OWK ''■'1 I jHraîililjl) « TILLAMOOK, OREGON. SEPTEMBER 11. 1919. The rain last week was not very started the grass to grow and should CAN REINSTATE. OS WEST PLAYS POLITICS. to do with that. I brought that to the welcome to the dairymen who had the weather remain fine and warm, ------ o------ attention of the secretary of war.** not harvested their oat hay, but It there will be considerable green feed was a god send to the county, for it this fall. The rain, although it some­ Soldiers and Sailors Permitted to In the Spruce Production of the Keep Their Insurance. lorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wil- ’ started the grass to grow, which will Grand Jury Returns Indictments. what interfered with the picking of Northwest. , on Sept 5th, a daughter. giv^considerable green feed this fall blackberries, will help the berries, as ■o------ Returned service men—whether ------ o------ The grand jury w'as in session last Full of Pep” with Hale Hamilton and save feeding hay. the vines were beginning to need soldiers, sailors, or marines—may Os West, democratic ex-governor he Gem Theatre Saturday night. not be aware of a recent ruling of of Oregon, played politics when the week and the following Indictments The dairymen who failed to cut moisture. i were returned: “Anyone who wants to go by motor Secretary Glass, that an insurance spruce division was being organized The Greatest Thing in Life” at and cure their oat hay during fair George Miles, charged with wilful­ policy that has lapsed because the I week will be at loss, for the on the Pacific Coast, as will be seen to Tillamook should go get it and a Theatre next Tuesday night. ly and falsly making an instrument I weather which came the first of premium has not been paid, can be by what took place at the spruce in- orn, to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mack- month have damaged It. It is unfor­ take the.train," is the warning of reinstated even after eighteen vestigation in Portland, and who is purporting to be the check of Chris­ Monte Lemann at the Portland Ho­ ten Wyss with Intent to defraud. H. er on Septehber 7th, a daughter, tunate. for there was a good crop of responsible for the removal of ex­ Newell was charged with a like tel. Mr. Lemann left Portland Tues­ months (but no longer.) The man is not required to pay his | oat hay. as feed is high. perienced lumber men and loggers at liss M. Patterson announces her day. and it required Pwo days for him offense, the check being endorsed by 1 Millinery Opening on Saturday, E. E. Davidson, of “The 'Fern” at to get to Garibaldi, where he is in­ premium for the months intervening a time when the services of the big "Ray More” and “Harry Kelly” between his discharge and the cur ­ saw mill owners and big logging which was cashed by Nelson and Co. tember 13th. i Bar View, has bought out the restau- terested in the immense mill which rent month. He merely pays for the companies were needed, even if they Irs. Carl Haberlach returned home 1 rant in the Gem building, and will was constructed there and never op­ month of his discharge and for the did own large sawmills and large of Bay City, in the sum of 319.40. N. C. Hansen and Arnold Hansen isday after visiting relatives in be ready for business about the 26th. erated. The main trouble is that the current month—the month In which tracts of timber, for they were the Mr. Davidson has been in the county heavy rains have caused the detour he asks charged with violating the fishing ckamas county. reinstatement — making two men who could and would have law, and these cases were transferred about four years, and he made good roads to be almost impassable. There I [rs. F. C. Baker and Lavelle re­ as a provider for the public at Bar are many new grades which have not months' back premium all that is re- made a success of the spruce prodc- from the justice court for a ruling of quired. tion. led Tuesday after visiting Eu- View. been surfaced with rock, with the re­ the court, the defendants' attorneys. A man must, however, be able to The big saw mill men, timber own- e and Portland. Married, September 10th, at high sult that a car slips and slides and declare that be is in good health as ers and loggers are amongst the most Johnson & Handley, contending that he R. F. D. out of Tillamook will noon, Carl W. Curl and Miss Theresa glides and gets nowhere in the goo. when he was discharged. This is the patriotic citizens of the northwest, the fishermen were within their rights, and have demurred to the 'e in the morning commencing A. Perry. Dr. Chas. E. Gigson offi­ Before the rains the trip could be only requirement. which was proven by the lively in­ complaints. hours, but not now. As- iday, Septehber 15. ciating, and the groom's brother, made in 6 terest they took in all patriotic en­ surances are given that the sawmill deavors during the war. And because 20 Years For Bank Check Forgers. , marriage license was issued to Chas. O. Curl, and Jennie M. Finlay­ at Garibaldi will be placed In opera- GEM THEATRE PROGRAM Mr. Russell Hawkins, of the Whitney 1 W. Curl, of Hemlock, and Ther- son witnessing the ceremony. Mr. tion within thè near future. The and Mrs. Curl took a short honey­ A. Perry, of Bay City. Circuit Judge G. R. Bagley came in Friday, Sept. 12—"Captain Curtesy” Co., and George S. Long, secretary of plant is said to have more than 3L- moon trip. Paramount production featuring the Weyerhauser Lumber Co., had on Friday for the purpose of passing 000,000 of machinery in it.—Oregon­ he Board of Equalization has not become connected with the spruce sentence on the two bank check f ••g- Dustan Farnum. Morning Star, Rebekah Lodge, No. ian. y decided what valuation it will production .and not belonging to the ers, Harry Newell and George Miles. 52, 1. 0. O. F., are planning a large Burton Holmes Travelogue.” ie on the burned timber. While driving his seven passenger spendthrift democratic party, Mr. District Attorney T. H. Goyne had celebration in honor of the 68th an­ T. and Mfs. O. A. Schultz, who niversary of the Grand Lodge to be Studebaker car on Sunday afternoon Saturday, Sept. 13—"Full of Pep” West went to Washington and had called the grand jury together on Metro production featuring Hale them removed, the ex-Governor mak­ e been visiting in California, are held Wednesday. Sept. 17. An invita­ near the Johnson bridge, Clark Em- Thursday, and It returned indict­ Hamilton. bum ’ s machine caught fire. Mrs. Em- ected home in a few days. ing the plea that they were connect­ ments against the men, who had tion has been extended to Wheeler. “Swat the Crook" Lloyd Comedy. bum, who was riding with her hus­ ed with large timber interests. While agreed to plead guilty, and instead of lbert Byers, Haltom s • ad man, Bay City, Cloverdale and Beaver band first detected that something Sunday, Sep 14—"The Savage Worn- other people were doing their bit to keeping them in the county jail un­ lodges. There will be initiation fol ­ leave the last of the month to was wrong by the smell. Clark ' an” Select production featuring win the war. Os West was engaged in til the next term of the circuit court, i an interest in a department ' lowed by a banquet. thought it was simply backfire, and Clara Kimball Young. Playing politics, and in removing the judge came over to pass sentence, e at McMinnville. At a meeting of the Tillamook Mu­ driving at a good rate of speed, fire men from the spruce division who which was done to save cost to the "Pathe News. ” O. Walker, organizer for the tual Telephone Co, ât the court soon shot up from under the car. Monday, Sept. 15—“Venus in the had the experience and should have county in feeding the prisoners, for irican Legion, is in the county, house, which was the annual meet- Clark drove the car to the side of the East” Paramount production feat­ been put in charge of the spruce pro­ the high cost of living ulso made the a meeting was held on Wednes- ing, nothing of very much import- fence and the occupants managed to duction. not men who knew noth­ prison feed bill come higher. In pas­ uring Bryant Washburn. ance transpired, with the exception get out without any injury. Fire soon evening at the court house. ing whatever about milling and log­ sing sentence, the judge sentenced “Lÿons-Moran Comedy.” of the election of officers, which re­ spread over the car and notwith­ ging, and a lot of officers in the them to 20 years in the Btate peni­ enry Landolt, wife and family sulted as follows: President, George Tuesday, Sept 16—“The Greatest spruce division who did not know tentiary, and told the men it greatly for Switzerland Sunday to visit Williams; vice-president, C. Elliott; standing the efforts of persons in the Thing in Life” D. W. Griffith pro­ the difference between spruce and depended upon themselves, In how 1 relatives and friends and ex- secretary. S. A. Brodhead; treasurer, neighborhood to save the car, it was duction featuring Lillian Gish, hemlock tyees. Hence the wilful they behaved, whether they would damaged to a great extent, so much s to be gone about six months. D. Kuratli; directors, S. Randall and go that it is a question whether it is This is one picture that should be waste, the costly cost plus system remain there that time. Miles, who seen by everybody. Don’t miss it. iople have lost and found*‘The R. O. Richards. any use. The fire fighters managed and the rotten method of paying was paroled from the penitentiary, test Thing in Life.” Yau want to "Pathe News." 3115,000 per mile to build logging I where he was serving a ten year term W. B. Aiderman vs W. Kellow is a to save the wheels, on which were vhatit is, at the Gem Theatre suit filed in the circuit court, in four new tires. The machine was Wednesday, Sept. 17—“Hard Boiled” roads that could have been built for for larceny, told the judge that he al­ Tuesday, September 16. ways behaved himself while I i the which the defendant, for value re­ partly insured. Clark is of the opinion Paramount production featuring 315,000 a mile. 1 his is the bit of evidence in re­ state penitentiary. The men were Dorothy Dalton. ur destiny is controlled by fate. ceived, executed and delivered to that the fire originated from back gard to Os West's interference in taken to Salem Sunday by Sheriff "When Fate Decides” featuring plaintiff a contract in which defend­ fire as he had experienced trouble “Bray Pictograph.” Campbell. ain Traverse at the Gem Theatre ant promised and agreed to pay to before, the car having previously Thursday, Sept. 18—“When Fate which he played politics: caught fire, but with no serious "Os West, ex-governor of Oregon, the order of plaintiff the sunt of sday, September 18. 1 Decides" William Ftftt production appeared at the morning session to Creeping Barrage Splendidly Shown 3800.00 in 16 Installments of not less damage. featuring Madiain Traverse. ss Ethel White will return to than 350.00 in any one paymet, and ------ o - . testify regarding his previous testi­ G. B. McLeod, of the __ ______ Hammond “Jell That to the Marines" Mont­ □look this week and wishes tQ theUefedant having failed to live up A great deal has been written about mony before the senate military af­ Lumber Co., and Wells Gilbert, of the her pupils so as to commence to the contract, suit is brought to re­ gomery Flagg Comedy. fairs committee, which touched upon that wonderful device of modern Wilson River Lumber Co., appeared □ usic classes next week. cover the amount. the removal of George S. Long of Ta­ warfare—the creeping barrage. For before the Board of Equalization In lbur Davis left Wednesday for coma, secretary of the Weyerhaeuser the first time a creeping barrage has regard to the valuation of their Death of Mrs. Clem Plasker. Hezel Shupe vs. William J, Shupe Lumber company, from official posi­ been put on the screen with really City to bring the family of is a divorce suit filed in the circuit timber lands that were burned graphic details by D. W. Griffith In Ball to this city. Mr. Ball is court. Thea# parties were married in over, which is more extensive than We are sorry to announce the death tion in spruce produetion. In substance Mr. West assured the his new photoplay “The Greatest Ing at the Conover and Condit San Bernardino, Calif., on the 8th of most people thought. From informa­ of Mrs. Clem Plasker, which took Thing in Life" in which Lillian Gish August, 1907; and the defend­ tion at hand The Whitney Company place in California, on Wednesday, committee that he took sole responsi­ has the stallar part and which will bility for the removal of both Mr. September 3rd. The deceased was the was hardest hit, having 13,365 acres B J. E. Martin Co. va. Silver ant resides at Gaston, Washington be shown at the Gem Theatre next _ee Company, is a suit filed in County. Oregon. Three children were burned over, the Blodgett Co. 6020 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Har­ Long and Russell Hawkins, a Port­ Tuesday. Sept. 16. land lumberman, with the Whitney rison, and when the latter moved to acres and the Hammond Co. 1000 born to the union, and these are in circuit court to recover 3241.00 It is a remarkable battle scene. No and Mrs. Clem company, from spruce production af- tevelding performed by the plain- the custody of the plaintiff. It is al­ acres, with other companies- with California. Mr. printed words can adequately de­ fafis. Without reflecting on the per ­ Plasker went there also. small amounts of acreage burned ov ­ leged that on the 22nd of January, The deceased was the mother of sonal integrity, he held the belief scribe this curtain of fire under the er. As the county court was unable to lere appears tp be a well fouded 1915, the defendant, without cause, secure the service of cruisers to go three children. The remains were that their close connection with large protection of which our Yank boys deserted his wife. Plaintiff asks that rt that arrangements are being the marriage contract be dissolved, over the burned district, it is a little buried at Santa Clara, Calif., on private timber Interests would not be have repeatidly marched into the 8 for new parties taking hold of that she be given the custody of the I difficult to ascertain what is the Monday. Erwin and Leslie Harrison conductive to a proper administra­ Hun trenches. You can see the heavy smoke clouds sweeping forward as Cummings-Moberly saw mill at children, and that she be allowed to proper valuation to place upon it, but on being informed of the death of tion of spruce production. baldi. The witness related his first meet­ though by the force of some unseen assume her maiden name, Hazel it is safe to say that as a result of their sister left immediately to at- ing with Colonel Disque, at Portland giunt hand moving steadily toward the fire in September of last year it tend the funeral. ck Girard, who is with the S. P. Kissee. headquarters, on December 24, 1917, pie enemy trenches on a hill. You will reduce the receipts from taxes It Portland, will arrive today to The following persons arrived 315,000 annually, to say nothing of He was on the eve of departure for cun see the shells exploding. It is bo d a vacation, and he and wife Tuesday and are the guests The Allied Church. of Mr. the loss of timber and what it would Washington. Understanding that Col vivid that you can almost hear the J. P. Bond, of Portland, will be and Mrs. J. S. Blair. Nixon Blair and I cost to manufacture it, which would one! Disque was having difficulty in crush. piests of Mr. Blair and wife. Wants you to attend its services getting official attention paid to his Through the curtuin of cloud a wife, of Hubbard, Oregon, Ed Blair amount to nearly three million dol­ Saturday the Holstein Breeders’ and wife, of Ft. Scott, Kansas. L. E. lars.. The timber men are inclined to Sept 14th, both morning and even­ requirements and appreciating the bombing aeroplane takes its perilous flight; now up almost in the real ciation will hold its monthly | Hiatt and wife, of Vancouver, Wash, • think that a valuation of 32.50 an ing. necessity for speeding up production At the 11 o'clock service Dr. Seeley, Mr. West went to him to offer his clouds; now darting like an angry ing at the home of Mr. aiid Mrs. ' lhe latter a sister of Mrs. Blair, and acre for the burned timber lands Presbyterian, will preach, After ser- services during the Washington visit wasp through the smoke and reek of Daniels on the road to Mohler, i Ira D. Vickers and wife, qf Eagle would be a fair valuation. of the battle, just above the trenches. vices he will convene with the Pres­ Grove. Iowa. The latter a brother-in- h will be of a picnic nature. During that visit to Washington The creeping harraeg is a develop­ byterian members in a business ses­ and at subsequent visits, solely on his law to Mrs. Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Blair ment of the war. Before the days of sion. Id you ever see anyone who you entertained the guests at Rockaway Shows Old Missions. own initiative, he had advocated the such intensive artillery lire such a jght was “Hard Boiled?” Go to on Wednesday and enjoyed a picnic The pastor. Dr. Chas E. Gibson, removal of Long and Hawkins, at “Captain Courtesy” Is a thrilling will preach in the evening. tactical device was never dreamed of. Gem Theatre next Wednesday dinner on the beach as well as a conferences with Secretary of War see Dorothy Dalton in her Para­ plunge in the surf. They left Tuesday Paramount photoplay, starring Dus­ Our Sunday School is growing un­ Baker and with the aircraft board. This is the first visualization avail­ mt picture "Hard Boiled.” morning for Portland, delighted with tin Farnum, which is to be shown at der the efficient superintendency of L had declined to see Major F W able to those at home. Tillamook, its climate and people. All the Gem Friday Sept 12,. The plot is Mrs. Robt. McGrath, session at 10 Leadbetjer. then in Washington,' b. ‘enus has been seen in the East the*above party were reared in Kan­ laid in the early forties when Califor­ o'clock. Death of Mrs. Antone Plasker. cause of former political animosity West, but “Venus in the East” rule, and I nia was under Mexican Prayer meeting every Wednesday but had later called him up and of­ ------ o------ i chosen for Bryant Washburn in sas and this was the first reunion I I when the missions served alike the evening at 8 p.m. Mrs. Antone Plasker died last Sat­ for over thirty years. fered to bury the hatchet, in the In ­ late Paftimount picture, see it at purpose of school, church and place terests of Co-operation in airplane urday morning. September 6th, at 5 Gem Theatre next Monday. Mrs. Fernside, whose husband was of refuge. am., at her home, at the age of 55 Famous Actress Here in New Play. production. one of the early business men of this The play ha.< ben elaborately pro­ icensed real estate brokers in city, paid this county a visit after duced and nq expense or pains have In talking with Secretary Baker he years and 8 months. She was born in Germuny, January 6th, 1864, and Madlaine Traverse, who has al­ amook County are F. R. Beals, being away for 26 years. She is the been spared to make it realistic to ready proved in this city her great had been told that the spruce pro­ came to this country with her par­ A. Church. A. C. Everson, Frank guest of Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Fernside the smallest detail. gram appeared to place too much in­ • ability as a screen actress, has been dividual power In the hands of Col­ ents when a girl of fifteen years old ¡Patrick, A. H. Gaylord. John I was greatly surprised with the im- The pictures of the old missions ind Henderson, F. B. McKinley provements that had taken place are exactly as they stand today, and booked at the Gem Theatre for next onel Disque and to name men eligi­ In 1879. They made their home in G. H. Ward. here and was highly pleased to some exceptionally fine interiors Thursday, September 18, in a new ble for posts as advisers to Disque. Sterns County, Minn. • She was married to Antone •Plasker meet some of her old friends. She have been obtained. The old San Fer- William Fox photoplay called "When Among his recommendations were at Duelm, Benton County, Minn., on Fate Decides.” here was only one bid for what was a niece of Harvey Scott. George the names of Amos Benson. Janie; mown as the Magarrell bridge, I Fernside first did business on a scow nado Mission is made the scene of This play Is described as giving Bremner, R. B. Inman and 8. B. Cobb Nov. 20th, 1883, living there for 18 t of the Pacific Foundation Co., [ in the slough, which he would move the most stirring events of the pic­ Miss Traverse not only opportunity Senator Chamberlain had at that years. They came to Tillamook Ore­ 33,240.00. The court rejected the occasionally to the bay to do busi­ ture and the mountain scenery is to display those unusual emotional time received a message front J. C. gon, in 1896, where she lived with most effective. as it la estimated that a saving ness with the fishermen and receive powers that have drawn so large a Ainsworth of Portland, referring to her husband and family until death 31,000 could be made by the his merchandise from the incoming following to this beautiful and sty­ the possibility of Russell j Hawkins called her. Thirteen children were born, of nty building the bridge itself. lish woman, but to prove again her receiving a commission. The ! witness Bids Wanted. vessels. While the scow was tied up exquisite taste in dress. An advance ¡"aid he had advised the Senator to whom twelve are living to mourn lie.' -------o------ . F. Pankow ts called to Portland in the slough, thieves used to raid departure. Those left to mourn her Bids for the erection of a play shed synopsis of the play shows that Miss keep his hands off, that "there are departure are Antone Plasker, her first of the week to meet with . the scow and carry away bacon, Traverse, as Vera Loudon, gets from breakers ahead. ” ■ Overland agents of the state to flour, etc., and to put a stop to this will be received by the District Clerk one d sperate situation into another, husband, Henry, Welhelmina. Joseph, Subsequently he had told Secretary Benny, Clara, Rose, Leo and John, of nulate plans in conjunction with he hired Homer Mason to sleep on of District No. 6. on or before 1 p.m. bui through startling episode- uses the scow. He carried a September. 22nd. 1919. Specifica ­ stock worth . Hawkins' connection! h the national advertising cam- Tillamook; Clemens Plasker, of San­ all her womanliness and cleavern* ss in which is to be started in the 35,000. He then built a store build- tions can be seen at the office of the to «fttricate herself and the man he with the Whitney Lumber Company ta Clara Calif; Mrs. T. J, Healey, of ! ing which was located I be Jatter had agieed with him that Portland, Ore., Mrs. Clias Kuper, of opposite Nestucca Valley Enterprise The (rest of the new Overland. j Case's machUie shop which wes school board reset ves the right to re­ loves. he Hawkins head must fall, because Oregon. 'arried at the home of the bride. recently torn down. ject any or all blds. It was difficult for a man to serve Mohler, Interment was held at Sacred Notice to r the Yellow Fir mill, on Sunday, Taxpayers of Tillamook two masters. ” Alexander Rock, Weather conditions in Tillamook Heart Cemetery on Monday. Sept. 8, County. tember 7th. at 2 o’clock, Arthur Mr. West testified that Major Lead- Rev. Father Martin officiating. The Clerk. county the past two weeks have, on ■ ------ o ------ trns and Miss Ora Rose . The better. at a time when plaining mill All last half payments of taxes for contracts were under consideration, deceased was a most affectionate ng couple immediately left on a the wholK been very favorable. The Card of Thanki. I early rains the first of the montl! wife and devoted mother and she was the year 1918 must be made on or witness then •t bridal trip. Dr. Gibson was j continued for several days, which did representing that beloved by a large number of friends. -------o------- before October 5th. 1919, or Interest ter of ceremonies. ! a lot of good, as well as prevented Our hearts are filled with grati­ at the rate of 1 per cent will be add­ branch of Oregon industry in Wash­ ington conferences, had mentioned ecording to the Automobile Rec- further fear of forest fires. The first tude to our friends who assisted dur­ ed on the unpaid balance. Notice to Auto Owners. his (Leadbetter’a) connection with big downpour of rain came late Mon ­ ing the last Illness and at the funeral ------ o— ■ Tillamook county has 994 auto- All taxes remaining unpaid on No­ the Charles K. Spaulding Lumber Until Sept. 30th, in order tn close ilee and truck*. The Ford head day night and early Tuesday, follow­ of our son. husband, brother. John vember 5th, 1919, become delinquent company, and had said: * liat with 289. Chivorlet comes ed with bright sunshine weather. Lynan Bozorth. and for their sympa­ and are ipibject to penalty of 5 per that I don't feel free to "In view of out what tires I have on hand, I participate will give a special discount for cash l with 143, the Overland 111. the The early rains did some damage to thy expressed in so many ways. cent and interest at the rate of 12 at all." Mr. and Mrs. John O. Bozorth per cent per annum. on all sales of tires and tubes. This ir rwell 12, Dodge 51, Studebaker i aot hay. which will be a big loss to “I've explained to you about the all first grade stock, no seconds. and family, Buick 32. and the remainder be­ j some who had quite a qnantity that W. L. Campbell. Hawkins matter. ” said ■M r. West. 1 had not been harvested, but the rain Mrs. John L. Boborth. mads up of other makes. Sheriff and Tax Collector. I Nobody except myself had anything Come in and get prices. . Tillamook Feed Company, ook Jottings 4