Tii.i ÄiurnnK wrädt . thpt TILLAMOOK ättgtist qi ioiq HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919 their savage code. Japan coerced him into that concession.. Clemenceau MICKIE SAYS and Lloyd George felt bound by Fred C. Baker, Editor. their terms of the old intrigue that /"cvoict > this it mr . blank '*' I HAVE A NEWS ITEM FOR. divided the loot before the vic­ SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 tory was won. ar.d Wilson yielded T he PAPER, "MR WHOOZIS, WHO LIMES TEN MILES FROM that Japan might sign. That country HERE AND HAS ALTAIANS Advertising Rates. sold her signature for the liberties of TRADED IN ANOTHER TOWN, Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. 36,000,000 of human beings, • and WAS IN OUR ClTN TODAN ANO Locals .......................... per line 7c. Wilson, Lloyd George, and Clemen­ PURCHASED A $IOO BILL OF ceau approved the bargain and rati­ Readers, with reading matter goods at blank ’ s store , per line................................... 7c. fied the sale. AND WAS SO WELL PLEASED o------ Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. that ME announced his The United States is facing a ser- intention of trading in I ious .situation, brought about largely I on account of President Wilson's this ClTV hereafter so he CAN AVAIL HINASELF OF THE | apathy in dealing with critical situ- HIGH GRADE GOODS AND FlNc | ations when they arise. In 1916 when 1 lie United Slates is top heavy with , the railroad men demanded an in­ VALUES AT BLANK'S.” NO CM ARGE , I SUPPOSE, FOR top prices. Great will be the fall crease in wages and threatened to when that time conies. NEWS tTEbAS tie-up the railroads of the country, a and would not even consent to arbi- MO-O , Ì The high cost of living is becoming nation, it was then that President PRETTN EASN! higher when it costs $10.00 to take Wilsou showed that he lacked back- JEST WM1 TILL GUESS NQ1 a ten minute trip up in the clouds. THE BOSS SEES bone when he did not look the issue THAT "NEWS square in the face and settle the The cattle show at the County Fair trouble then and there. The tlemo- was th«? largest aud best seen in Til­ cratic administration then passed the lamook, thanks to the different Adamson law and PresiUent Wilson breeding associations that are taking signed tlte bill which was an admis­ sion of abject surrender to the rail­ a lively interest in blooded stock. ------ o------ road men. It was freely admitted at The State Highway Commission the time that it would not be long be­ promised that if the County Court fore! the train men would make fur­ would prepare 15 miles of road bed, ther demands upon the president and it would hardsurface It next year, the democratic administration, which We would like to see the hardsurfac- proved true, for Gompers is the man ing done next year as far north as behind the throne at the White Garibaldi, and to Cloverdale in the House. The train men are now de­ south part of the county, and we manding that the railroads be turn­ ed over to them to operate and con­ think it can and should be done. trol for their benefit, and, President ------ o------ Wilson is again confronted with the After all, probably the school board same problem that he should have One cent a word per issue. is right in calling a meeting of the settled right in 1916. He did not do district to see whether the citizens so, and in consequence the country Sale a 10 ft. Perfect Stay-Round are willing to pay somethihg to ob­ is confronted with another serious For Silo. See Geo. Williams or write D. tain a clear title to the school situation, and it is going to take men L. Shrode. .Salem Ore. * grounds which were given to the dis­ with cool heads, stiff back bone and trict as long as they were used for good judgment to prevent a tie up of Equity in $550 almost new piano school purposes. It is always unsat­ the industrial life of the country on for sale at a bargain. Inquire Sing­ er Sewing Agency, Opp. P. 0. isfactory for a school district or city account of the class legislation that to own property with a string tied to Mr. Wilson consented to in 1916. Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays It. all records at their best.—Palm ------ o------ Confectionary. * Notwithstanding that most pre­ The awful loss of life caused by the war is appalling. For instance. cincts have voted to prohibit stock Hay, quality quaranteed at French war losses constitute 26 per running at large, in most all parts Alfalfa lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchard, cent of the men mobolized, and 57 of the country there are to be found Bay City. Phone 162. • per cent of all men with the colors large numbers of cows and calves Let B-K be your disinfectant. It is safe, .clean and powerful. For sale Why not place your feed orders for under 31 years of age were killed. runnig at large on the public roads, the future with Kuppenbender. at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Yet France did not want war and did and should a round up be under­ --- o— nothing to start it. It was the blood taken quite a large band of cattle Buy your hay at Kuppenbender ’ s Let your co-worker on the farm be C. F. GIRARD. thirsty Hun who is responsible for would be gathered up. But the point warehouse. the Cleveland Tractor. On display -------o------ this great loss of life. It is all very we want to impress is this; Should at Kuppenbender warehouse. well to talk about being friendly one of these critters get in front of Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath, Room 4 Choice Locations, a fast driven auto — some of them are Masonic Building. with Germany now that the war is Roosters for sale — Thorough bred over, but France will.never forget driven at forty or fifty miles an roosters of different varieties. Ap­ Rented and Sold. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. and probably never forgive the blood hour—and cause a fatal accident It ply to John Hofman, Tillamook. 3 Dr. Wise. might cost a dairyman who allows thirsty Huns. his stock to run at large the value of 200 acres, a snap, near P. 0. and ----- -o------- handle Trojan Powder. Best for his farm, for the court would rule school, 6 cows, 2 yearling heifers, We stumping. Tillamook Feed Co. Carl Haberlach reports that the I that it was criminal negligence, and • General Merchandise, 3 calves. 1 sow, 3 horses. All wa ­ production of cheese for April, May, the dairyman owning the critter Bay City, Oregon. gons and implements, furniture See the TiHamook Feed Co. about June, July and August this year to­ would be charged with manslaught­ and house, all crops. Price $7,000. Republic tires and sate money. tals 54,700 boxes, against 47,850 for er. We simply mention this to en­ Terms. Address J. Bagley, Myrtle last year during the same period. lighten those who let their stock run For Life Insurance, there is nothing Point, Ore. This makes an increase of 6,850 at large on the county road to pre­ better than what the Mass. Mutual boxes over last year or about 15 per vent, if possible serious accidents, Special offers. Ask to see specimen policy. Sale used Sewing Machines, ' cent, or nearly half a million pounds. for it is better to look the mattter * including one Singer, $10 to $25. —W. A. Church. If the production over the country squarely in the face before one hap­ Singer Agency Opp. P. O. * See Williams about Miller Cord and has been as great proportionally, it pens. There is another phase to con- Phone 72. Fabric tires. Prices right. Satisfac­ accounts for the dullness in the mar­ sider. Should a fatal accident happen For Sale, 90 acre dairy. Near Myrtle tion guaranteed. Tillamook Feed Point, 19 cows. Reg. Bull % inter ­ ket. The above five months cheese the people- would immediately blame QR. O. L. HOWLFELI). Company. • est in 14 calves, 2 heifers, 2 colts, will bring about $1,265,000.00, or the county officials, and, no doubt, 2 mares, 1 horse, 1 sow, 10 shoats. about as much as last year’s entire would circulate petitions for their re­ Williams about the Republic, the VETERINARIAN. All farm implements, separator. See yellow output sold for. The increased pro­ call. There is just one thing to do by chasis truck that serves so Price $11,600. terms. Address box Bell Phone —2F2 Mutual Phone duction 1 b larger than the September those who allow their stock to run well and honestly, a truck at an 234, Myrtle Point, Oregon. output of cfieese will be. honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. at large, and that is to keep them vp Tillamook a Oregon until such time as the precincts vote For Sale—Two good beach lots at Tillamook /eed Co. buys hides. Come Everybody appeared well pleased to allow seock to run at large. The Rockaway. Phone 42-R, or write in and investigate their prices. with the county fair, especially with people have voted against stock run­ Box 285, Tillamook. A VID. ROBINSON, M.D., the splendid stock show. The man­ ning at large and the law should be If you are contemplating buying a agement spent a little money in ad­ complied with and rigidly enforced; For Sale, 1918 Overland in good drag saw see the Tillamook Feed shape, with good tires. A bargain vertising, and, no doubt, it is fully the same as other laws. Co and get prices. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON at $600. Terms to responsible per­ convinced that it pays to advertise, -------- 0--------- » son. Enquire of Reed Farmer, Films, Cameras and Photo Supplies the big crowds each day and the gate NATIONAL BUILDING, Films developed 10c. with print The snap shot man is fully convinc­ Beaver, Ore. receipts surpassing all expectation. orders. — J. W. Edwall. • ed that the county should own Its TILLAMOOK OREGON. There are many improvements that .rent—Restaurant doing good could and should be made in our fu­ own fair grounds, as all who have For business at Bay City. Auto Tirei — investigate the Republic ture county fairs, for since they taken part in these annual events Standard, five thousand miles T. BOALS, M.D., were first started there have been will agree. In displaying farm pro­ For Sale—34 acres, 20 acres river guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ ducts, cheese, poultry, live stock etc., more or less the sameness about bottom, remainder bench. $4,400. mook Feed Co. them. What is wanted is new und at­ they show off to better advantage if 4 Buildings poor. Inquire Headlight PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. placed In artistically arranged booths tractive features, and those who office. Spt-30.* Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ and stalls, The uncouth shacks at Surgeon S. P. Co. mook office across the street from have charge of next year’s county the court house, Mondays, Tues­ fair should aim to introduce new the present fair are a source of dis- (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) days and Wednesdays until further features or enlarge upon some of the appointment, as well as expense Miscellaneous Advertisements every year to make them look pre- Tillamook - notice. Oregon present ones. sentable, not only so, but it discour- Wanted plain sewing. Prices reason- onable. Address Mrs. Myrtle A Chicago bank, presenting farm­ ages those w ho have to go to so much HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. Dougherty, corner 2nd St. and 6th ers’ view o£ present economic situa­ trouble and expense every year to ave West. ’ Sept-11 — o — one rea- fix up". This, probably, is SPECIALIST. tion makes '.his incisive comment; Disease of The ’’Farmers and ruralists generally son why so few of the granges have Lost—grey automobile robe, on Fri­ Storage—Oils EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT are seriously perplexed ai being rail­ ■ xhibits tills year. To put it plainly day. Reward offered. Leave same 7. pairing of all kinds. Only ed upon to exert themselves to raise the whole arrangement of buildings at the Headlight office. Give us a trial. 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. larger and larger crops in order to at the fair grounds is a Jumbled up Goin & Wiedman. reduce the cost of living for dwell affair, as those who have had man- lost—fishing rod. on the Wilsou river. Please leave same at Head­ ers in towns ami cilie . while the lat­ agement of the fairs all admit. We light office. ter • ek to organize and strivr hard­ certainly hope when the next county er and harder to reduce working fait is held it will be in grounds owned by the county, artistically de Dr. Wise—Dentist hours und reduce wages.” There is considerable gospel truth signed, so that some permanent im­ Wanted to rent dairy ranch with 20 about thi statement, for the prevail­ provement can be made every year. ’ to 50 cows, or will buy stock—Ap­ ply to Ernest Gesler, Tillamook. S ing sentiment in large cities is for As the breeding associations will re­ workmen to do less work and get quire some central location and mod­ CONSULT THE CHART more pay, while the farmers are ern buildings, the fair grounds could Live Stock Ins.—See Watson. Zerolene is made in various consistencies be used for that purpose, and they no urged to work more hours un«l pro- Dr.'s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. to meet with scientific accuracy the lubri­ du«'«1 more crops so that the city peu- doubt would gladly contribute some­ National Building. cation needs of each type of automobile thing towards a permanent building. pie can live cheaper. engine. You have the benefit of experts' We are in favor of a neat, modern, Let W. A. Church write your hay advice when you consult our Correct Lu­ insurance. * up to-date fair grounds artistically This is how 8ctmlor Watson sizes brication Charts. Get a chart for your car •' When we designed, with a camp ground for Get your gas and car supplies at up the Shantung deal; STANDARD OIL COMPANY, (Califoraia) wen' to war our president proclaim­ tourists in connection, and when that Jones Trading Co.. Bay City. Is obtained it will be a better in ­ ed that diplomacy was to be lifted from the niire and placed upon a ducement to our citizens to exhibit Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. higlt plans ob honesty and fair deal­ their products and stock, and greater ing. that national selfishness was to interest and more people would at­ ha* a resident piano tuner, be supplanted by international altru­ tend the county fair. Tillamook Tillamook call Singer Agency—Opp. P. O. ism; that the right of the self-de­ county has outgrown its present fair and organs for rent. Singer termination was to be established as grounds and temporary shacks and Pianos Agency—Opp. P. O. in everybody should be Interested the permanent pdllcy of the future; and that the world should never something better. Counter Sales Book*—Order youi know another Silesia, another Assace ¡Sale* Books from W. F. Baker. Lorraine. And yet at the peace con­ QR. L. L. HOY, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Cal) ference tn the representatives of Ja­ 68 Headlight. pan there re-appeared the ’old order . the old Intrigue, the old savagery PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Wanted to Rent—well Mocked dairy , ranch on shares. Handy to school that "might make» right". And they T illamook B lock , I and cheese factory—O. E. Scott. forced our president to abandon his Sheridan. Ore. care of Paradise high Ideal*, to turn hi* back upon O regna 8-4. Orchard Farms. hl* lofty J^nctple*. and to accept Tillamook, W. A ©tllamnnk NAZIMOVA antera Editorial .Snap Shots. GEM THEATRE, Friday and Saturday Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. September 5 and 6. You will have a regret with you so long as you live, if you do. Come early and get your choice of seats. TWO SHOWS EACH EVENING. Adults 25c. Children 10c BAY CITY REAL ESTATE. NELSON & CO., Square Deal and Good Goods •Our Motto. Bay City Garage » » a a a a a a » a S a f T. buna ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bo« ks in Office. Taxea Paid for Non Residents T illamook B lock . Tillamoox rp H .... Oregon Both Phone». GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office : O pposite C ourt E Tillamook ousk Qi»goa J OH'i LELAND. HENDERSON. attorney ; ¡AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Tillamook • O«eg ».« 77ie good man is always sincere IMPERIALES MOVTMP1CCE C IGA 12 ETTES are made of good things. Good tobacco, perfectly blended—pure mais paper to wrap it and a mouthpiece to cool the smoke of it. A «iga- rette manufactured to excel. 10 for 13c The John Bollman Co. Branch Fill men with praise if you would have friends IMPEPIALES MOVTHStSCB CJlGADETTES are filled with such fine tobacco, are made with such care, mouthpiece and all—no wonder men praise them and pass them on to friends. 10 for 13o The John Bollman Co. Brand*