« TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST Feed Co. buys hides. Come Tillamook Headlight’s Tillamook in and investigate their prices. Trade Mart. If you are contemplating buying a drag saw see the Tillamook Feed One cent a word per issue. Co and get prices. Auction sale of household furniture 28. 1919. to be a dub one must be in love; others say that if you are not L in love you are a dub. Anyway you put it, the subject is interesting. Nina Byron is the leading woman and the cast includes many favorites of the Laslty stock organization. V of W. J. Peterson 7th and Stillwell. Films. Cameras and Photo Supplies Films developed 10c. with "print Saturday Aug. 30th, 1:30 p.m. orders.—J. W. Ed wall. • Warren For Sale a 10 ft. Perfect Stay-Round Silo. See Geo. Willie.as or write D. Auto Tires—investigate the Republic I.. Shrode, .Salem Ore. • Standard, five thousand miles guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ Equity in $550 almost new piano mook Feed Co. lor sale at a bargain. Inquire Sing­ er Sewing Agency. Opp. P. O. Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ mook office across the street from For Sale—Typewriter, in good con­ the court house, Mondays, Tues­ dition. Inquire at the Headlight days and Wednesdays until further office. * notice. Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays best.—Paint Wanted—Spruce blocks from .clear spruce three and a half to four feet » in diameter. To make easier hand­ ling these can be quartered. Must Alfalfa Hay. quality quaranteed at be free from knots and straight. lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. Can use from one to two cars per Let B-K be your disinfectant. It is month.—F. W. Gates, 1436 Ma­ safe, .clean and powerful. For sale cadam Roa<*. Portland, Oregon A.21 at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. all records at their Confectionary. Let ypur co-worker on the farm be BOY SCOUTS HIKE HERE the Cleveland Tractor. On display at Kuppenbender warehouse. Astoria Roosters for sale—Thorough bred fl Construction Company Pavement Going Down Rapidly. ------- o------- The paving contract let to the Warren Construction company on the road for five miles south of Hem­ lock is being carried rapidly to com­ pletion, according to word brought in by some of the farmers from down there. The paving was begun about two miles south of Hemlock and pavement was laid this way, and will probably be connected with the old pavement this side of Hemlock be­ fore this paper is issued. Work will immediately be begun on the pavement going south. Twenty-two foot pavement is laid, with two foot heels of macadam, and twenty five feet is the width of pav­ ing around the corners. This will make 14 miles of pavement south of Tillamook. > I <* s 8 S3 Nash Truck Buy a Nash and be Up-to-Date Boys Come Down For the Fair, and Inspect Town. I. C. Smith and Family Home From ------ o------ Long Trip. Troop 1, of the Astoria camp of the BECAUSE roosters of different varieties. Ap­ ply to John Hofman, Tillamook. 3 Boy Scouts of America hiked into Since leaving home about a month Of the automatically locking differential. Monday evening to spend 200 acres, a snap, near P. 0. and Tillamook ago, 1. C. Smith has traveled over a day at the fair and for thy joy of This differential makes the two wheels work together, one cannot spin, school. 6 cows, 2 yearling heifers, 3,000 miles. Mr. Smith and his fam­ 3 calves, 1 sow, 3 horses, All wa- the hike. Thirty-one of them arrived ily went from here to Salem and when the other sticks. scoutmastei- after i gon» and implements, furniture including the started south along the Pacific High ­ Nash rear driven trucks are equipped with electric lights and starters, and house, all crops. Price $7,000. camping along the beach and hiking way in their Chevrolet. They visited thus conserving fuel. Terms. Address J. Bagley, Myrtle since August 17. They carry six Mr. Smith's brother in San Francisco drums, six bugles, and one base, Point, Ore. You can shut off the motor when you leave the truck standing, and work They’ve been advertising the Fair for two weeks enjoying the. sights night or day. It’s an economical machine. Special Sale used Sewing Machines, all along the way with their smart there, then turned north again, and stopped at Ashland foi a few days,- A including one Singer, $10 to $25- drills, and talks about it. Added to the fact that Nash trucks are amply powered to pull themselves Singer Agency Opp. P. 0. * Coming down they came over the where they gathered in Mr. and Mrs. out of tight places, they have the additional advantage that they upper Necarney trail, about starving W. B. Beebe, who followed them For Sale, 90 acre dairy, Near Myrtle to death before they got over it, as across Oregon through Klamath Falls are unusually economical on tires, because their rear wheels can Point, 19 cows. Reg. Bull ‘/a inter­ where they seldom spin Spinning, as everyone knows, is a great destroyer of they had so much equipment they and out into Idaho, est in 14 calves, 2 heifers, 2 colts, reached as far as Twin Falls. tires, because it subjects them to unusually severe strains. 2 mares, 1 horse, 1 sow, 10 slioats. couldn't carry food and didn’t find Then they started on the return any stores between Necola and A one ton capacity, rear driven truck, a two ton capacity, rear driven All farm implements, separator. trip home. Corning- across Eastern Price $11,500. terms. Address box twelve*miles further on. Oregon. Mr. Smith truck, and the famous NASH -QUID, which drives, brakes and steers said he never The trail was difficult enough of 234, Myrtle Point, Oregon. on all four wheels, for heavy duty hauling, compose the Nash passage they say without adding knew before that there could be so many wheat ranches in the world. Truck Line. For Sale—Two good beach lots at hunger to the other sorrows of the They had no tire trouble until the Rockaway. Phone 42-R, or write trip. The boys are all small, some of last two days of the trip, when they Box 285, TillamoolL_______________ i them being only 11 years old. Two Tacoma boys, Claude Romaine had punctures. n FoTSale, 1918 Overland in good and Harry Nielson are among the -Mr. and Mrs. Beebe in their Buick shupe, with good tires. A bargain 1 came along with the Smiths ’ , and are group. They are representatives of at $600. Terms-tes-eespenwble per- their home chapter, and will go back now visiting them here, and intend 4MM>. Enquire ot Reed Farmer, FU and tell about the Astoriuns hike. to go to the beach later. Beaver, Ore. Visits to the cheese factories are J Call For Warrants. , 1 For .rent—Restaurant doing good planned for the boys, and it is to be ------ o----- - > business at Bay City. hoped that they enjoy the fair. They All county road warrants endorsed are camping on the grounds there. Wanted to rent a small dairy ranch Scoutmaster Ralph Stevens has prior to July 15th, 1919, will be paid of from 10 to 12 cows. Address upon presentation, Interest ceases Pete Suter, Long Prairie, Tilla­ charge of the young fellows, and is this 25th day of August, 1919. helped by assistant scoutmaster, mook. Kathleen Mills, Chester Hull. The boys making the County Treasurer. Wanted—Girl for light house work. trip are as follows: William Kenney, See Mrs. Christensen, First Nat­ Peter Kenney, Wesley Ellis, Forrest ional Bank. ______ Smith, Billy Gribler, Loyal Behrenz, For Sale. ------- o------- For Sale—34 acres. 20 acres river Carl Iverson, Mortimer Brown, Pohn Dairy-man, this is a snap for a bottom, remainder bench. $4,400. Fuhrmann. John Verschueren, Dex- Buildings poor. .Inquire Headlight ter Pendleton, Harold Carlson, Mal- man who wants te make money. 180 office. Spt-30.* colm Watt, Ward Cook, Lewis Ray- acres, 2^'miles south of Coquille, mond, Harold Hadden, Wilfred Bates, 40 acres cleared, % mile frontage on Lawrence Strangland, Alvin Wher-i river, about 5 acres up land, balance against you in the above entitled I should be filed with the board the Statement. Miscellaneous Advertisements. ity, Ralph Vertheimer, Claude Ben- | the very finest bottom easy to clear. ------ o ------ cause from and after six weeks from first week. All persons interested nett, Donald Ross. Leonard Mix, Wil-( Fair barn on place, no house, My Of the Tillamook County Bank of the date of the first publication are requested to appear at said time A butcher wanted at Bay City, every ford Steel. Clair Kitson and Fred p ice is $90 an acre if taken soon, thing furnished. worth $150 now, easy terms to right Tillamook County, State of Oregon, hereof, to-wit; July 24, 1919, the and place, as no changes can be made Clements. man. Address Mrs. K. A. Cole. showing the amount standing to the last publication being the 4th day of after the adjournment of the board. W. J. Pcteison’s household furniture ¡credit of every depositor, July 1, September, 1919, and if you fail so Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, will be auctioned off at 1.31» p.m., “His Z.risaii Wife” Has strong Ap­ ...ftle i’oint Oregon. | 1919, who hna not mane*., deposit, o. to answer for want thereof, the August 12, 1919. Saturday', Aug. 3' i.t Stillwell a’nd peal fo; 'iottng Brides. i. ho has not withdrawn any part of plaintiff will apply to the Court for I C. A. Johnson, Notice. 7th. ------- o------- County Assessor. his deposit (cot: :nc: . ial deposit), the relief prayed for in the com- ’ ------- °------- Exerting ;. powerful appeal to ail i ‘ ... iticipai er intCList, for a period o? piuint, to-wit: That the contract <>i Dr. Wise—Dentist. In the County Court of the State oi ..lore than seven year- lmmediatcl;- matrimony existing luari .< u luiu i Mna e&pec.uiij yvung. between the Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Wanted to rent dr.iry ranch with 20 Di-ide,, just c ite/ing upon their nkai- Oregon^for the County o. Tillamook, prior to date, with the name, last plaintiff ar.d the defendant be uiinull- ------- o------- .'n th< .latter of he E.-tate-of A. known place oi residence or postof­ < d : r.d dissolved by the Cour- to 50 cows, or will buy stock Ap­ ml careers, uisie bvigUHon's new’ __ 1 Notice is hereby given, that by Couri : and ply to Ernest Gesler, Tillamook. S Arter It photoplay» ms hark u;n , W. Fox, deceased: fice address of such depositor and the that plaintiff have an absolute di- virtue of an execution and order ot Notice is hereby given to all to fact of his death if known. Wile. will be tne atuaction ai he Ivorce from the defendant and such sa:e is .ued out of the Circuit Court Live SLock lus.—See Watson. Gem Theatre next vvednesuay, bep- whom it may concern, that the un­ Acorn, Root, Tillamook, Unknown. |other and further relief as tlio of th; State of Oregon for Tillamook der: igned has been by the County Court may deem just.and equitable. County, <-:. the 19th day of May, 25c. Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. iwiubei 3, i in siory ib one 01 excep- . Court of '1 illumook County, Grego Burlingham, Tillamook, Unknown tiouai dramatic 1 merest and tilt vai -• Ths .- .linmons is published by order 1919, on a decree of said court made National Building. duly appointed Administrator of the ions situations are most thrilling, 46 c. of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the and entered on tne 5th day of May, Let W. A. Church write your hay 1 he stoi deals with rauveue, a Lstale of A. W. Fox. deceased; and Cr<; mery, Balin, Tillamook, un­ above named court, said older being 1919, in a suit to foreclose a mort­ insurance. ! dated the 21st day of July. 1919. known, 77c. g.i'i .eport. . a i arcs newspaper, all persons having claims against gage, wherein Edward Kleist was said estate are hereby notified to Johnson.& Handley plaintiff and Irma M. Vose and R. H. Get your gas and car supplies at w i.o weds t £*u. ton lawyer after a p: ent same duly verified, as by law Eberrr.an, L., Portland, alive 15c. Evans, E. L. Rortland. alive 97c. o.iei cou.isnip. When Martin vvesiey P. O. Address Tillamook, Ore Vose and Rosanna Vose, his wife, Jones Trading Co., Bay City. or to Ginn, E. San Francisco, alive, 29c. hi i husband, takes his bride to the required, to the undersigned, Attorneys for Plaintiff. were defendants, wherein the plain­ Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. hon.e ot his parents, they resent her his attorney John Leland Hender.-ou, Miller, W. H.. Tillamook, Unknown, tiff recovered a judgment against the Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. 3c. lontieg on the theory that since they at Tillamook. Oregon, within six defendant for the sum of $764.00 to­ Notice to Contractors. months from this date. 'Telson, Ernest L. Tillamook, un­ Hail i.oi been consulted about their gether with $122.40 accumulated Tillamook has a resident piano tune« son's muitiuge, ms bride neeessarjly first Dated July 31st. 1919. the known, 37c. call Singer Agency Opp. I’. O. Notice is hereby given that flie interest, all bearing interest at the smith, L. F. Garibaldi, Alive, 77c. must be a uevil incarnate a design­ publication of this notice. Pianos and organs for rent. Singer lug creature with a shady past, George J. Scharff, Ad Turner, C. A. Tillamook, Unknown, County Court of Tillamook Cou ry rate of 8 per cent per annum from Agency Opp. P. O. will until 10 o'clock a.m. of Sep.. the 5th day of May, 1919, for the niinistrator of the estate 4c. ■ This repellunt attitude lowurd the of A. W. Fox, deceased. Vernon, James, Tillamook Unknown, 5, 1919, receive proposals for con­ further sum of $75.00 attorneys fees Counter Sales Books—Order your young bride is prolific of numerous John Leland Henderson, structing the Magarell bridge on B g and the further sum of $22.00 costs $1.05.' Sales Books from W. F. Baker, harrowing scenes and every effort of and disbursements, the said execu­ Attorney for said estate. Withrow, Frank. Tillamook, Un­ Nestucca river, according to the tion being to me directed and com­ agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call 1 auvette to win the confidence and plans and specifications now on file known 3c. 68 Headlight. love of her lather and motherMn-law with the County Clerk, of Tillamook manding me to sell the property is frustrated. A separation ensues Administrator's Notice to Creditors. State of Oregon, County, Oregon, and at that time hereinafter described to satisfy s-aid ;------ O------- . County of Tillamook ss: Wanted to Rent—well stocked dairy during which Fauvette wins lame as judgment, accumulated interest, at­ publicly opened and read. ranch on shares. Handy to school 1, Walter Williams, being first du­ Notice is hereby given, that the a novelist and she and her husband torney fees, costs and disbursements- Each proposal shall be in a seal« d and cheese factory O. E. Scott. are Intel reunited and live happily County Court of the State of Oregon, ly sworn, depose and say upon oath, envelope plainly marked on the out- together with the costs and expense» Sheridan, Ore. care of Pa radine for Tillamook County, has appointed that I am the cashier of the Tilla- ever alter. side “Proposals for the Construction of sale. Orchard Farms. 8-4. Now therefore, I will on the 6tb Miss Ferguson is well supported, the undersigned administrator with mook County Bank of Tillamook, of Magarell Bridge,” and shall be ac­ State of Ore- day of September, 1919, at the hour hei hading man being I.David Pow­ the will annexed of the estate of County of Tillamook, companied by cash, certified check Buy your crabs of Hays & Blanchaid. ell. Walter Kinnaman. deceased, and any gon; that the foregoing statement is of 10 o’clock a.m. on said date, sell Bay City. Phone 162. * :yid all persons having claims a full, true, correct and complete or bidder’s bond equal in amount to to the highest bidder for cash in said estate are hereby no­ statement, showing the name, last 5 per cent of the total of the amount hand, at the court-house door in said Why not place your fr>ed orders for Wallace Reid Proves that the So-Call­ against tified to present the same, together known residence or postoffice ad- bid, the same tb be payable to Tilla­ county, and state, all the right, title, the future with Kuppenbender. ed Dub Often is Every Inch a Man with the proper vouchers, to said ad- dress, fact of death. if known, and mook County. Proposals shall be and interest of the said defendant», -------o - mnistrator at his residence north of the amount to the credit of each de­ made on forms furnished by the and each and all of them, had at the Buy your hay at Kuppenbender’s Wliat Is a Dub’ In the parlance of find near Tillamook City, Oregon, or positor as required by the provisions County Clerk. warehouse. , date of said decree, in and to l“e The Court reserves the right to« re­ the submerged tenth it is a man to T. H. Goyne, his attorney, at his of Chapter 148 of the General Laws following described property, situat ject any or all bids. Dr. Ramsey. Osteopath. Room 4 w no succeeds tn tuuduling everything office in Tillamook City. Oregon, of Oregon. 1907, and Chapter 214, of ed in said Tillamook County: to-*« Masonic Building. Homer Mason. County Clerk with which lie conies in contact and within six months from the date of the General Laws of Oregon. 1917. All of the South half of the North- First publication August 21, 1919. Walter Williams, who is unable to do anything right. this notice. Mat quarter of the Northwest quar­ Dr. W E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. It also suggests one who does his Last publication, Sept. 4. 1919. Subscribed and sworn to before me Dated August 14, 1919. ter of Section 18 In Township -• Wise. this 12th day of July A. D„ 1919 G. H. Foland. Adminis­ work carelessly or indifferently—• South of range 9. West of «be Wil­ Margaret Coates, trator with the will an­ Board of Equalization Meeting. We handle Trojan Powder. Best for you heui ot people “dubbing along lamette Meridian, containing • --------o-------- Notary Public of Oregon at some given task. Probably the best stumping:. Tillamook Feed Co. nexed of the estate of acres. ' _. _ . ............................. ..................-.4 synonym for dub i» what is common­ My commission expires Nov. 20, 1922 Walter Kinnaman. de­ Notice is hereby given that on Dated this 2nd day of August, 1919- Vinegar for sale—40c. per gallon. ly known as "a poor fish.” ceased. Monday September 8th, 1919, the ’ W. L. Campbell. Applv to Vincenz Jacob. Route No. Anyway, if you want to find what County Board of Equalization will Sheriff of Tillamook County- Summon*. 1, Tillamook, Ore. A-21 a dub is really like, see “The Dub.’ ■ - o------- meet at the office of the County As­ In the Circuit Court of the State sessor in the court house, in Tilla­ See the Tillamook Feed Co. about the picture in which Wallace Reid ECONOMY CLEANERS will appear at the Gem Theatre next The Other Way About. of Oregon for Tillamook County. mook City. Oregon, and publicly ex­ Republic tires and save money. AND DYERS Harry J. Foster, Plaintiff The English clergyman was ln Monday. September 1. Oddly enough, amine the assessment rolls of Tilla­ For Life Insurance, there i* nothing in the end. the star proves that he v* mook County, for the year 1919, and middle of his sermon when a ba’’ 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. better than what the Maae. Mutual isn’t a dub after all amt the story Dorothy Foster. Defendant. correct all errors in valuation, des­ began to cry and its mother rose aa* offers. Ask to eee specimen policy. rounds out into a decidedly inter­ To Dorothy Foster, the above criptions of lands, lots or’other prop­ carried It toward the door. ' > ee-W. JL. Church. • esting series of complications with a MODERN EQUIPMENT. named defendant. erty. Said board will continue in ses­ , said the preacher, "the. baby's PERMANENTLY LOCATED. In the name of the State of Ore­ sion from day to day until the ex­ ; disturbing me." , ■* about Miller Card and surprising finish. And there Is love In it. No dub ilrw. Fri««« right. RaUatae- gon: amination, correction, and equaliza­ I The woman turned toward the P ' E. F. Schultz. MraataM. Tillamook Feed could fall to get mixed up tn a love and replied. “Oh, 'e ain’t, sin ' You are hereby required to appear tion of the said assessment rolls ' pit ______ _ oa> and answer the complaint filed shall be completed. All complaints But you're a disturbing of ’Im. CHARLES F. PANKOW, Tillamook, Agent s 4 ßi a Í M » V ,»« ■ & fl it d •Í. . * ■‘i-. ■ s to J < f: 'I