TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. PRACTICAL PRODUCTION MEANS MORE PROFIT. F you are doing without some needed improe- ment on your farm Mr. Farmer or Dairymen which w.ould make the crops grow better, the Stock grow better and your “NATIONALIZED" bank account grow bigger—put your problem up to us here at the First National. I “Patrons-First" is our Motto. DIRECTORS: A. H . Bunn, farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. C. J. Edwards. Mur. C. PmverCo. J. C. Holden, l ice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. The first NationalBank. j Get this straight says the Good Judge The tobacco that gives you the most lasting chew is the kind that saves you money. You don’t have to take so many fresh chews. The rich tobacco taste stays right with it. That’s why you take a smaller chew. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, What the Editors Say Scraps of Paper Yes, the country is full of profi­ teers, and they are all indignant at the profiteering of men in other lines of business. Reform will have to come voluntarily from within or by force from without.—Telephone Reg­ ister. -------o ■ ■ A "Band of Gypsies” stopped for a few minutes in town Wednesday. They had their unusual amount of unmitigated impudence. These peo­ ple should not be permitted to open­ ly and insolently ply their business among civilized people.—Willamina Times. The jury has decided that the dif­ ference between what the Chicago Tribune called Henry Ford, and what he is, is six cents. Well, let it go at that. % I f your immediate need is a de­ pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. "Palmer calls for »1,5000.000 for 1 ight on Profiteers."—Newspaper Headline. An administration officials idea of reform is to call for more millions to spend. ------- o------- But maybe if President Wilson hadn’t been so busy looking after the duties of Congress he would have had more time to look after the du­ ties of the presidency, which includ­ The railroads, it is claimed, are es enforcement of the anti-monopoly unable to pay the high wages de­ laws. manded by the brotherhoods. But this can be easily arranged. The Now that the House has cut out its brotherhoods are willing to take the vacation on the’ plea by President roads in part payment, and negotia­ W ilson that public duty requires its ble paper for the balance.—Tele­ presence in Washington, perhaps the phone Register. doctor will take some of his own medicine by dropping that plan for a People visiting the Tillamook stumping tour and staying on the job beach all have.something to say of himself. the Elmore hotel at Rockaway now O------- conducted by J. J. Krebs former well The administration has the same known Hillsboro man. As an example remedy for the high cost of living of what competent management will that it lias offered for everything do they say that while the house last else; more and bigger appropria- year under different management fions. Yet a lot of people think was rarely filled now it is packed that government expenditures and daily, the tourists brag of the fine czonsequent high taxes have much meals and beds furnished.—Inde­ to do with the high living costs. pendent. Before we get too cocky over the fact that American cavalry is pursu­ ing Mexican bandits we might re­ member “Villa dead or alive” of the Pershing expedition, when the ad­ ministration recalled the force after it had suffered in an encounter with regular Mexican soldiers. The same administration is still running things and since the previous raid Mexicans have been killing and robbing Amer­ icans and incidently permitting the operation of German plotters while we were at war, While Carranza has not been even asked to explain why he blocked the Pershing expedition and has made no real effort to pro­ tect American life and property, with the signing of the armistice people believe the Mexican situation would receive attention, but instead consideration has been devoted ex­ clusively to European problems, and the army has been reduced to pre­ war proportions. Had a division of veterans been moved to the border, the fleet moved to the east and west coasts of Mexico and Carranza told what he must do, and do quick or we would do ft for him. we hazard the guess that there would now be no Mexican problem.—Independent. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS ire maturing new proh enis almost daily and thi* bank ha< prepared itself with facilities very valuable to a wide variety of interests. TO THE FARMER AND RANCH ER mi* n'envh*"«hi'ï in ♦ h*» Raterve i* an advantage. it gives us a broad and practical ability to meet their particular needs. The same connection serves The H usinas Man Here each of ( hese differing lines of endeayor will find that conferences with our officers often bring out ad­ vantages which anxiety and business care« have hidden from them. . ■ ■ o-------------- TO THE THRIFTY, we offer 4% interest compounded twice yearly for their savings plus the security of .4 StronQ Home Owned Hank. TO THE VISITORS IN THIS SEC­ TION, this bank is a place for them to enter and feel at home and they are invited to call and make their desires known. IN the final analysis, it will be found that this in­ stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and, whatever your business interests in this section may be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­ gent and personal co-operation. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Th» Sir ft ng Home Bank Why dies Great Britain have six votes and the United States one in the proposed league of nations, the New York Herald yants to know. That figure represents the relative importance of Great Britain and the United States in the eyes of those chiefly concerned in framing the covenant. It is the realization that every day popular opposition to the British- Wilson covenant is increasing that causes the present hysterical cry that it is up to the Senate to ratify in less than eight weeks a treaty, involving the destiny of this country, which it took President Wilson eight months to formulate. ------- o------- One Texas Democratic congressman offered to fight in the House the other day because another Texas Democratic congressman called him an administration rubber stamp. They may be just as much rubber stamps as ever, these Democratic congressmen, but they are not as proud as they used to be of having public attention called to the fact. LADIES, recognizing (he many ad­ vantage!« in a personal checking ac­ count. will find us ready to do every­ thing possible to make heir transac­ tions with this bank a pleasure to them. I AND ALL KINDS OF TRADE All Work u GUARANTEED. L V C A N 1 We carry a Full Line of United States Tires, Also Used Tires and Tubes. z R E P A I R I N G We take your Tires in Exchange. There has been plenty of law on the statute books, national and state I to prevent all the combinations in The Writers’ Mellenium. restraint of trade which have been ------- o------- at the bottom of the profiteering. The newspaper writers have or- The president of the United States is * ganized a union at San Francisco. sworn to see to it that the laws of Hooray! When the writers organize BELL'PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE the nation are executed. Delivering First Street, next to McNair’s Hardware Store. we expect to demand more money. harangues to the populace against We shall simply tell the business of­ the high cost of living is an inade­ fice that unless it comes across we quate substitute for the performance • shall strike. This is the greatest lit- of plain duty. I tie idea that has yet been proposed. • ------- o------- The poor down trodden writing pro­ To investigate the high cost of liv­ fession Is about to come into its own. ing the Department of Justice wants Details are not given, but the pre­ a million and a half, the Federal sumption is that this union will be Trade Commission wants a half mil­ S2S252S25252S25252S25252525252S2SH5252525252525Z52525252S25252S25E5252SZ run like all the rest, merely for the lion, the Department of Commerce sake of keeping up the pay roll and wants another half million, the De­ I without any regard to ability or ef­ partment of Labor still another half ficiency. That’s the way it ought to million, the Department of Agricul­ S Gas and Motor Oils, Auto Robes. g be. Why should some lummux who ture a half million more, etc., etc., happens to be born with the ability The remedies for the high cost of K,J. A. PARKER, 1 door West of Woolle’s blacksmith’s shop. g of Bill Shakespeare or Irv. Cobb or I living provided by the present nat­ Sam Blythe, be drawing any more ional administration may not come pay than we do? They can’t eat any up to expectations, but the demands L more. They don’t need any more for appropriations are always on an clothes. They do not need any more elaborate scale. house room. Here these men are ------- o... - fa drawing their hundred thousand a A Coblenz dispatch to the New year simply because they were born York Tinies says that the inter-allied I with an ability to write. They can’t commission has struck a blow at help it. Down with the writing plut­ American cbmmerce by ruling that ocrats! Doesn’t the Declaration of all duties on goods entering Germany All Work Guaranteed. Independence say that all men are by land must be paid in depreciated Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock of Goodrich K created.equal? Of course it does. And German currency, but all sea imports Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON of course they are. must be paid in gold. This makes the •PtOIAL PBATURKt SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS You! Patronage Solicited. We demand that E. B. Piper of the duty on American imports four time A beautiful campus, faculties of special­ The University includes the College of Oregonian come thru and pay his as high as British and French im­ ists. modern facilities, low coat, with many Literature, Science and the Arts, and the J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. opportunities for self-help, "athletics for •per*"! Schools of Law, Medicine, (at dues. He can get in with the rest of ports. This is a fair sample of th< everybody,’’ a really democratic atmosphere Por‘md), Architecture Journalism, Com­ us for in a union merit is not neces­ way in which American interests are ¿S2S2S252S2S2SB5asaS25Z5ZSaSE5Z5HS?525H5H5aSH5a5252S2Sa52S2S2S2525252S2S —an-1 the famous "Oregon Spirit." me. •?, Éducation sud Music. sary. If he refuses to join, and has • being protected in the grand concert Tor a catalogue. illustrated booklet or specific information, address' any stuck up notions abput associat­ of powers for the introduction THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE: OREGON. ing with us merely because he has equality of trade among nations. talked to King George, we shall ask ■ o------- the linotypers to refuse to set any of After six years of complete contiol VHE UNIVERSA« CAR his copy. And they will do it too, for of tl\c national government, Presi- we are going to affiliate with the dent Wilson and his satellites' I. T. U. The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five brought to power on the promise Hurrah for the writers’ union! made in 1912 to paralyze high llv- comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, Eight hours a day and an eighth of ing costs, now give an account of * A uiie and treat leader hfti htt uhole community and may lift an entire nanon"— E ly of column an hour and no proof read­ their stewardship by saying that the it has large windows, and may in a minute be chaged to ing! Wd hereby announce our can­ remedy of the high cost of living is An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. a most delightful open car with always a top protecting didacy for presidency of Corvallis to tarn the league of nations cove­ Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? local No. 1 and we hope some day to nant through the Senate, without against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, be advanced to a walking delegat': amendment. Anyway they don’t at­ dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered with the stipulation that said walk­ tribute the high prices to the dam­ Equipped with electric starting and lighting system. A ing is to be done over the Corvallis nable Payne Aldrich tariff law, as Golf Course. real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all they did in 1912, which shows that Sic semper tyrannis; E Plurlbus as diagnosticians these Democratic the conveniences o'f an electric car with the economy have Writlbus! The mellennium politicians are improving a little. come!—Gazette Times. which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, ------- o------- Train, for leadenhip in the indunrm .nd profewion. m fallow. Following the announcement HOME ECONOMICS. AGRICULTURE. COMMERCE. FORE3TRY. PHARMACY. MUSIC. small cost of operation and maintenance. Won’t you VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL ENGINEERING. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. It delay in executing a peace treaty Representative Reavis, a member MECHANICAL ENGIT BERING. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. come in and see us about it. is what stands in the way of the res ­ the war investigating committee, MINING ENGINEERING. LOGGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE toration of normal world conditions, that steps would be taken to prevent Th- College treming include, cour.ee in Engb.h. Economic. Art. Mathcnut.,., Modern Language.. Phyuc.l Education. Indu.tn.1 Journahwn. Natural Science*, and all ewentiala o< an education then President Wilson took a big re­ the Secretary of War from selling sponsibility in holding up the peace abtoati the great supply of knit goods Three regular {erms—Fall term begins September 22, 1919 TILLAMOOK GARAGE negotiations for several months with and piece goods now in the possess­ his “league of hallucinations,” as ion of the army, similar disapproval Colonel Harvey calls it. of the secretary’s policy has been • Oregon. Tillamook voted on the Democratic side through We know, after six years of demo­ the introduction by Representative cratic control, Mr. Wilson's solution Thomas, of Kentucky, of a resolution of the high cost of living problem he providing that all surplus clothing was elected on in 1912. It Is to wait shall be sold In the United States. . until a Republican congress is elect­ The Secretary of War now has agents ed. and then put the responsibility In France seeking blds for the pur­ chase of these materials. up to it. County Dairy Herd Inspector I N W est C oast R ubber C o G TILLAMOOK, OREGON. s g. THE NEW HARNESS SHOP. il g ,Repairing Auto Tops & Curtains "OREGON'S^ Oregon Agricultural College City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. | £ g Vulcanizing and Retreading. j