I / T1LLA.MO9K HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 13, 1919. ; .......... . - ----- --------- - ---------- . MICKIE SAYS Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. /'""C m OICS) THIS 1« K8R SLkNtA Telephone Rates Reasonable Cl I HAVE A NEWS IttM FOR. THE PAPE&. "MR VsIHOOZIS, Individual line, wall set, §2.75 per month or 9 l-6c. per day Two party line, wall set, §2.25 per month or 7 Ic. per day Four party line, wall set. §2.00 per month or 6 2-3c. per day Stop and consider what you receive in return for this nominal expenditure. You are at all times within speaking distance with your physician, druggist. grocer and all business places desired. call Singer Agency—Opp. P. O. Pianos and organs > It is always at your service day and night, and on duty every minute of the year. PRETT't EASN'. Protects you and the home in time of danger and emergency. JE SX WMX XlLL Saves you time, energy and expense beyond estimation. 1st bOáá SEES TMAX "NEINS Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard. Bay City. Phone 162. Dr • Ramsey. Osteopath, Room 4 Masonic Building. !Dr...w- E- Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Wise. J —------ -- --------------- Counter Sales Books—Order vour Sales Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call 68 Headlight. Wanted to Rent—well stocked dairy NO-O ,T'“ u........ to ranch on .hn~. shares. Handy and cheese factory—O. E. Scott, Sheridan, Ore. care of Paradise Orchard Farms. 8-4. GUESS NOX Just think, all of the conveniences of the service, together with the saving of time, expense, protection afforded, etc., for the insignificant expenditure of from 6 2-3e. to 9 1 6c. per day according to class of service used. 3ee the Tillamook Feed Co. about Republic tires and save money. For Life Insurance, there is nothin? Is not the value ¡received for every dollar paid for telephone service greated than that received for any dollar you pay out. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. for rent. Singer Agency—Opp. P. O. CAN AMAIL HIAASELF OF T h E HIGH GRADE GOODS AND FINE MALUES AX BLANK'S *' AJO CHARGE, | SUPPOSE, FOR. < NEWS ITFAXS You are in constant touch with your friends and acquaintances. n. Tillamook has a resident piano tuner, WHO LIMES TEN MILES FOCM HERE ANO HAS ALVMANS traded in another - ioinn , IN AS IN OUR. Cl IN TOD AN ANO PURCHASED A $IOO BILL OF goods at blank ' s 6X0«. e ., AND VNAS SO WELL PLEASED T h AX HE ANNOUNCED HIS inxenxion op trading in THIS CIXN HEREAFTER SO HE better than what the Mass. Mutual offers. Ask to see specimen policy. —W. A. Church. ’• # k See Williams about Miller Cord and fabric tires. Prices right. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Tillamook Feed Company. • REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE ¿FIRST„NATIONAL BANK, at Tillamook, SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN PLAYED POLITICS. ALSO engaged in spruce production organ­ Russell Hawkins' Testimony in The In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on Sept. 12, 1919. Spruce Investigation at Portland RESOURCES ization, reading the list of suggest­ ions and recommendations he had made to Director-General. Coffin. The Whitney Company possesses a tract of 186,000,000 feet of spruce in Tillamook county, testified tlie witness. After his removal from the service he desired to aid In spruce production and offered to log this tract if a 12 mile railroad extension were made to the timber. The freight rate quoted him, said the witness, was in excess of that paid on logs from Toledo to Portland. “So 1 thought I'd try it again." laughed the witness “when I read that they needed 30,000,000 feet a month.” Thereupon he made Colonel Disque an offer to log the Tillamook tract at a cost plus one-tenth of 1 per cent basis, the fraction of profit to go to the Red Cross. Col. Disque thanked him for his generous offer, but said that he did not believe there was any appreciable amount of spruce in* the tract. The deal fell through, though Mr. Hawkins appointed two cruisers to meet cruisers of the spruce pro­ duction division, the four to recruise the tract. ‘Why did you offer such a con­ tract?” asked Representative Frear. “Such a scandalous contract?” added Representative Magee, with a smile. “I thought they wanted spruce,” replied Mr. Hawkins. “I had a boy on a submarine. Money don’t mean any­ thing to our crowd.” “Did the cruisers go again to the tract?” asked the chairman. “I don’t know,” answered the wit­ ness. “Our men were never called upon to go.” • “While you were representing spruce production, did you pay your own expenses?” asked Representa- five Magee. “Every cent of ’em,” said Mr. Haw­ kins. The witness testified that at the time he was removed from spruce service, neither he nor his company had any interest in northwest spruce logging, nor did they anticipate any. Tillamook ¡Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per issue. See Williams about the Republic, the yellow chasis truck that serves so well and honestly, a truck at an honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. For Sale. Pigs from the Duroc Jersey Tillamook Feed Co. buys hides. Come in and investigate their prices. Sow, Zell Colonel, a winner of sev­ eral blue ribbons. Pigs eligible to register. J. W. Jennings. Kilchis If you are contemplating buying a drag saw see the Tillamook Feed River. Co and get prices. Near the end of the spruce investi- LoanZ and discounts, including rediscounts.................................... $621,977.‘08 gi.uon in Portland, Russell Hawkins, 2,853.37 Overdrafts, unsecured................................................................................ oi the »»'liitney Co., was a witness U 3. Government securities owned: and his evidence not only shows that, For Sale, 1918 Overland in good Deposited to secure circulation (U.S. bonds par value $25,000.00 ex-governor West, but ¡senator Cham­ shape, with good tires. A bargain Films. Cameras and Photo Supplies Hedged as collateral for State and other deposits or bills Films developed 10c. with print berlain, was also instrumental in at $600. Enquire of Reed Farmer, payable................................................................................ $40.000.00 orders.—J. W. Edwall. ♦ having him removed, which goes to Beaver, Oregon. Owned ¡.nd unpledged........................................................ 76,500.00 piove that West was not confining War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually Equity in $550 almost new piano Auto Tires—investigate the Republic himself to the truth when he testi­ Standard, five thousand miles 739.91 for sale at a bargain. Inquire Sing­ owned ..................................................................................... fied that he alone was responsible 142,239.91 guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ er Sewing Agency, Opp. P. O. Total U. S. Government securities......................................... for Hawkins’ removal. mook Feed Co. Other bonds, securities, etc., it will be remembered that a dele­ Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays Bonds (other than U. b. bonds) pledged to secure postal gation trout Tillamook waited upon ali records at their best.—Palm Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ savings deposits..................................................................$ 3,000.00 Colonel Disque and advised him thut mook office across the street from Confectionary. * Bonds and securities! other than U. S. Securities) pledged only a few miles from this city there the court house, Mondays, Tues­ as collateral for state and other deposits (postal ex­ is the largest and best body of days and Wednesdays until further Alfalfa Hay, quality quaranteed at cluded) or bills payable...................................................... $5,000.00 spruce in the northwest. Amos Ben­ lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. notice. Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks, son was sent to Tiliuinook and it was owned and unpledged...................................................... $115,372.67 For Sale—Two milk cows coming reported about the city that he said fresh soon. Apply to W. R. Sim­ Total bonds and securities, other than U. S........................................ 123,372.67 there was not sufficient timber there mons, Tillamook. S-25 1,200.00 Stock of Federal Reserve bank( 50 percent of subscription . . . and Colonel Disque (old Mr. Haw­ 7,247.16 Furniture and fixtures....................................... ..................................... kins that he did not believe there For Sale—White enamel iron bed What Doctor Pierce Has 49,284.34 Lawful reserve with Federal lieserye Bank.................................... and springs, $10.00; Sanitary was any appreciable amount of tim­ 39,247.63 Done For Humanity t Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks............ Devenport cot and pad. $8.00; ber in the tract. 2,045.20 Net amount due from banks, bankers, and trust companies. . . Solid oak library table, $9.00; Old BY DOCTOR CRIPPS. W. S. Cone, who cruised and locat­ Checks on other banks in the same city .or town as .reporting brussels rug, $5; Almost new Mal­ ed the timber some year ago. hearing It has always seemed to me that 3,190.11 bank ............................................................................................................. leable Steel Range, oil heater, what Benson is reported saying, took Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., should be Checks on banks located outside of tity or town as reporting small oven. Inquire at Singer Meh. a mill man with him and went over placed near the top when a list of 8,579.23 bank and other cash items.................................................................... Agency opposite P. O. Tillamook. the tract, for he could not under­ America’s great benefactors is written. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. I stand why there should be so large He studied and conquered human dis­ Square Grand Piano for sale $75.00. 1,250.00 Treasurer................................................................................................... I a tract of spruce timber a few years or will exchange for cook stove eases to a degree that few realise. Interest earned but not collected—approximate—on notes ago and it amounted to very little and heater. See Mrs. Baurer, Bar Whenever be found a remedy that over­ 8,265.36 and bills receivable not past due............................. ...................... I now. It was to satisfy his own cur­ View, or Inquire at Singer Meh. camo disease, he at once announced it i iosity that he went over the timber Agency, Tillamook Sep. 18 in the newspapers and told where it Total again, and he came back with the could be bought at a small price. He report and reported that it was one Dining room for rent—Todd Hotel, did not follow the usnal custom of LIABILITIES. large double range, tables and of the best tracts of spruce • in the Capital stock paid in . 1............................................................................. $ 50,000.00 United States. This goes to show chairs, cash rent or will board for keeping the ingredients secret, so that the rich only could afford to buy the 20,000.00 how little the spruce division knew Surplus i»e."—Everybody'» Magazine.