_________ ____ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919. Special Feature Photoplays at GEM THEATRE. TUESDAY, September 16. THURSDAY, September 18. “WHEN FATE DECIDES.” William Fox Feature Production, Staring Madlaine Treverse. D. W. GRIFFITH’S SPECIAL PRODUCTION. “THE GREATEST THING IN LIFE.” With the fingers and thumb on one hand you can count the five greatest pictures ever produced. First “The Birth of a Nation,” second “Intoler­ ance,” third “Hearts of the World,” fourth “The Great Love,” and fifth “The Greatest thing in Life.” All of these were Griffith productions. There is little left to say, except that Lillian Gish plays the'stellar role. Does a False Husband justify a False Wife ? Don’t attempt to answer this question, it’s too serious, until after you have seen "When Fate Decides.” You must not miss “The Greatest Thing in Life.” Adults 25c. , $14.000,000 IS COST OF $1,500,000 PLANT. “Tell that to the Marines,” 2 Reel Montgomery Flagg Comedy. Children 15c. What Happened in ’76 ? Speedy Action in Big Flagg Comedy. ------ o------ ------ o------ Filled with speedy action and The following shaft of light on teaching a salutary lesson to pacif­ House Subcommittee Hears Details American history was cast by Henry Ford in the coure of the trial of his ists, 'Tell that to the Marines," the I of Scandal. libel suit against the Chicago Trib­ third Paramount-Flagg comedy, star­ i Washington, Sept. 1—The house une. Mr. Ford was being cross ex- ing Olin Howland and Beatrice sub-committee investigating ordi- I amined by Mr. Stevenson, counsel for Tremaine, which will be shown at the Gem Theatre next Thursday, is nance expenditures during the war, . the defendant. tonight made public testimony taken Q. Do you know anything about the said to be one of the most captivat­ ing comedies ever produced any­ iu its nearing showing that the gov­ Revolution, Mr. Ford? where. ernment shell-loading plant at Fort ' A. Yes sir. Q. Do you have in mind, or do you Del, uncompleted when the armistice was signed, cost the government to understand, that the flintlock mus- “Venus in The East” An Amusing Picture. date $14,000,000 although the esti­ kets were used in a revolution? ——o------ A. They are all out of date I mated cost when the contract was let Bryant Washburn, the popular . on the cost plus basis was placed at know. Paramount star will be seen in "Ven­ Q. What revolution did you have in from $1,250,000 to $1,500,000. us in the East,” one of the most The difference between the esti­ mind, Mr. Ford? amusing pictures of the season at mated cost and the tptal thus far I A. In 1812. the Gem Theatre next Monday, Sept. Q. You don’t know of any other? paid out by the government is shown 15. The original was published in i A. No. in testimony given by Lieutenant- I the Saturday Evening Post some Colonel R. H. Hawkins of the ordi­ Q. Don’t you know that there was months ago and the story is by Wal­ nance department, and a report made not a revolution in 1812 ? A.I didn’t know that; I did not pay lace Irwin. last October by Major Clair Foster of There are two important feminine much attention to it. the construction division of the army roles and these are played by Marg­ Q. Don’t you know that this coun­ and inserted by the committee in the ery Wilson and Anna Q. Nilsson. try was born out of a revolution in records. Julia Faye also has a fine role and 1776? Did you forget that? Contract is Sublet. there is a strong cast of players. A. I guess I did. 'i he contract lor the plant was lef to die Marlin Rockwell corporation, 0R. O. L. HOHLFELD. which organized a subsidery concern Feeding America Last. know;» as the Marlin Rockwell Load­ VETERINARIAN. During the solitary month of June ing company, which in turn contract­ t ed with the Fred T. Ley company for last we exported over $356,,000,000 Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone construction of the big plant and ad­ worth of food stuffs in which were joining town to house 20,000 per­ included 16,000,000 bus. of wheat, Oregon. Tillamook 3% million barrels of flour, 7,000,- sons. i Major Foster's report cited some of 000 bushels of rye, 6,000,000 bush­ JJAVID ROBINSON. M.D., els of barley, and other grains and the salaries paid by the loading com­ pany and the Ley company with ad­ grain products to the value of $1,- vances in pay made after a few 000,000. We exported $147,000.000 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON months’ service. The manager of the worth of meats and dairy products, including 117,000,000 pounds of ba ­ NATIONAL BUILDING, former company, the report asserts, had his salary raised from $10,000 con and hams, 117,000,000 pounds of OREGON. to $15,000; the assistant manager, lard and 115,000,000 pounds of con­ T illamook “a lawyer and former bond sales­ densed milk; besides many millions man” from $12,000 to'$15,000; the of dollars worth of other farm pro­ T. BO ALS, M.D., chief engineer from $7,500 a year ducts, What additional amounts were with $180 a month for living expen­ exported and not checked up at the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ses, to $10,000 a year; and the treas­ ports cannot be determined, but re­ , Surgeon S. P. Co. urer from $4,800 to $6,000. Of the ports have reached this country that millions of pounds of foodstuffs have treasurer, the report said. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) rotted at European ports, and one Treasurer’s Duties Elusive. "Government officers questioned as case is cited of 5,000,000 dozen eggs Tillamook .... Oregon to the treasurer’s duties, said they ; going bad in Italian harbors. And never had been able to see that he while we are treading lightly least T. HOU a did anything except indorse the gov- I we “break the heart of the world,” the average American Is pulling In ernment's checks and sign those of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. his belt three holes because the ad­ the loading company employed.” ministration has demanded that we Complete Set of Abstract Bo< ks n "Please bear in mind." said the Office. Major Foster’s reports "that all these feed Europe first. Taxes» Paid for Non Residents salaries do not come out of the load­ T illamook B lock . ing company's fee. The government New Dalton Picture Story of “Hard pays them and then pays 10 per cent Tillamook - Oregon Boiled” Clever. on top of them.” Both Phones. Corinne Melrose, beautiful and ac­ The testimony made reference to a recent request of the war department complished, but unfortunate to be rp H GOYNL, for an appropriation of $185,000 to stranded in a small town, when her ATTORNEY-AT-LAW purchase additional land at the site show goes on the rocks, put her although, Major Foster asserted, that beauty and wit to good account re- cently, when she succeeded in en- Office- O pposite C ourt F ìush "most of it is swamp.”' tangling Deacon Simpson so that he Tillamook O. egon was forced to act like a white man Nazarine Church Services. in regard to his mortgage on the lit- JOHN LELAND, HENDERSON. ------- o------- 10 a m., Su.ftay Sch<*l, Mrs. Bert ' ll® This incident forms the central attorney ; King, superintendent. 11 a.m., Preaching by the pastor, idea of the story of Dorothy Dalton's ; and new Paramount picture, "Hard Rev. A. T. Ingler. (COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW 7:30 p.m., Peoples’ meeting, led by Boiled” which will be seen at the Gem Theatre next Wednesday, Sept. Tillamook - - - • OieROa Mrs. Carrie Kinnaman. 8 p.m., evening sermon and special 17. Miss Dalton, as the prima donna, singing. All welcome. does some of the finest acting of her Q r . l . l . hoy , Mid-week service on Thur-day at 8 career. She is ably supported by a p. m. fine cast including "Smiling Billy” PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mason, as leading man. The country Reformed Church. T illamook B lock , town types are well presented and 1'here will be special services at I the manner in which the clever girl Oregt u the Reform Church on the coming outwits the shrewd and rascally old Tillamook, Distinction is never acci Sunday. At the morning service at 11 i deacon will prove highly edifying to dental —every effect has a TZ> OBERT H. McORATH o’clock the installation of the pastor. the public. Rev. W. G. Lienkemper, will take cause COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, Ford Truck For Sale. place. The service will be conducted ------ o — ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN?, by a brother of the pastor, the Rev. A one ton Ford truck for sale. Ap­ A. F. Lienkemper. of Portland, The TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MOVTSPIZCB ply at Case's Garage. annual missionary festival will be P orti ani » O ffice CIGADETTBS held in the afternoon at 2 o’clock, Card of Thanks. 1110 W ilcox B ld . have their cauoe in this—the During the noon hour »a luncheon ------o------ will be served by the ladies of the choice tobacco in them— It is with great appreciation that church in the Ladies' Aid room. we w ish to express our heartfelt ^^EBSTER HOLMES, the skill that blended it—the Special music will be rendered by the thanks to the many friends who pure mats paper that wraps choir and male efiorus at all service«. showed so much kindness and sym­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW it and the mouthpiece that Sunday school at 10 a.m. pathy toward us on account of the C ommercial building . cools the smoke. death of our beloved wife and mother Store For Rent. Mrs. Antone .Plasker. FIRST STREET. ! 0 for 13c Antone Plasker and Family. for The John Bollman Co. Branch opposite Sunset garage TILLAMOOK OREGON Store I Rosenberg Bros. i rent. WHO SAID MEAT? The SANITARY MARKET SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Boiling Beef 12 l-2c lb. Roast Beef 18c I SATURDAY ONLY IMPERIALES For Sale. Wanted To Rent. Dairy near Tillamook on share basis by competent dairyman of long time experience. Reference exchang­ i I ed. address "X" Headlight office. HENRY C. VIE RECK, M. D. SPECIALIST. 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only been run 300 miles. Good tires on Disease of The machine and one extra, also a bump- EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire at Willard Battery Station. 310 Selling Building, Portland. Ore. Dr. and Mrs. Lebow have returned and will be at Dr. Wise’s Tillamook office on Monday and Tuesday, Bay City on Wednesday; at Cloverdale on Thursdays; Nehalem. Fridays and • Wheeler Saturdays. since the armistice. The chief trouble is that President Wilson seems to fa­ ------ o------ All county road warrants endorsed vor feeding, clothing and boosting prior to July 15th, 1919, will be paid America last. upon presentation, lnlerest ceases 25th day of August, 1919. Kathleen Mills, County Treasurer. FLOUR Call For warrants. RESALE The United States Grain Corporation Ornamental Fire Placet Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Announces that it will sell ¡5 "Straight." grade flour, to all g| purchasers, in carload lots, In S 140 lb. jute sacks, gross weight H delivered to any railway stu- 9j non in Zone 10, comprising the S States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, at not to exceed $10.00 per bbl. net cash. Pur­ chasers will be supplied from nearest available mill, which may result in slight saving for buyers’ account. Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Placet. RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK. ORE President Wilson says there can be no cure for high prices so long as war conditions exist. He removed one war condition not long ago by lifting the embargo on leather exportations. As a result England, while forbid­ ding the entry of American shoes Into her markets, bought $25,000,- 000 worth of leather in the United States with the effect that leather prices In this country have doubled I Wholesale and jobbing prof­ its on such flour must not ex­ ceed 75c per bbl. and retailer’s profit must not exceed $1.25 per bbl. Address all communi­ cations to UNITED STATES GRAIN ® CORPORATION 510 Board of Trade Building m Portland. Oregon.