Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 04, 1919, Image 6

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wkädt . tg ' rt
ENJOY real nilHcreant for Clark and freed
him. keeping the joker in. The error
was discovered soon enough to catch
■■ ■ o
Band Serenade* Various Tyros Dur­ the real "jail bird" but Clark says
ing Day and Plays for Street Dance. “never again."
Joe Mannlx one of the most prom­
------ o------
ising attorneys and hailing from Til­
(From the Astorian)
lamook, was very tpuch in the lime­
The Dramatic Order of the Knights light during the day.
of Khorussen took the city over yes­
Dr. Lewis, Tillamook’s promising
terday and last night for their initia­ physician, could be seen very plainly
tion of approximately 100 tyros into amidst the crowd around the Wein-
the mysteries of Khorassa. Two hard.
hundred members of the Abd Uhl
"We can’t quite conceive of the
Atef temple No. 117, arrived yester­ necessity of a water wagon in a dry
day noon bringing with them their state” said a Portland tyro.
drill team and a thirty piece band.
The band is said to be the best
band of any social order in the state.
It is led by Frank Maughan whose
------- o-------
father plays solo alto in the band. High School Pupils Must Register
The father has five sons, three ot
The Week Previous.
whom are in the bund besides the
leader. The drill team in charge of
Tillamook City Schools will open
T. C. Freeburg, of the Portland I
I Monday, September 15. The list of
The afternoon was spent in seeing I teachers for the ensuing term is now
AHtorla from the cars of a number of I complete and consisting of the fol-
citizens. The band also enlivened the I lowing: Grades—Mrs. Clara Burge,
occasion by grinding out the old Jazz I first A; Miss Alice Bennett, first B;
the Htuff that puts pep in stuffed I Mrs. John Steinback, second; Mrs.
I George Hoskins, third; Miss Ferrol
I Swallow, fourth;
Miss Gertrude
Marched in Cosumes
In the evening the people of Astor- I I Hefflcy, fifth; Mrs. Hattie Hassison,
la were treated to a beautiful exhibi- I I sixth; J. L. Ashton, principal, and
I seventh; Miss Bell Wilson , eighth;
tion of the customs of the order.
Arrayed in wonderful combinations I I High School—Lester N. Bennett,
ot silk, satin and costly brocade the I I principal; Mrs. Bertha Hanson, his-
parade started up Commercial Street. I I lory and teacher training; Miss Mar­
The parade was lead by the Tllla-1 guerite Brakel, English and history;
mook delegation that hud come over I Miss Dorothy Graham, Latin; Miss
In 25 cars. They also had with them I Naomi Sheidler, music and art; Miss
their pet mascott, a very much alive I Maude Skidmore, cooking and sew­
bear. This animal rode throughout I ing; M. E. Johnson, manual training,
the parade on the head of one of the I | Miss Zetta Starr, commercial. L. W.
members of the Tillamook lodge.
I Turnbull, superintendent.
The Supt. and the principal of
Danced in Street.
the high school will be in the office
After the dance, the band furnish I Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
ed the music for a monster street I September 10, 11 and 12, for the
dance in front of the Weinhard bo I purpose of enrolling high school pu­
tel. The knights and tyros dunced I pils, from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. All boys
until a late hour when they adjourn- I or girls who expect to attend high
ed to the Astoria theatre where the I school this term are urged to select
real initiation of the tyros took place. I the subjects which they wish to car-
was there that they trod the hot I ry jol.
year> whether they plan to
sands and finally after some very 1 enter the opening week or later. By
thrilling experiences reached the enrolling ut this time more attention
sacred oasis of Khorassa.
can be paid to their individual needs.
The ritulastic part of the initiation Students who plan to enter college
was taken care of by H. J. Clark, the after graduation should let the fuct
master of ceremonies for Oregon. He 03 known, so that they may be able
was assisted by chief officer of the to meet the entrance requirements of
viziers, M. C. Larsen; F. J. Johnson, he particular school which they may
formerly of Astoria, who is grand wish to attend.
chancellor of the Knights of Pythias
Children desiring to enter the
for Oregon, and by W. G. Gleeson the g ades from some other school should
grand keeper of records and seals for tee the superintendent on these duys
this state.
tor assignment to their grades. If
possible they should bring report
Astor Lodge is Host.
Mr. Clark, the master of ceremonies cards from the school attended.
Children beginning school for the
said to a representative of the Morn­
ing Astorian last night: "This cele­ first time will not be enrolled after
bration is put on by Astor lodge, No. the second Monday of the semester,
6. Knights of Pythias of this city. M. September 22. Pupils less than six
R. Brown, of Astoria, has done won­ years old cannot be admitted. A new
derful work in arranging the plans Mass of beginners will be enrolled at
and the chief credit for the very suc­ the beginning of the second semester,
cessful celebration and initiation in January.
should rest on his shoulders.” But
The pupils will report at 9 a.m. at
the big feature of the evening was the rooms to which they have been
the parade.
promoted. After having been assigned
First caine the two bunds, the Port- I seats and given lists of books and
land and Tillamook. Perched high on | supplies needed they will be excused
the water wagon were some tyros. I to purchase them. This is the year in
Their faces were the picture of inno­ which the Oregon State Text Book
cence. As they pussed along theii Commission has selected books for
many friends passed numerous re- the next six years, so there are a
marks about their appearance on number of changes from last year.
such a thing which gave Monte to To avoid mistakes it is desired that
think that it was an entirely new ex- no books be purchased until I
perience for some of them.
teachers have Informed the pupils
to the exact things needed.
Patrol on Flat Wagon.
The superintendent would like
Following on the heels of the wat­
er wagon came the coach. In it in hear from anyone who expects
all manner of positions were more of take teachers as roomers and board­
the tyros. A guard of honor knights ers ,or either, during the coming
went along by the side to see that term. Telephone 150 or 131-11.
none of them changed their minds
about treading I he sacred sands,
"They can’t be heated up for noth-
Ing,” remarked tlie guard.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Henderson left for
On a huge flat wagon the Arab pa­
trol and drill team of the Portland their home In Portland
temple rode. But next came the am­ morning by auto after a 10 day visit
bulance loaded to capucity with the with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Phelps.
Mr. P. G. Alexander came in Sat-
grinning and sheepish looking tyros.
urday and is visiting with his broth­
He Had to Hunt For It.
Mr. Myers was in a local restaur­ er, II. sheldar.
Ralph Ackley and family and Lt.
ant when lie noticed "Hunter Steak"
on the menu. He Inquired of the I''. M. Phelps anti family left for
waiter what the "Hunter” meant, heir home in Portland Monday
The waiter staled that the steak morning by auto.
Mr. Carlin, the superintendent of
was stripped with bacon. Myers or­
dered same and says he hunted for the Cummings Moberly Lumber Co.,
the steak a long time and finally left lor Portland on Monday’s train.
found it hidden under a strip of ba­ •\lr. Carlin litis gone out for a few
days on business.
The same Mr. Myers Is trying to
Mrs. C. M. Alexander and her little
get as many "Dokles” as possible to niece, Mary F.‘ Harris, came up from
go to the opening of the 1. 0. O. F. Oakland, Cal., to visit with her par­
and K. of P. joint hull at Cascade ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Phelps.
Locks next Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson were
The whole Tillamook bunch were Garibaldi visitors Monday.
unanimous in the opinion tha| they
Ed Leach and Tom Butfim, of Till-
would have arrived a half day soon-
auiook, w’ere at Garibaldi on Monday
er but they waited for Wolf to
on business.
change a tire on the road.
Mrs. Pete Nelson, of the Cove, left
C. W. Freiberg was the whole
trombone section of the Portland for the valley Wednesday to pick
tyro’s band. "Hasn't Portland any hops.
The work on the big water tanks
more trombone players, or does Frei­
berg possess wind enough for the at the Hobsonvllle mill is about com­
whole trombone section?” asked a pleted.
Tlllauusik musician in commenting
on the matter.
Card of Thanks.
A. H. Gaylord, of Tillamook, slipped
one over on the rest of the bunch
We wish to thank our friends and
yesterday morning by coming to
relatives for their kindness, words of
Astoria and getting married.
Stanley Clark, also of Tillamook, sympathy and beautiful floral offer­
took some of his colleagues down to ings during the illness and death of
the city bastille and thinking he was our beloved husband and father, son
playing a good joke on them had and brother. Wendelin Becker.
Wife. Mariana Becker and
them placed In cells. Desk Sergeant
family. Mother,
Donnelly. having a keen senae of hu­
Vetach, Brother. Peter Beck­
mor, placed the men aa directed but
er, Sister Marxellna Hoffard,
also put Clark in with them. It is
Half brother, Alex Sadway,
said that when the time came to let
Halt sister, Maria Kosetch.
them out, the aergeant mistook a
A Distinguished Collection of
New Fall Suits and Coats
Awaits Your Inspection
to be found here possess a distinction of individu­
ality and smartness that is seldom seen in gar­
ments at such moderute prices.
They present
themselves in materials of dwetyn, silvertone, tri­
cotine and suede cloth, in colors of dragon flv
blue, coffee shades anil coppery tones.
New Coats
representative collection of the favored
modes for the fall season. Plush, velour, silver-
tone, bolivir, and pom pom are the favored
Buy Now and Save
Later shipments of similar models will
be much higher priced.
It may seem just a bit 0(1(1 to think of buying your fall suit or coat in August, but it is the part of
wisdam to buy early this season as prices arc going up- up— ud .
It will pay you to make a selection now
ind leave it in our “Will Call” unless you wish delivery made.
You will find our prices very reasonable.
Let us show you our complete line of
(Across street from C’ough’s Drug Store)
Tillamook, Oregon
We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of
Bay City and tributary country. We invite your further patron­
age. and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still
better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business
with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate.
Entire New St ock of Candies.
New Syrups. Come and See
Phone 32.
Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies
Dry Goods and Gasoline
Phone Main 73.
The Brunswick ‘ Ultona” plays all
records at their best
Hear them at the Palm Confectionery
State Fair
SEPT. 22-27
Government’s Giant War and
Agricultural Exhibit
( omposed of. trophies captured on European
battlefields by American soldiers, and exhibits
from the agricultural, naval and war depart­
ments, will be on exhibition for the first time; a
colossal array of magnificent exhibits ^.»present­
ing the stati’s great industries and resources.
Greatest Horse Show Ever Staged in the
Northwest. A Superb Racing Program.
The Best of Amusements and Attractions
A. H. LEIA, Secretary