Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 28, 1919, Image 3

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J. A. Graf, of Hemlock, went to
Portland today on a business trip.
H. G. Bennett returned to Portland
eston left for Portland Satur- Friday after doing some laboratory
work on the highway for the E. W.
'Ill was in town from Nehalem Lazelle Co. of Portland.
Fred W. Root, traveling agent for
■by girl was born to the wife Charles W. Scribner’s music books,
the home music library, left for Port­
■liam Turner, last week.
■cy Tomlinson went home to land Saturday.
Kr Friday.
Mrs. J. G. LaLonde and parents,
■ Ford left for Myrtle Point Sat- went to the jetty Monday to spend
the day visiting her cousin, Rev.
Frank Ginn, of Portland.
■to Bayocean for Sunday and
E. J. Webb and two sons, left for
■ Day.
McMinnville Saturday morning, after
■h Emerson returned to her
visiting his sister, Mrs. A. C. Hush-
■in Forest Grove Sunday.
beck, for a week.
■ocean Natatorium closes after
Leaving Friday for her home at
■ Day.
Boardman, Oregon, was Mrs. Bert G.
■. E. J. Crim, of Portland, re- Daly, who had been, visiting at the
fa home Saturday after a visit in home of C. F Murphy at Cloverdale.
Mr and Mrs. J. C. Bourne,of Port-
h Sonlis was a passenger on the land, have been visiting their sister,
faay Aornlng train returning
Mrs. John Matthews, and returned
■t la nd.
to their home Friday.
k W. H. Savage, of Cloverdale,
Leaving for Nevada City, Califor­
Ito Portland Monday morning
nia Wednesday morning was Mildred
■it her son.
McDonald. She had been visiting her
la Crocker left for her home at father and family at Blaine.
kr Monday, after visiting with
Leaving for Ocean Lake Tuesday
terns’ here.
morning was Mrs. T. C. Percy, who
tabowitch came in Sunday to was going.to spend the day with the
this brother, Louis Labowitch Hadleys.
[few days.
Returning to her home in Seattle
fc. Runke and family, of Port- Friday was Dottie Childers, who had
fwent home Saturday after a been visiting her parents, Mr. and
ps vacation at Netarts.
Mrs. J. L. Childers.
hel Roe, of McMinnville1, sister
H. W. Maynard, of Portland, agen­
Irs. H. C. O'Dell returned home cy director of the Capital Insurance
company of Colorado left Friday. He
■day night.
inry Schlappi and Jacob Kleger, expected to establish an agency here.
of Sherwood left Saturday after
A very large crowd attended the
ir day visit with relatives.
uance at Fairview last Friday night,
_R. Hood returned to Portland and most of them say they had a fine
this wife, after a stay at Coat’s time.
» Mr. O. A. Schultz and wife, and
Visiting here at the home of the Carlisle Stranahan left for Los
Patterson's was Mrs. George Nesling, Angeles, California, Friday. They
are driving down.
who left Wednesday.
vacation at Pacific City,
Returning to their home in Port-
Mhal Miller returned to her home in land Friday were Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Devjne, who had been visiting at
Grebham Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grate left for the home of Mrs. John Pohl for a
i two Weeks vacation at Oakland, Ore- week.
Mrs. G. E. Clapp and son, of Pres-
gottj/Wednesday morning.
Mrs. .1. E. Johnson and family left cott, Washington .left for her bome
MtHkockaway Wednesday to spend Saturday morning after visiting her
sister, Mrs. E. J. Hughes for several
' tha day.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Lucas left
Leaving on Friday was
Thursday to go out to the valley
where they will visit their daughter.
spend the week-end with Marie Nel­
Mrs. Arthur Stout returned to her
son, and Alma and Lydia Furrer, who
ht>lT at Wendling. Monday, after a
have a cabin there.
Visit in the city.
After a visit with her sister at
Dr. L. L. Hoy bought a new Oak-
Pleasant Valley, Mrs. D. M. Marshall
lMid from A. H. Harris, local agent,
left for home iTi Estacada, She had
been visiting her sister Mrs. Frank
Mrs. D. Kuratli’s little girl. Ruth, Thomas.
left for Hillsboro Tuesday morning
Mrs. V A. Martin, and Mrs. O. D.
ft^Visit her aunt, Mrs. E. I. Kuratli.
Martin, and daughter Laverne left
,v.|Hrs. H. L. Gilham left for Port- Wednesday ior theii home in Hills­
iMd Monday, where she expects to boro, after a visit w-ith Hensen San-
■thy a week.
I uers at Cloverdale.
v-Going to Mohler on a business trip
Mrs. A. E. McClain, of -Portland,
was R. F. Zachman, who went up on I has been visiting with Goodspeeds
the Tuesday morning’s train.
andTrouts, and left Monday morning.
»After a visit with her brother, O. Mrs. McClain says she hud a great
Nf Cook. Mrs. Fred» Reynolds left lime at the beaches.
LaMyiday for home.
Mis': B. D. Russell and son, Ban­
■Mrs. H. Devine. Jf Portland, and ford, left for W’alla Walla, Wash.,
Blrs. E. D. Geiser, have been visiting Manday, after a three weeks visit
^^■ank H. Devine for a few days.
here with her mother, Mrs. E. J.
■ C. E. Stanley left on the Saturday Hughes.
. JHorning train going to Portland on
Mrs. Charles R. Bennett returned
to her home at Dallas Wednesday
B Bayocean bungalows and tents may after a short visit with her husband
K rented until Sept 10th. Reduced here. She will return shortly and
{Kites during September.
make her home here.
Katherine and Margaret McKinley
V* alter J. Hurd, a recently return­
l ‘went out to Portland Friday to visit ed soldier, of Yamhill, started home
■■heir grandmother.
Monday morning. He had been visit­
■ W. J. Peterson will auction off his ing at the beaches at Netart. , Pacitic
Kousetfold furniture Saturday. Aug., City and Neskowin.
Ko at 7th and Stillwell Avenue.
Returning to their home at Port­
I Mrs. E. T. Malquim and son Blaine land Saturday were Mrs. R. C. Hurst
■were here Tuesday night from Port- and her fou. children, her mother,
Kand. They canre down to look over Mrs. A. W. Sheldon, and her sister,
Miss L. Sheldon.
»-the country.
F Mrs. T. J. Merrit, of Metzger, left i Lt. Col. G. C. Dunham, of the regu­
■Monday morning after spending the lar army, left Wednesday morning
■Week-end here, visiting her father, after a visit with hie parents at
Hemlock, while he was on a leave of
■ J. L. Wilson.
Mrs. J. S. Howell and children, absence.
■ and mother, Mrs. S. E. Edminsten, of
Marriage licenses were issued last
■ Portland, returned home Monday Ì week to Rose Meister, of Tillamook,
and Frank W. Waters, of Portland;
■ morning after a visit here.
K. L. Prator left on the train for and to Louise A. Forbes, of Tillamook
I Portland Friday to have his eyes at* and W. H. Rawle, of Pierce Arizona.
I tended.' He has been working at the
Maxine Walker, of Spokane, and
I construction camp at Hemlock.
Bertha Kishner, of Portland, are
Mrs. Frank Long, of Wheeler, re- visiting at the home of their uncle,
I turned to her home Monday morning James Walker. They expect to leave
I after visiting at the home of John I about Saturday.
| Simon’s family for a few days.
Mrs. C. I. Clough and Mr. Clough’s
Mrs. J. O. Johnson, and daughter, mother left on the Tuesday morning
I Miss Alicia and son Edward, return- I train for Rockaway to spend the day.
| ed to Portland Saturday after a va- taking with them little Gene and
I cation spent around here.
Mrs. Strom and daughter, Norma.
Miss Helen Krebs and three friends
I of Nehalem, spent Monday in town all from Portland, stayed with her
| with Hattie Grtndel, Mrs. Strom’s uncle. Jeff Wallace, Wednesday, and
| slater.
liter left for the beach where they
Ralph B. Duniway. of Portland, a will enjoy an outing.
I prominent lawyer of the state was
Just to look over the country. Miss
I here Wednesday, enjoying a little E. S. Hansen, from North Dakota,
| trip about the county.
was here last week. She left Satur-
A. H. Freeberg va. Jose Jacob and day, and Bays she likes Tillamook
I Barnhardt Jacob, el al. is a suit filed very much.
in the circuit court to reform deed to
Mr and Mrs. Tim Hoernemann of
Lima. Ohio, were visiting Mrs Hoer-
certain land.
Mrs. J. H. Rigg", of Hillsboro left nemann'B brothers. Emil and Roland
' this morning after a stay at Netarts Heuseer this week. They left for
with ber son-in-taw, who runs the Portland Tuesday morning, and will
go on from there back east.
upper camp.
lamook Jottings.
• r
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ledgerwood.of the MILES AND NEWELL BACK IN
Dalles,left for their home this morn­
------- o—-----
ing after a pleasant weeks visit here
and at the beautiful beach at Bar­ Their Escape Will Destroy Right to
Plea for Leniency. Penalty 2 To
Carl Haberlaeh reports that his
20 Years.
secretary, E. J. Claussen, is leaving
for Sweden about the end of Sep­
Down the cold hard concrete steps,
tember to get him a Red Cross nurse,
back of the sheriff's office in the
whom he expects to marry him. He
courthouse, in a dark cool cell, in a
will bring the bride back to the
black barred steel cage, are Harry
United States, and probably make
Newell, and George Miles, the two
his future home in Tillamook. Carl
forgers who were caught last Thurs­
says he hopes it won’t be a cross red
day morning after escaping from thj;
Dr. and Mrs. Lebow have returned nurse.
and will be at Dr. Wise's Tillamook
Grace O’Neil vs. Elsie Vidito is a
Friday when interviewed. Miles
office on Monday and Tuesday, Bay
filed in the circuit court grow­ looked tired, and his eyes were
City on Wednesday; at Cloverdale on
Thursdays; Nehalem, Fridays and ing out of a contract to conduct a swollen underneath, and very red, a$
• hospital in this eity. The plaintiff he wearily’said;
Wheeler Saturdays.
suing on a breach of contract, claim-
“Newspapers, huh? I don't want tc
Going back to their home in San ing $35.00 because of money actually say nothing for the papers, such
Francisco, was Mrs. J. A. Johnson', expended and $60.00 because of loss things better be left out. It starts
who left on the Monday train. She of employment; $500.00 as special many a kid on the road to the bad,
had been visiting with her sister damages and $394.00 general damag­ by reading sensational stories.”
Mrs. J. W. Edwall for nearly three es.
When asked if it started him, he
The construction work at the chmp said, "It helped.”
Mrs. Klein, of Beaverton, and Mrs. at Idaville is progressing very rapid­
But there is nothing in the story
Jess Kennedy went to the beach ly according to word brought in by of Mile's and Newell that would
Tuesday to spend the day. Mrs. some of the employees. The timber start a kid to the bud. The story is
Kleine is the mother of a boy Bill surrounding the railroad at the junc­ ¡ simply one of unhappy crime. Miles
Kennedy went across with, and is tion of the lines is being cut and i had a ten. year sentence for larceny
here visiting him for that reason.
burned, sidings have been built, and at the state penitentiary, -and afte.
Mrs. C. M. Dyrlund, of Portland, several miles of side track layed. serving but two years of it, he was
was in town over the week-end to Grading is going on and rapid com­ let out on parole, on his honor to be­
see her husband, Mr. Dyrlund. newly pletion of the work seerils promised.
have like a gentleman. Now he has
elected cashier of the Tillamook
E. E. White vs. Retta White is a broken his word and must go buck
County Bank. Mrs. Dyrlund will divorce suit filed in the circuit court. and serve out the ten years sentence
move down in a week or two.
These parties were married at Valen­ as well as the new sentence for forg-
Deshler, Ohio, was the destination tine Nebraska, on the 2nd of June, try, the penalty of which is from
of Mr. and Mrij, M. Doty, who left 1866, and that on the 12th of Decem­ two to twenty years Imprisonment.
The proverb, ' thy sins shall seek
here Wednesday morning on the ber, 1917, defendant, without just or
train. They are going to see their i any cause or provocation, deserted thee out, and be punished,” is all too
son and expect to be gone in the plaintiff, There are two minor chil- true for him. And the inevitableness
east a couple of months.
dren and the defendant took these of the tact was realized at the
John Bryson and Cecil’ Jones, tw o with her when she deserted her hus- sheriff’s office from the first. Blood­
I hounds were not called because it
Portland boys w’ere in Tillamook band.
I was realized that in this day and age
Friday night coming down from t^ie ,
beach at Rockaway. They went back service worker for Tillamook- county of telephone, telegraph, railroad and
Saturday morning to Rockaway, and i went to Rockaway and Saltair Sat- automobile, an escaped criminal has
will return to Portland a little later. ! urday. Mrs. Stanley was going to i no chance if his escape is discovered
in reasonable time. Fate was hang­
Mr. and Mrs. E. Olson, of Portland, ' see about adjustments and bonuses ing over the two men from the first.
left for home Tuesday morning, after for some discharged soldiers. Any Even they realized it, and told de­
a visit with Boquists. They say they soldiers or civilians in Tillamook puty McKinley, that they were hop­
had a grand time, and want to come should apply to Mrs. Stanley, and ing to be caught before they had
again, as much as their friends she will be found at her home at the t reached Hemlock. There is nothing
Millis cottage, just east of the Gem
would like to have them come.
cheerful or romantic about their
Visiting at their former home at Theatre.
story after they escaped.
Two Portland young men, Roy and
Beaver, Friday, was Mr. and Mrs.
They got out, and ran through the
Elmer DaviB, now of Oregon City, Douglas Faulkenbery, hiked in over woods, soon tired, not well-fed, and
and Carrie Reddaway: They " were the Wilson River road, arriving here the breath of freelifeandfresh air so
visiting Mrs. Davis’ parents, and Thursday and starting for the beach eagerly seized, they saw meant
I at Rockaway Friday. They are going
went on to the baech.
several more years added to their
Mrs. G. F. Cronen returned ot her along at a peacefully sensible gait, prison sentence. And the jail is a
home- at Wheeler Monday morning taking about three days time to the mere sample of the pen. They sit on
after a few days spent here visiting road from Forest Grove. There’s little little chair on a steel floor, with a
the Durrers'. She also came to attend doubt but what they will have a good large sheet of steel overhead. Steel
I bars block every vision out.
the Catholic Parish picnic held Sun­ time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Langner of Port-
Miles nervously laughed how they
day out near Melchior's place in the
land, returned
Tuesday morning escaped, “Oh, let the people guess
country, east of town.
few days
__ ... visit
____ _ at _________
Netarts. how we did it, it’ll do ’em good to
After a visit with her daughter, . after a _ ___
Mrs. G. W. Biddle, at Alder Cove, | Mr. Langner is the farm editor of the guess. It won’t hurt anybody not to
Mrs. Mary Libby left for her home Oregon Journal, and was here look­ know what they got« no business/
in Eugene. Monday. With Mrs. Lib­ ing over the county to write up. He with.” He has a slight accent when
by were three grandchildren, and says he was very favorably impressed he talks, and laughs much, though
Mr. and Mrs. M. O’Brien, also of and Mrs. Langner was charmed with bitterly.
I it. They enjoyed a trip to a cheese
Harry Newell wanted to see the
‘factory before returning to their last issue of the paper and see whai
Mrs. C. P. Gates, of Corvallis left
we said about “Those Jailbirds.”
for home on the Monday morning
Solon Schiffman vs. Thad Robison “Bring me down a paper, Stanley”,
train because of illness. Rev. Gates,
he asked of deputy sheriff Clarence
pastor of the Evangelical church and Comstock Manufacturing Co., is
Stanley who accompanied the report­
there, returned to Netarts to pack a suit filed in the circuit court in
er dowrn there. "I’ want to see how
their belongings, and will then drive which plaintiff prays that an assign­
many mistakes ttrey made,” he
ment made by defendant Robison be
laughed from his narxow cot in a
J. H. Proctor left for Hillsboro cancelled and held for naught and tiny cell, dark and gloomy.
Wednesday morning to visit with re­
But the cell could nqt be as gloomy
latives. His wife, and mother-in-law, stored to ail the rights, held by him as life for Newell now. He is only 19.
under the contract prior to the time
Mrs. C. D. Himes, accompanied him.
and yet his life has entered the rec­
One of Pleasant Valley’s residents of the assignment and that defendant ords of the
scourge of people,
Mrs. John Graf, left for Portland
"Those who don’.t fit in.” There is
Wednesday morning to visit rela­ further payment accruing under the no place in the world for him, or his
terms to plaintiff.
friend, so they will be sent to the
Lee Travis and wife. Lazell DCLano
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Warren, of Ok- penitentiary, and live on steel floors
and Fredericka Travis and Buster lahoma City, Oklahoma, left Tilla- and take their pleasures when the
Travis, all of Eugene, who have been mook Friday for Portland, Salem, pleasures are allotted them, and eal
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Baker and the southern part of Oregon, on by rote, and sleep by rote, and haw a
and family, returned home Sunday their way home. They have been vls-< million rules to live by. that other
taking Mrs. Travis’ mother, Mrs. iting through Oregon for nearly a unfortunates are also living by.
Baker with'them antf also Levelle year, and say its the
r they
They followed the road from Hem­
have spent without a
r Burn­ lock to the Grand Ronde riding and
mer, for the weather
ii been walking all the waj. Both of them
C. W. Boetticher,. superintendent
mild and equable all
-, they were wanting to be caught they say.
of schools at Albany, went through
think. They are going t
State So Newell got in an automobile that
here last week on his way to Netarts,
Fair at Salem and then
Rogue was passing that way and rode
where he and his wife expect to
River Valley.
through Dolph, standing on the run-
camp. After a Btay there, they will
probably go on the beach to Rocka-
The Sunday School rally at Beaver ning board of the machine, Miles
way and visit other beaches along on Sunday next promises to be one of walked right up the middle of the
the pleasant events of the season for road, and when the sheriff’! party
the line.
came up to his tracks, they followed
A large crowd came in from Bay­ that part of the county. If the weath­ all the distance, until they caught
ocean Wednesday to attend the Fair.
him, by watching his shoe prints.
They left with baskets full of food ed for both program and picnic din­
however that were not bought at the ner. All of the Sunday Schools in the
Newell in 4 Jails in 8 Days.
fair. If the road was through, these south part of the county, as well as
When seen again Wednesday.
buyers would be coming in every those from Tillamook will be repre­ Mlles and Newell fhlked and laughed
sented; and any one wishing to bring
freely. Newell says that considering
picnic dinner and attend is cordially
Six Boy Scouts from i Beaverton invited to do so. Prof. O. V. White it was his first jail experience he had
hiked over the Wilson river from will speak In the afternoon on "The been going it pretty strong. He had
Friday. Mission of the Sunday School.” and been in four jails In eight days The
Forest Grove arriving here
The Wilson river road is fine for 4Mk- th«- "International Sunday School Hood River jail was his first resting
ing they say. and has been proving Standard”, will be the leading sub­ place after being arrested. Then he
was held over night in the Portland
quite popular lately as several hiking jects discussed.
castle, and then here, and then tak­
parties have come over it.
The deer season throughout Oregon en to the county s xtronghouse a'
L. W. Turnbull, the new superin­ will open September 1st this year
tendent of schools is staying at the and will continue open until October
They laughed over the story in the
McGee apartments until he can find 31st, according to an annoucement pap- anil aid that It was pretty
a house to live in. Mr. Turnbull ar- made by Carl D. Shoemaker, State nice io only have to break jail to get
rived the latter part of last week, Game Warden. The only exception it a column on the front page, and
after attending the University of in Union and Wallowa counties
complimented the reporter on what
Oregon summer session.
where the season will open on Sep- he had written However it was not
A. new corporation is now in pro­ tember 10th and close on November Newell's peg leg that was used to
cess of organization, the purpose of 10th. Heretofore, the season has op- open the bora witn, but a chair round.
which is to to construct an up-to- ened on August 15th In district No. 1 The young man valu«#s the leg too
date building on the corner of 2nd whlah consists of all oounties west highly to use it In any such way.
Ave and 1st St. East. This building of the summit of the Cascade Moun
Miles Has a Family.
when completed will probably be tains. The season this year Is uni­
older of the two. has a
used for a moving picture theatre,
and will be another addition to the two counties heretofore mentioned wife and writes letters to her fre­
city beautiful, a bigger and busier The bag limit is two deer with horn- quently. and she too shares In th-
sorrow of his renewed confinement
which Is the same as last year.
Married, on the 25th of August.,
Lewis Robinson and Nettie Porter,
the ceremony being performed by
Rev. C. E. Gibson.
Returning to his home in Portland
Tuesday morning was Frank Price,
who had been visiting his sister, Mrs.
George Winslow for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rethlefson, of
Portland, have been in Tillamook
most of the summer, and returned to
Portland Tuesday morning, taking
Ella Davidson with them as a guest.
He wanted rt> turn back the first
day, and return to the cell, but New­
ell said “Don't be a quitter” so he
plodded on down the road, when all
the pleasure was gone, and hope too
The search party came very near
them several times, and once one
man, some temporarily sworn deputy
met them when he was alone on the
trail with them, and he very politely
got off the trail they say, and disap­
peared in the woods, leaving them a
gieat deal of room to pass. They had
mopey and so plenty of meals all
along the road according to Miles.
Caught in Gully and Whirlpools in
The Air Caused by Wind Through
------- o------ -
The aeroplane that flew in here
Saturday night, after a fine showing
for a few months, crashed to the
ground on the field next to the fair
grounds yesterday afternoon. Fortu­
nately no one was injured. The story
got out and was around uptown for
a while that the passenger was kill­
ed. but Syd Paul, who was the pas­
senger was only bruised slightly uh -
der his right eye. and banged' his
nose, making it bleed.
Lt. Elmer Cook, the aviator was
not in the slightest way in fault, or
blamable for the wreck. There was a
strong wind blowing, as it had been
blowing for several days, and he ran
along the field, the machine rising
nicely until it caught in the gully
and whirlpool of wind formed by
the trees, and then it dipped first to
one side, then to the other, and was
so far thrown out of the path Aviator
Cook had started, that he either had
to bit the trees or shoot to ground,
and he chose the ground. The ma­
chine was only about 40 feet high,
and he came down at such an angle’
even with
the disadvantage of
weird air-currents, that the plane
was not totally ruined, The tail of
the body doubled up and crumpled
down, but the wings and engine are
practically uninjured.
Abaut 25 passengers were taken up ’
Sunday, 15 Monday, and 10 or 1;;
Tuesday before the accident occurred
as he was making his first ascent
yesterday. As some one remarked ir­
relevantly, ‘Yes, the passenger got
his money back, and had a ride and
accident both.” The plane will prob­
ably be taken to Salem for repairs.
The damage is covered partly by In­
Finest Stock Show Yet; Granges
Have Fine Exhibits; School Fair
Is Attractive.
i /
iillamook County's Sixth Annual
Fair opened Tuesday night with an
attendance numbering In' thousands.
They were entertained with races,
the exhibits from the granges, and
the finest cattle show ever held in
the county. The amusement conces­
sions also provided a great deal of
ninth; nient, especially for the pro­
prietors, who took in money hand
over list. “Easy” is no name for the
spendetH of Tillamook, a stronger
word should be used.
The stock barns are a most inter-
esting place especlally at feed lime,
when every old mama and little calf,
and fat bull is bellowing tn ninety-
nine different keys for food, and
food right away. Perhaps some of
the tones donate “I am worth $1000
then bring along grub.”
The rivalry of th<* different breed­
ing associations, most particularly
the Jersey und Holstein, has caused
a greater number of entries of cattle
than ever before. The Guernsey
breeders also have a fine exhibit of
stock. Large prizes are offered for
the best milking cows tested during
the fair.
In the exhibition hall many beauti­
ful floral, handwork, cooking and
I farm product exhibits are out. One
table is piled with enough Tillamook
cheese to feed all the county for a
day or two. The Fairview, Nestucca
Valley, Cloverdale, Pleasant Valley
and Beaver Granges have exhibits.
They contain many fine pieces of
sewing, appetizing looking piece; of
cooking, and clean farm products.
Out In the school building there
are fine exhibits of paintings, sewing
and other school work is shown by
the tastefully arranged mounts.
Iii the races in the evening, the
Roman ride was the first event, and
was an exhibition that required real
skill upon the part of the rider. He
stood on the backs of two horses,
and rode arourid the-track at a fast
gallop. The motorcycle Jump proved
the real thrill though, when one of
the machines ran up the Incline and
jumped nearly 20 feet $hrough space.
That scandalized the crowd to the
extent that the affair was.called off
for the evening, as some of them re­
marked, to prolong the time before
the murder.
William R. Coats, of Seattle, left
for his home Friday. He had spent
most of the summer here working in
,ne Coats mill.