TILL a MOOZ HEADLIGHT. SEPiEMBEH 13. Report of the Condition of the 1 touch cf »urrow makes the world | h* world war, but he changed his I *klr,” and that in this their great I md. as be did m a good many other The local schools opened Monday, affliction we extend to them our dinss be said. We wtU quote a few: At Tillamoek. in t‘- State of Oregon, at the w those who were fortunate enough to Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .. ............. Reader», with reading matter Ronds and warrants .......................... ............. May 17, 1916—»mee the rest ot tune for the physiol education re­ make his acquaintance. Therefore be it resolved that we as Stock, securities, judgments, etc. — ........... per line................................... 7: id is mad. why sb. aid w- not 4 ed by the new state law withcu. he Notices of meeting» etc per line ~r. refuse to have anything to do with a^miaeiag the students later In th member* of Marathon Lodge No. 83. Furniture and fixtures ........................ ............. Knights of Pythias, extend to the Other real estate owned .................. ............. fee feet of th? world in the ordinary afternoon th a n oetore. thus int tx. r**avie', would mean t merely that we - 11 bet Russell Hawkins a new bad been thrown off : our balance by oc ks will be used in certain sub­ ily. and one io the newspapers tor j Cash on hand ..................................... ............. ■ int. earned but not collected (approximatej will not coat the Whitney Co., a war with which w re have nothing as the local dealers have not publication. .Stock Federal Reserve Bank........................ u a mile tor th? logging road to do. vhose causes es annot touch us." yei receive: a.: the new oooa« frc-i Respectfully aubcuitied in F. C. - building up the Kilchis river, o .'.er. the J. K. G-r* B. Eeptcniber 2, 1^16-—"We hare the state **555,614 a nobody has a democratic co«: Chas. E Gibson. Total not QEly it wju - Co., ot Portland, who state their sup­ piu.- « contract. H. J. Hickerson. ply has not yet been received from he fixed and traditional policy of I.IAHIL1TIES. o C. A. Johnsen. •be United Staten es to stand alcof from lie maaulaetwrera. The dealers hope ■furder will out. This is what Re policies of Europe, but because to nave are the books in tne nex: Capital stock paid in I dO.OOO.oV General Disque is reported saying: S'ore For Ren: we had no part either of action or of week. Surplus fund ....... 10,000.00 ' I am not upholding the aircraft policy Mr. J. A. Churchill, Super. :eac-_t ■Undivided profits. less expenses and taxes paid in the influences which 11.250.11 Stere ppcsite Sunset garage tor Dividends unpaid boaru nor the democratic party; Drought on the present war." ot Public Instruction, has . quested 12.04 nt. Rosenberg Br ls toliowi.g the new course ot Total i655,8n.:j airplanes. It was criminal negllrer.ee gram to his Imperial Majesty. Em­ study in music for pupils sttsdyii-s on the part, of the aircraft board and peror William: "In bêtait of the music outs.de ot school. Teachers ot State of Oregon, County of Tilla- Subscribed and sworn to before nn General Merchandise, anook. ss the democratic administration. this Sth day of #rrty . 1919. tocemnui’ ar.d the people of the music who are interested in securiag .L C. M. Dyriud. cashier of the Bay City. Oregon. /-> Margaret Coates, Uuixed State- I have the pleasure to a certificate may secure applieatio. Reference was made to the 15« extend to your Majesty cordial feli- blanks of the local city supe riniend- above named lank do solemnly Notary Public. officers who were employed in the itattons or. this anniversary of your ent. swear that the at«ve statement is true My commission expires Nov. 22, 19’* Yes. birth as well as my own good wishes Yeon building in Portland to the best of my kncwledge and be- Among the graduates of the local Correct attest; H. T. Botts, Jams some of these officers were used for for your welfare.” I Sei I high school who are planning to C. M. Dyriund. Cashier. Williams, David Kuratli. a pul Hefty bureau »ending out ail May 19. 1915—"There is such a enter college this fall are the follow­ kinds of dope lauding Colonel Disque thing as a man being too proud to ing. Joseph Schnai and Elane Tccd and so much of this dope was printed fight There is such a thing as a na- I who are planning on. emeng the in the Portland newspapers that it ion being so rich that it need not Uiversity of Washington; James Päo« 72. gave one a tired, disgusting feeling convince others by force.” May. W. G. Wilmot, Faye Harr to think how "omd of these officers May 13. 1915—'Recalling the hu- .'layme La Follett and Thoma« Cea were employed at home to win the mane and enlightened attitude here­ University of Oregon; Haze! Lamar We are icst conpktiKg 14 years of bank service for the people of war The whole plan of the publicity tofore assumed by the Imperial Ger­ Oregon Agricultural College; Verne Bay Qty and tributary country. We invite your further patrou- ——o----- Í bureau of the -prune division was to man Government in matters ot in- Bain. Willamette University. Storage—Oils a«e, and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still laud and praise General Bisque, and •e-.national right.” better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business Reparnng of all cadi. the Portland newspaper- were made May 13. 1915—”• • • • having Charming Story by Gifted Writer. with us. Depository for Qty, County, Port and Siate, Give B* a triaL pliant tools in the propoganda. , learned to recognize the German ------ o------ • Go:r i Wredeaa. views and the German inflnenee in Maria Thompson Daviess, author of One cannot overlook the fact that the field of internation al obligations “The Golden Bird a delightful story In August, 1914. when the blood as always engaged on the side of which has been picturized by Para­ ECONOMY CLEANERS thir-ty Huns invaded Belgium and j tut ice and humanity • • •” mount under the name ot "Little AND DYERS started the war so that Germany February 3. 191«—"We believe Miss Hoover", for Marguerite Clark, could dominate the world with her that we can show our friendship for is a hr: 1 lane writer w hose novels and 2nd. Between 3rd and 4:h- military power. President Wilson the world and devotion for the pur­ stories nave won her tame and for­ I New Syrups. Come and See was not very strong for democracy poses ot humanity better by keeping tune. Miss Daviess has written sever­ MODERS EQUIPMENT. Phone 32. or a league of nations, for when the out of this trouble than by getting al stories which have been adopted PERMANENTLY LOCATED. German arrrxy was committing all into It.” for the screen, but it is said that manner of horrible atrocities in Bel- October 1«. 1915— 'America • • "Little M-*o Hover" oat oatranks ranks he.- E F. Schultz, gium. the Presiden’ advised the peo- ought to devote itneif only to \t& previous efforts in point ot dramati. pl» of tne United States to be neu- things that America beHeves in. and interest and excellence. BAY CITY, OZJ5CO’*' A. Ornamental Fire Placet 3uilt tral. for the war in Europe was oelievtng that America stands apart Nancy Craddock the heroine of of Brick and Stone, AH Kre non» of our bosineee and the United in its ideals, it oug.n' zz>t v> allow Little Mas Hoover," is a society Place* aboointtly guaranteed Sta--- >houid not get mixed up in ft. itself to be drawn, so far a» _•» heart g.rl of Wash.agton. D. C. who de- i not to smoke or money rw- Then was the time for the President is concerned into sometirX.’ • gwar- c.des to do her bit for her country t>y funded. to have taken a stand for democracy rel • • •” .•a_-..-»g chickens. She becomes a far- Urick work of all kind* dons wh< he saw a great powerful na- January 22. 1317— I; a. ; a nerett and .n the course of her op- Phone Main 71 on short notice. tior overrun and tramp upon a small peace without victory • • • 3 *a- ezatiao.. meets a charming gen'le- Wc nuke a specialty of re­ country like Belgium He raised no ory would mean peace forted on -.xe on lamer pairing smoking Fire Placon nt whom »he loves. Of word of protest to Germany, but lower; a victor’s terms imposed -,x-x «seme there is a rival to whom closed his eyes to the horrible crimes the vanquished It would be f.cep-- 5- / g.ten her promise to wed, tha’ "•ere committed in Belgium. It *d in humiliation, under darem at # . Orval E'xlle has returned to Cor­ W. Phelps. ed. by the poke nose and interfering man Geivernment in matters of In­ members o' Marathon Lodge No. 69, roRNEY-AT LAW. vallis to resume his studies at O. A. Fred Paquet had the misfortune methods of Os West and Senator ternational right; having learned 'o Knights ot Pythias, extend to the Coinplete Set of AbstractJB xks a C. to have a cow- kick him on the leg Chamberlain. It looked as though the recognise the German views and the bereaved family our heai'feit sym­ Office. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. F. last Friday, breaking his leg just be­ gover-.ment did not want evperiene- German Influence in the field of in­ pathy in this their hour of sorrow. 8. Bousie. Tuesday. Sept 16. Mother low the knee, Taxen I'ai