C0JLX3G YOU YO SMUT r . '/ * . r « * Passing the Word Along Good Oil Is '■T'*HERE'S a good fellowship between car-owners which makes everybody anxious that the other should get all the benefits going in the handling of his car. 1 Ï á ■' g That s why there is so much mouth-to- mouth advertising of Firestone Gray Side wall Tires. is a. rts- - One man tells the story of the better- than-ever work he is getting this year frem the Gray Sidewall Firestones, The other buys a set—and so the good word passes along. H. C. B70NL, Agent, Tu.Oreg«. The Brunswick ‘ Ultona” plays all records at their best. Result—wonderful and constantly grow­ ing numbers of this tire all over the West. Hear them at the Palm Confectioners' J- JF your immediate need is a de­ pendable. painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. il -.-zirt.-et Ike ata. fl ILr : ix :»c—1.XS- utrt ? P ckc ix-i.t Ji » jus' vu; j » us uítué uf’ TIRES Most Miles per Dollar Ih«ix I .V tkr faaf CMipru. b vii.' t* ûoottr Fuv. ~Àtc tfcw ua- t» pavvrwed rn a rptm tí xac. tràxrrr~ yi’ 'MiMjtf txsmxu tx dis.» •emrm muf b», y.** <** txwíiraiy WpO« Of o^-àiu. tMaä»- prU cm peracaMÍ oejm.-rn Cigarettes made to meet your taste! TILLAMOOK COrvn BANK iiuvi Bini liti Cameis are offered you as a cigarette entirely ocs ui ordinary—a flavor and smoothness oner be:'.re attamec. To best realize their qual- ~y compare Camels with any cigarette in the TTcriti at any price! Cér-jth flavor s 9c refreshing. so enticing, it will vc yoo aa crjoe—it ts so new and unusual. That’s v.'**sr expert b end of choice Turkish and dacnoe xc>?-r. tobacco gives you! You’ll prefer tus iaead so e.ther idrdof tobacco smoked straight! CUOI GHS CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disinfecting where Contagious or I k S&k A: yoc smoke Camels, you'll note absence of ary œçfeflEaat aguretty aftertaste or any un- pieauacJ «garvtty odor. And. you'll be delighted T. tLXxr.'tr that you esn smoke Camels liberally wzthoot tiring your taste! infectious diseases are pres ^¡ling. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture ar.d by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. ! T ixt Camels at any angle—they surely suppi} caçaaes-x occtentmer.t beyond anything you ever ezçerji'.ced. They’re a cigarette revelation! Y rm do no* trss coupons, premiums or gifts. You .7 prefer Camels quality! if takex s:ifx l«TZL> to n*k* K X Ctùe. 3; ¿i W axtri 13 cents a package prom * a» *-■/* t««rrv tor* « w-e—• .^y renJaxi W*-* rXJG < 4. -—i I - ’’"ft M W t* Xm»r-«a.x >:■ it?. in eus* ;< ajury 1* u xnmr*i*xx tt'.x»n M fttmuod U BkMBBtty. %»•» v. -- _________ Democratic conrrcsMnen are com- piainmg because a bold-over cbaplin in the Hous* has been requeued to deliver no more prayer^ from the Speaker's rostrum ta favr»r of the British league of nations. But what a howl they would have set up if he had been allowed to pray on the other side of the question