MSKWOSSM S l Ss I ■ s ♦ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. »3 PRECURSOR OF THE sfuggi Étirai / F/A», Good Tire Judgment I Every time you buy United States Tires your judgment is backed by that of hundreds of thousands of experienced - motorists, f rj tl w —hundreds of thousands who use United States Tires con- tinuously, tí I.' I I 5252 I II?. It ill Hi il ZJ j SE "Chain’ •Usco9 2S2S United States Tires I The New Englander uses the word “natural” to describe one who was unfurnished at birth with the usual and Indispensable quantity of bruitifl. Prof. Burt G. Wilder, the distinguish­ ed zoologist, tells an amusing story that turns on a countryman's mistak­ ing the unfamiliar word “naturalist” for the’ familiar word "natural.” A few years after his arrival in America, Agassiz was one of a small party of Harvard professors who traversed the White Mountain region in a carriage driveu by the country­ man. Three of them were vivacious, restless, and on the lookout for speci­ mens. They would call a halt, leap from the vehicle before It stopped, dash over the tiehls, and return with prizes in their boxes, in their hands upon and pockets, and even pinned | Felton, their hats. The fourth. Prof. I the hrother-iu-law of Agassiz, sat quietly in his corner of the carriage reading a faVorite Greek author. When tlie bewildered driver could stand It no longer be elicited from Felton information that led him to view the behavior of the others with compassionate toleration. At the close of the day he thus conveyed Ids In­ terpretation to the innkeeper: “I drove the queerest lot you ever saw. They chattered like monkeys. They wouldn’t keep still. They jump­ ed tlie fences, tore about the Helds, and came back with their hats cover­ ed with bugs. I asked their keeper what ailed them; he said they was naturals, and, judgin’ from the way they acted, I should say they was."— Youths’ Companion. The Mechitarlst monks are a small congregation of Armenian Christians who were exiled from their native land at the beginning of the eighteenth cen­ tury. The church in Armenia had long been divided Into bitterly hostile camps over the question of the nature of Christ, ami when the Mechltarists en­ tered Into communion with the Church of Rome in 1712 the Armenian patri­ arch succeeded tn driving them from the country. They took up their resi­ dence In the Korea, but they had again to flee before the advance of the con­ quering Turk, and In 1715 they estab­ lished themselves In Venice, on the Island of San Lazzaro. Here they set up a printing press and gathered to­ gether a lurge and valuable library of oriental works. Their name Is de­ rived from Mechtar da Petro, who founded a religious society at Constan­ tinople about the year 171*0, and who aimed at uplifting the Intellectual and spiritual conditions of his countrymen, and at diffusing a knowledge of the old Armenian language and literature. The colony of exiles during their so­ journ in Venice has printed most of the classic writings in Armenian lit­ erature and translated the works of Eusebius, Philo and other writers. There is a type for every need of price or use. ■ The harpsichord was a stringed mu- steal Instrument In use in the 16th. 17th and 18th centuries, which In Its form and In the arrangement of the keyboard and strings resembled a pi­ ano, but In which the tone was pro­ duced by the plucking or snapping of the strings by leather or quill points, which were set In jacks connected by levers with the keys. In form It usu­ ally resembled a modern grand piano­ forte, though both square and upright varieties were also made. The length of the keyboard was four to six and a half octaves. The number of sep­ arate strings to a key varied from one to four, sometimes Including one tuned an octave above the others; the latter variety was called a double harpsichord. The toue was weak and tinkling, and gradation of force was Impossible. Two keyboards were sometimes combined, one for soft effects; the other for loud. Numerous devices, usually connected with the jacks, were Introduced nt differeni times to secure variety in force, and especially In quality. These mechan­ isms, which often aimed to simulate the tone qualities of various orches­ tral instruments, were usually con­ trolled by stopknobs near the key­ board. The harpsichord, though es­ sentially different from the pianoforte, was its Immediate predecessor. Be fore 1800 It was regularly used in all dramatic music, especially In accom­ panying recitatives and in orchestral music. Th«» conductor usually direct­ ed from his seat nt n harpsichord placed amid the other instruments. MUCH DIFFERENCE IN HUMOR Congregation of Armenian Christians Has Diffused Knowledge of Coun­ try's Language and Literature. We can provide you with United States Tires that will exactly meet your individual requirements ! Stage Driver Quite Willing to Accept “Keeper's" Explanation as He Understood It. WORK OF MONKS IN EXILE —hundreds of thousands who stand ready to endorse the economy and long, uninter­ rupted service of United States Tires. H Harpsichord, In Arrangement of Key­ board and Strings, Resembled the Instrument in Use Today. I * IK'.’.'nl «• 1 5252 PIANO COULD READILY BELIEVE ÎT Brand Highly Thought Of In One Coun­ try Is Not Always Appreciated in Others. When Coleridge said, “No mind Is thoroughly well organized that is de­ ficient In the sense of humor,” he ex­ pressed a conviction that seems com­ mon to lill civilized men. and makes each nation take pride in its humor and perhaps suspect that other nutions enjoy a somewhat Inferior brand. Yet comparisons of humor shows, broadly speaking, that the peoples of the world are much alike. In the Tourist, pub­ lished In Tokyo, a Japanese author, for example, remarks that humor “Is In­ deed the flower of life, and life with­ out It would be as dreary ns spring without its blossoms. To Illustrate, he i translates a number of Japanese anec­ dotes, “funny stories,” us the United States might call them, but one does not smile over them. Neither, on sec­ ond thought, does one smile over many of the “funny stories" in American magazines and newspapers. Humor which really amuses Is everywhere rare and precious, a "flower of life,” as the Japanese gentlemnn poetically puts It, but growing up in company with a great many weeds.-—Chrlstiun Science Monitor. Geography Sixty Year« Old. arc Good Tires We know United States Tires are Good Tires. That’s why we sell them. Star Garage, C. E. Pankow, Tillamook ; Nelson & Co., Bay City; KellowBros., Hebo ; Anderson Bros., Garage, Nehalem ; Wheeler Garage, M. J. Maddox, Wheeler. Tillamook Astoria Auto Stage. Just Received, § NEW SCRIPPS BOOTH Touring Car Come and See It When Buying Oil, don’t forget that we sell: I ZEROLINE 15c. a quart, or 50c. a gallon. HAVOLINE 25c. a quart, or $1.00 a gallon. MONOGRAM 25c. a quart, or $1.00 a gallon. Aiderman & Poorman I52Ä attle Exchange — o--------- REGISTERED AND GRADES Of Any Breed. Ornamental Fire Placet Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. -o- Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. AUCTION SALE EVERY We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fira Placet. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Dr. J. E. REEDY I« Ban Bear Depat. RALPH E. WARREN, 771XAMOOK. ORE. ------- o------- Leaves C. I. Clough's drug store at 8 p.m. Tuesday—Thursday and Sunday mornings. Bay City at 8:20; Garibaldi at 9 and Nehalem at 11. Leaves Astoria at 8 p.m. and arriv- es in Tillamook about 2 p.m. 1 Call For Warrants. ------- o------- All county road warrants endorsed prior to July 15th, 1919, will be paid upon presentation, Interest ceases this 25th day of August, 1919. Kathleen Mills, County Treasurer. For Sale. The rapid development of geography as a college study, since its first ap- pearance in a university curriculum, about half a century ago, Is discuss« d by Prof. R. H. Whitbeck of the Uni­ versify of Wisconsin, in a recent ar­ ticle on “Geography in American and European Universities," published In the Journal of Geography. He points out the following Interesting facts: In 1860 Harvard and Princeton were the only American universities offering courses in geography. Cornell and University of Wiscon­ sin introduced the subject in 1868, and Yale followed in 1872. In 1000 only 12 American universities taught the subject, but by 1910 thirty-one universities were offering a variety of 142 courses. With 704 students enrolled In geog­ raphy, the University of Wisconsin led all others in 1910. With 1,060 en­ rolled in 1917, It b-d all others except the University of Pennsylvania. It now offers seven courses In physical and economic geography, climatology and other phases of the subject Sung by Request. They were having a company sing ------- o------- I In a “Y” building. The song leader, Dairy-man, this is a snap for a I a lieutenant, asked If there was any man who wants to make money. 180 particular song the men wished to acres, 2% miles south of Coquille, sing. 40 acres cleared. % mile frontage on The company funny boy, thinking to river, about 5 acres up land, balance produce a laugh, yells out: "Let’s sing the very finest bottom easy to clear. Molly, get the hammer, there’s a fly Fair barn on place, no house, Aly on baby’s head." price is >90 an acre­ If taken soon, "Very well," said the lieutenant; worth $150 now. easy terms to right "suppose you come up and sing It a man. Addresfl Mrs. K. A. Cole, few times, so that we may learn It." Myrtle Point Oregon. Ami. amid Jeers of his companion«. In* wns forced to get up before the eonq any and sing that single lino Attention Berry Growers. <»v« ■ and over again, mnklng up the ------- o------- tun • its he went. . Graves Canning Co., are ready to | receive your blackberries at any time Discard London Town House». They will furnish you crates free of For hundred« of years members of j charge, and you can obtain them ai England’s wealthy class have main I any time by calling at the cannery tallied their splendid town houses In i opposite the Tillamook Bakery. Re­ Ixmdon. But today, with the perfect member Graves Cannery Co. operate Ing of the automobile and the in­ an exclusive berry cannery, and are creased convenience of apartment and here to stay and will pay you at all hotel, there Is a growing tendency to times the full market price for your break with tradition and maintain only the country home. Thia fashionable fruit. J. M. Smith is affiliated with the hack-to-the-land movement Is expected Graves Canning Co. as field manager to have royal sanction, too, as the king Anyone wishing to sell their berries and queen will use beautiful old Wind­ I picked or otherwise, can call Mr. sor castle, 25 miles from Ixmdon, this : 8mith at his residence on either season, much more than Buckingham palace. In the city.—Popular Mechan­ ' phone. ics Magasine. Graves Canning Company, Inc. T he , L atest ! « yr- ; S3 Electricity’s latest gift to the housewife—greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine t No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache—a little electric motor does the hard work. ! / A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Í I Ask for a demonstra- tion. » COAS! POH ER CO ? THE Í ELECTRIC STORE «V 4 TIRES. 4 i If È fe The Quaker Bonnet. I hnve heard that there Is ns much technique In the making of the bonnet of the olden pattern for the Friends as there is in the Japanese art of drinking tea. In Ohio there is a sec­ tion that wears the Quaker garb with the bonnet; there Is another In Iowa that still keeps to the characteristic costume; In NewYorktn a settlement on both sides of Lak«- Cnyugn are Friends who follow the simple, historic fash­ ion: and In Fairhope, Ala., n single tux settlement very largely settled by Friends, are others. Much Importance is attached to what is called the "ex­ pression" of the bonnet. In the very simplicity, there is quite as much room for the manifestation of a particular taste as In the more elaborate millin­ ery of “the world’s people.” Even to half n hair things must be right. The flnl- i < <1 product conus In for a clos«- critical scrutiny at every possible an­ gle. The true Friend abhors display and self advertisement, and. therefore, she does not cure to have it known when a fresh bonnet Is bought. That Is why each tnu«t be th«? s-ioie as the one that preceded It.—Philadelphia Public Ledger. 1 Alderman Poorman, and TILLAMOOK, Tombstone’« Weird 8taln. OREGON. ÄE T/1AN EVER j/oor reJiy da/s must be p productive r Uctutorkreainrs wst workreaiires ■'J r Town s F ish tan REFLFK SLICKE A Rooster Ate 486 Kernels. A storekeeper at Montgomery City has sprung a new one In the guessing game, He took n hlg rooster and. af- ter letting him fast for a «lay, put him in his show window with a large imn of corn, the kernels of which had been counted. He offered n prize to the persons guessing near« "t the number of grain. the rooster would eat In 20 minutes. The rooster had a ravenous appetite and for five minutes It l«sik«-d as If there would not be h single kernel left. But by the time the 20 minutes hn«l elapaed he hnd «ffirled up in n corner, He had sti'-c.'i 'led In putting away 486 grain«. A woman •• ho««« guess was 488 got the prize.—Kan««« City Times. , Cat fdI ir\ shoulder. ci\ st urd ojTr^-comfortublc. s rurg, I or\0 oteannO. lOaLcrproof «xbsokitdy S atisfaction A J T ower ¿ o GUARANTEE!) ‘Rt* »« sto » 4 MODIll OF PERFECTION. i PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. In the vfllrro churchyard nt Her- brandston. uenr Milford Haven, there 1« the grave of n young army officer Needle«. Oil, Belt« and nil kind« of flewin* 9 Machine supplie«, Repairing • up*' laity. • (at one time stationed with his regi­ ment nt South Hook Fort, close by) New Home Users who met death from a wound hy a knife while playing a practical joke are quality chose rs. on a brother officer. For Sale By The tombstone, a marble croaa, ha« SHARFF lb DURIVER become slightly discolored. Ona of the discoloration* has taken the almost 172 3rd Street perfect representations of a hand grasping n knife or dagger.—Cardiff NEW HOME «EWING MACHINE W«stern Mall. COMPANY. * / » / i