
Wirthmor Waists
Only $1.50 Each.
New Dress Silks
From $2.69 Yard.
Colonial Draperies
From 39c. Yard.
Ladies* Silk Hose
Only $1.75 Pair.
Nvw, tritf. dzuii'f. tyifah Wuh Wateu of
VoU*. Qrgasdie. La* a. e’e.. ta pretty h*m-
ril’<h*4 ar-4 la** anZ twtoa trimzced «tyl*. i*
,iz*» 14 to $4
Dre*. Merlali we., Chiffon Tafia tee. Bilk
PebMette«, Crepe Meteor». Charmewae. Crepe«
1c Chine. Georgette Crepe» aad Duchee* Sat­
ine ib the lovelteri of New Pall ¿-Lade-
Cretonne-». Cbintx »nd Tapestry Cretonnes
in Firmaailine and Superlizariae colors tor
use in any and every room and purpose in
the home.
Pure thread silk hose in Black. Grey. Field- I
mouse and Champacne. Some aeamles» style». I
other-i fully fashioned. Splendid quality Silk I
hose in all sixes at a very special price.
Tillamook. Oregon.
Cotton, Nashua Woolnap, Wool Mixed and all Wool Blankets
At Very Special Prices.
This Store is splendidly stocked with all kinds and qualities of Blankets
for this great National Event.
The values offered are extra ordinary for the Blankets were bought long
before the recent advances in prices and for that reason we are quoting them
at very special prices and as usual giving you the benefit of our foresight
and buying facilities.
Replenish your bedroom needs during this great National Blanket Week
and save money by choosing them here.
See 2nd Ave. and 3rd St Windows.
Cotton Blankets
Cotton Blankets
Cotton Blankets
$2.75 Pair.
$3.75 Pair.
$4.45 Pair.
Grey Cotton Blanket, »lx* 54 by 74 with
Pink. Blue or Grey striped border«
Special Per Pair
National Blanket Week............................ $2.75
White and Grey Blanket, size 44 by 76
with Pink or Blue striped border«
S'-ecial Per Pair
National Blanket Week ... • •............. $3 75
Tan and Grey Blankets «ixe 66 by 80 with
fancy Blue striped border«.
Special Per Pair
National Blanket Week ........................ $4.45
$5.45 Pair.
New Millinery Creations
Arrive Daily.
From the exquisite creations being unpacked almost
daily in our Millinery Dept, on the Balcony we select for
Wool Blankets
Sub-wool (Blankets
$9.50 Pair.
$10.98 Pair.
Tailored Hats of Beaver
Pretty single Blankets in full double bed
size in pretty Grey. Blue and Rose Plaids.
for Women and
Special Each
National Blanket Week.......................... $10.98
Tailored Hats of Plush
Red Blankets
for Misses
special mention today
Grey “Nashua" Woolnap Blanket. In «ixe
04 by 74'with Pink or Blue Border«. Lxx>k
like wool.
Special Per Pair
National Blanket Week • • •.....................$5.45
Three-quarter size Wool Blanket« in Dark
Grey only, size 54 by 76 and 4 lb«. In weight.
Special Per Pair
National Blanket Week ................... $9 50
Plaid Blankets,
White Blankets
$11.50 to $19.50
$13.50 to $19.98
Full double bed rize Wool Blanket. In
Pretty Pink. Blue, Tan or Grey Plaid«.
National Blanket Week
Special Per Pair From ........................ $11.50
Full double bed size Wool Blanket« with
regular and «ilk bound edge« in Pink, Blue or
National Blanket Week
Special per pair from .......................... $13 50
Crib Blankets,
New Comforters
Crib Blankets
$2.00 Each.
$4.50 to $8.95
$2.35 Each.
Pink or Blue Crib Blanket« with Teddy
Bea,, French Knot or Bunny designs. Size 30
by 40.
National Blanket Week
Special each
........................ $2 00
Hllkollne, Chain«, Sateen and Silk Mull
covered Comforter. In the prettieet color« and
National Blanket Week
Special each from....................................... $4.50
Size 36 Ijy 4 8 Crib Blankets in Pink or Blue
with Bunny, Bo-Peep or Floral Designs.
National Blanket Week
Special Each...............................•............... $2.35
The women’s New Beavers are in models suitable for
dress or general wear and the Misses’ Plush Hats are in
The ideal Wool Blankets for camping etc.
Full double bed size, black striped borders.
National Blanket Week.
Special per pair..................................... $19.98
very nobby styles for Dress or School Wear.
Velveteen Tams
Fall and Winter Weights and Styles in
$2.33 and $2.75
New—colors Black, Navy Blue. Scaflet and Purple.
Just the thing for Misses’ School Wear.
Men’s, Women’s, Boys’ and Girls’.
\... if
Fail Suits
■ for Ladies
and Misses.
to view the lovely models now be­
ing featured in Suits for Fall Wear
Choose yours early and avoid disappointment as we cannot
guarantee how long any «tyl< or fabric number« may be con
tinned in stock-
filiteli neck, low neck, short hik I
half sleeve, ankle nini kn»*e leimtli
Suits of medium inni heavy weight
cotton, lisle, wool unti silk, and all
wool in white mid crea«» nt prices
$1.35 to $6.45
They are shown in the richest and
most beautiful fabrics and in such
fashionable colors as Cathedral,
Oxblood, Bat, and Bark, as well as
the ever popular Navy Blue ar.d
Some of the Suits are made with
high close-fitting collars, others
in Vestee effects—but why say
more? Come and see them for
yourself, they are all ultra-modish
and priced .very modestly for such
high quality.
Girls’ Munsing
Union Suits.
High neck, Dutch neck and low
neck, ankle length and knee length,
, drop seat an<i cloned crotch Union
Suits in white medium and heavy
weight cotton and wool at prices
$1.19 to $3.15.
Just Received
The New Fall
There are Munsing Union Suits to fit ail men from the man 5 feet 3 inches to the man
fl feet 4 inches tall, and for men to 34 to 52 inches chest measurement. The boys’ suits are
shown in sizes to fit ages 3 to IN years
High nock, long sleeves, ankle length, cloned crotch
styles in heavy weight cotton In white and ecru, light
niedluiu and heavy weight worried fabric. In white and
natural, heavy and extra heavy worried plaited fabric
mixed with art .Ilk In v hite and blue at price« from
Girls’ medium heavy weight, lightly fleeced white
cotton Vest* with high neck, and long sleeves and ankle
length punt, in all sizes from 1 *6 year, to 12 at 75c. and
Women’s high neck, long sleeve. Vest, and ankle
length Pants In medium heavy weight cotton and white
worsted plaited in slxee 34 to 50 at prices from
$1.35 to $2.85
High neck, long sleeves, ankle length, full open
front, closed crotch and drop seat styles in Union Suits
for boys 3 to 18 years of age. The fabrics from which the
suits are made are heavy cotton, medium heavy weight
worsted knd heavy weight worsted plaited and the
prices range from
$2.50 to $7.00
We urge you to come to this store
The Underwear Department« are in complete readiness to fill
all your Fall and Winter need« in Munuingwear. Case after case
of thi« famous line of Union Suits arrived only this week and they
are now oti display ready for you to make selections from. You
will find the <|uality numbers exactly the same as those of pre-
vioUH «eanotiH and price« very low in comparison with those of
other Brand«.
Styles in New
$1.35 to $3.50.
Dress Goods
Come see th« lovely fabric« just
received from the famous La Porte
. Wooleo Mills.
Such desirable weaves and colors.
Broadcloths in the rttbest of
shades. Navy Blue Serges. Shadow
Checks. Reefer Cloths and Fur