Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 25, 1919, Image 7

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    T1ÙLA.MOOK HfiAD^lGHT, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919.
he must accept the senate modifica­
tions of the peace treaty and the
league of nations compact. Even the
newspapers that have been support­
ing the president are changing front.
The most notable instance in this
section is the Oregonian, published in
Portland. This publication has insist­
ed upon the adoption
of the presi­
dent's plan until the last few days.
In the news columns the Oregonian
admits that the president is not win­
ning the expected support in his ef­
fort to cram his policy down the
throats of the senators. If the presi­
dent shows a disposition to be reas­
onable the fair-minded republicans
will see to it that the senate does not
spill the beans entirely by making
necessary another peace treaty with
Germany. Nobody wants that.—Ob­
wages, and their breasts are filled
with mirth, and they jeer forboding
sages who predict a day of dearth;
but that day will come as surely as
tomorrow’s sun will rise; things will
then be going poorly with the giddy
spending thrift guys. Things won’t
boom along forever as they’re boom­
ing now, my friends; and the man
who’s truly clever saves as ably as he
spends. It is patient to the knowing,
in expensive times like these, that
the kopecks won’t be growing always
and the shrubs and trees. There will
come a day of trouble, when this
boom is left behind, and the kopecks
and the ruble will be mighty hard to
find; happy then the lad whose wag­
es have been safely placed in brine«
who obeyed the seers and sages,
when the saving graft was fine. And
how sick will be the mortals'who like
spendthrifts now behave, who reply
------ o------
The Sentinel and other papers with- jeers and chortles when we call
which had the nerve to denounce on them to save!—Walt Mason.
Towmey and his Non-partisan league
have been vindicated. Townley and Notice of Sale of Real Property By
his secretary, Joseph Gilbert, have
Administratrix De Bonis Non
been sentenced to serve three months
in a Minnesota jail for disloyal con-
In the circuit court of the State of
1 duct and actions and were given no Oregon, for the County of Multnom­
I alternative of paying a fine. In im­ ah, Probate Department.
posing sentence the judge excoriated
In the matter of the estate of
'the culprits for the false reports of Leonard Krebs, deceased.
the trial given in the Townley news­
Notice is hereby given, that pur­
papers, as well as for unjust critlcis- suant to power and authority grant­
im of court and jury. Oregon may ed to the administratrix de bonis
well thank the country press for non of the estate of Leonaid Krebs,
starting a campaign that scared the deceased, by the above entitled court
Townley non-partisan organizers out on the 3rd day of September, A. D.,
of our state. Townleyism is already 1919, the administratrix de bonis
hitting the toboggan and it is more non of the above entitled estate will,
than likely that in the next general from and after Saturday, the 25th
1 he I reveller— Just renewing acquaintances
election it will be ousted from North day of October, 1919, offer for sale
The We«—“Oh, I remember you. It was you who
Dakota, where it had its inception and will proceed to sell at private
*kept us out of war’—until after election”
and where it found a congenial at- ale to the highest bidder, for cash,
mosphere for propagation.—The Sen­ subject to the confirmation by the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
fo'r Multnomah County, all the right,
'h'lfr frVa FHit’AVC Coif government of laws and not of men. i
------- O-------
UuL LflC CilUlUlQ O<iy One of the conditions that the war
I Since the Oregon Voter opines that title and interest of said estate in
------ o-------
i has produced is "that moral attitude spruce production waste was justi­ and to the following described real
■Ur. Wilson continues to inform an in which law is held in low esteem,” fied, by lauding rfrice P. Disque and property situate in the County of
lonished world that his pet league and any man who happens to be in malinging Senators Flear and Magee Tillamook, State of Oregon, to-wit:
I nations will keep us out of war. power feels that he can act according for their method of investigation in­
"A tract of land formerly known
It the' people don’t want any more to his own will. Speaking of the high to Disque’s conduct of spruce pro­ as Lots Five (5), six (6), Seven (7),
I Mr. Wilson’s way of "keeping us cost of living, he said that never be­ duction, then it must hold that sin­ Eight (8) and Nine (9), in Block
It of war.” It has proved too ex- fore in this country has there been so ning is no sin. If there aw swaste Three (3) in Ocean Park, situate in
Insive and fatal.—Economist.
much difficulty in getting the ordi­ which the Voter says there was, then Section Ninteen
(19), Township
------- o-------
narily industrious person of common some one was responsible. For it was Four (4) South, Range Ten (10)
[We trail along with the erudite sense down to work.—Telephone government wirk. And Brice P. Dis­ West, Willamette Meridian, in Tilla­
iiior of the Oregon Voter in a ma- I Register.
que was the head of this work as the mook County, State of Oregon, con­
rity of things, but when he can <
------- o------
government’s employee. The Voter taining .60 acres, more or less, as
nd it in his heart to find excuse
What do you think of this? Mr. goes so far in its laudatory comment shown in Assessor’s Tract Book as
Ir the spruce disgrace of the Pacific Hoover says unless this government to say that Mr. Disque spent millions Tract number 930.”
last we can do nothing for him but can loan to foreign countries $4,000- on millions without being frightened.
Bids offered in writing for said
Imire his nerve and deplore his 000,000 in the very near future with Why should he be? Any man can real property may be made at any
lor eyesight.—Gazette Times.
which to buy our goods, there is go­ spend millions on millions without time after the publication of this
ing to be the greatest slump in prices being frightened providing the mon­ notice and before making sale, at
[President Wilson’s plans for reduc- in the United States that our people ey is not his own. And it was the the office of Emil P. Slovarp, Attor­
Ig the high cost of living are: Ram have ever known. And Mr. Hoover is people’s money that comes eventual ney at Law, 608-9 Henry Building,
krough the League of Nations cov- busy urging this loan! Mr. Hoover is ly through taxation, that Disque was Portland, Oregon.
pant regardless of what is in It; one part of a branch of the American spending. If Disque was not to blame
Dated and first published Septem­
bte more money for the various pub- government—the head of it. While which the Voter vigorously asserts ber 18, 1919.
tity bureaus of the administration; for the past month the President and he was not, then someone must have
Helen Krebs, Adminis­
Ive the president more power, and the public have been advocating been, and we must look higher—to
tratrix de bonis non of
led Europe.—Flushing
(N. Y.) something to reduce the cost of liv­ his employer, the Wilson administra­
the Estate of Leonard
laily Times.
Krebs, deceased.
ing, here is an important head of a tion.—Sheridan Sun.
O. C. Stout and Emil Slovarp,
department advocating the doing of
[in Los Angeles enterprising casket something to prevent the lowering of
608-9 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Manufacturers are buying up the the high cost of living.—Gezette The Charge of the Thirteen Hundred Attorneys for Estate.
bstly mahogany bars of the saloons Times.
f former days in the city, and are i
1,300 persons were on
forking both the wood and meta)
“Try the League but keep prepared
the president’s excursion to Paris.)
rimmings into caskets. Saloons have for war,” is the advice of General
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Over the mighty sea,
ent many men to their coffins, and March, Chief of Staff; a very «much I
Oregon for Tillamook County.
I is but fitting that all that was modernized variant of the classic
James Hiatt, Plaintiff.
None knowing what would be
Valuable in them should find its final "Trust in God, but keep your powder
* vs.
What might be sundered.
esting place in a coffin as well.— dry.” The use of poison gas by Ger­
Osa Iliatt, Defendant.
n-i terion.
many was unjustifiable, but it had to
To Osa Hiatt, Defendant.
Bills were so much a day,
be met by similar tactics by the Al­ I
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Public would have to pay
a While we are ripping great orifices lies. And if German in the late war
You are hereby notified and required
For thirteen hundred.
» the circumambient atmosphere thus employed illegal means, there is
to appear in the above entitle cause
Bver the League of Nations and other no assurance that she or some other
"Forward, the Peace Brigade,”
and court and answer the complaint
■oreign tomfoolery, let Congress not country will not do the same again.
Was there a man afraid?
filed herein, within six weeks from
■orget that the greatest need of the Therefore the United States should
Not though the senate thought
the date of the first publication of
American people right now is a Pro­ be.at all time prepared for such an i
Some one had blundered. ,
this summons; which said date is the
tective Tariff law that will protect event. Evidently the Chief of Staff
Scholars of many books.
11th day of September, 1919, and if
American industries -and American does not share the President’s confi- I
Relatives, maids and cooks.
you fail so to appear, for want there­
Bailor againe* the cheap labor pro­ dence in the infallibility of the I
Kodaks on tender hooks
of, tbe plaintiff will apply to the
ducts of European and Asiatic coun­ League as a preventive of war.—
Made thirteen hundred.
Court for the relief demanded in the
tries.—The ltooseveltian.
Harper’s Weekly.
complaint, to-wit: for an order and
Flashed their commissions fair,
------- o
Flashed here, there, eveiywhere, decree forever dissolving, cancelling
[ Why should the American people t
Secretary Lansing has been an out­
and anulling the contract and rela­
Making the old world Btare—
nave thrust upon them the task of
standing figure in the group of fig-
tion of marriage heretofore existing
Gaul, Teuton, wondered,
■’saving the poor people of the old
ureheads which the president group-
between the plaintiff and defendant,
(Such a trip costs a penny)
Bountry from starving?” Most of
ed about him in the form of a cabinet
and for such other and further relief
Jacques stared, and also Jenny,
■hose "starving people” are myths,
and his record indicates that there
as to the court may seem equitable
Why did we send so many­
Bind the rest that are in need of help, was at least one man who knew his
in the premises.
Full thirteen hundred?
are about as industrious as were our
job. but it is now said that he will
This summons is served upon you
[American Indians fifty years ago. If
Some went to Northern lands,
retire .The veil of secrecy which sur­
by publication, by order of the Hon.
those propagandists who want Eu­
Some looked on torrid sands,
rounded the peace negotiations not­
A. M. Hare, Judge of the County
rope and Asia "saved” would devote
Some hunted tropic stratlds—-
withstanding the promise of open j
: Court of the State of Oregon, for
■heir time to America, a great deal diplomacy prevented details from
Fame loudly thundered;
| Tillamook County.
¡■more good would be accomplished.—
Right on they kept their way,
reaching the world, but enough has
Made and entered at Chambers at
'Willamina Times.
Charging so much per day,
I leaked out to indicate that Secretary
! the City of Tillamook, County of
------- o-------
Lansing differed sharply from his
I Tillamook, State of Oregon, on the
If the government is to buy the
Looked on this proud array,
chief upon features of the peace
10th day of September, 1919.
railroads, why not the packing hous­
All the world wondered,
treaty and league of nations pact,
Talmage, Claussen & Mannlx
es? And if the packing houses why
Every tongue loud did say:
but the latter ignored the state de­
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
not the steel business, the newspa­
“Hail, thirteen hundred.”
partment as he had previously ig­
Address Tillamook, Oregon.
pers, and then the automobile busi-
nored the senate and preceeded with
Motor cars right of them, '
ness? It would only take two or three
his one-man idea.—Independant.
Picture shows left of them,
hundred billions to make a clean
Notice of Sale on Execution.
Poems in praise of them
sweep and we could all go on a vaca-
------- °-------
Volleyed and thundered.
><i<>n while the government officials
"All over this country” said the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Not under shot and shell,
did the work. They are trying the President at Seattle, “it is. becoming
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Hardships but few to tell,
scheme out in Russia now and to a more and more evident that those
E. J. Claussen, Plaintiff.
limited extent in North Dakota. Why i who were th« partizans of Germany
Back o’er the mighty sea.
not adopt as a national slogan, "no­ are the ones who are primarily
i Feeney & Bremer Company, a
To our land fair and free,
body works but Uncle Sam?’’.— pleased with some of the aspects of
corporation, Defendant.
the debate that is now going on.”
Cume thirteen hundred.
Salem Journal.
Notice is hereby given, that I, W.
We do not think the president
------- o-------
L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook
What did they, really do,
Another “crimp” has been put in strengthens his case with such in­
County, Oregon, by virtue of an ex­
That is for me and you?
Wilson’s league of nations propa- sinuations. In the first -place, the
ecution issued out of the above en­
Everywhere laurels grew;
a by the announcement that debating is not all on one side. The
titled court in the above entitled
No doubt they plundered.
ttary Lasing is about to step president is now carrying it to the
cause, said execution being dated the
Still now the scroll unfold, ,
down and out of his job at Wash­ country, rather than assent to any
9th day of September, 1919, and be­
What mighty deeds are rolled!
ington. Slowly, but surely, even the manner of reservation of interpreta­
ing based upon a Judgment entered
Tell when the babes grow old
strongest admirers of President Wil­ tion, and prolonging in the open
in the Circuit Court of the State of
Of thirteen hundred.—
son are beginning to see the light of field of public controversy the debate
Oregon for Tillamook County, said
day and one by one are shuffling off which the spokesmen have been
judgment being entered in said Cir­
that "mortal coll” that has been keeping up by his direction in the
cuit Court on the 6th day of Septem­
thrust about them by the head of the senate. Yet he has said again and
Burning Money.
ber, 1919, and being rendered in fa­
nation whose chief endeavor seems again that the covenant means ex­
vor of the above named plaintiff, and
Life is gay and blithe and sunny against the above named defendant,
to be that of rule or ruin in an effort actly what the advocates of reserva-
to accomplish his selfish desires.— lions are trying to have the senate since the peace dove hit the breezes; and being in the sum of $1,300.00
Umpqua Valley News.
express in different wording.—Spok­ every one is burning money just as with interest thereon at the rate of
though it grew on trees. I insist on 8 per cent per annum from April 23.
esman Review.
Mr. Root in his address before the
thrift and savlng,*but there’s none 1918. until paid; in the further sum
American Bar Association recently
If we mistake not the sentiments of to heed my words; Jonnies say that of $95.55 with interest thereon at
struck the truth when he said that the people President Wilson will go I am raving, and throw money to the the rate of 8 per cent per annum
the greatest need of the present is a back to Washington convinced that birds. Men are drawing princely from June 23, 1919, until paid; in
the sum of $150.00 attorney fees,
and for the costs and disbursements
taxed and allowed at $16.20, and
said judgment further providing that
a certain mortgage given to secure
the principal sum hereinbefore nam­
ed, be foreclosed in the manner pre­
scribed by law, and that the property
described in said mortgage be sold as
by law provided and the proceeds of
said sale applied to the satisfaction
of said judgment. That said property
is described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the northwest corner
of tide lot number four (4) of W. D.
Stillwell’s Addition to Tillamook
(now Tillamook City) and running
thence north 111 feet; thence east
parallel with the north line of the
Edrick Thomas D. L. C. to the east
line of lot Three (3) of section
twenty-five (25), in township one
(1) south of range ten (10) west of
the Willamette Meridian, and run­
ning thence south along the east line
of said lot three (3) to the north I
line of the said Edrick Thomas D. L.
C. and running thence west to the
place of beginning, situated in the
county of Tillamook and State of
Oregon. Also all the machinery and
equipment in the buildings on said
real property, including in particular
the following, which constitute the
larger pieces of machinery, to-wit:
1 Hack Saw; 1 19 in, American
Lathe; 1 36 inch Lathe; 1 Barnes
Driller, with sliding head; 1 Davis
24 in. Shaper; 10 h.p. motor and
electric appliances; all patterns and
appliances for castings, acetelyt’
welding apparatus and all parts.
Being all the foundry property ot
the mortgagors Including buildings
and equipment located on the above
described real property and property
adjoining thereto.
Now, therefore, in accordance with
the direction of said execution, com­
manding me to sell the premises and
property hereinbefore described in
the manner provided by law, for the
satisfaction of said decree according
to the terms thereof, and the co.;ts 1
and disbursements thereof and ac­
cruing upon this writ, I will on Sat-
urday, the 11th day of October, 1919,
at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on said
date, sell at public auction, at the
front door of the County Court House
in Tillamook City, Oregon, to the
highest bidder for cash, all the right,
title and interest of the said Feeney
& Bremer Company, a corporation,
defendant herein named, in and to
all the property both real and per­
sonal hereinbefore described.
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
T he .
L atest r
x 8 8
Electricity's latest gift to
the housewife greatest
since the electric iron
and electric vacuum
Western Electric
P ortable
S ewing M achine
treadle pushing - no
more backache—a little
electric motor does the
hard work.
A foot control gives any
speed desired.
The entire machine in
its case can be carried
anywhere—it’s no larger
than a typewriter.
Ask for a demonptra-
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook.
Notice is given that the undersign­
ed, Jesse C. Snyder, has been ap­
pointed administrator of the estate of
John L. Snyder, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamook County, and has quali­
fied as such. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, duly
verified, as by law required, to the
undersigned at 1012 Gasco Building,
Portland, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 4th
day of September, 1919.
JesBe C. Snyder,
Laidlaw, Owen & Lawrence,
Attorneys for Estate,
1012 Gasco Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice to Taxpayers of Tillamook
All last half payments of taxes for
the year 1918 must be made on or
before October 5th, 1919. or interest
at the rate of 1 per cent will be add­
ed on the unpaid balance.
All taxes remaining unpaid on No­
vember 5th, 1919, become delinquent
and are subject to penalty of 5 per
cent and interest at the rate of 12
per cent per annum.
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Arran C louds comfa SrNsntNn.
Arrea D espondency comes J oy .
ArreR S ickness comes H ealth .
A kter W eakness comes S tbenoth . <
In the spring when you’re "al!
in”—fagged out—blood thin, if
you will turn to Nature’s remedy,
a tonic made from wild roots and
barks, which has-stood fifty years
as the best spring tonic—you will
find strength regained. No need
to tell you it’s Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery, put un in tablet
or liquid form, and sold by every
druggist in the land. After a hard
winter—shut up indoors,your blood
needs a temperance tonic, a tissue­
builder and blood-makersuchasthis
‘‘Medical Discovery” of Dr.Pierce’s.
Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package
of tablets.
Stattie, Wash.— “I was in a general run­
down condition. Had bad blood, dis­
ordered stomach, kidney trouble and
nervousness. I took three bottles of Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and
five or six bottles of 4Favorite Prcscrip
tion’ and was completely cured. Have
never been sick a day since.”— Mrs. Mary
Haskins, 907 27lh Ave.
The Mistake is Made By Many Tilla­
mook Citizens.
Look for the cause of backache.
To be cured you must know the
If it’s weak kidneys
You must set the kidneys working
A resident of this vicinity shows
you how.
Mrs. Kenneth Chase, 1214 8. Riv­
er St., Newberg, Ore., says: “My
back ached all the time and my kid­
neys acted Irregularly, My feet and
ankles were so badly swollen that In
the morning. I couldn’t get my shoes
on for several hours. I felt generally
depressed. The first few doses of
Doan's Kidney Pills helped me won­
derfully. My back topped aching,
my kidneys acted more regularly and
the swellings in my feet and ankles
went down. After I had taken one
box ot Doan’s Kidney Pills. I felt as
well as ever.”
Price 60c., at all dealers. Don t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Chase had Foster-Milbourn Co.
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv.
Speaking of the "democratization
of labor,” if labor doesn’t get any
happier results out of going Demo­
cratic than the U. 8. A. has had, we
know it means something pretty un­
The more, discussion the bet­
ter. Truth doesn't mind
being talked about
are discussed because
they’re worth discussion.
The blend of fine tobaccos
— the mouthpiece—the
rnais paper — no wonder
they’re talked about.
10 for 13c
The John Bollman Co. Branch
M •niifeet u r«rs
Ornamental Fire Placet Built
of Brick and Stone, All Fire
Place« absolutely guaranteed
not to smoke or money re­
Brick work of all kinds done
on short notice.
We make a specialty of re­
pairing smoking Fire Places.