TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919 Wanted plain sewing. Prices reason- MICKIE SAYS X"oJO\Ct > THIS 1« tAR.BLfctaA I HMt « HEV4S ITEM FOR. tHt PAPER. "MR V4HOOZIS. WHO LIVES TEN MILES FROM HERE ANO HAS ALWAYS TB.AOEO IN ANOTHER TOWN, WAS IN OUR CITS TOO AN ANO PUttCHASEO A ilOO BILL OF goods at blank ' s store , ANO WAS SO WELL PLEASEO THAT HE ANNOUNCED HIS intention of trading in THIS ClTN HEREAFTER SO HE CAN AVAIL HIKASELF OF THE HIpH GRADE GOODS ANO FINE values at blank ’ s ." no 'V rettn easn T NO-O , I 'T jest wait T ill , THE BOSS SEES i THAT "NEWS” GUESS NOT) Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per issue. For Sale, Pigs from the Duroc Jersey Sow, Zell Colonel, a winner of sev­ eral blue ribbons. Pigs eligible to register. J. W. Jennings, Kilchis River. For Sale, 1918 Overland in good shape, with good tires. A bargain at $600. Enquire of Reed Farmer, Beaver, Oregon. Equity in $550 almost new piano for sale at a bargain. Inquire Sing­ er Sewing Agency, Opp. P. O. Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays all records at their Confectionary. best.—Palm • * Alfalfa Hay, quality quaranteed at lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. Let B-K he your disinfectant. It is safe, .clean and powerful. For sale at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Let your co-worker on the farm be the Cleveland Tractor. On display at Kuppenbender warehouse. Roosters for sale—Thorough bred roosters of different varieties. Ap­ ply to John Hofman, Tillamook. 3 200 acres, a snap, near P. 0. and school, 6 cows, 2 yearling heifers, 3 calves, 1 sow, 3 horses, All wa­ gons and implements, furniture and house, all crops. Price $7,000. Terms. Address J. Bagley, Myrtle Point, Ore. For Sale—White enamel iron bed and springs, $10.00; Sanitary Devenport cot and pad, $8.00; Solid oak library table. $9.00; Old brussels rug, $5; Almost new Mal­ leable Steel Range, oil heater, small oven. Inquire at Singer Meh. Agency opposite P. O. Tillamook. WHAT THE WORLD WAR COST onable. Address Mrs. Myrtle Dougherty, corner 2nd St. and 6th ave West. Sept-11 D a ’ s Allen and Sharp. National Building. Dentists. Let W. A. Church write your hay insurance. Nothing Really Remarkable About This Tree. ♦ Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. Tillamook has a resident piano tuner, Considering It* Variety and the Place Whence It Comes, It Could Hardly Avoid Having a Criminal Nature. call Singer Agency—Opp. P. O. The Boston Globe. In Its “Odd Items" column, prints an item about a t res Agency—Opp. P. O. which absorbed some of a rail fence. Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard, We have lost the item, so we don't Bay City. Phone 162. • * know where this tree was. or Is. but It couldn't have been anywhere near Why not place your feed orders for Harmony, Me., says the Lewiston Jour­ the future with Kuppenbender. nal. If It had, the owner never would have had the nerve to mention It in Buy your hay at Kuppenbender’s the face of the remarkable perform­ warehouse. ances of a tree that stood on the land of a relative of ours. Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4 Our relative had been a soldier In Masonic Building. bls youth and when he bought this fnrm he brought to It a number of Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. shrubs, trees and flowers collected Wise. In his wanderings about the earth. This particular tree of which I speak Counter Sales Books—Order .your was of the Thlevohunulsh variety and Shies Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call came from Prussia. It grew rapidly after it was set out 68 Headlight. and crowded out all other growing Wanted to Rent—well stocked dairy stuff for 20 feet around. In ten years ranch on shares. Handy to school It was three feet through, and In 15, and cheese factory—O. E. Scott, four feet through at the base. The peculiar thing about this tree Sheridan, Ore. care of Paradise was not its rapid growth, however. Orchard Farms. S-4. Let us explain. Our relative built n See the Tillamook Feed Co. about barbed-wire fence by this tree and to save driving a post nailed it to the Republic tires and save money. tree. Well, the ends of the fence be­ For Life Insurance, there is nothing gan to disappear. Our relative thought better than what the Mass. Mutual someone was snipping off the ends of offers. Ask to see specimen policy. the wire for some reason. His wife —W. A. Church. - * was of the opinion that the wire had too much wool In It and was shrinking See Williams about Miller Cord and In the dews and rains. In any case Fabric tires. Prices right. Satisfac­ from 10 to 20 feet of the wire would tion guaranteed. Tillamook Feed disappear every night. My relative finally gave It up, and in Company. * about two weeks the wire had disap­ See Williams about the Republic, the peared entirely and the mystery was yellow chasis truck that serves so greater than ever. We simply couldn’t well and honestly, a truck at an trace It. honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. Then we began to miss articles left near the tree. A hired man left a Tillamook Feed Co. buys hides. Come scythe In its branches one night. The in and investigate their prices. next morning it was gone. Some one left a pall near by and If you are contemplating buying a that disappeared. drag saw see the Tillamook Feed Finally the matter wns brought to a Co and get prices. climax when the blooded bull calf which hnd been tied to a stake near Films. Cameras and Photo Supplies this tree vanished during the night Films developed 10c. with print About this time my relative noticed orders.—J. W. Edwall. * that there seemed to be an extraneous growth of some sort of about six feet Auto Tires—investigate the Republic above the butt of the tree. He began Standard, five thousand miles to have his suspicions about thia tree. guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ He determined to sacrifice the tree to mook Feed Co. satisfy his curiosity. He got an ax and chopped it down. Inside the tree Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ was the scythe, hundreds of yards of mook office across the street from barbed wire, the partially dismem­ the court house, Mondays, Tues­ bered carcass of the calf, palls, stones, days and Wednesdays until further a pair of overalls, one overshoe and notice. many other articles. Tbs tree had a criminal nature and developed a kleptomaniac streak. Everyone was glad to see that tree cut down. Pianos and organs for rent. Singer Flower Language. Ability to Meet It Consists in Coun­ try’s Productive Power Exercised to the Limit. The ultimate factor In war finance Is not the dollnr, but what th dollar cun buy—at the moment when It is necessary to use It. The economic burden of a war Is not borne by capi­ tal. that Is, the stored-up savings In­ vested in rnllrouds, factories and banks, but by the productive power of the eiAintry, engaged in unproductive consumption. For war Is waste, ob­ serves the April La llevlsta del Mun­ do. When estimating the financial abil­ ity of a nation to make war a consid­ eration of her wealth dues not tell the story. Just as a consideration of popu­ lation. which would give Russia the first place, wouid be altogether lais. . It is the ability a nation has to master and mobilize her dollars and send them Into the trenches and make them tight, that reveals her financial power as a military nation. Germany, with her long preparation, her autocratic government machinery, was able to conscript all production for war pur­ poses, and mass her economic strength almost as speedily ns she massed her fighting meu. Great Britain and the United States, not being versed in the science of war did not understand this factor. The economic resources of these countries were not mobilized and massed all at once, but each government was forced to take over more and more of the ma­ chinery of production as war ueeds became Increasingly great. These two countries, with bulldog, but mistaken, determination, clung to the slogan. "Business as usual,” as long as it was possible to do so. The business men of those countries believed that so long as there was plenty of money In circu­ lation every one would be able to turn to, buy gtnornment bonds and thus assist In the business of war. But this fallacy is akin to the common one of mistaking dollars tor wealth. The cost of the war, as nearly as ft can be estimated In money, shows the national debt which each belligerent now carries ranges from 4.6 per cent of the nntlonal wealth (In Japan) to 80 per cent of the national wealth (in Hungary). How these staggering lia­ bilities are to be met Is the problem for the future; but the United States, with a debt amounting to 6 per cent of her national wealth of $250,000,000,- 000, is in the favored position undoubt­ edly, facing unprecedented possibilities In credit expansion. Threw but Seven. FIRST BANK of BAY CITY We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of Bay City and tributary country. We invite your further patron­ age, and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still better service. You are cordially invited to cany your business with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New Slock of Candies. New Syrups. Come and See. Phone 32. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY. BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 73. BAY CITY NEWS. Berry pickers are not finding it so easy to fill their pails this season for they now find their favorite patch has a “no trespass” sign on it. L. F. Spikes has returned to his former home in Elgin, Oregon. Mrs. D. W. Rhodes has been con­ fined to her home on account of a severe attack of neurralgla. C. H. Jones has sold his interest in his general store to Sullins and Douglas, who will carry on the busi­ ness in the future. Mr. Jones returns to his trade in the saw mill. On account of the smoke stack of the Silver Spruce saw mill falling down, the mill has been closed for a time until a new one can be brought in from Portland. Grading on the extension of 5th St. will soon be completed. This will make a much better grade than the present one, as it will do away with the steep hill tn the north part of town. Beniah Titcomb was pleased that the city council repealed the ordi­ nance prohibiting cows running at large. Dr. W. C. Hawk has been elected mayor, vice C. F. Girard, resigned, and O. E. Shelly elected councilman, vice Dr. Hawk. There has been considerable shift­ ing around here lately. W. B. Flagg sold his house to L. M. Thompson and bought the Hans Lesund property, which necessitated F. W. Smith moving which he did by buying the Shann house which was occupied by B. J. Simpson, and he in turn, moved into rooms with Mrs, 8. S. Provoost, which happened to be vacant. The majority of them seem well pleased with their moves. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Campbell and Mr. Spencer went to the Caves and camped two nights, and report hav­ ing a good outing, they returned Monday. BAY CITY REAL ESTATE. — o----- C. F. GIRARD. •------ o------ Choice Locations, Rented and Sold. NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. o----- Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. Phone 72. Bay City Garage. ----- o----- Storage—Oils Repairing of all kinds. Give us a trial. Goin & Wiedman. The quartermaster’« department In Hoboken is anything but a place of Joy. It I* where the effects of many thousands of doughboys who “went ECONOMY CLEANERS West” are sent for distribution. Each AND DYERS pitiful package or bundle or box Is checked up and sent flo the nearest 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. relative. Occasionally, however, the solemnity of the situation is relieved MODERN EQUIPMENT. by the laughter of some returned hero who comes to the depot to announce PERMANENTLY LOCATED. that he ts not dead and to claim his E. F. Schultz, precious belongings. The other day a buify negro appeared, wearing three gold chevrons and a wound stripe, laughing heartily at the thought of him being reported dead. As if any old F?SE5a5252S25E5HSaSE5M2SaSE5H52S?SZ5H52SM25aSE5ESB5H5a5aS?525?S?5aS25a |U fU Hun could kill him! He told a tale of terrible fighting and suffering, all the time smiling cheerfully, and al­ lowing as how he hoped his personal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL effects would be located. A small § package, with his name on It, was at last found and opened for final check­ ing. It contained a wad of money and the tools which had helped to enrich the dark man—a pair of dice. There H __________________ was much laughter, hearty handshakes and back slapping, when the soldier WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE— was handed the money and the African golf outfit, which only threw seven.— COR. FRONT ANDUkit AVE. WEST, TILLAMOOK, OR. New York Sun. In remote Alpine hamlets and vlb lages, especially In the Bernese Ober- land, there still exist ancient and pretty customs of proposing marriage by a language of flowers. If a maid accepts a bouquet of edelweiss from a man she at the same time accepts Needles, Oil, Belta and all kinds of Sewing htm as her fiance, the idea being that Square Grand Piano for sale $75.00, E Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty, w the man has risked his life to ob- or will exchange for cook stove tain the flowers for the woman he and heater. See Mrs. Baurer, Bar New Home Users loves. View, or inquire at Singer Meh. Another method which exists in are quality chosers. Agency, Tillamook Sep. 18 the canton of Glarus Is for the young For Sale By man to place a flower pot contain­ Dining room for rent—Todd Hotel, ing a single rose and a note on the large double range, tables and SHARFF lb DUBIVER window sill of the girl's room when chairs, cash rent or will board for 172 3rd Street she Is absent from home, and wait— rent. Inquire at Hotel. perhaps days—for a reply. If the Bedouin Bards. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE maid takes the rose the young man Special Sale used Sewing Machines, The descriptive power and fidelity COMPANY. including one Singer, $10 to $25. boldly enters the house to arrange of Arabic poetry in setting fortli both matters with her parents, but If the the life of the people and the scenery Singer Agency Opp. P. O. rose Is allowed to fade away the pro- of the clime are remarkable. It con­ posal is rejected wlthout a single jures up visions of tawny brows, flow­ word having been exchanged between ing beards, soft eyes, picturesque tur­ the couple. bans. pawing chargers, and patient Viroqua, Ferrin. Taft, Ore. Oct. 1. dromedaries. We seem to be there, They and We. ft is the land of the date tree and For Sale—My i/a interest in acre A wounded corporal in a hospital the fountain, the ostrich and the gi­ lot in McCoy’s Add, to Bay City, told how. while patrol duty, he had raffe. the tent and the enravan. It Is for tax valuation, write Gilbert seen the body of a noncommissioned the home of the simoon and the mi­ Eyk. New Auburn. Wisconsin. French oflicer hanging by the feet, his rage. It Is the world of the desert face bashed in with muskets. and the stars. Hospitality waves her For Sale, 90 acre dairy. Near Myrtle "My men and I were furious.” he torch through the night tn win the Point, 19 cows. Keg. Bull *4 inter­ said, “a'nd made tip our minds that wanderer to he a guest. The very est in 14 calves, 2 heifers, 2 colts, we’d do the same thing to the first picture, embodiment, breath, blaze, of 2 mares, 1 horse, 1 bow , 10 shoats. German we caught. That night we all this is in the lyrics of the Bedouin All ’farm implements, separator. found two Germans hidden in a barn. bards. The richness of their language, Price $11.500. terms. Address box We fell on them and then as they and something of the character of the 234, Myrtle Point, Oregon. were hungry we gave them bread. We people who use It. are shown In the you feel weak and unequal to the could not do whnt they did. for we fact that It has 80 names for honey. For Sale—Two good beach lots at wor.; ahead of you? , . Do you still cough are not of the same race.”—Every­ Rockaway. Phone -42-R, or write 500 for the lion, anil a thousand for a little, or does your nose bother you? body’s Magazine. Box 285, Tillamook. the sword !—William Russell Alger. Are you pale? Is your blood thin and I watery? Better put your body into For Sale—One of the best dairy shape. Build strong! Fowls Plucked With Vacuum. Take No Chances. farms in Tillamook county, con­ An old{ reliable blood-maker and A machine of the vacuum type for The following Interesting bit of In­ taining 59 acres of river bottom herbal tonic made from wild roots and plncklng fowls Is described and Illus­ formation Is from Safety Engineering: land, with good house and large barks, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical trated In Popular Mechanics maga­ “Not every one understands how barn: also the dairy herd. Will di­ Discovery. This "nature remedy” comes zine. With It, It Is «aid, a person can Inflnmmnble and explospe chlorate of in tablet or liquid form. It will build up vide the place up into three parts your body, cure your cold, and protect remove all the feathers, dry, from an potash Is. One man learned In a if desired. Se C. A. Swenson, on the you from disease germs which lurk every­ average-sized bird In about five min­ peculiar manner. He was carrying place for particulars. where. One" of the active ingredients of utes, A motor-dflven fan creates sur­ chlorate of potash tablets In a small this temperance alterative and tonic is tlon in s largì» flexible tube, nt ♦he bottle In his coat pocket; the cork For .rent—Restaurant doing good wild cherry bark with stillingia. which is free end of which Is a special pluck­ presumably became loosened and fell I so good for the lungs and for coughs; business at Bay City. Once loosed, the out. Entering a street car. be knocked also Oregon grape root, blood root, ing apparatus. feathers pass through the tube into a the ashes from bls pipe, as he «up- atone root, Queen's root, — all skilfully For Sale—34 acres. 20 acrei river posed, and put It In his pocket. In bottom, remainder bench. $4,400. combined in the Medical Discovery. large receptacle overhead. n few moments there were spurts of Buildings poor. Inquire Headlight These roots have a direct action on the stomach, improving digestion and assimi­ No Honeymoon Trip. blue flame, and the tablets ’went off office. Spt-30.* lation These herbal extracts in the I attended a »eddlng of a dear girl For a time the man was In danger "Discovery” aid in blood-making, anu friend whose father was a well-to-do of being mistaken for an enemy alien are best for scrofula. By improving the Miscellaneous* Advertisements. blood they aid in throwing off an attack farmer. After the ceremony we girl» carrying bomba. The mystery of th- crowded around the blushing bride explosion was solved by finding sum of influenza Catarrh should be treated, first, as a and «lie vim asked where they ”X particles of glass wedged In the cloth Dr. Wise—Dentist blood disease, with this alterative Then, peered to go on their honeymoon trip Inc around where the bottle had been Wanted to rent dairy ranch with 20 in addition, the nose should be washed ?he replied: -We aren’t going to tnke Other than the aiiock to hla own to 50 cows, or will buy stock— Ap­ daily with Dr. Sage’.« Catarrh Remedy. a trip, for the money we «ould «pend nerves and those of the passengers Send 10c for trial pkg. of Medical Dis­ | will buy a nice cow."—-Chicago Trite ply to Ernest Gesler, Tillamook. 3 the only damage «-ns to hla clothes covery Tablets ar Catarrh Tablets to Dr. ana. which were burned badly." Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y. Live Stock Ins.—See Watson. | XAMB-SCHRADER CO. 8 § CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL, T no time is the tire question . more important than when ordering a car. The buyer who specifies Firestone Gray Side­ wall Tires has taken the short­ cut to permanent satisfaction. He has escaped the costly period of experimenting. A No more convincing proof of this could be desired than in the mileage records of the Gray Sidewall Tires during the past year. Your dealer knows. Jirestone TIRES Most Miles per Dollar