Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 28, 1919, Image 9

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what the Editors Say
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Modern methods of banking are Mark undertook the use of a box and the way to play.it; and let the town
typical of America’s democratic way running cold water to bring Mrs. see somehow that it has the ample
------- o-------
I of ucing business. Rich and poor Hen to a more lucid understanding funds to keep going. Every day then
In these days of flights of air­ alike keep their money in the.same of his desires. A hole was bored in
in such a town will be a gain.-—Ore­
planes, flights of wages and flights bank and the dollar check drawn by the side of the box to let the water
’ of imagination there seems to be no tue girl clerk on her small account escape as fast as it ran In, thus pre­
limit to what wage earners will de­ is honored just as quickly and with venting Mrs. Hen from sitting and
The Five Day Week.
mand. Milk wagon drivers In New as little question as a check draw», therefore setting. Sure in his success
York City have struck for $50 a by the large merchant on his ac­ Mr. Mark ensconced Mrs. Hen com­
Officers ot me Lniteu Mine Work­
week and six hours work a day. The count. A deposit in a bank is a basis fortably in the box turned.the water
ers in Ame.tcu say tnai u me na-
higher the flight the greater the fajl. of credit tor any man or woman. It on and then whistled his way mer­
tioiiut eonveatiou ot mat bod,,, to be
—Sheridan Sun.
establishes a personal relation be­ rily to the real estate office one held early in ¡September, mere is go­
------- o----- *■
tween the depositor and the bank, morning. He returned home in the ing to be a demand nitiuc to. a 3d-
The six cent verdict in the Ford which may be of value in many ways same spirits at noon to behold the
, hour week, the working time to be
libel suit is double edged, for one to tlie depositor. If he will ask his outcome of his experiments. Lo! and
I uiviuea mio live days ot six Honrs
side may say that the damaged repu­ banker’s advice before investing his behold! a lettuce leaf had lodged in leach. Along with into snort day ana
tation was worth only six cents or savings in numerous schemes, parti­ the outlet and the box filling witli
short week eomuiuittiou mere is to
the other assert that the offending cularly upon investments in stocks, water had sent Mrs. Thoroughbred
, be a demand tor a w ege increase ul
newspaper al its worst could do only which are alloat in numbers today Hen to that heaven of her. ; whore
4u io ua per cent oven inc present
six cents worth of damage. But one I to get his money, he will in many setting ig no
longer required.— scale.
thing is certain and that is that if instances be saved severe losses. The Sheridan Sun.
-moi.g with tills remarkable pro-
l rd expected vindication he did not banking'habit is .a good one to culti
pi al nisi i>e placed the den.and ot
secure it and to a great many people vale. It raises you in your own esi -
The Town Band
U141U11 puilllfcio itxiU Ut-LUliUOlO |
who judged him from his industrial mation and sense and confident in
in New lork City who, though not
success alone he is a shattered idol. you ability to do things. A bs .Hi de-
The Hood River Glacier give* great demanding such short hours us the
positor aiyi a home-owner are not in­ | prominence to announcement of the miners, have actually gone on strike I
------- o-------
viting thnterial for the 1. W. W and
to obtain a five day week, thus pre- |
Here is something absolutely new. anarchist and Bolshevist. Their kind ' organization of a band of thirty piec-
cipitating the five day movement in j
A French scientist has shown that of stuff does not glow in his miml.—
I instruments and new uniforms will the United States. These demands are
'fires may be easily caused by wire­ Itemize!'.
i be secured, and the members say— naturally regarded with keen inter- I
less telegrams. In several experi-
according to the Glacier—“that the est by the majority of Americans
ments he has set on fire combustible
Setter Feed Home Folks.
new musical body will assist the pro- , who would lejoice just as much as
materials in this way. The disturb­
—----- o-------
motion of all local, civic and patriot- ,'tlie miners and painters in the pros-
ance of ether is said to have been un­
In the opinion of Representative
pect of a six hour day of a five-day
known possibilities, and the results Anderson, of Minnesota, the United ic movements.”
week, but who do not see any imme­
of the exertion of tremendous power States cannot go on indefinitely ship­
I support it, appreciate it and listen to diate possibility of either.
which sets either wave in motion ping vast quantities of tood supplies
Where Is the farmer who puts in so
may be most dangerous for mankind and other supplies to Europe and it. As the character of a community
short a day or week? Where is the
Hereafter unknown causes of fire experience any relief from the high may be judged by its newspapers or
newspaper man, or doctor, or mer­
need not always be attributed to cost of living. He takes the view the its churches, so its spirit may be test-
"crossed wires,” but may be explain- American people are paying high ' ed by the quality of its brass band. chant, or banker who can attain that
led by "disturbance of either waves.” for the heavy exportations for the ' Is the band slouchy in looks, lacking desirable goal of ease? Where is the
: in liveliness, ragged in discipline and housewife who hopes ever to get her
Lrhe application will be as ready-to-
benefit of Europe.
a stranger to tunefulness? Look for work done in 30 hours a week? It is
tand as
“heart-failure” . causing
"I think it can be demonstrated I sloth in civic works, broken side­ well io aspite to such ease as this
eath- Telephone Register.
there is the closest kind of relation- [ walks, dirty streets, unkempt lawns, and work constructively lor the crea­
------- o------ -
.-hip between our enormous exports
neigh- tion of conditions making it possible
The war is over but the Red Cross ■ to Europe and the increase of cost I unweeded gardens, quarreling
back- not for any single class, but for all
oes on forever. This American in- of living in America,” said Mr. An­
ward schools. Has the band bright classes. But it is necessary for people
titution is making extensive prepar­ derson.
leadership, i who realize the actual plight of the
tions for the fight against typhus
He pointed out
the enormous
t Siberia the coming winter. Last I quantities of supplies were being | eagerness to practice, willingness to nation and the world today to keep
this is no time tor
inter more than 10,000 persons I stored in this country which had play, interest in public affairs, and a repeating that
|ed from thia plague in Siberia and , been sold abroad and were held sub­ place in every public program? Look such extravagant ventures.
There has been $200,000,000,000
for a town that is pushing forward,
e number of persons afflicted with ject to exportation.—Gazette Times.
respects itself, keeps clean, wants a worth of wealth destroyed by the
! disease has been estimated at
warjThe need of the time is the pro­
place in the sun, and will get it.
re than 100,000. The Red Cross ;
The brass band is not alone the bul­ duction of more wealth to make up
rsonnel in Siberia which, up until 1 The Hen That Sat?—She No Longer
wark and ornament of progress, that loss. Until more is produced,
rec months ago, numbered 321 has1
< pride and culture in the smaller cen­ I more cannot be distributed. To work
n increased to 650 and many ad-
There are all kinds of methods ters, but it is the indispensable agent fewer days and fewer hours is to
ional doctors and nurses have
limit production, retard the replace­
n sent abroad for the anti-typhus promulgated by farm magazines «i/d
ipaign. As body lice are carriers chicken fanciers for making hensTaj expression of community harmony ment of the lost wealth, keep up
the disease, clean clothing with but it has remained for P. Mark to and social progress in the larger prices and make everybody poor In­
le bathing and delousing facili- find the only real and permanent places. A city without a brass band definitely.
It is right that every occupation
are essential, to the success of | way to restrain a hen from setting, is a dreary waste of stagnation, in­
campaign. One never realizes so . The method is best explained, per- difference, inharmony and ignorance. should be enabled to make a proper
ly how closely allied to the lower I haps, by a dissertion on Mr. Mark’s Life is not worth living there. It is living and have its share of the pro­
ducts of industry. But the American
totals man i« as when he content- | recent suecess. The story runs as fol­ not lived. It is endured.
Let every town in America have its people will never get anywhere, un­
Mfijles the causes and the nature of lows:
Having an old obdurate and some­ brass band. Let every citizen interest der present economic conditions, if
■■Ediseases which constantly nten-
*e« him. and the careful preparations times obstreperous hen of his fancy himself In its welfare. Let the band they work productively only six
■HH must be made and followed out flock that resists all of his persuasive be diligent in its pursuit of know­ hours out of 24, or only five days
to protect him.—Telephone Register. powers to lay rather than set, Mr. ledge of the right kind of music and out of seven. Any man or craft that
seeks to obtain full compensation
for such part-time efforts in advance
of the time when it will be possible
generally, is demanding more than
he has any right to, and trying to
obtain his extra leisure at the ex­
pense of the rest of society.—Eugene
All Work
We carry a Full Line of
United States Tires,
Also Used Tires and Tubes
We take your Tires in Exchange.
W est Co A st R ubber C o G
First Street, next to McNair’s Hardware Store,
The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five
comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top,
it has large windows, and may in a minute be chaged to
a most delightful open car with always a top protecting
against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car,
dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered
Equipped with electric starting and lighting system. A
real family car. Anybody can safely drive it. It has all
the conveniences of an electrio car with the economy
which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price,
small cost of operation and maintenance. Won’t you
come in and see us about it.
Marshal Foch and The League.
it by
er of
R. H. I
wife. I
st the
00 to*
at the
or the
fs fe«»
J costs
cl com*
fy said
est. at*
Iced CoiTee
A Delicious Summer Drink
A pot of Folger’s Golden Gate
Coffee—just as you make it for
breakfast (rich, not rank); pour over
a tall glass of cracked ice, sugar and
cream to taste—a flavor
member—it's different
------- o-------
(From the Kansas City Star)
Marshal Foch, in an interview
printed in a London paper, making
| repeated references to “the next
■ war” pointed out various things
England must do if she Is to be
ready for it.
Goodness sake, hasn’t Marshal
Foch read the peace treaty with its
League of Nations covenant? Doesn’t
he know Germany must give up keep­
ing an army and build only a few
naval ships, and not be quarrelsome
or overbearing any more, and not
want to get back the territory that
has been taken from her, or try to
regain her lost wealth and trade
prestige in the world, and must be
good and peaceful all the rest of its
Or is Marshal Foch one of those
practical observers and reasoners,
students of history and of human
nature, who recognize the fundamen­
tals of race and natural aspirations
that underlie the surface cause« of
war, and who realize that the im­
proving and refining of man’s na­
ture, while a hopeful process, Is ti
slow one and cannot be counted o.i to
reach an idealistic stage in time for
these generations to enjoy its bless­
----■----- , -
. . - '
City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop
Expert Tire Service.
Vulcanizing and Retreading
All Work Guaranteed,
Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock of Goodrich
Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories.
Your Patronage Solicited.
T -
June Loss $30.500 000
------ o----- -
The railroad loss was $30,500,000
under government lnunugament. June
la a good month in the railroad busi­
ness. The total deficit for the first
1919 six months is $243.000,000.
Some showing! For this time the
revenues were 41 per cent greater
than during a certain test period
The expense« were 78 per cent great­
er. The io«« of net revenue were 60
per cent. The country will never
know what it owes Messrs Wilson,
McAdoo, Hines, et al for the muddle
they have gotten railroads into.
He is Not Hen-Headed''
t, I’1*’
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»toy’s •*
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Former United
States Senaio
Thomas IV. Harwick, of Georgia, pre
siding at a meeting of protest again­
st the pending covenant of the league
of nations was cheered for several
minutes by a big Atlantic crowd
when he said: "Mr. Wilson promised
to keep us out of war, and one month
after he entered upon his second
term plunged us into war, and now
he Is again before the people with a
promise to keep tta out of war, but I.
for one, retake to he Mtnrnee a sec­
ond time.