TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 11 • 10 J 9 should have been built for. $15,000. HIGH ON SCROLL OF FAME RECORD SEEMS HARD TO SET SATAN’S THRONE IN BERLIN -his will show- what operating un­ EASY TO TALK TOO MUCH der a cost plus system means in do­ On« Not, Howsvsr, the Seat of the KaiMr>, Fred C. Baker, Editor. Muet Acmit Tiere It Much Truth la Written the Nine of Frank Luks, Just What May Be Accomplished in ing work tor the government. Talk Authority, as On. M-ght Reg One Working Day Shown to One of the Best of American in the Sage Reflections of, ubout profiteering, why. the gov­ sonably Suppose. Be Variable Quantity. Air Fighters. Mr. Gosfirgton. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 ernment's cost plus system was noth­ ing but a get-nch-qulck hold up by The most difficult task of the coal In order to understand where th« What Lieutenant Luke, famous “Ir Is my opinion,” said Mr. Gosling­ Advertising Rates. those who were singled out or fortu- ton. “«hut beggars talk t«io much. For American aviator, would, and often commission, says London Answers, throne of Satan came from an