TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 11, 1919 Butterick ty4utumn Patterns. Hemstitching. Special 12?c. Yard. New Silk Lingerie. Hemstitching on all kinds of fab- rice, from the sheerest of chiffons to the firmest of linens, at this very special price. Mail your orders, en­ closing additional amount to cover return postage. Buttons made to order In either plain or celluloid rim styles at prices from 25c. to 60c. per dozen. The daintiest and prettiest Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Wash Satin Camisoles. Bloomers. Envelope Com­ binations, Petticoats and Night­ gowns, Filet and Vai Lace trimmed and tailored hemstitched effects. Tillamook, Oregon. Wirthmor Silk Blouses. Butterick Patterns are the most economical in the use of fabrics and yet when finished look smarter, pret­ tier and better fitting than any others. When ordering by mail add lc for 15c. and 20c. patterns and 2c. for 25c. and 30c. patterns. New Fashion Sheets free. Crepe de Chine and Georgette Silk Waists, in White, Flesh, Grey, Plum and Taupe. Hemstitched and Filet lace tnmmed models, some with beau­ tiful embroidery. Sold here only and at the same price the nation over. $5 September the Month of School Outfitting and this Store is the Logical Place in which to make Selections. Liberty Bonds of any Denomination taken at Face Value in Lieu of Cash. Special Values in “Nik" p£!r Suits Dress Ginghams. ■ , For Real Boys The boys’ suit problem has been Bolved by "Nik” Steel Fiber Suits. They are the one real innovation in many years of The most satisfactory fabrics for Boys’ and Girls’ Girls’ school dresses. Good wearing and washing scribed. Amoskeag Utility Dress Ginghams in pretty colored plaids, and Ever­ ett Ginghams in desirable stripes. Headquarters for All 27 colored inches wide yard ................................................. Rubber Footwear and Rain Clothing. per 35c. 27 inch wide Amoskeag. A. F. C. and Red Seal Zephyr Ginghams in stripes, Here you will find a complete selection of sizes in the following lines of rubber foot­ wear at the very lowest prices. checks great variety of and School Stockings here de­ qualities plaids in a pleasing colors. Time to fill the children’s Hosery needs and this is the logical place in which to make selections. Here are three special values. Boys’ and Girls’ medium weight ribbed hose in Black in sizes 7—7% —8—8% only. Price per Pair . 39c. Girls’ fine ribbed hose in a good Black and all sizes from 6 to 9%. Sizes 8 to 9%, per pair............ 49c. Sizes 6 to 7%, per pair.......... 47c. Boys’ Heavy Ribbed Black Hose in all sizes from 6 to 10*4. Sizes 8 to 10%, per pair ................................ 59c. Sizes 6 to 7 %, per pair ...... 49c. Madras “Voc” Ball Brand Sporting Boots .... $7.95 Ginghams in a splendid, “Firestone” Sporting Boots..................... $10.00 of pretty plaids in blues, pinks and greens Goodrich Straight line Knee Boots and stripes in various widths and colors, per yd. .. . 63c. Boys’ and Youths' Storm King Knee Boots. Boys’ and Youths’ Goodrich “Hipress” Brown Boots. Boys’ and Youths' Straightline Black Boots. Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Gum Boots. Men’s and Boys’ "Hipress” Rubber Shoes 6, 8, and 10 inch tops. Men’s and Boys' Ball Brand Rubber Shoes 6, 8. and 10 inch tops. Gold Medal Waterproof Clothing in long and •% Slickers. Jackets and Pants. Bone Dry Jackets and Pants. Parafine and Rain-Test Coats and Pants. Boys’ Slickers. Nobby and Sou’wester Hats. Union Suits selection Goodrich Grewn Knee Boots. are re-inforced by extra thicknesses of cloth at the seat, knees and where the friction comes between the knees. The re­ sult is a suit that will last as long and longer than any two ordinary suits. Some of the suits have an extra pair of pants, a great boon to the-boy who is ex­ tra hard on clothes. We show “Nik” Steel Fiber Suits in Mixed Greys, Navy Stripes, Seal Brown and Blue Serges in sizes to fit boys 7 to 18 years of age at prices from Girls’ Munsing Goodrich Brown "Hipress” Sport Boots $7.95 32 inch Renfrew Zephyr “Nik” Steel Fiber Suits $11.95 to $19.85. Per yard ........................................ 39c, Goodrich White "Hipress” Hip Boots . $10.00 clothes making. They were invented for the emancipation of mothers from mending and patching and to give a boy a chance to grow out of a suit before he wears out of it or breaks through. Light, medium and heavy weight Union Suits in White Cotton, Wool and Cotton, and Wool, in a variety of styles and sizes to fit ages 2 to 16 years at prices per Buit from . $1.00 Boys’ Furnishings Here the boys will find a complete selection of Shirts, Waists, Underwear, Collars, Ties, in fact everything a boy wants to complete his apparel needs for scnool, play or dress wear. Boys’ Shirts Boys’ Waists Grey Flannel Shirts with military collars. Plain blue Charming Fall ¿Models In Cadies' and Misses’ chambrays Suits--Coa ts- - Skirts Blue Flannel Waists, Khaki Waists and fancy stripe and the ever • and Fancy popular Stripe Waists Silk In splendid color combinations for boys Khaki shirts for boys 10 to 16 years 6 to 14 of age. Prices from....................... $1.35 ,r™ .............................................. $1.25 years of age, at prices Very Modestly Priced Boys’ Munsing Underwear Included in the wonderful selection of outer apparel shown in our Ladies’ and Misses’ Dept, there are garments by the makers of the famous “Palmer” and "La Vogue” Suits and Coats, Cotton, mixed and all wool Union-Suits in sizes to fit boys 2 to 10 years of age at prices Per Suit from........................................................... $1.20 At $39.85 We show suits in Navy Blue Biir- rella, Drown Serge and Plum Serge. Long straight line models with nar­ row belts und button trims and Vel­ vet and Plush Collars. Other Suits at prices from >47.50 to $105.00. Here they are—The New Models in the Famous Wirthmor Waists As Always For Boys’ and Girls’ Are All ¿Made of Solid Leather. You will find “Star Brand” Shoes the best in the world for those strong sturdy boys and girls just starting the Fall term of school. Read these brief descriptions. At $29.85 the Nation Over There's a Kersey Mixture loose fit­ ting belted Coat in , 50 inch length with large armholes trimmed self covered buttons. A most becoming model at a very modest price. Other Cloth Coats are priced from $37.50 to $98.00 and Plush Coats from $39.00 to $125.00. $1-50 s As one lady remarked the other day, “You can’t buy the materials alone for tho price Star Brand School Shoes of the famous Wirth­ Girls’ heavy Chrome and Box Calf, Lace and Button Shoes, Brown and Black English Shoes in Kid and Calf, and Skuffer Shoes in Black, Brown and Horsehide at prices per pair from.................. $3.25 Bovs’ Heavy Chrome, Kip and Box Calf, 6—8--10 and 12 inch top Shoes. Brown and Black English Shoes, black calf in button and lace styles with medium toe priced per pair from ............... $3.95 At $5.85 You are offered a Black Serge Dress Skirt in a very stylish model with side pleuts, tailored belt and buttoned trimmed. Other smart mod­ els in Panamas, Duchess Satin. Silk Poplin, Bengalines, Fancy Silk Plaids and Stripes, Velour Plaids, Wool Poplins, Serges and Brillian- tine> in sizes up to 38 inch waist, at prices from $8.45 to $32.50.- t^At Last-Just Received ' c.^n Exceptional Consignment Ladies’ Silk Hose In Black and Colors The Millinery \Dept. mor Waists." And as for duplicating the styles, well, one And Workroom Is Now Open. would have to employ an artist in the closest touch with And what a wonderful display of new Fall Creations you’ll find. Original Pattern Hats and the New "Chin- Chin" models are features of our Fall Showing worth viewing. MISS B MOISAN. a trimmer, designer and buyer of wide and varied ex­ perience has taken over the management of the Dept, and wtll he glad, at any time, to advise you on Millinery Matters whether you buy at the time or not until later. Trimmings favor the new Monkey Fur and Feathers of various kinds as well as a great variety of little nov­ elties in pleasing colors. The matron will find in our new selections a particu­ larly pleasing variety of smart and becoming shapes to choose from. fashion tendencies te approach anywhere quisite perfection In style and near the ex­ finish shown In every Worthmor Model. If you have not yet become acquainted with Wirthmor $1.50 Waists you have a treat in store. If you ■do know their value and style you will appreciate the beifity of the four new models sketched above. Sold in Only One Good Store in Each City. Sold Here Only. Millinery Dept. Crash Toweling Special 25c. Yard. All linen weft Crash Toweling 18 Inches wide. In a On the Balcony Outing Flannel Special 25c. Yard. Splendid weight and quality of 27 inch wide Outing fabric and very absorbent. Actual 3 5c. quality for and dark colon In stripes, checks and plaids. Actual 35c. quality for only......................................... “Best Knit” Silk Stockings, $2.50 A splendid' weight of Jap Silk Stockings in Black only and sizes 9 —-9% and 10. Snug fitting, seamless feet, will outwear any of equal qual­ ity. weight or texture. Pure Silk Hose in Black. White, Cordovan, Fieldmouse and Light Blue tn sizes 8% to 10%. Seamless feet, snug fitting. The best wearing silk hose offered today. Price per pair..................... Price Per Pair................... $1.75 $2.50 Afternoon and Street Dresses good heavy weight and unbleached. A splendid washing 25c. “Best Knit’’ Silk Stockings, $1.75 • Exquisite New Models in Flannels in plain white. Grey. Blue and Brown and light Per yard only..................................................... Now— for 'he first time in many months we are in a position to offer complete selec­ tions In sizes and colors in Ladies’ Silk Hose. In view, however, of the extreme scarcity of this merchandise we urge you to select your needs at once as we can not secure guarantees for future deliveries. 25c. • Of Black Duchess Satin in Tunic and drape effects, some with lace Vests and Collar». Priced from .................................................. $34.00 Of Georgette Crepe and Satin in Black, Brown and French Blue. Some Embroidered, some Accordian Pleated. Priced from.... $37.50 Of New Wool Jersey in Tan, Kangaroo Navy Blue and Copenhagen. Redingote, Plain Tailored and Tunic effects. Priced from $38.30