TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 19, 1919. I Gem Theatre THURSDAY, Attractions. September 25, TUESDAY, September 23, • Mary Pickford in “AMARILLY OF CLOTHESLINE ALLEY.” When history is written, “Amarilly of Clothesline Alley” will be the standard by which historians will judge all Mary Pickford pictures. We all like Fun, and we will al) enjoy an hour of fun watching Mary in ‘‘Amarilly in Clothesline Alley ” Come earlj’ for seats. It will be necessary to do this. Don’t miss it. Tom Mix in “FIGHTING FOR GOLD.” A picture filled with thrills and action, bad men, a hero and a lively LIVE BEAR Don’t forget that Toni Mix can deliver the goods in a picture of this type. Nothing but dire disaster should keep you from seeing this cue It’s full of fun. ¡Never Too Old, 2 Reel Mack Sennett Comedy 60.00 27.93 Standard Oil Co....................... ■ 13.98 Charley Renfroe . . . A. J. Nails................. 89.80 Road Biulders Eqpt. Co. . . . 4200.00 ft. E. Meyers . . . . 11.97 I N. Bozler............... 500.00 161.73 C. F. Stone............................... 11.97 Henry Nelson .......... Road Fund. Elmer Lucas ............ 39.98 6167.79 — Lagler ........ 39.88 Chas F. Pankow .................... 7.98 W. -'I- Derick........................... G. S. Brooks............. Estate of A. W. Jackson, de­ 11.97 G. W. Wilkes . . . . 95.88 94.29 j. D. Johnson........................... ceased .................................... 1000.00 47.88 68.82 H. Vermilyea . . . . 77.80 Mart Reding............. Kirt Doerge.............................. Elmer Lucas ............. 79.90 41.89 B. Wiver ............... General Fund. 71.91 b. Edwards ............................. Ed Le Francis.......... 50.00 I 49.90 T. H. Goyne............................. 87.78 Jim Langley .... 5.49 i C. Derrick ................................ T. II. Goyne............................. N. J. Dye .................... 120.00 I 39.90 184.76 Oren Maddox ... . . 94.76 U. B. Edwards......................... 60.39 County Fair Board............... 1000.00 36.17 Loren Maddox . . . 86.78 Ike Shortridge.......... Kuj vV. Schultz...................... Charley Jennings . . 29.94 H. V. Alley................................ 152.52 31.42 A. Myers ............... 17.95 Aiuu Welts .............................. A. Warner ................. 52.39 C. A. Johnson........................... 150.00 207.74 ¿am Tomlinson . . 144.33 W. M. Roberson .................... A. J. Nails .................. 90.00 31.43 Myrtle Wallin ........................ Frank Reed.......... 200.74 1026.98 W. M. Robertson.................... Frank Oliver............. 120.15 27.93 J. H. Johnson ........................ 200.74 Frank Reed.......... 44.97 Schyler Edwards.................... 12.75 28.69 F. L. Sappington.................... 62.99 O. A. White.......... 2.24 C. L. Lewis Joe West .................................... D. M ood .................... 6.25 89.85 P. W. Barrett........................... 63.64 C. White................. 1.99 Btuce Wade .............................. W. D. Wood............... 3.25 120.84 R. Y. Blalock ........................ 158.75 W. F. Cain............ 142.74 E'red Patterson .......... ............ 10.00 71.88 J. L. Burke ............................. 116.74 C. W. Ross............ 117.30 Nd Jacoby ................. Earnest Schultson . ..'.......... 4.10 35.94 Henry Petite ........................... 113.36 Milo Beeman . . . . 117.30 Harley Witt ............. D. L. Jones .............................. 4.10 I 35.94 John Petite ............................. 80.82 F. H. Beeman . . . . 102.24 Lester Stits ............... M. K. Kerns.............................. 3.50 Tom Herrington . . . 32.94 Ralph Baker ........................... 27.93 E. Krumlauf .... 87.28 Lester Kerns........................... W. R. Gould . . . 144.00 i 149.75 Joe Blaser.......... ;................... Joe Houxhurst . . . 0.82 99.25 Arthur Kerns ......................... 63.84 Boys & Girls Aid Society ... 130.00 i 192.75 Geo. Krumlauf . . 80.29 H. Hollett .......... It. W. Mills .............................. B. M. Shoemaker 12.85 i 39.92 L. B. Carter ........................... 103.74 F. P. Hobson . . . . 79.80 Oscar Bennett ......................... 19.97 Homer Mason........................... 150.00 200.00 Frank Crane . . . . 97.75 R. C. Magarell . Vai Fisher, Sr.......................... 100.00 7.98 Vida Millis ............................. 155.74 Grif Kraulauf .. . 29.42 Ernest Nelson . . I C. C. Murphy........................... 75.00 7.98 Faye Hill.................................. 129.74 G. H. Benson . . . . 23.94 Clarence Nelson . A. J. Heater............... . ............ Coast Power Co ........................ 20.75 E. I Troutman . . . 5.99 23.94 103.74 R. o. Purvis .... W. J- Wilson........................... 15.90 3.99 Conover & Condit................. 116.73 ft. E. Meyers . . . . 56.35 J. H. Maddox ... Chas Baker .............................. Crystal Laundry Co................ 3.15 E. Troutman . . . 5.99 N. Bozier ............... 44.38 44.38 Composed of trophies captured on European Wilson Taylor...................... .. 5.90 3.99 C. O. & C. M. Dawson.......... 7.99 J. H. Maddox ... 24.43 W. D. Shafer . . . . Gale Glick ................................ 12.18 35 91 W. D. Dwight.......................... 124.75 Arthur Measor . 40.40 w. P. Morrison .. battlefields by American soldiers, and exhibits C. D. Hatfield......................... 90.00 7.98 T. E. Epplett........................... 107.76 C. E. Pearson .. 22.45 C. L. Evan . . C. B. Estabrook...................... T. E. Epplett ........................... 21.70 85.89 from the agricultural, naval and war depart­ 199.75 D. Benfield .... 110.81 Bert Tilden .. George W. Cook...................... 12.00 37.90 Frank Epplett ........................ 116.74 E. Benefield . . . 8.00 But Steel ... The Beebe Co............................. ments, will be on exhibition for the first time; a 91.77 H. M. Farmer........................... 131.00 48.00 Ray Woods 795.73 Frank Long . A. M. Hare ............................. Brighton Mills Co................... 184.16 Earl Ayer . 55.38 Frank Long . 12.09 12.00 . colossal array of magnificent exhibits represent­ 83.00 j. G. Brink........................... 79.60 Harris Furniture Co................ 83.79 F. J. Welsh . 60.75 Lester Best .. Coast Culvert A Flume Co. . Health Office........................... 21.00 Geo. Fowler 48.37 95.76 ing the state’s great industries and resources. 1.00 A. J. Fleming 30.00 Frank Elliott -...................... 27.93 L. S. Hushbeck ...................... 95.76 M. Letson ............... 1.50 O. E. Stowell Hi..er A Reed Steel works. . F. Jones ............................. J. 8.37 77.44 111.68 H. M. Ritteg .... 52.70 P. E. Allen . Ho .vard Cooper Corporation 133.33 87.78 G. B. Lamb ............................. 102.24 Lionel Spreece . . . 13.04 I. E. Cane............ .. 75.00 C. Nelson................................... Leo Blaser ............. 15.98 Marion Hare ........................... 137.84 9.59 Dick Bartrow .... 8.50 Oregon Box Mfg. Co................ 7.98 G. B. Lamb ............................. 127.86 O. Balmer............... 8.25 Ed. Braunshruther Kathleen Mills........................ 100.00 Geo. W. Phelps...................... Frank Armentrout' 23.94 Chas Haybarker . . 122.25 68.81 11.05 Silver Spruce Co...................... 68.62 Wahlen Supply Co................... 96.53 E. L. Erickson . . . 49.50 E. P. Briggs . . . . . 125.00 A. L. McCarty ...................... Star Lumber Co........................ F. M. Nelson .... 62.37 116.74 17.50 Leo nerd Cain .... 4.90 J. M. Traxler........................... 39.92 McCargar, Bates A Ylvely. . 47.88 Vai Fisher............. 410.00 Charles Briggs . . . Nelson & Co. . . . 10.00 Union Bridge Co. ............ Edw Mallory .... 112.37 23.94 Victor Olson .......... 112.57 10.00 Wilson Gilbert Co................... 213.14 P. D. Ott............ 103.27 D. C. Meyer .......... 14.12 Jim Goodman . . . . 110.00 I C. B. Stanley .. . Geo. H. Williams ................. SALEM, ORE. 31.92 E. C. Quick .......... 104.79 139.63 C. E. Allen .......... . 110.00 Coats Lumber Co. 60.35 John Aschirn . . . 95.76 Lee Affolter.......... L. C. Walker .... 53.48 238.40 Lamb Schrade» Co................... 56.35 W. L. Campbell . 76.30 Al. Bueche ............ 32.08 Alex Surgant .... T. E. Epplett .. . 38.75 Wilson Gilbert Co................... Vick Affolter .... 3.99 95.76 17.99 Fred Lange .......... Frank Epplett . . 7.50 A. C. and H. Anderson .... Walter Affolter . . 12.97 15.96 161.73 L. Batzner............. 27.00 Notice of School Election to Incr««se Apparatus and supplies, such Forest Ayer............................... » 74.08 Frank A. Reed . 139.82 Paul Lewis............. as maps, chalk, erasers, 14.40 Jim Walker.......... 2.00 Tax More than Six Per Cent Over B. Batzner................................ 61.84 Arthur Gilmore . 165.79 T. Booth ................. 3.20 Sam Evans ............ stoves, curtains, etc .. 800.00 12.00 That of the Previous Year, and E. W. Stanley ... Joe Blauser .............................. 23.94 187.76 G. M. Irish ...... Library books .................... 12.45 J. E. Davis.......... . 2S0.00 15.62 Tillamook Herald to Elect District Clerk. A Al Boon ..................................... 9.97 Bob Carson .......... . 71.91 Flags .................................... 17.10 Fred Kebbe.......... . 25.00 ------- o 20.15 Brighton Mills Co................... 7.98 Tillamook Mercantile Co. .. 49.93 Wilton Carson . . . Repairs of school house, out­ 24.21 B. Rittenhouse ... Notice is hereby biven to the 200.00 R. Tinnerstet .... D. W. F. Cain................................ 46.39 15.98 Fred AffSlter .... buildings or fences .. . 14.57 O. J. Smith .......... 750.00 30.00 legal voters of School District No. 9 Cloverdale Garage.................. 31.92 State Highway Commission 275.88 R. T. Boals ................. Fred Sullivan .. .. 15.36 100.00 7.75 of Tillamook County, State of Ore­ Improving grounds.......... O. & C. M. Dawson C. F. E. Davidson......................... 15.96 Hubert Etzwiler .' .................. 15.98 Playground equipment .. 20.00 C. J. Graham .... 100.00 gon, that a school meeting of said 63.50 H. Goyne ............... T. F. E. Dodge.............................. 39.90 15.98 Sullivan Trent ....................... Transportation of pupils. 15 66 Mr. Denny Sr. ... 750.00 district, and an election therein, will 2.00 Kathleen Mills .... F. S. Foster.............................. 34.42 7.98 Max Wuherter......................... » 1.200.00 20.52 Mr. Denny Jr. ... 9.80 be held in said district at the high Janitor’s wages................. Standard Oil Co. . .. Good Roads Meh. Co.............. Jim Booth ................................. 4.98 116.87 200.00 •3.04 Edw Mallory .... 9.15 school building on the 20th day of Janitor's supplies............ W. R. Gould........................... 23.94 Mutual Telephone Co. 89.82 G. G. Irish................................. Fuel....................................... 800.00 .85 Vai Fisher Jr. . . . September, 1919, at one o ’ clock In 8.25 Tillamook Trensfer Co. .. A. M. Hare . — ...................... 8.99 4.50 Ole Redberg.............................. E. L. Erickson .. . Light .................................... 250.00 4.89 the afternoon, to vote on the ques ­ 14.00 Multnomah County ............ Theo Huffman ......................... 3.99 87.32 J. Jensen ................................... 240.00 144.00 B. M. Shoemaker 10.70 tion ot increasing the amount of tax Water .................................. Louvire Cafe ........................ Willard Johnson.................... 27.93 L. F. Affolter ........................... 31.42 C. E. Pearson .... 250.00 23.83 levy In the-dlstrict for the year 1919 Clerk’s salary.................... I Mrs. Mary Burmester .... H. I. Loving ........................... 3072.17 R. M. Dingess ... 27.93 Al Bursche .............................. 8.98 Postage and stationery . . 50.00 11.97 by more than six per cent. 25.00 Florence M. Baker ............... Steve Matkovitch.................... 23.94 63.62 Fred Affolter............................ r. M. Nelson .... Bonded debt and interest 1.45 It is necessary to raise this addi ­ 10.00 Irene Eadus ................. Wahlen Supply Co................. 111.86 Frank Armentrout 67.33 W. C. Commons .................... thereon............................. 2,100.00 17:50 tional amount for the following rea­ Johanna York ...................... State Highway Commission. 225.39 J. H. Maddox .... 67.83 Walter Winters....................... 102.87 Interest on warrants ... 400.00 26.25 22.50 sons: Ivel V. Gillam ...................... Mrs. Jennie Taggart............ Lee Boot h ................................ 118.85 J. H. shoemaker . 11.98 1.00 It has been found necessary to pay Outstanding warrants .. 11,560.00 17.50 Ruby C. Brooten ................. Mutual Telephone Co. . 107.86 41.17 W. Ward ................................... 2,000.00 36.14 F. J. Welsh.......... 17.50 Increased salaries to all teachers and Purchase of grounds ... Wheeler Lumber Co........... .. . 54.86 Augusta E. Williams.......... Glenn 8. White .. 4.98 Guy Ward ................................. everything purchased is higher, and 2.20 10.00 Grace Illingsworth ............ H. C. Wilks.......... .. Hubert S^iith . . . 59.85 11.98 James Booth ........................... 256.93 40.00 besides this it 1 h desired to get com­ Total estimated amount of Wilson Gilbert Co. 111.86 Marie Getchell ................... Fred Scherzinger.................... r Nelson E. C. 15.96 money to be expended for 290.04 17.50 plete title to site where grade school Lena C. Hall ........................ Uheaiem Garage .. 35.91 C. D. Nelson 15.96 Junies Sutton........................... all purposes during the 11.97 building is situated. 17.50 Myrtle Dougherty '. ............ Harold Devine .... 35.91 John Thomas 9.97 Victor Affolter ....................... year .................................. 842,000.00 11.97 At said meeting and election then 12.00 F. B. McKinley ............ .. L.’E. Devine.......... 23.94 Welsh . 21.96 Claude Sherwood.................... will further be submitted to the le­ 6.33 F. J. 10.50 R. T. Boals ........................... ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Chas. F. Pankow . . 1.99 Austin Phelps ......................... 199.75 E. F. Carter ........................... 69.00 3.50 gal voters of said district, and said From county school fund Hawthorn Dock Co. 1.99 Rr. H. E. Rinehart............ G. W. Galloway...................... I. H. Elliott ......... ‘ ............... 175.78 13.00 3.00 meeting is called for that purpose, City Transfer Co. . during the coming school 47.94 Mrs. T. L. Gillen................. 11.47 Lester Edwards...................... 169.54 Seined Hodgdon .................... 1.00 the question of authorizing the dis­ F. J. Welsh ........................... Lamb Schrader Co. year .................................. $ 3.970.00 127.35 Walter Affolter ...................... Naihan Maddux...................... 7.98 trict school board to purchase for the 30.57 .75 Nelson A Co.............. From state school fund dur­ 8.50 Merle F. Holman ................. Wheeler Tel & Tel Co........... Daniel Hall .............................. 7.99 201.13 .75 district a release from W. D. Still­ Southern Pacific Co. ing the coming school 14.14 Mrs. Jessie Taggart .......... 51.87 I Wilson Gilbert Co................... 150.70 Roy Graves .............................. .75 well of his interest in the tract of Standard Oil Co. . . 1,015.68 year .................................. 355.76 Mrs. Florence Getchell . . . Lamb Schrnted Co................... J. W. Stults .............................. 95.88 10.20 land heretofore conveyed by him to .75 Harry 0. Quigley ............... Tillamook Iron Works .... Cash now in hands of the 731.27 J. B. Phelps ........................... 207.74 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................ 8.80 the district for school purposes, be ­ 10.11 Tillamook Public Service Co. county treasurer, belong­ 191.98 Nehalem Garage ................. 98.75 John A. Carroll...................... 25.00 Don Gilbert .............................. .81.47 ing the tract now occupied by the C. E. Allen .............................. 205.00 ing to the district .... Alex McNair Co........................ 29.00 Ackley A Miller ................. Ed Morehead ........................... 103.74 25.54 i 2.40 grade school building, and to pay Estimated amount to be re­ Brighton Mills Co................... 227.69 King prenshaw Co.............. Alex McNair Co........................ G. Vaughn .............................. 127.24 228.31 i Howard Cooper Corporation .85 said Stillwell the sum of »2000.00 Alex McNair ceived from all other sourc­ 36.18 King Crenshaw Hdw. Co. . . 367.47 25.00 Gus Buffum .............................. for said interest. 6.00 E. Epplett F. L. Sappington . .•............. ,• T. es during the coming 32.24 Standard Oil Co..................... Mara Letson ........................... 90.58 Said meeting is called for the fur- 3.00 Standard Oil Co........................ 155.05 Berned Hodgdon .................... 14,000.00 school year 65.75 ft Y. Blalock W. P. Hadley ....................... 10.47 3.00 3.00 ther purpose of electing a District W. B. Turner .. .•.................... 20.00 E. W. Stanley J. S. Graham ......................... C. W. Connar ........................... 6.23 43.00 3.00 Clerk to fill the unexpired term of Total estimated receipts. not E. E. Parker........................... 175.95 Ralph Dodge 6.23 Dan Fletcher ...................... 55.50 C. R. Hodgdon......................... .50 Erwin Harrison who has resigned. Hawthorn Dock Co.................. St einback J. L. Including the money to be 142.74 13.72 H. B. Lewis........................... 174.28 Albert Darby...................’. . . . Dated this Augiist 22nd. 1919. Chas F. Pankow .................... received from the tax 125.72 Frank Fess-nden .................. Cliff Kinnaman ...................... 17.46 I 7.98 Erwin Harrison, Dist Clerk. Attention Berry Growers. Clark Janson ........................... which it is proposed to 215.73 J. M. Denny ........................... 75.90 Cummings-Moberly Co ... 15.96 H. T. Botts, Chairman of th« Lewis Johnson......................... I 67.91 ! James Pallin . . vote .................................. 319,190.68 1M.75 Graves Canning Co., are ready to 7.98 C. G. Graham........................... School Board. Miles Blalock........................... 29.14 I ' f J. S. Graham . . 177.77 receive your blackberries at any time RECAPITULATION Am. Railway Express Co. . . 67.91 Chester Jensen ... ..................... 176.77 They will furnish you crates free of i 105.86 ¡ i Chas Blum .. . estimated expenses Total 36.90 P. M. Turner........................... Emmet Benfield Notice of School Meeting 201.74 charge, and you can obtain them at 27.93 W. B. Shafer .. for the year.................... 342,000.00 83.89 N. D. Carsner......................... D. W. Benfield ...................... 127.84 any time by calling at the cannery Claude Lewis........................... 64.33 H. H. Crane .. 64.91 Notice is hcr'-by given to the legal Total estimated receipts not W. McClay ................................ 195.75 opposite the Tillamook Bakery. Re­ 69.59 G. W. Phelps . . Including the tax to be vot­ 29.42 F. M. Lewis . . . voters of Schoo] District No. 9, of Adolph Balmer......................... 55.93 i Tom Purvis . . . 191.75 member Graves Cannery Co. operate H. H. Crane .. . ed ....................................... 19,190.68 75.90 Tillamook County, Stat, of Oregon, Leo Blaser ................................ 63.84 an exclusive berry cannery, and are I R. B Mlles . . .. 72.35 Wm. McCay . . . 3.99 that a school meeting of said district E. J. McLaughlin.................... 83.79 here to stay and will pay you at ail I 27.43 j J. Beebehlser . . 71.53 I Harry Miller .. . will” be held at the High School Balance, amount to be raised E. R. Ayer ................................ 135.00 ¡ Carl Johnston . 23.94 times the full market price for your W. G. Lynn .... by district tax............... 822,809.32 Building, on the 20th day of Septem Tillamook Iron Works .... 244.23 35 41 81.79 ; G. L Hewitt . . We estimate that a levy of 7.3 16.29 Horner E Wilkes fruit. ber. 1919. at one o ’ clock In the after ­ Cloverdale Merc Co................ 229.60 j R. O. Purvis . .. 71.32 J. M. Smith is affiliated with the noon to vote on the proposition o! mills will be required to produce the 5.65 L. C. Wilkes.................. Cloverdale Merc Co. ............ 99.75 Graves Canning Co. as field manager G. S. Brooks ................. 83.89 Geo. Carter .. . amount of special tax money shown 80.81 Tillamook Iron Works.......... 106.23 Anyone wishing to sell their berri« s levying a special district tax. 41.89 Chas Johnson . 1.05 Mart Reding ................. The total amount of money need td above. J. A. Carroll ........................... 101.74 picked or otherwise, can call Mr. 69.86 W. B. Shafer . . Dated this 22nd day of Aug: 1919. 41.90 Ed. Le Francis ............ by the district during the fiscal yea: Frank Reynolds...................... 74.88 51.87 Ackley A Miller N. J. Dye«......................... Erwin Harrison, Smith at bis residence on either beginning June 18th, 1919. and end 33.67 A. B. Estabrook...................... 24.59 18.96 Ackley A Miller District Clerk 3.99 C. L. Lewis...................... phone. Ing on June 21st. 1920. is estimated Henry Burke........................... 300.00 60.60 N. M. McMillan E. A. Worthington .. . H. T. Botts Graves Canning Company, Inc. in the following budget and Include- Peter Belleque............................ . 19.95 46.38 State Highway Commission. 1731.90 Clarence Edner............. Chairman Board of Directors. 19.95 the amounts to be received from th- ■rnest Belleque .................... 58.45 7.98 Anderson Bros......................... For Sale. 19.95 Pe>e Erickson ............... county school fund, state school O. Carver ................................... 7.98 A. T. Dolan .............................. 368.30 5.99 Ike Wells......................... fund, special district tax. and all John Imlah .............................. Ford Truck For Sale. 66.21 4.49 Alex McNair A Co................... 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only 39.95 Will Roberson............... George Ethel ........................... 1.00 been run 300 miles. Good tires on other moneys of the district. ------ o------ 20.94 C. Neilson................................... Markus Reust J ............ 39 95 Frank Carver........................... BUDGET 26.65 machine and one extra, also a bump- 11.98 J. L. Steinback ...................... George Cook ................. A one ton Ford truck for sale Ap­ 31.96 Victor Lane.............................. 403 24 ér. Will sell this ear cheap. Inquire i Teachers’ salaries............. 119,500.0c 43.89 I J. L Steinback ...................... 3 99 J. H. Smith.................... ply at Case ’ s Garage. Guy Schoppert ......................... Furniture .......................... 400.0' 87.10 at Willard Battery Station. 37 «0 I State Highway Commission Com ml Baton 3.99 Frank Oliver .................. Ralph Chileott......................... COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS I Wiii Hudson .... -- - ■ —v~----- - OREGON State Fair ¡¡SALEM SEPT. 22-27 Government’s Giant War and Agricultural Exhibit Greatest Horse Show Ever Staged in the Northwest. A Superb Racing Program. The Best oí Amusements and Attractions A. H. LEIA, Secretary I