Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 28, 1919, Image 6

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    Tii.iiunnii wBintiiwr
has written an opera, part of which
is stolen, and th* difficulties he en­
counters In establishing his claim to
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
authorship are not overcome until
the end of the picture i.n a dramatic
per year $2.00 scene showing tli first night of the I
qpera in New Yprk. Much of the ac­
Advertising Rates.
tion centers about a music publish;
Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. er’s studio in famous Tin Pan Alley.
Locals ........................... per line 7c. The play is said to be typically Amer­
ican, strong in heart Interest
Reaueis. with reading matter
per line.................................. 7c. well flavored with comedy and
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. ring action.
aJUamoak iljraiduiht.
New Fall Suits and Coats
Alice Brc.dy in "The Knife.’’
------ u-------
Fri . ty. August 29—‘Cannibals of
the South Sea Islands”. A most
wonderful picture of "The Canni-
l . i-” iii their native
homes and
surroundings. The e pictures were
photographed at the risk or human
life. The most sensational and in­
structive pictures ever produced.
Saturday, August 30—“Castles In
, The Air,” featuring May Allison.
"Harold Lloyd Comedy”.
Sunday, August 31—"The
featuring Alice Brady.
"Pathe News.”
Monday, Sept. 1—‘The Dub” feat­
uring Wallace Reid.
"Lyons-Moran Comedy.”
Tuesday, Sept. 2—"Border Wireless”
An Artcraft production featuring
William S. Hart.
"Pathe News.”
Wednesday, Sept. 3.—“His Parisian
Wife” A Paramount production
featuring Elsie Ferguson.
"Bray Pictograph”
Thursday, Sept 4.—"Words and Mu­
sic”, featuring two new stars.
"Perfectly Fiendish Flannigan” 2
reel comddy.
A Distinguished Collection of
Awaits Your inspection
As Kate Tarleton in "The Knife,”
adapted from Eugene Walter'.-- dra­
matic success of the same name by
Charles Maigne and directed by RoLt.
G. Vivnola. Alice Brady appears in a
third Select Star Serie- production.
This picture which follows her bril­
liant achievements in "Her Sil«.ni
Sacrifice” and “Woman and Wile
will be the attraction at the Gem
Theatre next Sunday.
Kate is a Southern girl on a visit
to New York, where her interest in
fortune tellers leads her'into i: trap
disguised as a clairvoyant’s estab­
lishment, where she is drugged and
imprisoned. Her lover and guardian,
Dr. Robert Manning, famed for his
surgical researches, finally finds her
there; and teaks his vefagence on
the villanous pair who are responsi­
ble for his fiance’s predicament by
using them as subjects for his exper-
¡mentation, Later, Kate is restored to
health, and although at first she re-
calls nothing of her life before she
was drugged, it all comes back to her
soon after, and she feels fierself un­
worthy of Manning's love. He reas­
sures her however, and they decide to
pass their lives together in the placid
surroundings of her Southern home.
A gripping photoplay with real
heart-interest, superbly
cast and
splendidly produced in Southern and
metropolitan settings—a worthy suc­
cessor to Alice Brady’s other Select
The Suits
to be found here possess a distinction of individu­
ality and smartness that is seldom seen in gar­
ments at such moderute prices. J They present
themselves in materials of dvvetyn, silvertone, tri­
cotine and suede cloth, in colors of dragon-fly
blue, coffee shades and coppery tones.
New Coats
A happily thought out surprise
party was given Will Coburn a his
representative collection of the favored
home Saturday night. Games, cards
and dancing were al ¡indulged in by
modes for the fall season. Plush, velour, silver-
the merrymakers, and the jolly
tone, boliv “ 1 and porn pom ar£ the favored
lasted until the wee small hours
wheu the party ended. A lovely birth­
day cake with twenty—you can
guess how many more, candles on it,
was brought in and later served with
Mr. Lon Henderson and wife came
the delicious refreshments.
in from their home in Portland “last
Mr. and Mrs. Coburn received the Sunday and are visiting with old
guests, and later were assisted by time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.
several of tjie ladies in serving the Phelps of Garibaldi.
refreshments. Those bidden to the
Mt. Erick and family left for their
cheerful affair included the Misses home in Portland Sunday , after a
Evelyn Hoag, Gladys and Vera Jones, month’s stay at Garibaldi.
Edna Mills, Blanche Stark. Gladys
Adam Krumlauf was down from
Glaisyer, Hazel Lamar, Faye Hill Brighton last Sunday where he has
and Gordon Hare, Walter Stark, been working in the Brighton mill.
Howard Erskine. Tracy Byers. Harry
The gasoline launch, Meta M., was
Elliott, Dewey Handley,
August in the bay Tuesday from Nehalem
Boquist, Alfred Smith, and Mr. and and left out the same day.
Mrs. Stanley Clu.k and children, Mr.
Ralph Ackley and family and Lt.
and Mrs. Cardiff, iVIrs. Feldshai' and F. M. Phelps and family drove in
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Oat him I and from Portland and are visiting with
It may seem just a bit odd to think of buying your fall suit or coat in August, but it
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Phelps. Mrs.
to buy early this season as prices are going up- up—up.
It will pay you to make
Ackley and Lt. Phelps father and
------- O-------
Appropriately engraved anuotince- mother.'
and leave it in our “Will Call” unless you wish delivery made.’
mei.ts of the marriage of Miss Pearl
Attorney Ralph Duniway and fam­
Miller, daughter of Mrs. Nora Gard ily, of Portland, were Garibaldi visit-
You will find our prices very reasonable.
Let us show you our complete line of
Miller, of Canby, to Forrest M. 0f.i Tuesday and Wednesday.
Gist, of Cloverdale, have been receiv­
Mr. J. Elthiers, of Yacalt, Wash,
ed here by friends of the bride and came In on Monday’s train. Mr.
groom. The ceremony took plate at Elthiers is the man who had the ex­
the church at Canby. The happy plosion with gasoline a year ago and
couple will be at homo at Cloverdale was burnt very badly and he has
after November 1st.
never fully recovered from the burns
------- o-------
received at that time.
Greatly charmed with th«# ways,
Geo. W. Phelps and wife and Ralph
customs and beauty of the United Ackley and family and F. M. Phelps
States is Miss Kathreen Lambert, of and wife and daughter, Margarit,
(Across street from Clough’s Drug Store)
London, England, who came to the and L. Henderson a..u wife all went
United States during the war, and is to Netarts Sunday evening and spent
living at Portland. Miss Lambert a few happy hours with Mr. ad Mrs.
has been a guest of Miss Harriett Clarence Edner, of Netarts, and then
Gaylord for a while, and left for her drove home in the wee hours of the
home Tuesday morning.
Miss Lambert is particularly ini-
Tillamook Astoria Auto Stage.
pressed with the school system of the
------ o------
Tillamook City will receive bids for I i
United States, for in England, high
Leaves C. I. Clough’s drug store
Disease of The
schools are not public, and there are the improvement of Sixth Street on at 8 p.m. Tuesday—Thursday and
practically no openings for women the West side of Park Street east to Sunday mornings. Bay City at 8:20; Bell Phone—2F2
, Mutual Phone
In the business world. She Is now at­ the east boundary of Tillamook City, Garibaldi at 9 and Nehalem at 11.
310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore.
tending the Franklin high school in which is to be macadamized in ac­ Leaves Astoria at 8 p.m. and arriv­
cordance with plans and specificat­ es in Tillamook about 2 p.m.
Buy Now and Save
Later shipments of similar models will
be much higher priced.
is the part of
a selection now
Tillamook, Oregon
ions on file.
Bids will be received
May Allison to be Seen in New Metro up until the 9th day of September,
1919, for the making of such improve­
------ o------
ment. Bids to be filed With the City
"Castles in the Air,” the brilliant
comedy romance of which May Alli­
son is the star, will be the feature at
the Gem Theatre next Saturday.
In this lively and appealing drama
Miss Allison enacts the role of For
tuna, a poor but romantic gill who
believes that some day. like the he-
roineu of tlic lurid novels of which
■he I. fond, she will meet a million-
aire and have all the happiness ol
her namesake.
How she does meet the man of
weulih but how her own romance
comes from another and quite unex­ I
pected quarter, are incidents which
go to make a play of distinction and
charm. Fortuna is u lovable little
character -a character of the kind in
which May Allison excells, and her
dreams and expectations, and her
eventual happiness, combine to cre-
ate a picture of winning appeal.
Ray-Fair Production is Opera Ro-
--- —o
A siory which is said to have a
special appeal to musicians, and par­
ticularly to those who have written
the lyrics or music for songs and
have had difficulty in letting them
published, will be told In a motion
picture, at the Gem Theatre Thurs­
day. September 4. The production is
a William Fox drama
"Words and Music By—." in which
two new stars, Albert Ray and Elinor
Fair, are featured.
The actors are seen In the roles,
respectively. À composer and singer,
and the action deals with their
struggle to achieve success. The boy
Attention Berry Growers.
Graves Canning Co., are ready to
receive your blackberries at any time
They will furnish ydu crates free of
charge, and you can obtain them at
any time by calling at the cannery
opposite the Tillamook Bakery. Re­
member Graves Cannery Co. operate
T. BO ALS, M.D.,
an exclusive berry cannery, and are
here to stay and will pay you at all
times the full market price for your
Surgeon S. P. Co.
J. M. Smith is affiliated with the
Graves Canning Co. as field .manager
H. O. O. F. Bldg.)
Anyone wishing to sell their berries
picked or otherwise, can call Mr. Tillamook -
Smith at his residence on either
Tillamook City will receive bids phone.
Graves Canning Company, Inc.
for the improvement of Fifth Street,
Recorder and to be accompanied by
cert tied check equal to 10 per cent
of the amount of the bid, payable to
Tilamook City. Plans and specificat­
ions are on file at the office of the
City Recorder and may be examined
there. Right reserved to reject any
and all bids.
Dated this August 28th, 1919.
Frances B. Stranahan,
City Recorder of Tillamook City,
from the center of Stillwell Avenue
West to-the center of Sixth Avenue
West, and Sixth Avenue West from
the center of 6th Street North to the
center of Fourth Street, said streets
to be improved by constructing a
sewer along said portion of
streets, in accordance with
plans and specifications on
Bids will be received up
the 9th day of September. 1919, for
the making of such improvement. Bids
to be filed with the City Recorder
and to be accompanied by certified
check equal to 10 per cent of the a-
mount of the bid, payable at Tillamook t
City. Plans and specifications are on
file at the oflk-e of the City Recorder
and may be examied there. Right re­
served to reject any and all bids.
Dated thia August 28th, 1919.
France» B. Stranahan,
City Recorder of Tilamook City,
Oregon. |
m i
Jl T
j/our rsdiy
deys must be
* tiet utork rcounrs
Cut fui I in shoulder, ch st
and arms-conVcrtable. s rang.
IccxO «Xante lOaterpnxf atedcHf
S atbfaction
A J T ower «
A fter C louds comes SuNsnrxE.
A fter D espondency comes J ot .
A fter S ickness comes H ealth .
A fter W eakness comes S trength .
In the spring when you’re “all
in”—fagged out—blood thin, if
you will turn to Nature’s remedy,
Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in I a tonic made from wild roots and
barks, which has stood fifty year)
as the best spring tonic—you will
Taxes I'aid for Non Residents
find strength regained. No need
T illamook B lock .
Tiilnmous ...
Oregon to tell you it’s Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery, put un in tablet
Both Phone«
or liquid form, and sold by every
druggist in the land. After a hard
winter—shut up indoors,your blood
needs a temperance tonic, a tissue­
Ornamental Fire Places Built
builder and blood-makersuchasthis
of Brick and Stone, All Fire
Place* absolutely guaranteed
“Medical Discovery” ofDr.Pierce’s
not to smoke or money re­
Brick work of all kinds dona
on short notice.
We make a specialty of ra-
pairing smoking Fire Places.
Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce’s lavnlids*
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for tr...l |—kage
of tablets.
Seattle, Had—“I was in a general run
------ o------
down condition. Had bad blood, dis­
ordered stomach, kidney trouble and
Twentieth Century wood saw now
nervousness. I took three bottles of Dr. in operation.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and
All orders promptly attended to.
five or six bottles of ‘Favorite Prescrip­
tion’ and was completely cured. Have Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders
Mr» Mary “t Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market.
never been sick a dav since.” — /*
Karl Wilhelms.
Utukiru. 907 Z!lh 4».