Til I.ÄMnnK hradltort . august 21. 1O1Q TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MORNING ASTORIAN SAYS TILLAMOOK RECEPTION WAS WONDER. 'A uut a*J (real leader tijl, Au uAofr and * k .‘ j Id1 a« enure ea/ion' —Els An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Features Spirit of Friendliness Aroused Among Astorians For People of this County. AUGUST 28, 1919 THE GEM, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 "Cannibals of the South Sea Islands ’ I __ 9 > In large type running clear across I the second section, the Morning As- torian for Sunday blazed forth these tidings, “Community co-operation certain to result from Tillamook ex­ cursion,” and the story below- ran i acrosj the top half page for seven , columns, and was 'continued inside ; Train« for leadership in the industries and profession« as fol:, vs on two pages. Major W. F. Mannix, I HOME ECONOMICS AGRICULTURE. COMMERCE. FORESTRY. PHARMACY. MUSIC. manager of the Astorian, who was VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL ENGINEERING. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. INDUSTRIAL ARTS 1 one of the party of the representa­ MINING ENGINEERING. t-OCGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE tive Asturians here on the Commer­ The College training includes courses i- English. Eacnomtcs, Art. Mathematics. Modern Langv.agcs. Physical Education. Industrial jours ..isrr. Natural Sciences, .nd all essentials of an education cial Club trip, was the writer. The story says in part: Three regular terms—Fall term begins S< Member 22, 1919 I During the years to cotne, I ven­ ture to say, there will be many a hap­ py and significant reference made aiong the coast from here to Tilla- I mook and beyond to the delightful For College Catalog. Illustrated Booklet «nd oth«r information address THE REGISTRAR. Oregon Agricultural College. Cv/vallis trip made by a delegation of some forty Astorians to our neighboring county on the south during the past week. I say happy because the Cham­ ber of »Commerce excursion was, in the strictly personal sense in a class all of its own; affording those who were fortunate enough to be included a real treat of pleasure and a satis­ faction that is not always attendant upon going away from home. And not only this, but the travelers were not alone in enjoyment of the outing, for if appearance count—and they usually do—the hospitable and gra­ cious people of Tillamook enjoyed to the utmost the coming to their com­ THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON munities of the wellknown Astorians SPECIAL FEATURES SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS and took keen delight in offering the I A beautiful campus, faculties of special- The University includes the College of ists, modern facilities, low cost, with many Literature, Science and the Arti, and the I I best they had. opportunities for aelf-help, “athletics for special Schools of Law, Medicine, (at As a pleasure trip, both for guests everybody,” a really democratic atmosphere Portland), Architecture, Journalism, Com- —and the famous "Oregon Spirit.” and hosts, it was the never to be for­ uiercv, Education and Music. «.Ur a • catalogue, ____________ gotten: and surely this in itself Is Tor illustrate«! boo ___ klet or specific information, address* THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE: OREGON. saying much. But in another sense- I all has not been said and it is in this CHIEF I reference that I have made use of the HAGA PATE, | word significant. the most cruel, Yes, that is the word; for I believe handsomest I that in after years thousands of peo­ savage on earth ple in both Tillamook and Clatsop i counties will refer back to this happy pilgrimage as marking the real get- ■ ting together of all the coastal com­ munities of this part of Oregon. At I least it is not too much to say that I among the foremost spirits of Astor- | ia today there is a wholly new sentl- i ment toward the hospitable, thriving ' and beautiful cities and neighbor­ hoods to the south of us. ’Now,’ BELL PHONE, MAIN MUTUAL PHONE verily! For to a vast majority of our citizens the hills and lands and K beaches and the people of Tillamook Ixl_______ 1_ f 1 I - • 1 I 1 1 1-------------- ‘ ’ county were as unknown as they be within a well could be and yet I half day’s run by auto > from the I mouth of the Columbia, And we were almost as new to them! For while it is true that a Adults 25c. Children 15c. few of the hardier souls of Nehalem, Wheeler, Mohler, Bay City, Tillamook and the various beaches had at widly separate periods made brief And the Democrats Howled About trade which would be of benefit to his wages’ Nq, you would raise him Men who know tobacco, us.” from his seat and discharge him.” vlscits to Astoria, ninety-nine hun­ These "High Prices.” chew the best without its There are 483 articles on which dredths of residents of the "discover­ Kansas City Star: “Can it be true the freight rates are lower on im­ costing them any more. ed” county would feel as strange in In 1910 and again in 1912 thè Astoria as Huns in present day Paris. Democratic party went before the in this age of the brotherhood of ports than on the American articles. They take a little chew and But all parties and all sections country with an empty pretense that | man, when nobody is going to figh’ —Ex. it’s amazing how the good have been "discovered.” The Astor­ it would lower the cost of living. The ■ anymore, or oppose the weak, or be He Keeps Us Out of War. taste stays in a rich, high ians discovered a new and fruitful Democratic congressional committee ' unjust, or make a secret treaty, or ------- o------- grab a helpless nation’s territory, or land inhabited by generous and wide distributed a circular showing a coni- I grade chewing tobacco. Secretary of War Baker recom­ awake people, and anxious for the parison of St. Louis prices for two 1 deny self-determination to any peo­ friendliest intercourse with the men weeks’ family purchases in 1896 and ple—can it be true that while the mends tc congress provisions for aft Tor lasting tobacco satis­ and women and ambitions of the 1910, which helped to elect its party President was making all these army with a "war strength" of a mil­ faction, there’s notning things so in Paris, the laws have lion and a quarter. "War strength?” south discovered in its purest form to power. It said: been unenforced here at home again- ; Isn’t the league of nations, like the like a small chew of that the true Astoria spirit, and when "The Republican party has been in st food profiteers, until an economic Democratic national platform of they listened to the sentiments ani ­ rich-tasting tobacco. complete control of every department mating our people, as voiced by the of the government since 1896—Pres­ crisis, the most serious in the history 1916, guaranteed to keep us out of war, and aren’t there a lot of suck­ speakers of the visiting party and by ident, Senate and Congress. They of the country, has resulted? ------- o------- ers still biting on the old bait? "You the private utterances of the indi­ have given you a government of Baltimore American: “The high are working, not fighting.” ‘Alive vidual members, they rose grandly trusts—beef trusts, sugar trusts, put up in two styles to the occasion and pledged a bond of flour trusts, clothing trusts, and the cost of necessaries is directly trace­ and happy, non eanno fodder, ” "Wil- social anu economic fellowship that ’daddy of them all, the tariff trust. able to the Washington administra­ so and peace with honor.” ’ Hughes RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobaeem tion. With the extravagant wage with Roosevelt and war.” "If you made all hearts glad. Your table bill has doubled; have W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Never wits idea of cooperation be­ your wages doubled? Y’ou pay 100 scale, by scattering money like chaff. 1 want war vote for Hughes. If you tween communities more ably ex- per cent more for your clothing, it secured industrial speed that could want peace vote for Wilson.” have been obtained in safer way-; pressed and more earnestly exalted .ankets and household goods; has but it upset economic standards. 1;.- than during the get-together af- ! MAKE WORK EASIER. your salary kept pace with the in- fairs which marked this excursion; , creased cost'of living? Your rent is Dated the dollar to a dangerous de- and when President Frank H. Sand- I higher and your fuel is higher; how gree, and now we and the w hole Tillamook People Are Pleased to born speaking for Astoria and the i much higher is your weekly wage world are paying the piper/’ ju.eaia How it has Been Done It's pretty hard to attend to duties Chamber of Commerce, definitely :k? Don’t you thinje you had bei- With a constantly aching back; committed this community to an So Britrdn Gets 'Em. * it the trusts that have doubl'd With annoying urinary disorders. earnrtit intere t In the unselfish ani- ’1€ c t of living out of business’ ’ The work of refloating the German Doan’s Kidney Pilis make work batons of Tillamook county it was warships »link in Scapa Flow, i pro­ ersier for many a sufferer. as If a noble vow of fraternity While r ecretaiW of Statfi. William They’re tor bad backs. tween Clatsop and Tillamook had Jennings Bryan, in a speech to the gressing rapidly and it is expected that by next year the entire fleet been made Wheeler and Tillamook For weak r.tdneys.. Pennsylvania legislature said: will have been raised, V ider the h . I all the beautiful country rouiid- lie*. is convincing proof of merit. "The representative who secures laws of salvage Britain will acquire Jack Mott, 818 Hayter St. Dallas. ai nt rer-ponded Instantly to this warm spark of feeling oratoricnlly office on a platform and thin be'rays title to the restored fleet. N arly Ore., Rays: “I took Doan's Kidney expressed, and every person within the people who elected h<’n is a all of the light cruisers and dcstroy- Pill, several yerfrs ago when I was .tearing knew that in future there criminal worse than lie who embez­ era have been moved into shallow having backache and other kidney water aYid the big ships are now re- di.- der. 1 blame the trouble to the would be such working together of zles money.” nature of my work. Constant strain After his administration and party ceiving attention. all th. interested neighborhoods as and neglect caused my back to give the great northwest has never before have had control of the government j out. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me for six years, following pledges to re- I Against American Interests. known. -------o------- finally. My back soon felt as strong "We want to work with Astoria dttce the hgh cost of living, the cost j Representative Fordney has shown as ever and my kidneys were nor- of living meanwhile trebled, Presi- ; was the cry of the Tillamook towns. "Aye. and v.e Welcome you—and dent Wilson has gone to tire first Re- i that for every $77 of increased reve- mal.” Price 60c., at all dealers. Don't will work with you!" was the glad publicar. congress elected in ten 1 nite of the railroads under govern­ years with the request that it pro­ ment control the government ha. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get j shout of Astoria. Zcrolene keeps its lubricating ceed to handle the question of high spent $123. And he analysis that fact Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that body at cylinder heat, holds living costs, but without first utiliz­ with the statement: "If that is not Mr. Mott had. Foster-Milburn Co., Average Age of Killed. compression, gives perfect pro­ ing the means at his immediate CO ill - extravagance I know- what it is. It Is Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv. ------ u------ I his pur- incompetence.” tection to the moving parts and American soldiers killed in France mand for accomplishing In that connection he pointed out pose. years of age. experts of deposits least carbon. The New York Times says that average 23 that the Wilson administration was everybody Is red hot for the unex- —o------- the bureau of war risk insurance Our Board of Lubrication En­ American purgated covenant of the league of Troy (N. Y.) Budget : •It look« discriminating against have found During the war. only gineers has determined the correct busir.. ss in favor of that of the Or­ nations, but that the stubborness of __________ 756 Americans died as a result of be­ darn funny for the United States to consistency of Zcrolene for your be selling steel ships to Italy and ient. South America and Mexico. The make of automobile. Their recom­ in; ta gassed in action. The list of mis­ France on what is the same as "tick” reduction of freight rates on imports the Senate compels President Wilson mendations are available for you in ng In action. It was stated, has been to tour the country at public expense siAg ------------ the Zarolene Correct Lubrication reduced to 241 by careful checking and then be told that we must pu.v received on the Pacific slope was in to tell the people about the state of effect a reduction of tariff dvties. Charts. Get one for your car at up tn the central records office of the fifty cents or more a pound for coffe- their own minds. That seems queer. your dealer’s or our nearest sta­ A B. F and by examination of bat­ because we have no ships to carry The effect of this order is not o;.ly to 1 tion. the product from Brazil, where It is discriminate against the American tle fields. N’ow that the British House of STANDARD OIL COMPANY lying in thousands of tons on the manufacturer and his employes birr (California) i ten cents a to cut down railroad receipts for the Commons has approved the Versail­ Bishop Williams, of Michigan, dockland selling at sponsor for the patriotism of Henry- pountL or three for a quarter, The whole pcopie later to themselves to les treaty and league covenant, the Springfield Republican cannot un­ Ford says that what we need now Is Shantung deal and the secret •I- make up. A grade for each type of ^pg"^ "If you had in your employ,” said derstand why there should be furth­ the liancei with France i Indicate that "industrial democracy." What “ ’s '-* matter with religious democracy? Prealdfln it Wilson, over in Paris. was Mr. Fordney, " a superintendent of a er hesitation anywhere In accepting The recall of bishops might help a tradef all right, and he might now mill and were to find lie was discrim­ the work as the last word tn en­ exercise bls skill in behalf of the inating against you. would you raise lightened statesmanship. some in Michigan. B. C BOONE, AfMit, Tillamook. Ore. J Oregon Agricultural College Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector » c A wonderful presentation of the life, habits and haunts of these man-eaters, with none of the dangers experienced in visiting them in their wild state of life. This is an opportunity you should not miss. On Friday afternoon bills for this attraction will be dropped over Tillamook and the Fair Grounds by the airplane, Among these bills will be some colored ones. Anyone who secures one of these colored bills will be given a free ticket to the show by pre i Renting same at the box office Again we say, “Don’t Miss It THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Correct Lubrication at Cylinder Heat ZEROLENE I