* TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. GEM THEATRE, TUESDAY, September 9. Have you ever been arrested tor Speeding ? THURSDAY, September 10, Whether you have o| not you will NEVER SAY QUIT.” want to see how Constance Talmadge get away with the Justice ot the Peace in • 44 44 William Fox Feature Production, featuring George Walsh. A deep cut, true blue 100 per cent comedy. I UP THE ROAD WITH SALLIE,” di A Klever, Komical Komedy Drama. Cupid’s Day Off.” Two Reel Mack Sennett Comedy. Pathe News. i The best F-U-N SHOW of the season * Angel food—1st, Mrs. Frank Bes­ Mrs. S. S. Johnson. by the 0. A. C„ counts one half, and Chester White Swine. 1 De Koi; 2. C. N. Gilmore, Tillamook ter; 2nd, Lucy Daniel. I the exhibit counts one half. The two Boar over 1 year—1, J. Donaldson; Poultry g Fannie Korndyke De Koi; 3, B. A. Devils food—1st, Mrs. Will Max­ scores are added together to make Barred Plymouth Rock, trlo—1st, Folks, Noyfolk Fannie De Koi; 4, B. 2, J. Donaldson. well; 2nd Mrs. P. W. Jacobs. Boar under 6 months—1, Chas. 1 the final score. J. A. Dawson; 2nd, John Hoffman; A. Folks. Best cake at fair—Allen Page. I The two boys and the two girls 3rd, John Hoffman*. Heifer senior yearling—1, Clay Thomas; 2, Chas. Thomas. ------- o------- Ginger Cookies—1st, Mrs. Peter Sow over 1 year—1, Chas. Thomas. ! who score highest win trips to the White Plymouth Rocks, trio—1st, Daniel, Buttercup Hilda Gerben; 2, The Live Stock Exhibit at the County Jenck; 2nd Mrs. Jennie McGhee. i State Fair at Salem. John Hoffman. It. W. Watson, Dolly JIareena Vale Violet Girl; 2, J. Donaldson. Fair. Allen Page; Fruit cookies — 1st, Booths. Sow under 6 months—1, Chas. White Wyandottes, trio—1st, Mrs. Cornucopia. 2nd Mrs. Peter Jenck. 1st Sandlake; 2nd Hunt District. I A. L. Thomas; 2nd. John Hoffman; Heifer junior yearling—1, Clay Thomas; 2, Chas. Thomas. The 1919 Count;- Fair was the best Oatmeal cookies—1st, Mrs. Mess­ 3rd, Mrs. A. L. Thomas. 1st St. Alphonsus Academy. Sow with litter under 6 months— in tue history of Tillamook County, Daniel, Easter Colantha Wayne; 2, J. ner; 2nd, Mrs. Claude Ackley. Violet Girl and Rhode Island Reds, trio—1st, Hugh 1, Chas. Thomas, J. Rupp, Tillamook Bess Artis; 3, C. judged from the standpoint of the Plain cookies—1st, Mrs. Messner; Barber; 2nd Hugh Barber; 3rd. B. A. Vegetables. live stock exhibits. One hundred and N. Gilmore, Tillamook Mina Bessie litter; 2,J. Donaldson. 2nd, Mrs. D. Billings. Exhibitors held—1, Joe Donaldson. Leach. Cock—1st, Hugh Barber. Beans, yellow pods—1st, Mrs. R. fifty head of dairy cattle, including De Koi; 4, C. N. Gilmore, Tillamook Custard pie—1st, Allen Page. Champion boar—Joe Donaldson. Cockerel—1st, Hugh Barber; 2nd, J. Portman; 2nd. Mrs. D. D. West. the Holstein, Jersey and Guernsey Celia Bessie De Koi. Fudge—-1st, Laura Dodge. Champion sow—Chas. Thomas. A. Dawson. Hen—1st, Hugh Barber; Heifer senior calf—1, F. R. Beals, Beans, green pods—1st, Mrs. Katie Breeds were on exhibition and there Miscellaneous, Canning and Preserv­ 2nd, Hugh Barber. Marolf; 2nd, Harrison Booth. Poland China. was not a poor individual in the unnamed; 2, F. R. Beals, unnamed. Rhode Island pullet—1st, Hugh ing. Heifer junior calf—1, J. J. Rupp, Table beets—1st, Harrison Booth; Sow under 1 year—S. V. Anderson. bunch. Display preserves—1st, Mrs. Peter Barber; 2nd, Hugh Barber, 3rd, J. A. Boar under 1 year—S. V. Anderson 2nd, Mrs. D. D. West. The Holstein and Jersey breeders unnamed; 2, J. J. Rupp, unnamed; Jenck. Dawson. Cabbage—1st. Catherine O.Hara; were out in force, having about an 3, C. N. Gilmore, unnamed; 4, F. R. Shetland Ponies. Display of jams—1st, Mrs. Peter White Leghorns. Pullets—1st, Mrs. equal number of each breed on exhi­ Beals, unnamed. Gelding—1, Catherine Smith; 2, 2nd, Mrs. Morris Bays. Jenck. Bert Folks; 2nd, Catherine O’Hara. Senior and grand champion bull— Table carrots—1st, Mrs. Frank bition. i he Guernsey breed was rep­ Lois and Beryl Fowler; 3? Bell, Jellies—1st, Mrs. D. Billings, 2nd, Trio—1st, Harrison Booth; 2nd, Mrs. Bester; 2nd. Harrison Booth. resented by only four breeders.All the C. N. Gilmore, Sir Bessie Fayne De Mrs. Peter Jenck. Colonel. D. D. West, 3rd, John Hoffman. Koi Fobes. I Celery- 1st, Mrs. Morris Bays. breeders are to be complimented on Mare—1, Arlene Jones, Betty, 2, Collection canned fruit—1st, Mrs. Brown Leghorns, trio—1st, John Junior Champion bull—B. A. Folks Cucumbers—1st, Vincent Jacobs. the preparation of their exhibits and Peter Jenck; 2nd, Mrs. Jennie Mc- Hoffman; 2nd, Mrs. D. D. West; 3rd, Marjorie Tucker. Cauliflower—1st, Robt Eichinger. on the neatness and attractiveness of unnamed. Sweepstakes—Arlene Jones, Betty. Ghee. Mrs. D. D. West. Senior and grand champion cow— Horse Radish—1st, Mrs.» Morris the exhibits as a whole. There were Collection canned vegetables—1st, Black M inorcas, trio—1st, W. E. J. J. Rupp, Countess of Sunnyside De Bays. very few animals shown that had not Mrs. D. Billings; 2nd, Mrs. Peter Noyes; 2nd, W. E. Noyes; 3rd, John PRIZE WINNERS SCHOOL DEPT. Kohl Rabi—1st, Mrs. R. Portman. been prepared for the show, with a Koi 2nd. Jenck. Hoffman. % Junior champion cow—Clay Dan­ Lettuce, head—1st, Mrs. M. Bays. Open Juvenile Dept. great deal of grooming and work. Collection pickles—1st, Mrs. Peter Orphlngton—1st, John Hoffman. Lettuce, loose—1st, — Jenkins; Cabbage, class B.—1st, Rosie Ros- The judges made very complimentary iel, Easter Colantha Wayne. Jenck; 2nd, Mrs. Florence Stillwell. | Other standard breeds—John Hoff­ Exhibitors aged herd—1, C. N. ech. 2nd, Mrs. D. D. West. remarks about the condition of the Collection dried fruits—1st, Mrs. man, 2 first, 1 2nd, 1 3rd; Henry Gilmore; 2, B. A. Folks. Onions—1st, Mrs. Jennie McGhee; Potatoes, class A—1st, Catherine stock and of the exhibits in general. Peter Jenck. Plasker, one 1st, one 2nd. H. E. R. Exhibitors young herd—1, F. 2nd, Mrs. Robt. Portman. Competition was very keen in the O’Hara. Collection fruit juices—1st, Mrs. Tucker, ode 1st. Mrs. P. Jacobs, one Parsnips—1st Deagle Smith; 2nd, Holstein and Jersey classes, and Beals. Onions, class B—1st, Jane Harris; Peter Jenck. 1st. one 2nd. Harrison Booth, one Breeders herd—1, B. A. Folks. Wm. Tabler. many of the classdfe were composed 2nd, Wade Jenkins. Wild fruit—1st, Lois Daniel. 1st, one’ 2nd. Mrs. P. Bushlack, one 2, Marolf; 2nd, 3 cows in milk — 1, J. B. Honey; Vernon Peas—1st, Mrs. Katie of eight or ten animals that would Table Beets, class B—1st 1st. Textile. Mrs. John Schild. have been a credit to any stock show B. A. Folks. Jensen; 2nd, Irene Rosech. I Corrilsh Indian Games—1st, John A. L. W." S. Hare; Get of sire ---- , C. N. Gilmore, get Cather- Crocheted collar — 1st, Mrs. Pumpkin, table — 1st, Table carrots, Class A- — 1st in the state. Hoffman. of sire Bessie Fayne De Koi Fobes; 2, ine O ’ Hara; 2nd, Ozella Hart. j Page; 2nd, Mrs. A. Grenenwald. 2nd, W. S. Hare. The aged Jersey bull, and the aged Blue Andalusians—1st, John Hoff­ Crocheted yoke—1st, Mrs. Messner, Potatoes—1st, Mrs. Bert Folks; Holstein cow classes were especially B. A. Folks, get of sire Maplecrest Table Carrots, class B—1st, Har­ man. 2nd, Mrs. A. L. Page. I 2nd, Mrs. P. Jacobs. interesting and close.. Several old De Koi Beauty; 3. J. J. Rupp, get of vey Moon; 2nd Lloyd Moon. « Turkeys—1st, John Hoffman, 2nd, Rhubarb—1st, Mrs. D. Billings. Crocheted sofa pillow—1st, Mrs. D. Parsnips, class B—1st Vernon Jen- breeders from other parts of the state sire Hollywood Spring Brook Artis; . John Hoffman. • Largest squash — Mrs. Dora Daniel. 4, J. B. Honey. Billings. were profuse in their praises of the ' sen. I Geese—1st, John Hoffman, 2nd, • Produce of cow—1, C. N. Gilmore; I I Cucumbers, class B—1st, Merle Largest rhubarb—Mrs. Robert Chocheted pillow slip trimming— show. In get of sire thè Holstein i John Hoffman. Eichinger; next largest, Mrs. D. 1st, Mrs. Messner. breeders had five entries and to the 2, J. B. Honey; 3, C. N. Gilmore. I Jensen. Indian Runner Ducks.—lBt, John Holstein special best exhibit of Crocheted bed spread—1st, Mrs. G. bystander it looked like anybody’s String beans class B—1st Margaret Billings. Hoffman, 2nd, Mrs. A. L. Thomas; Holsteins — 1, F. R. Beals; 2, J. B. Largest Cauliflower Robt. Eich ­ A. Jones; 2nd, Mrs. Geo. Lamb. prize until the ribbons were placed. Putman; 2nd, Anthony Zachmann. Crocheted baby set—1st, Mrs. Jen­ 3rd, John Hoffman. Layer Cake, class B—1st Ruth inger. Prof Brandt, of the Dairy Dept of Honey; 3, C. N. Gilmore. I Guinea Fowl—1st, John Hoffman; Kuppenbender; 2nd Gwendolyn Har­ Forage Plants and Roots; Grains and nie Sheets. O. A. C.., judged the Holstein and Jersey* 2nd John Hoffman. Crocheted filet lace — 1st, Mrs. A. Guernseys, while "Uncle Bill’ Schuh- Grasses in Sheaf. Rabbits—1st, Guy French; 2nd. Bull 3 or over—1, W. S. Hare, St. ris.Bread, class B—1st, Luverne Wal­ nench, of Hillsboro, placed the rib­ , Stock beets—1st, Mrs. Morris Bays, L. Page; 2nd, Mrs. Messner. 3rd, Marvin Marvin Pangborn; .Mawes 2nd; 2, M. Mills, Gambog ’ s Crocheted Boudoir Cap — • 1st, Jen ­ bons on the Jers*s, and both seemed ker; 2nd Gertrude Brandt. 2nd, Mrs. Ross. Pangborn. April King; 3, Tillamook Jersey Co., Bread, class A—1st, Lois Daniel. .to give excellent satisfaction. Stock carrots—1st, Deagle Smith; nie Sheets. * »I Cross stitch, sofa pillow—1st, Mrs. Dress, cla^s A—1st, Lois Daniel; 2nd, A. D. Divine. The barns were in the best shape Poppy’s Golden St. Mawes; 4, L, A. Alfred Anderson; 2nd, Mrs. W. S. that they have ever been, for which McCormack, Lavina's Lad. Grange Exhibits. 2nd, Mary Ward. Kale—1st, Mrs. D. D. West. Bull 2 and under—1, L. C. Daniels. the Fair Board and the life stock Buel. Apron, Class B—1st, Ruth Benson, Fairview Grange won the first Ruta bagas-—1st, A. D. Divine. I Jennie prize in the Grange exhibits, which Knitted stockings—1st, superintendent should receive the Belle’s St. Mawes Lad. 2, Joe Donald­ 2nd, Caroline Portman. Largest stock beet—Mrs. Ross. son, Golden St. Mawes Rosalre. Darning, class B,—1st Mary Clay­ hearty thanks of the breeders. was a very artistically arranged Largest stock turnip—Arline Jones, Sheets. Bull senior yearling—l.Wm. Ro-, I ton. Knitted baby bootees—1st, Jennie booth, for which ------o------ the Fairview next largest, T. K. Blackador. bitseb, Susy ’ s St Mawes Apex; 2, F. Fancy work (3 pieces) Class A— The list of prize winners follows: Grange is entitled to a great deal of Largest artichoke stalk—Mrs. R. Sheets. K. Blackador, Crickets Liberty Lad. , 1st, Lois Daniel; 2nd, Lucy Daniel. Knitted lace—1st, Rachel Dunstan. credit. Guernsey*. Portman. Mittens—1st, Jennie Bull Junior yearling—l.Mr». Ther­ Class B—1st, Dolores Banders; 2nd, Knitted Largest corn stalk—Mrs. Robt. Bulls 3 or over—1, J. J. Berns, esa Ross, St. Mawes of Uni Ash. Sheets; 2nd, W. E. Noyes. Evelyn Zenger. Alma's Glen of Mound City; 2, C. Portman. « Cheese Scoring Conteat. Bull senior calf—1, M. Mills, Olga’s Knitted bedspread—1st, Mr*. J. E. Night dress, class A—1st. Lucy Largest sunflower stalk—Mrs. D. Hunt, Glenwood King of Edgemoor. I The cheese scoring content at the Gambog Duke. Brown. D. West; next largest, Harrisn Booth Daniel. Bull senior calf---- J. J. Berns, Drawnwork lunch cloth—1st. Mrs. county fair was participitated In by Bull senior calf—1, L. A. McCor­ Swe^t Peas, class A-—1st, Pauline Oats—Harrison Booth. Marie's Glen of Tillamook; 2 J. J. about half the cheese makers of the mack, unnamed; 2, Albert Johnson, Gienger; 2nd, Lena Berli. James E. Brown. Vetch — Carl Possetti. Berns, May’s Glen of Tillamook. Bob St. Mawes; 3. Wm. Robitsch, French embroidery lunch cloth- county, with the following results. Asters, Class A—1st Gladys Hath­ Bull junior calf—1, R. C. Jones, Horticulture. unnamed; 4, C. Ackley, unnamed. let, Mrs. A. Grenenwald, 2nd, Mrs. Hugh Barber, Fairview............ 97 away. Ra’s Ultra King of Tillamook; 2, R. Baldwin—1st, R. Y. Blalock; 2nd, Elmer Hopkins, E. Beaver .... 96% Cow 3 or over—1,. Albert Johnson, Dahlias, class K — 2nd, Pauline Anderson. C. Jones Ultra King of Tillamook. I W. Kinnaman. Flossie Mays St. Mawes. 2, Wm. Gienger. Class French embroidery center piece— Trevor Hare, Cloverleaf.......... 96% o. B — 1st, Anthony Cow 3 or over—1, R. C. Jones Spot­ Maxwell, Rosel’s Queen Raleigh; 3, Bellflower—1st. O. W. Kinnaman. Albert Worthington.................... 96% 1st, Mrs. A. Grenenwald. wood Sweet Brier, 2d; 2, J. J. Berns, Wm. Robitsch, Grey Fox’s Daughter; Zachmann. Bismarck—1st, O. W. Kinnaman; French embroidered night gown— Harry Thomas, Red Clover . . . 96% Raffia basket, class B — 1st Werner Miss Grumby of McK farms. Frank Wilson, Elwood............ 95% 2nd, R. Y. Blalock. 4. John Stewart, Esplna's Bonnie Abplaflalp; 2nd, Lizzie Abplanalp. 1st, Mrs. Florence Stillwell. Cow 2 and under 3—1, J. J. Berns, Ben Davis—1st, O. W. Kinnaman; French embriodered towels—1st, Floyd Culberson, Maple Leaf . . 95 Collection art work, Class A—1st, Belle. Caroline of Sequoia; 2, R. C. Jones, Gordon Burge, Holstein .......... «5 Heifer 2 and under 3—1, Joe Don­ Nellie Hester; 2nd, Lizzie Abplanalp. 2nd, Hans L. Jensen. Mrs. Alfred Anderson. Ra’s Spotwood Sweet Brier. Crabapples—1st, Mrs. P. Jacobs; , Eyelet embroidery, center piece— N. N. Kirby, Miami.................... 94% aldson. Hermits Pusy Fancy; 2, Wm. Class B—1st, Lucia Wiley; 2nd, Heifer Junior yearling—1, R. C. Robitsch, Grey Fox of Green- Hills; 2nd. Mrs. Peter Jenck. 1st, Mrs. G. A. Jones; 2nd, Mrs. Albert Wade, Cloverdale.......... 94 Ruth Kuppenbender. Jones, Tillamook Belle. 2, R. C. Jones Golden sweet—1st, O. W. Klnnu- Alfred Anderson. Harry Hogan, Ixing Prairie . . . 91 y, L. A. McCormack, King’s Rose­ Special, sewing under 9 years— 1st Tillamook Sweet Brier. Albert Worthington, who is a help- buds Cricket; 4, Albert Johnson, man. Eyelet embroidery, lunch cloth — Folks. Heifer senior calf—1, J. J. Berns, Gravenstein—1st. R. Y. Blalock. er at a cheese factory, made a cheese 1st, Mrs. Alfred Anderson. Turvey ’ s Dell. Poultry. unnamed; 2, Ira Lance, Tthlone Wel­ Grimes golden—0. W.-Kinnaman. Heifer senior yearling—1, L. C. Eyelet embroidery, towels—1st, and placed it in the cheese scoring King—1st. R. Y. Blalock; 2nd, O. ler’s Golden Maid. White Rocks, class B—Roletta contest receiving the high score of Daniels, Rosaires Queen Miss. Laura Bays. Senior and grand champion bull— Heifer Junior yearling—1, L. A. Watson. 96 % points . , W. Kinnaman. Eyelet embroidery, pillow slips Leghorns, class B — 1st, J. J. Berns, Alma’s Glen of Mound McCormack, Helens St. Mawes Marla White Red Astrachan—1st, Mrs. Peter 1:- . uaura Bays. ; 2nd Edwin Glad. City . Jenck: 2nd, Hans L. Jensen. of W. N.- 2, L. A. McCormack, Dollys Archie Mattoon; 2nd Edwin u>uu. Eyelet embroidery, dresser scarf Junior champion bull—J. J. Berns. St. Mawes Beauty of W. N.; 3,’A. I White Faced Black Spanish, G-ass Notice to Creditors. Waxen- -1st. O. W. Kinnaman. 1st, Mrs. Allied Anderson. Sen: ,r champion cow—J. J. Berns Zwald, Nehalem’s Pride; 4, Albert B.—1st, Edward Plasker. Banana — 1st. R Y. Bla- 1st, Winter Gordon | Silk embriodery, center piece Bantams, class B T —1st, Junior and grand champion cow— Johnson, Marie Mistletoe. In the County Court of the Slate of lock. j Mrs. A. G. Jones; 2nd, Mrs. Florence . ____ . 1st, Mrs. E. R. C. Jones, Tillamook Bell. Shartel (2 pairs) transpa rent Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. Heifer senior calf — 1. Wm. Ro­ Yellow Archie I Si ill well. Get of Sire—1, J. J. Berns, get of Anaconas, Class B 1st K. Scovali ; 2nd, R. Y. Blalock. Notice is given that the undersign­ bitsch. unnamed; *2, Joe Donaldson, Silk embroidery sofa pillow 1st. Alma’s Glen of Mound City; 2, R. C. " • \ F. N. Wilson; Mattoon. Other variety — 1st Mrs. A. G. Anderson; 2nd Mrs. Alfred ed, Jesse C. Snyder, has been a, unnamed; 3, Albert Johnson, unnam­ B -1st, Class - Jones, ------ , „„ __ Glbnwood King of Brown Leghorns, get of pointed administrator of the ..late of 2nd, F. W. Robitsch. ed; 4, Albert Johnson, unnamed. R. Y. Blalock; Anderson. Edgemore; 3, R. C. Jones, get of Ra. John L. Snyder, deceased, by the Heifer Junior calf—1, Joe Rosech; Margaret Ross. Best display — 1st, Colored embroidery center piece R. C. Jones, Produce of dam—1, ~ ’------ 2, Joe Donaldson; 3, Edwin Glad, Rabbits, Class B— 1st, Earl Leach; 2nd. O. W. Kinnaman. 1st, Mrs. Florence Stillwell; 2nd, County Court of the State of Oregon, Brier Sweet Display of plums—1st, Hans L. Margaret Ross. .produce of Spoawood for Tillamook County, ami has quail­ Gambogs Gay Ann; 4, A. Johnson, 2nd. Mrs. C. M. Blaser. Special prizes, canned salmon—- Jensen; 2nd. Hans L. Jensen. I 2nd. tied as such. All persons having Colored embroidery dresser scarf unnamed. Display of prunes- 1st, O. W. Kin­ 1st, Mrs. C. M. Blaser; 2nd Mrs. A. claims against said estate are hereby 1st, Gladys Klinehan. Holsteins, Senior and grand champion bull — Bull 3 _ and over—1. C . N. Gilmore, W. S. Hare, St Mawes 2nd. Industrial Club Prize Winners. notified to present the same, duly naman. Anderson. Sire Bessie Fayne De Koi Fobes; 2. Cookery—1st, Ernest Glenger; 2nd verified, as by law required, to the Farm Produce. Junior champion bull—Mrs. There­ Colored embroidery sofa pillow J. J. Rupp, Hollywood Spring Brook undersigned at 1012 Gasco Building, Pauline Glenger; 3rd. Alma Furrer; sa Ross, St. Mawes of Uni Ash. Home cured ham—1st, Vincent 1st. Mrs. C. M. Blaser. Artis; 3. Beals & Folks. Maplecrest Jacob, 2nd, Mrs. Peter Jenck. Senior and grand champion cow Quilts, silk pieced 1st, Mr- Portland. Oregon, within six months 4th, Ruby Tohl. Beauty De Koi. Rural home beautification 1st Breakfast bacon—1st. Mrs. Peter " A. Johnson, Flossie Mays St Mawes. Zachmann; 2nd, Mis. Jennie McGli<< from the date hereof. Bulls 2 and under 3--1, F. R. Dated and first published this 4th Junior Champion cow—L. A. Mc­ Pauline Glenger; 2nd Lena Berli. Quilts, cotton pieced 1st, W. E. Jenk; 2nd, Vincent Jacob. Beals. King Ormsby Repeater of Till- Cormack, Helens St. Mawes Maria Potato raising—.1st, Noah Rich­ Eggs, white shell—1st, W. E. Noyes; 2nd, O. W. Kinnaman. day of September, 1919. ards; 2nd. Harry Robertson; 3rd, Noyes; 2nd, Mrs. D. D. West. tmook. Jesse C. Snyder, N. W . . , Art. Bull senior yearling---- .Beals & ot Exhibitors Administrator. IJkgs. brown shell 1st, Mrs. P. aged herd 1,A.John­ I^eonard Smith; 4th. Henry Newberg. Glen 1st 'oiks. Maplecrest Burton HUrtog De son. 2. J. Donaldson; 3. L. A. Mc­ Oil paintings.landscape Vegetable gardening—1st, Merle Jacobs; 2nd. O. W. Kinnaman. Laidlaw, Owen & Lawrence, Jensen; 2nd, Miles Robertson; 3rd, Duck eggs—let, Mrs. Dora Daniel. Leach; 2nd, Miss Imus. Lol. Attorneys for Estate, Bull junior yearling—1, F. R. Cormack. Oil painting, marine view 1st, 1012 Gasco Building, Comb honey 1st, Hope Watson; Exhibitors young herd—1. L. A. .Margaret Ross; 4th, Claude Webb. leals. Lui-dike Vale Ormsby of Till- McCormack. 2. J. Donaldson. 3. A. on.,itrv —1st, 1st. Homer Crystal Bays. Portland, Oregon. Poultry Homer Blum; 2nd, 2nd. Erwin Harrison. Watson; Extract«^ honey—1st, Joe Rosech. Roletta rnook. Charlie Gardner. ~ ' Floral. I ---- • • * Bull senior calf—1( B. A. Folks, Johnson. Breeders herd—1, L. A. McCor­ 3rd. Marion Lamb; 4th. Claude Dahlias- 1st, Mrs. P. Schrader; Bread. Card of Thanks ioyfolk Lad De Koi. 2nd, Mr». D. Billings; 3rd C. B. Webb. White yeast bread -1st, Mrs. D. D. mack. Leach ; Bull junior calf—1, B. A. Folks, ■ ■ o--------- Earl 3 cows in milk—1, A. Johnson, 2, Rabbit Raising—1st Wiley. West; 2nd. Lois Daniel. nnamed: 2, C. N. Gilmore, unnam- J. Donaldson; 3, L. A. McCormack. We desire to show our appreciation Billings; 2nd. La Vant Holden. Fladiolas — 1st. Mrs. D. d; 3, F. R. Beals, unnam<-d. 4. F. R. McClew. 2nd, I Graham bread 1st, Mrs. D. West. of the many tokens of kindness on Gel of sire—1, Mrs. Thdtesa Rosa, Sewing—lot, Jennie___ Whole sweet bread 1st, Mrs. E. 1 2nd. Mrs. Thersa Ross. leal.-, unnamed. 2. A Johnson; 3, J. Donaldson, 4. L. Lola Daniel; 3rd, Thelma Smith; 4th I Bosew—1st. Mr». D. Billings; 2nd. account of the sickness and death, by Cow 3 and over—1. J. J. Rupp, Harrison. the friends, who sympathized with Anna McClew. Best loaf of bread at the fair Mrs Mrs. Blum, 3rd, Mrs. Morris Buys. McCormack. lountess of Sunnyside De Koi -nd: A. Produce Corn growing—1st. Milo Carter. of cow—1, A. Johnson; 2, Sweet peas 1st. Ethelyn Crawford us In the loss of our beloved wife D. D. West. I, F. R Beals. Iaidy Aaggte Ormsby J. Donaldson; 3, A. Johnson; 4, Wm. Calf Raising—1st. Edwin Glad. 2nd, Mr». Russell Hawkins; 3rd. Mis. and daughter. < Rock; 3. J. B. Honey, Hillside John Feldschau, Pork production—let, Chas Thom­ Cake. Cookie* and Pie. Katie Marolf. ¡ Robitsch. >ewel Hengervald 2nd; 4. R. W. Mr. and Mrs. O. Guls- Butter cake, light—1st. Allen Page Jersey special Best Jersey exhibit Other flowers- 1st, Mrs. D. Bill- as. A’ats<>n. Canary Fobes May De Koi. I Jersey special »e 2, A. Johnson; trom and family. Fruit cake—1st, Mrs. Peter Jenck: I Ings; 2nd. .Mrs. Jennie McGee; 3rd, In the International Club Work, Cow 2 and under 3—1. C. N. Gil- I—1. Joe Donaldson. ¡the child's report, which Is graded 2nd. Mr». D. Billings. »ore. Tillamook Daisy Butter King 3. Wm. Robitsch. TH .COUNTY FAIR WAS BIG SUCCESS. ! | 1