TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 28, 1919. GEM THEATRE TUESDAY, September 3. William S, Hart in The BORDER WIRELESS” A Thrilling Story of Activities on the Border. Don’t Miss It Pathe News ■L.. S. HART THURSDAY, September 4. “WORDS AND MUSIC BY William Fox Production, Featuring Albert Ray and Elinor Ray. An intense story of the trials and failures of “One” whn comnosed “Words and Music ■ ff ‘Perfectly Fiendish Flannigan,’ 2 Reel Comedy. An.AHTCDAFI'PuTur. FIRST BANK of BAY CITY We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of Bay City and tributary country. We invité your further patron­ age, and full co-operatior. so we may be able to give you still better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. BAY CITY DRUG co Entire New Stock of Candies New Syrups. Come and See. Phone 32. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY, BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’Supplies Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 73. T BAY CITY NEWS The Whitney logging road have Mrs. Rose Michler returned after a about a hundred men employed and brief visit to Yoncalla. Mrs. C. Daniel of Mohler, was call­ expect to have the road completed across the Kilchis river by the time ing on Bay City friends Friday. Mrs. D. Thomas, of Jefferson, visit­ wet weather sets in, when they can work through the winter. ed Airs. Hawk during the week. A group of Bay City people went Mrs. C. Malery drove to Portland over to Bayocean Sunday to the caves the latter part of the week. and lighthouse. Amohg those mak­ Miss Inez V. Bozarth spent Sunday ing tile trip were Mr. and Mrs. Todd, at Ocean Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Schoonover, and Mr. Miss Bernice Nelson spent Sunday and Mrs. McCann. - in Tillamook with friends. Mrs. Ida W. .^itken, of Detroit, Mrs. Geo. Duncan and Miss Irene Mich., Mrs. C. McAllister and Mrs. E. Wilkins visited Tillamook Tuesday. Anderson, of Portland, who are sis­ Mrs. Charles L. Nelson motored to ters of Mrs. T. E. Ashley, and a K Portland Saturday via way of Sea- niece, Mrs. J. S. Fowler, of San Fran­ cisco, have been visiting at the home ■ side, for a few days stay. Mr. J. R. Brooks, of Portland, is of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ashley. School Dlst No. 31 sold their $25,- visiting his wife at the Tillamook Bay Hospital. 000, 5 H per cent bond issue for the Frank Gallaghan. of Portland, was purpose of building a new school | calling on friends the latter part of house to Keeler Bros, Portland, and received.a bonus of $200 which is [ the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Matthews and considered a good sale. The board j son Basil, spent the week-end in will soon ..rrange to build a modern' school house. Portland. The Fire Department of Bay City Mr. J. Shultz and wife, of Portland, fc are visiting Dr. W. C. Hawk and met Friday night to perfect a club organization. They expect to rent the «, family. Nelson building hall and later have Mr. D. Bozarth and wife, of Port- high jinks of various kinds there. Lland, are visiting his parents Mr. and Fire chief, E. E. Smith is to be con­ Mrs. J. O. Bozarth. gratulated on the manner he is tak­ Mrs. Faye Buel and two daughters, ing hold of the work. tof Portland visited Mrs. T. A. Gillen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gillen spent last ("Tuesday. week-end in Jefferson, Oregon. Mrs. F. S. Boussie has been on the sick Gillen says they came ! back while [list the last few days buf is reported i they still could, for if they had ¡improving. He had tonsilitis. stayed any longer her old friends Mr. and Mrs. Mathews and Nellie there would hace had their car so (Douglas drove out to Newberg last loaded down with gifts i and fruit and (Week. other edibles that the springs would ! Dr. Wise will be at Bay City every have broken. . [■Wednesday to do dental work. He Mr. Harley Anderson, of Davenport I'Will be in Girard's building. Iowa., and Mr. E. Anderson, of Port­ I Mrs>Chalin Douglas and three land. brothers of Mrs. Ashley, spent (children, moved here last week from the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ashley. It is the first time tUfala, Oklahoma. I Professor P. H. Wyman and family Mr. Anderson, of Davenport, has vis­ ¡have returned from a motor trip I ited the Pacific Coast and he was so plea-ed with the climate that he In­ ■through eastern Oregon and the val- tend? to return next summer for a Hey and report a pleasant trip, longer visit. i The Bayocean transfer of passeng- ltrs at this point makes It lively at ■ he depot during arrival and depart- Snre of trains. I Clare Provoost went out to the val­ ley Sunday to inspect the loganberry ■ ields. He is thinking of starting a loganberry field near Bay City. | The two large windows of flowers — o------- ■of Mrs. T. E. Ashley, next to the post '¿office are very much admired by Visitors and passing automobilists. | The Tillamook Bay Fish Co, and ■The Wastelie Butler Packing Co ■lave purchased auto trucks. They ex- fcett to do considerable business in ------ o ■ish and berries. Storage-—Oils I Mr. and Mrs. Sullens are now liv­ Repairing of all kinds. ing in the house formerly occupied Give us a trial. fty J. C. McClure, who has moved to Goin & Wiedman. ■illamook, where he is working in lhe sheriff's office. SI * ■ Sunday a party of friends went I to ■ay Ocean to ’help celebrate the I ■redding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. ■eo. Peterson, also the birthday of ■ay Warner. They enjoyed a fine ■icnic lunch. 1 Mias Rose Mayfield, of McMinn- MUle. came in Friday to visit ber ais- ■ir. Mrs. J. A. Biggs for a couple of ^eeks Mrs. W. E. Mayfield, of I ^■teridan. a sister-in-law of Mrs. «■ggs visited her last week. Phone 72. BAY CITY REAL ESTATE. C. F GIRARD Choice Locations, Rented and Sold. Bay City Garage NELSON & CO., Ge îeral Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. ---- o-.— Square Deal and i Good Goods Our Motto. i vices and preached on Sunday after- I ................ noon and evening with «,1 pleasure and , ' profit to his audience. Meetings every night at 7:45 and the usual Sunday services. TILLAMOOK PEOPLE TO BE HIGH FLYERS. » ------- o------ Aeroplane Coming in Saturday Night linds Most People Want to Go. As some one sarcastically remark­ ed, “The nearest you’ll be to Heav­ en, and maybe the last chance” was I here Sunday, when E. D. Cook, and I V. L. McCroskey came In over the mountains in an aeroplane Saturday night, and Mr. Cook busily took up passengers most of the day Sunday. Mr. .VieCroskey, .who is a University of Oregon student at Eugene, collects fares and acts as manager while I Cook does the driving. Sunday one of the oldest men in the state to go up, if not the oldest was taken up, when George Randall, 96, went up.,Mr. Randall says it was a fine smooth ride. Margaret Coates, the first girl to go up here was taken far out over the ocean, going to Seal Rocks past Netarts, then they swung in towards shore, and passed over Bayocean and to Barview, and then home. The excitement of hunting a hawk from an aeroplane was enjoyed by one rider. When up with the aviator they noticed the hawk, and away they went afi,er it, chasing it down the bay, dipping when it dip­ I ped, shooting up when it went up. I and having a general dizzy time. 150 D. 0. K. K. PLAN TO GO TO ASTORIA CONVENTION. ------- o------- K. of P. Band Will be Taken Also, Slogan is : “Tillamook, the Land of Trees, Cheese and Ocean Breeze. The local order of the D. O. K. K. of the Knights of Pythias arè plan­ ning a big celebration at Astoria the 30th of this month, when the Astoria D. O. K. K. will hold a big Initiation of their tyros. The Dokeys will leave Tillamook at about 8 o'clock Satur­ day morning and the big time will last over Sunday. Between 100 and 150 are planning to go, according to the officers and committees In charge, A big boost for Tillamook is the idea of the Dokeys, rather than a boost 1 for the D. O. K. K„ and .they will »tart a campaign there to have the : state convention of the K of P. and Dokeys meet in Tillamook in 1920. The ban­ ner of the D. O. K. K.s, which they are putting on the front of their machines show what they are boost­ ing. The pennants read, “Tillamook, the land of trees, cheese and ocean breeze.” This slogan should be heralded far and wide, and the D. O. K. K. may will be thankful for taking it along wun them to Astoria, where people from all over the state will be gath­ ered and will see it. Twenty-five tyros will also be taken from Tilla­ mook to be put across the burning sands of Khorassan. The Tillamook County Dairy As­ sociation has donated a couple of triplets to be taken to the banquet, where they will be divided up and eaten. All for Tillamook, anrd Tilla­ mook heips the Dokeys is the way the signs read. Every D. O. K. K. is most earnestly urged to make the trip by the local officials, as It all makes Tillamook and her D. O. K. K. show up better. Saturday morning the crowd will leave here at various times along during the arly hours of from eight till ten, and they will gather togeth­ er again at Seaside, and make the trip as a body from there on to As­ toria and they are planning on hit­ ting the old town with a big whoop and roar. The local K. of P. band is being taken, so we may rest assured Tillamook will be heard from. » , The Brunswick ‘ Ultona” plays all records at their best. 11OO1Ì and AVenino TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS J. B. Sinclair, of Portland was here over Wednesday night on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Meettwsen, of Banks, left this morning after a stay at Netarts. Rev. H. E. Tucker and wife and child left for Bayocean this morning to spend the day, P. J. Lovell, representative of i Crescent Mfg. Co., of Seattle, I this morning after a week hi e. I Hear them at the Palm Confectionery I Mrs. D. Fulton, of Portland, this morning after a visit with family of H. Nordstrom at Hemlock. Veda Sappington left for Rockaway ■ this morning having come down over night to stay with friends and see the fair. After residing in Tillamook for a- I bout two months, Mrs.Hattie Grindle and daughter left on the train thin- morning for London. Married, on the 23rd of August, Frank W. Waters and Rose Meister, in this city. Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley performing the ceremony. A former teacher here, who is at present teaching in Portland, Mrs. L. 1. Leach, left on the morning train today for Portland. She has been vis­ iting her sister, Mrs. Charles Finch. Mrs. G. L. Glaiser and her daugh­ ter, Mamie, and little nephew and R. Parker, of Portland, motored in from Astoria last week and are spending a few weeks here visiting relatives. A girlhood friend of Mrs. Cardiff and Mrs. Oathout, Mrs. Ida Bellinger, of Portland left this morning after visiting them three weeks. This is the first time in 22 years they have seen each other. I I Lost—Dark blue sweater Just Received, NEW SCRIPPS BOOTH Touring Car. Come and See It. When Buying Oil, don’t forget that we sell: ZEROLINE 15c. a quart, or 50c. a gallon. HAVOUNE 26c. a quart, or $1.00 a gallon. in grand­ MONOGRAM 25c. a quart, or $1.00 a gallon. Ironen and mangle-girls wanted at niuuimoii & — Poorman V vi man. Aiderman stand at the fair grounds. Finder please leave same at this office. a the Crystal Laundry. » SS B 9 9s 9 K K B B B 9 H B B B B B B B H B B B B B aSB52S2SHSe52525ESE5E5BSS5a5H5ZSESH525?£HSH5B5BSBSaS2525H5H5Z52525a5Era AVIATOR GETS LOST IN FOG. His Passenger is Perfectly Calm, While he is Glad to Come Down. ------- o------- . Tuesday night, Lt. E. D. Cook,' of Salem, and Lyle McCroskey, business manager tor the concern, not being thoroughly acquainted with Tilla­ mook’s incoming fogs, made one trip after the fog had started along up the bay quite well, and was around the Netarts mountain. It seemed but a minute's time after he had sailed majestically up into the air before the fog closed in over the field. He haw that it had but knowing the country real well, and having given all passsengers more than their ten minutes, he flew around in a circle, and then started back to the field. He found the Wilson river road, and started down it Dying quite low to­ ward tfii field. But he hud never no­ ticed before how many house» there were along the road before you get to the fairgrounds, and deemed he had passed the field and turned around and went back. Then was where his training show­ ed up finely. A clump of trees sud­ denly rose up out of the fog directly in front of them, and he jUHt skim­ med over then), barely missing th top of one. Hie passenger can be thankful she had such a level head- ed pilot. For not at all deterred he turned back then and made a bead- tiful landing in the field in the thick tog, calling out gladly “Here we are” They were gone about 15 minute», while ol course he could have turned east, and landed in Home distant field in ten or fifteen minute» that would have been fret from fog, he didn't Tent Meetings. like to, and there was no real neces­ -------o------- The meeting» in the large tent pn sity. as hi» good judgment shows. the Chautauqua ground» are contin­ uing with intere»t and »ucce»». Rev. Flanery, the evangelist ha» given . interesting and helpful message» j --------- O---------- and much good ha» been done. REGISTERED AND GRADES Rev. Mr». Well», of Salem. Mr. and Of Any Breed. Mr». Boss of the name city, Rev. J. P. ------ o------- G. Lowes, of Portland and others, ; AUCTION SALE EVERY have been welcome visitors at the SATURDAY AFTERNOON. meetings. Rev. C. Howard Davis of I ------ o------ Portland, the recently elected super­ intendent of the North Pacific Dis- Dr. J. E. REEDY . trict, spent several days at the »er- ' In Barn Near Depot. ESTERN car owners talk about the Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires as if they were made specially for this country. As a matter of fact they are the same tires that just suit New England, too. They stand the punishment of the wdrst spots here be­ cause the Firestone organi­ zation set out to make this the best tire—and they did it. W I firestone TIRES Most Miles per Dollar Stock Exchange AGRICULTURAL LIME should be applied in early fall and winter ORDER NOW to avoid delay in sh ipment. Price $2.50 per ton, f. o. b. at Gold Hill Minimum order 30 ton». Cash with order. . » OREGON STATE I.IME BOARD A. B. CORDLBY, SECRETARY, CORVALLIS. OREGON