LAMOOK ¡THE HIGH real soldiers, however,, not conscien­ Some More "Simplicity and Economy tious slackers. 3ei;tting Democratic Government ’ One way to raise the wages of the VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector MVTVAL Ger.eratAnsell says Secretary Bak­ COST OF PEACE er fought clemency. That was for MAKING. ------- o Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, BELL PHONE. MAIN 3 HEALLIGET. SEPTEMBER IS. 1019 PHONE s N =0 fl ¡fl City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. Following is the itemized list of he peace conference expenses sub­ mitted by President Wilson. Expenses from December 1, 191$ to June 30. 1919. Travel and subsistence $15.$43.4$. Subsistence. $154.914.03. Salaries. $103.$15.95. Wages to employes at hotel Crillon. $53.345.33. Stationery, office supplies, printing furniture and fixtures, repairs, news­ paper and mi-cellaneous expendi- tures. $40,432.71 Rent-. $5.720.0«. Food and hotel supplies, $12S.$2S- 10. Hire and laundry of hotel linens. $31.53,4$. Fuel. heat, light and compressed air, $20,03s.7$. Telephone. $166.17. Inventories and legal services, $3,- railway men would be to disenarge the ISu.Ovv extra hands it took to help the 1919 employes do less work than they did in 191$. A French deputy says that success­ ful operation of the league of na­ tions is unnecessary unless human nature changes. O, well, we will have a law passed changing that. ------- u American troops are in Silesia to supervise an election. Silesia ought to be able to make out about as square an election as Mississippi or South Carolina without the assistance of federal troops, don't you think? LAMB-SCHRADER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT LIME, PLASTER. LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. WAREHOUSE ANO OFFICE— COR. FRONT AND 3 rd AVE. WEST. TILLAMOOK. OR. COSTS T ESS THAN 5 CENTS A CORD TO SAW YOUR WOOD. OPERATES FARM MACHINERY*ALSO. VAUGHAN PORTABLE DRAGSAW. The peace comm lesion has cost us a a million and a quarter already and eno .gh more is asked for to make the All Work Guaranteed total cost two million dollars. It Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich even costa something to get nothing. Surely the other nations of the earth Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Your Patronage Solicited. Special-allotments to investigating ought to be perfectly willing to foot this bill. commissions, dispatched to Baltic J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. provinces. Poland, Turkey, the Bal- As Railway Administrator, Secre­ &aSH5H5ZSZSHSa525ZS2555Z5ÎSH5ZS25Z5BS2SH£25HSH5Z5ë5H5ZS252SZSZ525Z5Z5HS Kan-, Russia and the Caucasus, $lu5- tary McAdoo and the members of Lis I 61v.2t>. family, it develops, bad railroad and I Louiidenual expenses, $13,5(7.10. ruauL-.a oi automobiles, $14,662,- pullman passes, and even as presi­ dent of the moovie trusr. Mr. McAdoo VAUGHAN FACTS. 9«. continues to ride for nothing. Evi­ The only drag saw with the jiffy saw holder. -otal $666,859.29. See Grips or releases sate instantly. No holes c raveling expenses, stationery and dently Mr. McAdoo doesn't believe in Your to drill in saw head. Only saw with drive the French army motto: "Thou, uisbursenients oy the De­ Dealer straight behind saw Metalic dutch Sturdy. Shalt Not Pass.” partment of State in Washington, Write Us. Tested ------- o------- «uS,vv9.02. Total $704,$6».31. Vaughn Motor Works, Inc Dr. Paul Reinsch, American iceimbursement of the government 47f> F. Main. Portland. Ore. bassador to China, has resigned be­ t»y memberx oi tne rsmericau commis- cause he objects to having his pled­ s.on to negotiate peace on account of ges to the Chineses government re­ lUo-iatence lurnisued their wives, of- pudiated by the administration iiciai entertainment by the Secretary which authorized them. Dr. Reinsch oi estate and Edv.ard House, unex­ seems to be troubled with some old- pended allotments and miscellaneous fashioned ideas about international items, $16,721.42. honesty. Total net expenses December 1, ------- o------- 1916, to June 30, 1 j 19. exclusive of Minneapolic. (Minn.) Tribune," the rent oi the Hotel Crillou and "Perhaps you remember the story of teiegiaph charges, $686.146.69. the two men who owned a cow in Liabilities. December 1, 101s, to September 30, partnership? One of the partners 1919, including damages, the amount claimed the end that gave the milk of .rhich are not yet Known, approx­ and generously conceded the end that must be fed to his associate in imately $35,000 moutniy, $350,000. We take your Tires in Exchange. only is the First National the logical bank Telegraph and cable service the cow business. For some reason through the War department, bills the latter was not satisfied. Strange, for business around Tillamook— but you'll find but this makes one think of the not jet received and amount not yet most everybody looking upon it as family finan­ Plumb plan for the ownership and known, though the expense will be cial headquarters also. It is easy to see the value of operation of the railroads. ” . Í large. a "nationalized" account. ------ o------ Expenses of the commission from Only National Bank in Tillamook. July 1, 1919, to July 30, 1919, exclu­ The Buffalo (N. Y.) Commercial, DIRECTORS : sive of rent and telegraph service, says: “It is one thing to say that the First Street, next to McNair’s Hardware Store. A. H’. Bunn, farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. government shall buy the railroads $150,629.74. C. J. Edwards.Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holaen, lice Pres. Expenses of the Commission from and quite another for the govern­ B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. August 1 to August 31, 1919, exclu­ ment to raise the $20,000,000,000 W. ./. Riechers. Cashier. sive of rent and telegraph service, to put through the deal. When it comes to issuing bonds the people estimated, $129,000. Expenses of the commission from would have something to say about September 1, to December 31, 1919, it, and we cannot conceive of their estimated for four months, $4 40,000. coming forward for such a proposi­ Total estimated and actual liabili­ tion with anything like the zeal they ties so far as known to date, $1,250,- showed in subscribing to Liberty bonds. Fancy capital responding to 629.74. Less rental of the Hotel Srillon to an appeal for a labor controlled rail­ I .. r Ar. t ••4 . - I !.. a .nr nano« -E ly June 50, 1919, which is payable out way system." An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. of the appropriation for the national Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? r.'irity and defence, $245,000. Sammons. ------o------ Total a. propriulio... required, on In the Circuit Court of the State of t ..c ;. umption that the conference i..uj be prolonged io December 31, Oregon for Tillamook County. J..i.;e.. Hiatt, Plaintiff. 1919, $820,629.74. The tobacco that gives . vs, I 1<. al expem to cf commission, actu-1 Osa Hiatt, Defendant. al uitu estimated, $1,506,7 76.63, you the most lasting To O mi Hiatt, Defendant. Î chew is the kind that Asks an A.jountinj for Appiopria | In the name of the State of Oregon: Train! loc lendenhif ir the induauie» and ;tcf««< rtnfci'. , Zod are hereby notified and required saves you money. You i KOMI ECONOMICS AGRICULTURq COMMWCB. ►HAF.-.ACY MJMC. tions. | to appear in the above entitl. cau-e VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. ClVlL ENOINBERINO. EUCCTniCAb BNOINEERING. ------- o -------- don’t have to take so MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL BNCtNKERItia INDUST R1 Al. ARTS and court and answer the complaint MINING ENGINEERING. LOGGtNG ENGINERPIJG. MILITARY - ------ CE TrotoKed uy tha efforts oi the ad- filed herein. w.thiu six weeks from many fresh chews. The Th» College training include» counts in EngUah. Etc-norr.ica. Art. ^athemattn. Modern Language!, minisliutio:i to cover up its owi. pa. : the date of the first publicities of ptiytical Education. Indn'.rial Journalnm. Natural Scioxo. and all eitentiaU ol an education rich tobacco taste stays negligence in handling the growing this summons, which said date is th Three regular terms—Fall term begins September 2?, ’919 menace ot high prices by urging Con- Hili day of September, 1919, and it right with it. That’s g.e..s to make audilional appmpiia- you fail so to appear, for v.ant there­ why you take a smaller tioua with which to attack those rc- of, the plaintiff will apply to the HUI upo.islble. Representative MacCrtue. Court for the relief demanded in the chew. Republican of New York, has intro­ complaint, to-wit: for an order and For Colira* Catalog. Illuitcatcd Booklet »nd ether •rwwmrtion addrcM duced a resolution calling upon the decree forever dissolving, cancelling THE REGISTRAR. Oregon Agricull urli Colhè—. Cocvalli. President and the heads of all execu­ and anulliug the contract and rela­ tive departments to account to Con- tion of marriage heretofore existing Put up in two styles g.'-?.-. for the huge appropriations al­ between the plaintiff and defendant, ready made for this purpose, and to' and for such other and further relief RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco explain what steps have, or have not, as to the court may seem equitable W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco been taken during the pat year to in the premises. combat tire hoarder of food supplies» This summons is served upon you and the profiteer. by publication, by order of the Hon. "Long ago. Congress gave. the ad­ A. M. Hare, Judge of the County I I ministration the power to go into Court of the State of Oregon, for every cold storage, packing and food Tillamook County. -a hoarding plant in the United States Made and entered at Chambers at REGISTERED AND GRADES to demand information as to* cost, The United States the City of Tillamook, County of production, and current supply of Tillamook, State of Oregon. Of Any Breed. Grain Corporation on the food materials," said Mr. MacCrate, Announces that it will sell ------- o------- 10th day of September. 1919. "and the time has come when they "Straight" grade flour, to all Talmage, Claussen & Mannix should inform Congress what has AUCTION SALE EVERY purchasers, in carload lots, In Attorneys for Plaintiff. been lone. What has Secretary Hous­ 140 It>. jute sacks, gross weight Address Tillamook. Oregon. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. ton done with the great appropria­ delivered to any railway sta­ ........ o — tion placed at his disposal? In 1918 tion In Zone to. comprising the Can’t Do the Work. we gave the Department of Agricul­ States of Oregon. Washington, Dr. J. E. REEDY ture $2,225.000 to Investigate the and Idaho, at not to exceed It’s too much to try to work every very questions that are harassing us In Barn Near Depot. $10.00 per bbl. net cash, l’ur- now. A little later we gave this de­ day against a constant, dull backache chasers will be supplied from partment $7.000.000 to stimulate the or sudden darting pain in the small nearest available mill, which the production of meat, and last July of the back. Be rid of it. Try Doan's may result In slight saving for we appropriated $1.157.970 for the Kidney Pills. Your neighbors recom- buyers' account. TOWER’S fish brand gathering of facts concerning food mend them. Mrs H Lidyard. 4th Ave.. Forest prices. Secretary Houston now asks Wholesale and jobbing prof- its on such flour must not ex- g us to give hint an additional $500.- Grove. Ore., says: "Three years ago ceed 75c per bbl. and retailer’s {g 000 to combat the high cost of living. my kidneys were in a bad way. My Practical as a profit must not exceed $1.25 ® I think we ought to know what he back nearly killed me, it ached so. per bbl Address all communi- § has already done before we make ad­ Foi several days at a time. I couldn't plow, and just get almut to do my work, my kidneys ditional appropriations." cations to as necessary. were also congested and my limbs UNITED STATES GRAIN § began to swell My head felt dull and 2S?SHSKH525aSBS2SaSHSH52Sa5a5ESH5a52S2S2525a5ZSaS?5Z5ZSaS25252S25ESaS25 Make every CORPORATION Colonel House and President WII- at times 1 was so dizzy I could hard­ I rainy day 510 Board of Trade Building ® I son. It is said, have fallen out. As ly stand All sorts of spots and ob­ count. | Colonel House is apout the only one jects seemed to appear before my I Portland. Oregon. of the men who put up the money eyes. I felt so miserable I didn't care Btolerprooft and the effort to put Wilson in the If I did anything or not. I had taken — — ----- ♦- - Abaoluto Presidency who was still on speaking only two boxes of Doan's Kidney Announcement. are Marked terms with him. the report ia readfly Pills when I began to feel better In AND ALL KINDS OF TRADE All Work u GUARANTEED L c We carry a Full Line of V A United States Tires, Also Used Tires and Tubes R E p A I R I z J N N W est C oast R ubber C o G N I G The Family Ban! TILLAMOOK. OREGON The First NationalBank. BE A LEADER says the Good Judge Oregon Agriculture! College I THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Cattle Exchange FLOUR RESALE REFLEX SLICKER THE NEW HARNESS SHOP. Repairing Auto Tops & Curtains I •L'ktô, I Ì 9