Tii.i.ÄMnnK wkädt . tg ' at ittqtirt qi ioiq 4 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919 The American Legion. ------ o------ mental extravagances in purchases of food and clothing, both as to quantity and price; (5) increased labor and material costs in the Unit­ ed States; (6) failure of the admin­ istration to enforce the laws against combinations of unreasonable re­ straint of trade. Some of these causes are remediable, some for the present I are not. The talk that Congress can by additional* legislative enactments correct the situation is bunk. Such remedies as are practical are within the reach of the administration, which is so busy remodeling the world that it has no time for the con­ sideration of domestic problems, and which always prefers talk to action. aS25í525252525H5a5HSa525E5H5a525ZSH5Z525Z5H525HSa5ZS?3?5a5aSE=ÍHS2525H5H5a5li5aS25Z5252SH5H5H5a52SZ525a5ZSHSH5a52SaSH52325a525aSÍ52S25Hs¿s 2S2saa 19 nt Former soldiers, sailors and mar- b ines from every section of the state B of Oregon will gather in Portland on 99 B September 17 and 18 for the first B state convention of The American Legion, the national organization of me who fought in the great war. Ses­ B Under the above heading the Santa Ana (Cal.) Register thus tells of an exper­ sions will be opened at the public B ience of another publication in its section of the state. The facts furnish their auditorium at 2:30 on the afternoon iq of the 17th with an address by B own commentary : Theodore Roosevelt, who, with Geo. B A. White, of Portland, is credited B The wind bloweth where it listeth : B with the conception in Paris of the And no answer cometh : B organization of former service men. ìq Neither coineth the wood or the corn or the ’taters or the eggs or the bacon : Roosevelt refused at the national B caucus at St. Louis to accept the of­ B Some days ago a good, liberal, loyal, generous, broad-minded citizen of one fice of national chairman but is a Rev. Dr. Gilbert, director for twen- B member of the joint executive com­ ey five years of the International In- . of the “cow counties” wrote the local weekly paper that he wanted to sub­ B mittee of which 17 members were stitute of China, says: "Germany and scribe for it during 1919 and get the county news, and would send in his sub­ B selected at St. Louis and li'al Paris, Austria-Hungary have been as harsh­ ìq scription if the paper would be sent him at the Old price (the price had of neces­ Election of state officers and the ly treated as the Russians at Brest- naming of delegates to tlie national Litovisk. and, strange to say, China sity been advanced from $1.00 a year to $1.50). convention of the American Legion has just been treated as If she, too, “We immediate ly wrote him,” says the editor, “we would accept his prepo­ at Minneapolis, November 10, 11 and i was an enemy and not an ally and sition, provided he would bring usa cord of wood, a barrel of corn, a bushel of 12 will be the chief objects of the an old friend. The Chinese delegates sweet potatoes, a basket of eggs, or a side of bacon at the price he got for these convention in Portland. There will were encouraged to put their trust in be accredited delegates from every Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemen­ comcndities five or six years ago, when there was some profit in publishing a news­ post of the American Legion in the ceau, the three men who decided paper at $1.00 a year. state —there are now 31—but the everything and for everybody. The “Seven long days have passed—and no wood, no corn, no ’taters, no eggs, no meeting will be opened to all mem­ Chinese were cheered on to present bers of the organization. bacon. their case against Japan. And yet Through its legislative committee two of these men had contracted to “He couldn’t afford to do it. Yet he was generous enough to ask us to send I n in Washington, The American Le­ give Japan all she wanted and to him the paper for $1.00 and make him a present of 50 cents. Of all the 33,285 gion, representing 3,000 local organ­ leave China as empty handed as people in the county this kindly disposed individual is the only one with gall izations of American veterans of the Germany. The Chinese delegates then great war, will give its active sup­ began to mistrust the big three, and enough to ask us to send the paper at the old price—and we do not believe there port to the Johnson bill in Congress turned for help to the United States. is another in the whole county.” which calls for the deportation of Will the United States Senate be able undesirable aliens and denies read­ to reverse the decision made in Paris mission to deported enemy aliens. by the President of the United Every user of a telephone who stops to think knows that he would be paying This bill has already been passed in States?” an inadequate rate now if he was not paying substantially more than he was be­ the House and is now before the Sen­ fore the war. ate Committee on Naturalization and CALL FOR BIDS Immigration, Under its provisions enemy aliens who have been interned Tillamook City will receive bids at Forf McPherson, Ga., and other for the improvement nf Fifth Street, • X concentration camps may be sent from the center of Stillwell Avenue out of the country. Failure of Congress to require West to the center of Sixth Avenue alien slackers to serve in the recent West, and Sixth Avenue West from war will constitute one of the the center of 5th Street North to the blackest pages in history of Ameri­ center of Fourth Street, said streets ca’s war preparations, according to to be improved by constructing a an article on “The Sacred Alien sewer along said portion of said Notice of School Election to Increase Total estimated amount of Slacker” by Representative Roscoe R. streets, in accordance with the money to be expended for Tax More than Six Per Cent Over k McCullough, of Ohio, in the current plans and specifications on file, all purposes during the That of the Previous Year, and S issue of "The American* Legion Bids will be received up until year................................. 842,000.00 s to Elect District Clerk. Weekly," the 9th day of September, 1919, for ESTIMATED RECEIPTS K the making of such improvement. Bids S Notice is hereby biven to the From county school fund What Changed Him ? during the coming school H to be filed with the City Recorder legal voters of School District No. 9 ------- o------- year................................. $ 3.970.00 S and to be accompanied by certified of Tillamook County, State of Ore­ S President Wilson, speaking at Des check equal to 10 per cent of the a- gon, that a school meeting of said From state school fund dur­ ing the coming school For disenfecting where Contagious or Moines on February 1, 1916, said: niount of the bid, payable at Tillamook district, and an election therein, will year................................. 1,015.68 B "There are actually men in Amer­ City. Plans and specifications are on be held in said district at the high B infectious diseases are prevailing. ica who are preaching war, who are file at the office of the City Recorder school building on the 20th day of Cash now in hands of the 0 county treasurer, belong­ preaching the duty of the United and may be examied there. Right re­ September, 1919, at one o’clock in w CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ing to the district .... 205.00 B States to do what it never would be­ served to reject any and all bids. the afternoon, to vote on the ques­ B Estimated amount to be re ­ fore—seek entanglements in the con­ tion of increasing the amount of tax ful Germicidal mixture and by its use Dated this August 28th, 1919. 8 B ceived from all other sourc­ troversies which have arisen on the levy in the district for the year 1919 Frances B. Stranahan, will improve general stable conditions. es during the coming other side of the water—abandon its by more than six per cent. B City Recorder of Tilamook City, school year ................... 14,000.00 habitual and traditional policy, and It is necessary to raise this addi­ ìq Oregon. deliberately engage in the conflict B tional amount for the following rea­ Total estimated receipts, not which is now engulfing the rest of sons: ìq including the money to be the world. 1 do not know what the B Notice to Contractors. It has been found necessary to pay received from the tax B standard of citizenship of these gen­ increased salaries to all teachers and which it is proposed to B RELIABLE DR UG GISTS. tlemen may be, I only know that I, Notice is hereby given that the everything purchased is higher, and vote................................. »19,190.68 B for one, cannot subscribe to those County Court of Tillamook County besides this it is desired to get com­ B standards.” RECAPITULATION will until 10 o'clock a.m. of Sept. plete title to site where grade school aS25252K52525252S25E525252525E525252SUZSE52525a5252S2525?52525252525a Total estimated expenses 5, 1919, receive proposals for con­ building is situated. for the year................... »42,000.00 For Home-Loan System At said meeting and election there structing the Magarell bridge on Big Nestucca river, according to the will further be submitted to the le­ Total estimated receipts not including the tax to be vot­ Senator Calder, of New York, has plans and specifications now on file gal voters of said district, and said ed ...................................... 19,190.68 introduced Senate bill 2492 which with the County Clerk, of Tillamook meeting is called for that purpose, the question of authorizing the dis ­ County. Oregon, and at that time creates a federal-home loan banking — trict school board to purchase for the Balance, amount to be raised system through the medium of the publicly opened and read. by district tax................. »22,809.32 Each proposal shall be In a sealed district a release from W..D. Still­ building and loan associations of the We estimate that a levy of 7.3 United States. The purpose is to en- envelope plainly marked on the out­ well of his interest in the tract of able the people of the country to ob- side "Proposals for the Construction land heretofore conveyed by him to mills will be required to produce the tain money on reasonable terms for of Magarell Bridge," and shall be ac­ the district for school purposes, be­ amount of special tax money shown » the building of homes. Senator Cal­ companied by cash, certified check ing the tract now occupied by the above. Dated this 22nd day of Aug: 1919. grade school building, and to pay or bidder's bond equal in amount to der declared that in the United Erwin Harrison, States "we are short nearly »4,000,- 5 per cent of the total of the amount said Stillwell the’sum of 12000.00 District Clerk. 000.000 worth of houses for our peo­ bld, the same to be payable to Tilla­ for said interest. H. T. Botts Said meeting is called for the fur­ ple to live in. We are something like mook County. Proposals shall be Chairman Board of Directors. ther purpose of electing a District made on forms furnished by the a million homes behind the need. Clerk to fill the unexpired term of Every assistance should be extended County Clerk. The Court reserves the right to re­ Erwin Harrison who has resigned. CALL FOR BIDS to enable our people to build or buy Dated this August 22nd, 1919. ject any or all bids. their own homes.” Erwin Harrison, Dist Clerk. Homer Mason, County Clerk Tillamook City will receive bids for H. T. Botts, Chairman of the I the improvement of Sixth Street on First publication August 21. 1919. VAUGHAN FACTS General Wood and the South. The only drag saw with the jiffy saw holder. School Board. Last publication. Sept. 4. 1919. See the West side of Park Street east to Grips or releases saw instantly. No l.o cs ------ o------ Your the east boundary of Tillamook City, to drill in saw head. Only saw with ar i e llie Atlanta Constitution, one of Dealer or which is to be macadamized in ac­ Notice of School Meeting. straight behind saw. Nletalic clutch. Sturdy, HOtV’S YOUR BLOOD? the great papers of the South, whose Write Us. Tested. cordance with plans and specificat­ editor-in-chief. Clark Howell, is a Notice is hereby given to the legal ions on file. Bids will be received member of the Democratic national Pimples and Eruptions voters of School District No. 9, of up until the 9th day of September, 476 E. Main. Portland, Ore. committee, says plainly that: Tillamook County, State of Oregon, 1919, for the making of such improve­ Mean Bad Blood if the country is to have a repub- that a school meeting of said district ment. Bids to be filed with the City lican president, and if Geuerai Wood will be held at the High School should be tile choice, llie executive Teopl« v.-lio have impure cr impover­ Building, on the 20th day of Septem­ Recc.der and to be accompanied by affairs of the country would be in ished blood should be careful to ta1 - ber, 1919, at one o'clock in the after­ I certfied check equal to 10 per cent tlie hands of a broad-minded, clear- only a temperance remedy made of w.ld noon to vote on the proposition of I of the amount of the bid, payable to and barks such as Dr. Pierce’s visio. < it, Tilamook City. Plans and specificat­ constructive, patriotic roots Golden Medical Discovery is and has levying a special district tax. American of tlie highest type. rhe total amount of money needed ions are on file at the office of the been for nearly 50 years. Ingredients lie Const uni ion goes on to quote printed on wrapper. by the district during the fiscal year City Recorder and may be examined oth» r southern paper- rhe Augusta The first day you start to take thia beginning June 18th. 1919, and end there. Right reserved to reject any Chronicle says it is all tlie better if reliable medicine, impure germs and ing on June 21st. 1920, is estimated and all bids. the republican:' put up so good u man accumulation begin to separate in tli ■ In the following budget and includes _ Dated this August 28th, 1919. as Wood and that, if there is a repub­ blood and are then expelled through the amounts to be received from the Frances B. Stranahan, lican. living or yet unborn, who the eliminative organs. county school fund, state school City Recorder of Tillamook City, can break the solid south. Wood is In place of the impurities, the ar­ fund, special district tax, and ail Oregon the man. Tlie Constitution concludes. teries and veins gradually get fresh other moneys of the district. Tin south knows General Wood, vitalized blood and the action of this BUDGET HOW FAR IS FOREST GROVE? for I k has been personally in contact good blood on the skin means that pim­ ------- o------ direetlj or indirectly, with the peo­ ples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, ram, Teachers’ salaries............... 119,500.00 400.00 No So Far that the Statement of Its ple of this section from the very be­ acne and all skin blemishes will disap­ Furniture .......................... THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN ginning of his military career. And pear. Then you must remember th.it Apparatus and supplies, such Residents Cannot be Verified. when the blood is right, the liver, stom­ as maps, chalk, erasers. THE COUNTY. the more the south lias known and ach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, Rather an interesting case has been stoves, curtains, etc . . 800.00 seen of General Wood the better it active and vigorous and you will have developed in Forest Grove. Being so I See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. 250.00 near by. it is well worth publishing has liked him. The Chronicle is cor­ no more trouble with indigestion, back­ Library books................. Flags ................................... 25.00 here. The state is sincere the proof rect in the statement that if we are ache, headache. Get Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ Repairs of school house, out­ convincing: to have a republican president as buildings or fences ... 750.00 Mrs. H. C. James, 420 Pacific Ave., successor to Wilson, there is no covery to-day at any medicine dealers 100.00 > Forest Grove, Ore., says: ’Doan's SHS2Sa5aSB52SHS252SB5E5B5ZS2S25ZS2Sara52525Z5aS2S25aSHSEre53SZ5HS^^ available man that would be more in tablet or liquid form, or send Itk for Improving grounds.......... 100.00 Kidney Pills are a medicine of merit acceptable to the south than General trial package to Dr. Pierce's Invalids* Playground equipment .. Transportation of pupils. 750.00 and I can certainly recommend them Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Wood. Janitor’s wages................. 1,200.00 to anyone who wants a reliable kid­ Npotone, Wo*A—“I had scrofulous Janitor's supplies............ 200.00 ney medicine. I was more less subject President Wilson's belated sugges­ sores on my body and limbe and boils Fuel ...................................... 800.00 to kidney disorders and at times I wholesale and retail tion of having Lodge and Knox rep­ 250.00 suffered from severe resent the United States tn the for­ were always coming out in different place* Light ................................... backaches. 240.00 After I have taken a box or two of A2V d | mulation of a peace treaty is such a I took treatment from several doctors but Water ................................. 250.00 Doan's Kidney Pills my back has felt good one that the wonder is he nev­ they did me no good. At last I began Clerk's salary ................... f 50.00 stronger and my kidneys have be­ er thought of it before. using Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medical Dis­ Postage and stationery .. Bonded debt and interest come normal. ” covery for my blood. When I had taken thereon............................ 2.100.00 The causes of the liigh cost of liv­ Price 60c., at all dealers. Don't 400.00 simply ask for a kidney remedy—get ing are: 41) Currency inflation; (2) three bottles of it the sores were all healed Interest on warrants ... WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE— vast exports of food stuffs to Europe, and 1 have not been troubled any more Outstanding warrants .. 11.580.00 Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that COR. FRONT AND 3RD AVE. WEST, TILLAMOOK, OR. •erlly contributed to supply foreign with bod*.'"—U. 5. F mns S. HO Purchase of grounds ... 2,000.00 Mrs. James had. Foster-Milburn Co.. MMrtp; 4») Ma* t*us; 44) govern- 1 Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv. S25252F2S252SZ5Z52S25ZSZ5ZS2525S “A Fair Proposition but Nothing Doing È £ § a The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO. J COSTS LESS THAN 5 CENTS A CORD TO SAW YOUR WOOD. OPERATES FARM MACHINERY ALSO. VAUGHAN PORTABLE DRAG SAW. Vaughn Motor Works, Inc. ALEX. MeflAIR & CO. I GENERAL HARDWARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. LAMB-SCHRADER CO. CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. |