TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Tillamook Jottings. ------- o------- Miss Ethel Wilson, of Kansas, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. N.. Wilson for a few weeks. W. H. Ewan, of Nehalem, was in the city on Wednesday, and became a subscriber to the Headlight. Marriage licenses were issued to Buell C. Woods and Ruth Gray Alt- enburger; Neil Hiner and Pauline Hathaway. Morris Schnal having bought the building occupied by CondR and Con­ over, expects to pull down the old shack and replace it with a modem building. Mrs H. L. Mason died yesterday in this city and the funeral will be held Friday afternoon. The deceased was 65 years of age and the cause of i.eath was asthma. Weather conditions this week were decidedly warm for Tillamook Coun­ ty, the east wind during the day making it the hottest weather the county has had this summer. Dr. and Mrs. Lebow have returned and will be at Dr. Wise's Tillamook office on Monday and Tuesday. Bay City on Wednesday; at Cloverdale on Thursdays; Nehalem, Fridays and Wheeler Saturdays. A. F. Coates, of the Coates Lumber Co., was in from Seattle, Wash, this week, and left on Wednesday with Joe Franklin and W. F. Baker and wife, all of whom to attend the State Fair at Salem. The Board of Equalization made a reduction of 50 per cent in the valua­ tion of the timber that was burned over in September, of last year. It is the intention of the County Court to have the burned timber cruised as soon as possible, so as to arrive at a just valuation. The Portland Chapter of the Red Cross is anxious to have Miss Jane V. Doyle, who is Executive Secretary of the Bureau of Nursing Activities, come to Tillamook for the purpose of interesting the members of the Tilla­ mook branch in educational and nursing activities. On Wednesday evening, Sept. 11, Frances Buckles, of Tillamook, Ore., and Miss Maude E. Shearer, of Port­ land, Oregon, were married by the Rev. McDennoth, of the Congrega­ tional Church, at Aberdeen. Wash. After a trip to Oregon they will make ¡Aberdeen their home. The case of Vern Blanchard was tried before jury in Justice of Peace Stanley’s court, who was arrested for violating the fishing laws. I he jury found Blanchard guilty and he was fined *100. As there is some doubt in the case as to law points, the case is to be appealed to the circuit court. Dr. Livingston Farrand, head of the National American Red Cross, will be in Portland Monday, Septem­ ber 29, It is the intention of the J’ortland Chapter Officers to arrange a meeting or meetings throughout the day for the privilege of hearing Dr. Farrand tell representatives of lire Chapters and Branches what the future program of the Red Cross is to be. At the School meeting on Saturday he budget as submitted by the chool board and published in the ocal newspapers was accepted. The chool board was instructed to nego- late with Mr. Stillwell for the Pitr­ one of obtaining a clear title of the chool grounds, and the school boaid Fas authorized to obtain an option >n the Hays tract and a tract of land n the east part of the city. It is pro- losed that the Hays property be ought for school purposes and a city lark, the school board and the ciW v. ning same Jointly. Chester McGhee -tras elected school clerk in the place Of Erwin Harrison, resigned. f Charles Elliott vs Fred C. Sconip Is a suit filed in the circuit court, which in a counter suit filed by the defendant last week, growing out of the value of chittim hark. Plaintiff alleges that in July. 1919, he enter­ ed into a contract with the defend­ ant, to buy chittim bark and to store the same in a barn on the place, and on the 3rd of September, 1919, the defendant set out fire without first having obtained a permit, and the bain and bark was burned, besides other personal property of (he plain­ tiff. The present suit is to recover the value of two tons of chittim bark Valued at *490.00. Charles Gates vs. Pete Buckbey, Ralph Dunn. Harry Southmayd, Artie Southwayd. — Cook. Harry Brooten, D. Brooten. Bell Buckbey. John Fiddler. Wm. Dunn and Frank Dunn is a suit filed in the circuit court to restrain the defendants fror>i operating drift gi^l nets or set gill net«, in the day time, or from laying Vets out at any time in such manher s to interfere with the reasonabel nd practical operation of plaintiff's rag eeins; that defendants be en­ dued from colliding with or bump­ ig into the plaintiffs boat with their ig into the plaintiff's boat with their SEPTEMBER 25, 1919. ment against the defendants for the Secretary of the Pacific Coast-Rescue Ethel Clayton Central Figure__ in Dairy Farm Sells for $32,000 GEM THEATRE PROGRAM sum of *250 00. and Protective Society. Mrs. Robert Charming Picture. A deal was consumated on Tuesday 1 Prof Farrington, head of the Dairy H. McGrath is in charge of the drive -------------- n------------ Friday, Sept, 26—"Bella Donna, Division, University of Wisconsin, in Tillamook County and all who de­ How an out of date department in which Andrew’ Anderson disposed Paramount production, featuring and Mr. Marschall, who manufactur­ sire to contribute and who have not store may be transformed by the of his dairy farm, which includes 4 5 Pauline Frederick. acres of land north of this city and es the Marschall’s rennet and cheese been directly solicited may send their common sense and intelligence of a . color, both of Madison, Wisconsin, contributions direct to her. girl into a prosperous enterprise, is 'is all river bottom land. The farm Saturday. Sept., 27—"Same Bride" Metro production, featuring Viola paid Tillamook a visit Sunday. Carl told in "Maggie Pepper”, at the and the stock was sold for *32,000, Dana. Haberlach took them to several of Gem Theatre next Monday. Further­ which is over *600 per acre for the Comedy. TILLAMOOK ASKS FUNDS. the larger cheese factories in this more the story depicts the struggles land. The -place was bought by L. C. vicinity and also for a ride through of the clever Maggie against heavy Daniels at South Prairie, which is Sunday. Sept. 28—"Delux Annie”, Select production, featuring Norma our dairy section in the afternoon, County is First to Apply Under the odds, enemies and adverse circum­ only another instance that it is peo­ Talmage. and to Rockaway beach in the after­ stances. The big. human note is up­ ple that have resided in this county Market Roads Tax Law. Pat he News, noon. Both Mr. Farrington and Mr. permost in the play, which was writ­ who pay the high prices for land. It is predicted that.a large amount Monday, Sept. 29—"Maggie Pepper”, ten by Charles Klein. Marschall expressed themselves as Tillamook is the first county to Ethel Clayton in the title roie is of the prairie land, which is not very much surprised over our fine cheese Paramount production, featuring make application for funds under the said to be superb. She has the pe- good land for dairying. will eventual­ Ethel Clayton. factories, saying they were much su­ Comedy. perior to those in Wisconsin. Mr. market road tax law, approved by the culiar quality of alertness and ac- ly be w’orth *1000.00 an acre when Farrington is to score the dairy pro- people at the special election in June. tlvity as well as the charm and cul­ it is planted to loganberries, for the Tuesday. Sept. 30—"Headin’ South” Under the law a 1 mill tax one each ture to make the role one that will logan berry industry is destined to ilucts-at the Salem fair this week. Artcraft production, featuring $1 of taxable property in the state not soon be forgotten. The produc­ become a large and profitable indus­ Douglas Fairbanks. As the result of indiscretion, more try in this county. “shall become part of the state high­ tion is fur above the average, which Pathe News. than anything else, probably, Floyd way fund of the state and shall con­ is easily believable when it is re­ Wednesday, Oct. 1—“Paid In Full,” V. Blanchard, a young man 18 years » membered that this is a Paramount Paramount production, featuring Safe Crackers at Nehalem. of age, found himself locked up in stitute an appropriation thereform, picture. Pauline Frederick. subject to disposal and distribution the county jail charged with stealing . I -..................................... 'Bray Pictograph.” an automobile front the Bay City by the state highway commission.” | Yeggmen pounced down on the Hiner-Hathaway. garage last week, consequently he f The highway commission is directed ' peaceful little city of Nehalem early ------- o------- faces a cerious charge, which, if pres­ to annually appropriate amounts to On Saturday at 3 o'clock at the Friday and blew open the safe of Douglas Fairbanks in ‘Headin’ South’ sed. would send him to the peniten­ each county, which sum shall be at bride's home. Mr. Niel Hiner was Dave Thompson's store and got away Many of the scenes in "Headin’ tiary for a term of years. The young least equal to its contribution to the welcomed with warm words of wel­ with *413.16 in cash, *80.00 worth South”, Douglas Fairbanks, latest man realizing what a serious mistake market road fund, but no county shall come and much of good cheer, of war stamps and about *500.00 Artcraft picture which will be shown he had made, owned up to the county 1 receive in excess of 10 per cent. When among the sons-in-law of Mr. and worth of jewelry, which included at the Gem Theatre next Tuesday, officials that he had no intention of : courts fail or neglect to accept the Mrs. J. H. Hathaway. At this time watches, rings, etc. September 30, were taken on the It was between three and four stealing the auto, and realizing that I amount proportioned, the state high- and place their beautiful and at­ Mexican boarder during a time when it would be a mistake to _ send ___ ____ the ; way commission may distribute such tractive daughter. Miss Pauline, who o'clock in the morning when Mrs. trouble was brewing, and close young man to the penitentiary, Peregoy heard an explosion, but funds to the counties accepting and has many warm and worthy friends watch was kept on the hundred which would blight his young life, ! in and around Tillamook City, was thought it was the backfire of a Mexicans which were engaged to operating under the act. District Attorney Goyne charged hint I fisherman ’ s boat on the river and These market roads are to be con­ given in the bonds of wedlock to Mr. later saw two men pass, with a minor offense, and it is hoped I whom she take "part in the photoplay. One of the Mexicans was suspected of trying structed only under the supervision Neil Hiner, Rev. Norman Wayne thought were fishermen. the young man will profit by it, for j Phelps, officiating. to start an uprising and was shot and it was a close call of going to the and control of the county courts, but When Thompson went down to the Members of the Hathaway family wounded by a Fairbank^ cowboy the courts must request the state commence business he was penitentiary for a number of years. store to witnessed the ceremony, after which who happened to be an Arizona Blanchard was fined *50.00 which highway commission to furnish plans with much good cheer, dinner was much surprised to find that liis safe was paid, and he promised to stay at and specifications, supervise surveys served. Tasty decorations, of which had been successfully blown open deputy sheriff.. The matter ■ was tak- and establish grades. Counties de­ astors of many colors predominated, and the valuable contents carried off. en into court, where it was he!d that home and go to work. To deaden the sound of the explosion, the cowboy was Justified I in his ac­ The city was visited this week by siring to avail themselves of the law made bright the room. tion, as his promptness in squelching must make a uniform levy which will Sir. and Mrs. Hiner will be at the yeggmen had placed sacks of the Mexican had averted a possible several “dead beats,” and the city and raise an amount equal to the amount home to their many friends at the flour against the safe. county officials soon rounded them up It is thought that one of the safe riot. However, this incident appropriated by the state highway home of the bride’s parents near the Fairbanks *500 for attorney and put them in the “sweat box.” Two crackers was an ex-convict who was commission. fair grounds. doctor fees. claimed to be deaf mutes, and when the known to be in that neighborhood. About *1,000,000 will be raised by "Headin’ South" is full of Mexican officials said they would send one to On Saturday some of the jewelry, levy to equal this sum, there will be and Western types, who supply the New Barber Shop. consisting of watches, rings, trinkets, the rock pile for 30 days beads of local color to the vivid boarder a second million dollars available for etc., with a bag of skeletou keys, ------- o------- prespiration rolled down his face and episodes. the mileage tax,for the market roads he appeared very uncomfortable at Emil Heusser, who for the last sev- were found in the tunnels on the each year. what was said. The officials told them eral years has been employed in the railroad, and it is supposed the yegg­ Moulton barber shop, has leased the men had boarded the outgoing pas- Buy No Clothes, No Shoes, Hoover to get out of town on the next train Says. or they would be put on the road work. American Legion Organizes in Tilla­ old Riefenberg building, next to the senger train that morning and drop- ------- o------- mook. through the toilet, ped the articles Early next morning one of the dead Condit and Conover’s grocery store, San Francisco, Sep. 21.—“I for fear of being caught with the beats went down to Sunnymead and going to live at Palo Alto where 1 On Friday night at the Court House and is having the building remodeled. articles on them. undertook to do business as a deaf a number of ex-service men met and Mr. Heusser has sub let half the Thompson came down from Nehal­ hope no one will «ay to me, Pm cold; mute. He happened to run across a permanently organized a post of the building to F. B. McKinley, who will em for the propose of recovery the 1 am hungry," declared Herbert deaf mute family, and when the dead American Legion. E. J. Claussen, u.,e sanfe for a real estate office, while jewelry that was in the possession of Hoover on his arrival here today beat was asked to do a little talking who attended the state meeting in the other half he will turn into a neat Sheriff Campbell, which was turned from the East, enroute to his home at Palo Alto. with his fingers, he was unable to Portland .reported on w hat work was little barber shop. . over to him. He claimed that the jew­ "I have seen my family only one Mr. and Mrs. Heusser left for Port­ talk that way, which was proof that done there, and the purpose of the elry secured was worth $1000.00 and month In five years,” he added. "I he was an impostor. The city marshal organization as explained by Colonel land Thursday and while there the that 'the missing jewelry is worth went to Europe for three months in was informed of this incident and Roosevelt, who spoke at the meeting. former will buy the fixtures for the *600.00, there being one watch worth 1914, but have been away ftoni Cali­ Temporary officers were elected con ­ after he had done some main talking shop, which will be open for business fornia for five years.” *50.00. the man beat it to the depot as fast sisting of E. J. Claussen, chairman; about Oct. second. Ho said staple foods already had H. L. Lamar, Vice-Chairman; I. E. as he could get there. full tn In price < .ms dcrably and pre- Keldson, Sec & Treas. : Roosevelt Memorial Fund. * dieted there would be a further INSURANCE ON AUTO PAIO Plans were made for giving a Grocery Stores Consolidate. steady fall for three months. grand ball on Armistice night, No­ A state organization has been per­ R< warding high prices of '-lothes vember 11. In view of the interest which all I fected to raise the quota of *37,500 and shoes, he declared tht public Two of Tillamook City’s grocery Any ex-service men who do not al ­ owners of automobiles have, or should for the State of Oregon toward the could rectify the whole business in stores have consolidated. Conover & Condit having bought out the Tilla­ ready belong can obtain information have, in insurance on machines, I feel national fund of *5,000,000 to be threi months’ time by not buying mook Feed Company, of which Geo. and application blanks from any of it a duty to express publicly my ap­ raised for the Roosevelt Memorial any clothes or shoes for that length Williams was the principal owner the officers. It is desirous to have a preciation for the prompt and satis­ Association. of lime.” one hundred percent enrollment in factory manner in which my fire loss The purpose of the Roosevelt and manager. Conover & Condit this county. Memorial Association is to create a has been adjusted. will move their slock of goods to the NOTICE TO CREDITORS building now occupied by the Tilla­ No auto owner should hesitate or national fund of *5,000,000 which Call For Warrants. mook Feed Company, employing the take a chance in carrying the risk will be devoted to the erection of a NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ------ o------- permament memorial in Washington the undersigned has been by the Coun­ sunie clerks. Conover &. Condit have All county general fund warrants ; himself when it is possible to get such D. C., and to the creation of a park ty Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, done a large amount of business, and endorsed prior to September service as was rendered me; and I 12 th, in the town of Oyster Bay, which appointed administrator of the estate by the consolidation of the two stores 1919. will be paid upon presentation. am glad to recommend the agency of may ultimately, perhaps, Include this will mean considerable more of William H. Perry, deceased. All Interest ceases this September 23rd, I A. C. Everson, in which my insurance Sagamore Hill, to be preserved like business. 1919. persons having claims against the was written, to all who desire insur­ Mt. Vernon and Mr. Lincoln’s home estate are required to present them ance that insures. Kathleen Mills. ♦ at Springfield. Powerful Photoplay, Clark Embuni County Treasurer. ------ o------ The national campaign will be for allowance to the undersigned at One of the strongest prohtoplays held during tile week of October 20- the office of Botts & Winslow, Tilla­ seen here in many weeks is "Paid In 27 which is intended to give every mook, Oregon, within six months from Full”, starring Pauline Frederick, American citizen who so desires the date hereof. Dated this September 25th, 1919. the brilliant Paramount star, which opportunity for expressing his or her will be shown at the Gem Theatre, John William Jennings, regard for the examples of patriotism next Wednesday, Oct. 1. The story and loyal service that have been fur­ Administrator. of Umma Brook , whose happiness is nished by the career of the late Motor for Sale married by . shiftless and improvi­ Theodore Roosevelt. dent husba. u, is finely appealing Personal friends of Colonel Roose­ For sale, % h. p. motor and shaft­ matted by a shiftless and improvi- velt will also defray the expenses of and it affords this popular player the national campaign and also of ing. In good condition and equal to one of the most powerful roles of her the state campaigns. Thus the pub­ new. Call at Parker’s Harness shop. career. lic will be assured that every cent • “ Wanted To Rent. given for the memorial fund will be spent for the pm pose outlined.. Baby Week in. Tillamook. Dairy near Tillamook on share A memorial to Theodore Roosevelt, ------ o------ it is felt, will be an inspiration to basis by competent dairyman of long The campaign for the *60,000 fund future generations of Americans by time experience. Reference exchang­ for the new fire proof nursery building reason of the high Ideals of citizen ed. address "X” Headlight office. of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Pro­ ship which It will perpetuate. Peculiar Patches in tective Society is being carried on this it is hoped and expected that the Not less than 1S2 more or less clear­ week. . free will offering will be sufficiently ly defined -lark patches In the sky are The amount to be raised and the large to exceed tin* minimum objec­ recognized by Prof. E. E. Barnard In conduct of the campaign has the full tive net, but no pressure will be ex­ lila Intent catalogue. In some cn-es approval of Governor Olcott, who has, erted. The great bulk of tin- money. they are fairly rotimi and regular, In by proclamhtion, given his official It Is expee'ed, will be In -mull con­ oilier- they .are of complicated and tributions for already thousands of contorted form and their appearance «auction and recommended that all citizen* have expressed a desire to tod sharpness suggest Hint they are good citizens contribute. contribute to a national memorial to dark clouds nr nebulae cutting off a The amourrt set to be raised in Till­ the soldier statesman and II is felt hurl ground made faintly luminous by amook county is *1600. Although tills campaign will afford the logical un—■ o «tars ot diffused nebulous there has not been as much publicity channel for -uch offerings No con matter .Most though not all, of the given to this matter as we might have tribution Is too small. on< penny or dark patelle» are in the region of the desired we are sure that Tillamook on» dollar, uot to lie welcomed Milky Way, «livre so much of the ma­ will, as usual, go over the top. Tillamook county’s quota for the terial visible In tin- heavens Is con­ Last year the society cared for 132 Roosevelt memorial fund i plac'd at centrated. babies under the age of two years. *250.00, and as this is for a worthy At the present time the home is so cause there should be no trouble in Belt Had Tightened, full that it has been necessary to raising that amount of money in the Tu o soldiers from Fort Mi Kinley, board out 200 babies under two years county. Maine, nt tended a bounteous repast old. oti Thankagivlng day, nud after par- REFORMED CHRUCH In order to carry on the work it taklnr of th»- most varied assortment ia absolutely necessary that proper of dlslieS. the hostess Inquired If they would have anything else. One sol­ buildings and equipment be provided, Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. dier gazed longingly nt the fruit, can­ and it is for this purpose that these Sunday School, at 10 a. m. funds are being asked. Public worship at 11 a. m., Subject: dy unti Ice cream a* yet untonebed, L'sH» Sas»—“I don't know where we re going but we’re aurely on the way The campaigns under the direction | Aquila and Priscilla; or Helpers in and it marked: “A little more room, plea*«.”—Everybody’s Magazine. the service of the kingdom.” of Mrs. S. H. Upton, of Portland, Field RUNNING AMUCK