9 >K ■ • I I % 2 / % •? ,r -il* HraiUitjIjt. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. ¡Tillamook Jottings. 'I / 4 f ! on the right hand side of the carrier, are hereby re- to move them as provided in 827 Postal Law* und Regu- AU failures to be reported. necessary, nor is it necessary to post Favors Continuation of Allied Church was some coffee with rich cream and of the Mortgage Company. Up to this the names. They can appear and be sugar. A number of visitors from the naturalized the same day before U. At a meeting ot the members of the Tillamook Cow Testing Association time no assignments of the mortgage This is fun week at the Gem. S. Commissioner Tomlinson. Presbyterian Church on Sunday were present and enjoyed the hos­ to the First National Bank of Camas, Six nights ot comedy at Gem Evangelistic services at Tillamook evening, it was decided to continue pitality of the Nestucca Association had been recorded. The Holland bank advanced the Theatre, see program. Dr. and Mrs. Lebow have returned Christian Church beginning next the Allied Church, composed of the as well as the remarks made at the »6.500.00, which was paid over to Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sackett and will be at Dr. Wise’s Tillamook Thursday evening, Sept. 25. Mr. Methodist, Presbyterian and United i afternoon session. State Dairy and "ffice on Monday and Tuesday, Bay Cross and w ife have an international Brethern, provided that in the selec­ 1* Food Commissioner Mickle, was the Robison. Upon learning of this situ­ on Sept. 14, a daughter. City on Wednesday; at Cloverdale on reputation as gospel workers and ___ we .. tion of a pastor it rotate with the principal speaker and made an ex­ ation. the First National Bank of Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Boussie, Thursdays; Nehalem, Fridays and invite all to hear these noted people. three denominations. Following was cellent talk on lines of development Camas, assigned their claim to F. D. of Bay City, Sept 16, a son. Small and D. C. Urie, sureties on Wheeler Saturdays. * The grocers can only dole out »1.00 the resolution passed by the Presby­ and progress shown by the dairying i Robison’s note to the bank, and they — Four pigs for sale. 2 months old, worth of sugar to their customers, as terians: interests of Tillamook County. Curl Married Sunday, September 14. at] for $8.00 if sold at once. W. H. "Resolved, that we continue the Haberlach and Ben Kuppenbender, bring suit for the full value of the the home of M. J. Edwards, Charles the government still controls that Banke, Netarts, Phone 9F14. present arrangement, provided that of the Tillamook County Creamery I original note, amounting to »11,500 Fred Edwards to Elma Elsie Stimp- necessary article of domestic use.. —‘ for * foreclosure of the entire Charles Kunze was in from Her­ son, of Tillamook. They wll make We hope and pray that the food the other congregations remaining Association; Mr. Westover, of the O. and original mortgage to Beals. miston and was again enjoying Till­ their home at Hemlock. Rev. Harry commissioners will not make us eat in the alliance agree to a rotation of A. C.; Dr. Lyttle, State Veterinarian amook weather. E. Tucker, of the Christian Church again those nasty "substitutes” the ministers in the order of Methodist, and Roy C. Jones, Co' 'UAty Agrtcultur- GEEM THEATRE PROGRAM democrats filled us up on during the Presbyterian, and United Brethern; ist, made some very fine talks on in- I A fire in the O’Donnell house called officiating. • ------ o------ out the hose company on Tuesday, war. It may, however, come to that, it being understood that the Allied terest to all. County Agent Jones al­ Married Monday, Sept 15, at the for food stuffs are going out of the Church will receive and support a Friday, Sept. 19—"Sign of The and ihe damage amounted to about so acted as master of ceremonies. Christian Church parsonage by Rev. country in large quantities to feed Presbyterian pastor beginning Oc- Cross”, Paramount production, »200.00. State Dairy and Foqd Coipissioner Harry E. Tucker, Leroy T. Edwards people in other countries. featuring William Farnunt. tober 1st, 1920; and further provid­ Mickle, drove his car from Portland Kasper Zweifel and family left and Katie Agness Stimpson, of Tilla­ “Burton Holmes Travelogue.” ed, that this arrangement and pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Swan Hawkinson, vision be accepted and ratified by all to Cloverdale on Wednesday,"the day Saturday, Sept. 29—"Almost Mar­ Monday for the East, where they will mook. They left immediately for before the festival, -through tlie visit relatives and friends for about Salem, where they will make their who have been conducting "Bunga­ tile congregations involved and their ried,” Paramount production, feat­ reservation mud in the rain and low City” at Bayoceun for the past constituted authorities( district six weeks. tuture home. uring May Allison. su- made several detburs on account oi season, have closed up the bungalows perintendents, etc) by October “Lloyd Comedy.” Three stages of love, Saturday, lst, road work in Yamhill county, and There will be a sale of 20 head of and have moved to their cottage for Sunday, Sept. 21—"Getting Mary 1919." Sunday and Monday at the Gem,- registered and grades at the Cattle ' got stuck in the ipud at one place the winter. They had a very success­ Married”, Select production, feat­ | until he was helped out. He stated "Almost Married” "Getting Married” Exchange next Saturday, Sept 20. 12 ful season this year and have given uring Marion Davies. Jury List for October Term. and “Happy Tho Married.” ‘ that if any one wanted to take a head two years and over and two very good satisfaction to their pa- "Pathe News." chance of riding with him that they St. Mawes Eminent lass, a high yearling heifers, Same will freshen trons. Mr. Hawkinson has charge of the jury for the October term of cov.ld do so that afternoon after the Monday, Sept. 22—“Happy Though within the next eight weeks, All bred Jersey calf, owned by Joe Don­ a number of the best cottages at Bay­ the circuit court, which will convene Married,” Paramount production, aldson,, died of disentry. This calf high producers and high testers, ocean and will make a number of im­ the first Monday in October, was meeting as he was determined to b< featuring Ennid Bennett. in Portland that night. This shows some milking. Sale starts at 1 p.m. was valued at one thousand dollars. provements in and about these prem­ drawn on Wednesday, as follows: “Lyons-Moran Comedy.” the spirit of our state commissioner Wilfred Bonin and Miss Susanna ises during the closed season. Jamc-s Williams, farmer, Tillamook. Tillamook Jersey Club will meet at j as it was quite noticable that there Tuesday, Sept. 23.—"Armilly of Clothesline Alley,” Artcraft pro­ the farm of Mrs. Theresa Ross, one ■ Brown were married at the home of Miss Ethel White returned front Frank Mayer, farmer, Hebo. were a number of dairymen who duction, featuring Mary Pickford. half mile southwest of Tillamook on the bride, at Yellow Fir, Sunday, her vacation Friday, and will start L. J. Whiie, farmer. Meda. lived close by who did not attend I Ser-t. 14, at high noon. "Pathe News.” Mrs. Dora her classes this week. She has devot­ J. W. McKinley, laborer, Bay City. Trask river, Thursday, Sept. 25. and who would have profitted by the I Young, of Beaver, assisted by Rev. T. D. Lucas, farmer, Cloverdale. excellent remarks made at the meet­ Wednesday. Sept. 24—"Little MisB Mrs. Clifton Ross and family, of 1 I G. E. McDonald, of Portland per- ed herself to the study of music for Frank Clara, farmer, Tillamook. Hoover”, Paramount production, a number of years, having studied in ing. Salem, who were visiting at the forming the ceremony. A sumptuous featuring Marguerite Clark. N. G. Boquist, farmer, Tillamook. the Albany and O. A. C. conserva ­ Professor Westover, of O. A. C., home of Attorney Geo. P. Winslow, dinner was served to twenty-two “Bray Pictograph." tories besides taking the Dunning F. R. Beals, real estate. Tillamook. spent several days in Tillamook returned to their home on Wednes­ people. The bride wore blue taffeta Thursday, Sept. 25—“Fighting For Andrew Anderson, farmer, 'Tillamook normal course of Mrs. Carrick county, during the week with county day. silk. Gold”, William Ifox production, Burke of Portland, She has taught E. 11. Condit, merchant, Tillamook. agent Jones, in visiting numerous featuring Tom Mix. E. J. Claussen vs. Feeney & Brem- I Henry Leach, of Fairview, has pur­ the Dunning system for two years V. Donaldson, farmer, Tillamook. herds and farms in the county, as “Never Too Old” Mack Sennett J. T. Nevins, shoemaker, Bay City i and feels especially capable of teach- -jodaoa l«a[J XauaHjatua pua “03 aa chased the Anderson cottage at Bay­ did also State Veteaarian, Dr. Lyttle, Comedy. ation is a suit filed in tue circuit ocean. This cottage is in a sheltered ins the beginners as well as the Verner Holden, farmer, Tillamook. with Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, County vel- I court to recover $3,787.98 oil prom­ cove with a fine view over the bay. more advanced. At present she can be Claude Lewallen, farmer, Hebo. enarian. The Cheese Situation. issory note. i They will occupy the cottage at in- found at Prof. O. V. Whites on 3rd William Glick, ‘farmer, Cloverdale. Wm. Hare and his wife and family W. F. Messner, farmer, Cloverdale, ’ tervals during the year, especially St and 3rd Ave. Phone 18 W. were prenent at the festival. Dr. Marriage licenses were issued to Carl Haberlach returned from a D. J. Dunn, farmer, Meda. Reedy and his wife; Miss Cary, Jim­ trip to Portland and Seattle, where Wiltred Bonin and Susanna Brown; during the winter hunting season. A The O. E. S. Kensington Club met Geo. H. Williams, cruiser, Bay City. I mie Watson, Rolleta i Watson and he bad gone in the interest of the Charles Fred Edwards and Elma number of Tillamookers are contem­ in regular session Thursday after­ Edw. Morehead, farmer, Beaver. Rollie W. Watson spent the day at cheese market. He also heard Presi­ Elsie Stinipson; Alvin A. Wicklund plating securing cottages at Bay­ noon at the Masonic hall. Mrs. Mc­ Robt. Watt, millman. Bay City. i ocean. the festival also. The ! attendance dent Wilson at Portland Monday and Cecil Kinnaman. Murphy, of Salem, Worthy Grand D. L. Jones, farmer, Blaine. filled the grange hall I almost to evening at the Auditorium. He re­ I There is some controversy as to Matron of order of Eastern Star for W. H. Edson, farmer, Blaine. The Tillamook Meat Co. has given standing room being at a premium. ports a great deal of miscellaneous orders for a cold storage plant to be who the blackberry patches belong to Oregon, was guest of honor, and dur- , Lewis Anderson, millman, Hemlock. Now to the arrangements and in- Washington and Oregon cheese in on the public road opposite a person's ing the afternoon gave a most inter ­ F. L. Buell, farmer, Tillamook. placed in the Sanitary Market, which plration of the First Annuel Nestuc­ dealers hands in Seattle, but many of will be a valuable addition to that property. The same question was esting talk on Eastern Stur work. At Wm. Goeres, farmer, Tillamook. ca Cow Testing Association Festival, the lactorles have closed down i . raised last year and it seems to us a late hour delicious refreshments P. E. Allen, farmer, Nehalem. establishment. it appears that Miss Miller, the Test­ will be compelled to close uow.i that an opinion was given' by some­ were served in the dining hall, where C. W. Mcllvaine, theatre. Bay City. erite, was responsible tor the meet- shortly because they cannot get The case of Vern Blanchard who is body that the bushes belonged to the lovely bouquets of pink and white I C. Christensen, farmer, Bay City. ing, and many compliments were charged with violating the fishing owner of the property. This is not sweet peas were artistically arranged Albert Boon, blacksmith, Cloverdale. paid her for carrying out the (Ians enough money for their cheese to law, will be tried before Justice of authentic information, and only giv­ adding a charming note to the affair. ! P. W. Barrett, printer, Tillamook. meet the condensory competition. that made the day so enjoyable to all. Much ot their cheese has been selling the Peace Stanley and a jury tomor­ en for what it is worth. After a time spent in soci.al conver­ ! D. A. Bailey, farmer. Cloverdale. Many thanks to her and here ’ s hop ­ row. Judge Geo. R. Bagley will come to ing that this will not be the last of a for 28c. and the condensors are now I Weather conditions in Tillamook sation the club adjoucned, with a paying $3.25 per 100 -lbs. of milk. A typographical error in the Au­ county have been peculiar the last vote of thanks to the hostesses lor. a Tillamook the end of the month and most enjoyable event. Should our market be placed at 30c.,. tomobile Record’s report of Tilla­ week. Early Saturday morning there very pleasant and profitable after­ will take up equity cases until the it will bring their prices down to 26c. | time of holding the regular session. mook county placed the number of was a frost and later in the day the noon. Everything Good About "Getting and it would be only a short time Maxwell cars at 12, whereas the cor- wind turned to the Eest, making it Mary Married.” Wicklund-Kinnaman Wedding until their cheese stocks ar> used up rect number Is 72. the hottest day of the year. The east Faiiview Farmers to Build Water and the market be in. good shape The Tillamook quota for the Boy wind continued until Sunday after­ Marion Davies’ latest Select Picture again. It is expected when the pres­ The marriage of Miss Cecil Kinna- System. , Scouts is almost full. If you want in noon, when a refreshing west wind man and Alvin Wicklund was solemn­ "Getting Mary Married" which can ent stocks are used up, the market -------o------- and are over 12 years of age, see the took its place. Since then the weather ized at the home of the bride’s par­ A company has been organized be seen at the Gem Theatre, Sunday, will be in good condition until next Scoutmaster at once and register or has been threatening to rain, but the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kinnaman, ' among the Fairview dairymen and September 21, is the best thing Miss spring. it will be too late for this year. Harry rain did not materialize. in Tillamook, Sunduy afternoon, has been incorporated as the Fair- Davies has ever done. It so coniplete- The Wisconsin market dropped to E. Tucker, Scoutmaster. I view Waler Supply Co., of Tillamook, ly eclipses her previous productions 26V4c. at Plymouth this week on j Attorney Geo. P. Winslow has ac­ Sept. 14. The bride was gowed in Georgett Oregon, of which Wm. Maxwell is that there is no comparison. Miss twins, and for that reason it was Sheriff Campbell was advised that cepted the chairmanship for Tilla­ a Saxon Six was stolen from the mook county for the Roosevelt mem- crepe, over white satin and curried a president; John Schild, vice-presi- Davies has seized an opportunity to thought best to drop the Tillamook I dent, and Rollie W. -Watson, Sec. show her sterling worm. There is a triplet, price to 30c.. That will keep garage at Bay City, which belonged orir.l association, which was offered shower bouquet of roses. Miss Jetta Little, gowned In pule Ties. '1 lie directors of the corporation long list of good things to be »aid the Wisconsin cheese off our market, to Geo. Matthews. As far us the the editor. Mr. Winslow left Wednes­ Sheriff’s office is aware, no trace day for Portland, but would not be pink satin, was bride's made, and are Wm. Maxwell, John Schild and about Miss Davies and her*lates* ] p ro- as it is felt It would be a mistake to there in time to attend the confer­ carried a bouquet of pink and white Geo. Williams. Articles of incorpora­ duction. Her support is good, the permit our market to be flooded or the auto has been found. tion were filed several weeks ago for titles are good, the continuity ■ I k with cheaper Wisconsin cheese now ence of the state executive committee carnations. of Nehalem, but would attend the meeting last Willianu Chisholm, Clifford Kinnaman attended the $20.000.00. and the company propos- good, the photograpy is good, the and then have a slow sale here the and one of the well known loggers evening, which was addressed by brodegroom as best man. Mrs. H. S. es to commence at once to build a direction is good, and the lead, play­ baiu .ee of the season. It is felt that of that part of the county, was Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. model n up-to-date gravity water ed by Norman Kerry, Is unusually tile drop will be only temporary, Mann played the wedding march. declared insane on Wednesday, and Following the service, which was system, with their source of supply good. Altogether it is a top notch however, mid that better prices will N. P. Wheeler Jr„ of Pennsylvania, will be taken to the asylum at read by the Rev. Dr. Gibson, of the from Hughey creek, above the cite of picture. again prevail when present miscel­ whone family have large timber in­ Salem. M. E. Church, the bridal dinner was the old May- Cooper wuter system laneous stocks are used up. .Many terests in Tillamook county, and A. I. • that supplied Tillamook for years. If you are not able to laugh, or do Hall, of Los Angeles, Cal., were In served. Tillamook people do not yet fully Sensational Cases Filed. Miss Kinnaman for the past lev/ The new system is a long felt want, ------ o------ not have the habit of laughing, you the county last week. As they were realize that we are getting large re­ C. E. Hadley vs Paul Ebinger anu turns for the comparative small cost will get some good practice at the al. o interested in dairy cattle, County years has been connected with the and the dairy farmers interested are ... very much in need of this water Tillamook County Bank, and Paul of inspection, selling and advertising. Gem Theatre this week, look at the Clerk Mason on Friday morning took E. T. Haltom’s dry good store, of Til- program and you’ll want to come them to see some of the dairy herds. lmnook, where she has made a host system. Besides supplying the farm­ Ebinger, trustee, is a suit filed in the On the other hand, many people de­ of friends. ers it will also supply the Holstein, circuit court growing out of a pur- mand cheese they can sell cheaper, every night, They were more Interested in the Fairview and Elwood factoiies with euase of promissory note to the especially to certain classes in the Mr. Wicklund. who has but recent ­ Fred C. Scomp vs. Charles Elliott Holstein, but Mr. Mason showed ly returned from service overseas, is an abundance of pure water, and al­ amount of ¥9,200.00. Prays that the larger cities. is a suit filed in the circuit court to them some Guernsey herds as well. a well known and prosperous farmer so the Odd Fellows Cemetery and the defendants be cited to appear, and 1 he association will store several recover the sum of $195.65, the On Wednesday afternoon, Septem­ of this vicinity. There were about new fair grounds. Some 50 or more that the Tillamook County Bank b>- thousand boxes of cheese in Los value of 12,910 pounds of chittim ber TO. Mrs. Winslow and Mrs. W. A. fifty friends and relatives present at farmers will be supplied with water, decreed to be the trustee ol the plain Angeles and San Francisco __ for bark taken from the plaintiff's place, Lewis entertained the J. U. G. club the ceremony. The bridal couple left which will' accommodate over 1500 tiff and to hold for the plaintiff the awhile, as there Is a certain demand which the defendant agreed but fail­ artlie home of the former. After a i Monday morning for Pendleton anti head ot cows. This is a move in the promissory notes and agreement», for older cheese and buyers do not ed to pay for. pleasant afternoon of needle work, Salem, where they will visit the right direction in putting in a per­ and that the defendant bank be re­ feel like storing cheese in face of Ruth Partridge, sister of L. E. the hostesses served a dainty lunch­ Round-Up and State Fair. Returning manent gravity water system, and qtiired to deposit in court ihe note» the mutation for lower prices. It 1H ! Partridge, of the Gem Theatre, who eon to the following guests and to Tillamook, where they will be at will add a great convenience as well and documents. either to store some cheese or to cut spent the fall and winter here two members. Those present were Mrs. home to their many friends after as a value to the district which it prices below cost of production to years ago, I k expected to arrive the Ross, of Salem, Mrs. Bales, Mrs. Nov. 1st. - ill serve. It is planned to have the F. D. Small and D. C. Urie, partners move it, und the dairymen have de­ last of this week and will probably Partridge, Mrs. Mannix, Mrs. An­ supply installed and in operation at doing business under the name ot cided to do some storing on their own make Tillamook her prominent home. derson and Mesdames Foster, Hansl- the earliest possible date. We wish to Small and Urie, vs. Sant Bauer, other- account. If it pays the dealer it Fighting For Gold. niair, Stanley. Christensen, Carroll, ------o------ congratulate the stockhold“rs and wise known as Simon Bauer, Emma should pay us. Dr. J. E, Shearer announces his Small, King, Williams, Allen and Tom Mix the William Fox star the promoters of the enterprise for Bauer his wife, F. R. Beals and Thud return from the service in the medi­ Swenson. will appear on the screen at the Gem their spirit of progress in making Robison, is a case filed in the dr­ cal corps. United States Army, and Novel Theme Employed in “Happy cult court, ill which the complaint It is reported that the clerk of the Theatre next Thudsday in as fine a this improvement. will resume his medical and surgical Though Married.” Western play as has been put On the alleges: ------o------ practice in office rooms 12 and 13, Hotel Portland, where President Wil­ screen. It is called A ’ Fighting for On May 8, 1919, jam Bauer, of Nestucca Valley Dairymens' First That the management of hush.- ik I h son stopped while in that city, had re­ National Building. Tillamook. Neskowin, executed a mortgage to cannot be reduced to a written for­ Annual Festival. quests from 50 persons who wanted Gold,” and the scenaro, which was A large number of local people are ------o------ 1-. R. Beals, on certain r^al estate mula with the same accuracy as a re­ to occupy the room and bed the next written by Charles Kenyon, Is based planning to go to the State Fair next On account of the rain last Thurs­ neur Neskowin, to secure a note fot ceipt for doughnuts is the theme night that the president occupied. on "The Highbinder,” the book by week. County Agriculturist Jones We wonder w hether postmaster Todd. William Macleod Ralne. It contains day, Sept. 11, the big dairy festival $11,500,Ou, payable sixty days after about which is developed a series of will hate charge of the 1 illamook C. E. Trombley, J. S. Lamar and S. a charming love story, and Mix again planned by the Nestucca Cow Test­ uate. On the following duy F. R. delightful comedy situations in booth and the exhibit left here on A. Brodhead were among the num­ demonstrates that he can ride up and ing Association, which was to have Deals assigned the note and mort­ “Happy Though Married ’ Enid Ben­ Wednesday. I ber. It must surely be some honor to t down at any angle, that he can rope b. -.i held at the farm of Mr. McKIl- gage to ’Iliad Robison. On the 31sl nett’s new Paramount pliotopluy Mrs. H. T. Botts left for the East leep in the bed that * the president four men at one time and break up a llp, was held at the grange hall at uay ot July, Thad Robison assigned which will be shown at the Gem the first of the week, and will be s. cupied who kept us out of war and plot against him, and that he is a Cloverdale. A large numbei of dairy­ the note und mortgage to the First Theatre next Monday. away about three months. Mr. Botts promised to reduce the high cost of wonderfulmarksman. He proves, too, men and their familleH spent the best National Bank, of Camas, Wash., as This new picture from the studio went to Portland with his wife and 1'vlng six years ago. but hasn't done that his leading lady, Teddy Simpson pan of the day in social enjoyment security for a debt which is said to of Thomas H. Inc is a story that is much safer in his arms than she is as a consequence ot this festival. A i ..mint to about $7000.00. turns the laugh on jealous husbands expects to leave for the East later in so. riding in a runaway wagon. In this great community spirit was furlhe, i'. D. Bmall anu D. C. Urie signeu and wives with a heavy sugar coat­ the year. All discharged soldiers who did not scene Mix gives his audience cemented together by the good thing.« the note to the bank as securities for ing of comedy slips over the advice Isaac Moore and Margarite J. receive their papers while in the ser- a thrill, for riding at break neck that were brought forth. The noon Robison. About the 15th of August, to brides not to accept too seriously Moore vs. Tillamook County is a vice, and who were not discharged speed he calles to the ___ ___ , hour arrived with a bounteous spread in compliance with an agreement be­ keepsakes of olden days they may girl ____ to jump suit filed in the circuit court to re­ on account of physical disability, from the wagon and he catches her such as the dairywomen of the Nes­ tween Robison and Sam Bauer, strain and enjoin the agents of the may appear before the examiner, in his arms as easily as a profession­ tucca valley know how to prepare Thad Robison obtained a loan from find in their husband’s trunk. That man is a ready victim to > the county from trespassing upon their and the circuit court on Monday. al catches a baseball. < and from well filled baskets and the Mortgage Company, Holland- green-eyed monster is brought out land, and that the plaintiffs have October 6, with two witnesses who A bear is & lively feature in the ether places too numerous to mention America, for »6,5 00.00 on a portion by the action of the story and I the judgment against the county for knew them before they entered the film and acts his part wonderfully the tables were loaded to groaning of the real estate, and at the same conclusion is that literary tr< ;-.t tinea 9300.00. service and can identify them as the well. The bear was .either tame or under the feast prepared by willing time, released from the operation of on how to manage wives and 1 htm- All patrons of the rural mall deliv­ persons named in the discharge. was mesmerized, because Mix han­ feminine hands, Mark Bays affiliated be original mortgage, the portion bands all must have been written^' ery routes, whose mail boxes are not Proof of five years’ residence is not dled him as he would a pet collie. at the coffee pot, and believe me it >f the real estate securing the loan bachelors and old maids. ------ o------ ♦ located road to quested Section lations. % » i « ♦ *t. 4 I » i 4 • y. r I / * « t > «c a Ì -