■Hii survw wsim.mnT i twist m TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST Notice of School Election to Increase Tax More than Six Per Cent Over That of the Previous Year, and to Elect District Clerk. o------- Notice is hereby biven to the legal voters of School District No. 9 of Tillamook County, State of Ore­ gon, that a school meeting of said district, and an election therein, will be held in said district ::t tlie high school building on the 2l»th day of September, 1919, at one o’clock in the afternoon, to vote on the ques­ tion of increasing the amount of tax levy in the district for the year 1919 by more than six per cent. It is necessary to raise this addi­ tional amount for the following rea­ sons: It has been found necessary to increased salaries to all teachers everything purchased is higher, besides this it is desired to get com­ plete title to site where grade school building is situated. At said meeting and election there will further be submitted to the le­ gal voters of said district, and said meeting is called for that purpose, the question of authorizing the dis­ trict school board to purchase for the district a release from W. D. Still- | well of his interest in the tract of i land heretofore conveyed by him to the district for school purposes, be­ ing the tract now occupied by the grade school building, and to pay said Stillwell the sum of 32000.00 for said interest. Said meeting is called for the fur- ther purpose of electing a District Clerk to fill the unexpired term of Erwin Harrison who has resigned. Dated this August 22nd, 1919. Erwin Harrison, Dlst Clerk. H. T. Botts, Chairman of the School Board. Just Received a special consiiiatnent of beautiful Silk Shanghais in lovely Kimono patterns ami plain colors. The colors in these new Silks are exquisite anil the patterns just the kind for negligees or linings anti the plaiti colors in shades for binding, etc. See them today. 'pHE largest consignment of Ladies' House Special While they last. Only $5.00 Each. I1E same unique merchandising plan that enables us to offer Wirthmor Waists at such a low price also enables us to offer you these lovely Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, and Wash Satin Blouses at the extremely low price of $5.00. The silks from which these Four styles are illustrated waists are made were pur­ and from the sketches you will chased by the manufacturer be­ note that the styles are both fore the radical advance in Silk distinctive and authentic. Some Prices of the last few months and being designed, made and of the models are handsomely brought to us under the unique embroidered, others are Filet plan mentioned above permits Lace trimmed while others de­ the purchase for this nominal pend upon an attractive ar­ sum of waists that would sell rangement of tucks, pleats and for half as much again if pre­ sented under ordinary mer­ buttons for their appeal. chandising methods. Just a limited quantity and no more of the same styles will be obtainable. Sold at Just one Good Store in Every City And Sold here only. Notice. . The annual meeting of the Stock­ holders of the Tillamook County Mu­ tual Telephone Co., will be held in , the court house In Tillamook City on Saturday. September ♦ . at 1:30 p.m. 8. A. Brodhead. Secy. Dresses ancl Aprons ever received at one time by this store ar­ rived this week when our Fall Purchase of the famous ‘‘Mina Taylors” was delivered. These garments were bought when prices were very much lower than the same num­ bers and styles would cost today and we are passing on to you, through this special Showing and Sale, the savings we were fortunate in being able to make by making our selections early in the year. Wirtnmor Silk Blouses ’ The fabrics are flue quality Percales in light, medium and dark colors in a great variety of patterns and designs. The Dresses are shown in pretty tailored styles with elastic waist bands, and-the aprons in belted and slip-over models with piping and pearl button trims. There are al! sizes from 16 years to 54 inch bust measurement to choose from and I Dresses from $3.25 to $5.75. t^Aprons from $1.75 to $3.98. See 2nd venue and 3rd St. Window Displays tonight. A Drapery Department Announces The Arrival of New Fall COLONIAL n A a GOOD TASTE WI TH ECONOMY Y weds,’ those who are changing residence or building, Solid Leather All Thru! and those planning on new Curtains and Hangings, for Fall will be charmed with the exquisite patterns and colorings Total estimated amount of money to be expended for all purposes during tlie year .................................. 342.000.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the coining school year .................................. 3 ; 3.970.00 From state school fund dur­ ing the com I ng school year ................................... ] 1,015.68 Cash now in hands of the county treasurer, belong­ ing to (tie district .... 205.00 Est Inuit ed amount to be re- , ceived from till other sourc­ es during tlie coming school year.................... 14,000.00 ; •--- <>..—- TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. very Special Prices. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 9. of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district | will be held at the High School Building, on the 20th day of Septem­ ber, 1919, at one o’clock In the after­ noon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of mondy needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning June 18th, 1919, and end­ ing on June 21st, 1920, is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district. BUDGET Teachers' salaries 319,500.00 Furniture ............ 400.00 Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc .. 800.00 Library books.......... .. 250.00 Flags ................................ . 25.00 Repairs of school house, out­ buildings or fences . . . 750.00 Improving grounds.......... 100.00 Playground equipment . . 100.00 Transportation of pupils. 750.00 Janitor’s wages................. 1.200.00 Janitor's supplies............ 200.00 Fuel ....................................... 800.00 Light ..................................... 250.00 Waler ................................... 240.00 Clerk's salary.................... 250.00 Postage and stat lonel y . . 50.00 Bonded debt and Interest thereon.............................. 2.100.00 Interest on warrants . . . 400.00 Outstanding warrants .. 11,560.00 Purchase of grounds . . . . 2.000.00 Balance. amount u> he raised by district tux............... 322.809 32 We estimate that a levy of 7.3 Milla will be inquired to produce the amount of special tax money shown above. Outed thin 22nd duy of Aug: 1919. Erwin Harrison. , District Clerk. III. T. Botts Chairman Board ot Directors. It’s it long way from Paris, France to Paris, Texas, but in both | places ate llntterick Patterns Solti anti used by the women who know good styles. When ordering by Mail add Ic extra foflBc. anti 20c. Patterns ; anil 2c. extra for 25c. and 30c. Patterns. Autumn'Quarterlies ami free Fashion Sheets now here. Special Offering of Upwards of 500 Famous “Mina Taylor House Dresses And Aprons Notice of School Meeting. Total estimated receipts, not including the money to be received from the tax which it is proposed to vote .................................. 3 19,190.68 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year.................... 342,000.00 Total estimated receipts not Including the tux to be vot­ ed ........................................ 19.190.68 Butterick Patterns 15c. —20c —25c.—30c. New Kimono Silks. $2.39 and $2 69 APtRY FABR'CS Colonial Drapery Fabrics Our beautiful counter book, showing illustra­ tions of many different types of rooms, furnished with Colonial Drapery Fabrics, will suggest ideas for using these artistic materials in beautifying your home. I Be sure to see this authoritative book on home furnishing IIOW being shown in pur Fall selections of ‘‘Colonial” Draperies. Every wanted color, pattern anti weave will be found in our stock, anti you will find Cretonnes, .Scrims, Marquissettes, etc. for any and every room in the house at prices per yard from 25c. to $2.50 WHEN it comes to fit, no other shoe can hold candle to “Foot-Fitters”! They certainly do take year feet off your mind! or New Wool Blankets, $10 00 to $19.98 Many months ago we contracted for our Fall stocks of Wool Blankets at prices that are away below present day values. You will therefore benefit by securing your needs here. White, Blue. with silk. and Tan with pretty borders some bound JHE “Foot-Fitter is’ one of the big­ gest selling shoes in the » New Separate Skirts Specially Priced at $6.98 to $32.50 The new Fall Skirts are here and they are shown in such serviceable and popular fabrics as Sergerf, Taffetas. Panamas, Satin and Fan- tisai Silks. There are box pleated and tucked effects in styles that are absolutely up-to-date and authen­ tic and beat of all there are sizes for every woman from the youthful to the matronly. today. You will be delighted teriala, the colors, with the Ladies’ New Fall Shits and Coats Arriving \DatIy~ Sudi __ lovely weaves as \\ inter Jersey», Tricotines, Evoratt, Duvn tie ......... Laines, Chiffon Velours and of coarse Sernea are included in the »election» now here and we urge you t<> come to the store to view the beautiful and becoming models ready now for your choosing, on will not he importuned to buy if you do not wish to tlo wo just now. It will give ii» pleasure to simply show the garments to you. Price» are very modest in- dee^ rHiiging from $3$.4 5 to $105.45 U.S.A. It is not only a Young man’s but it is also an Old man’s shoe! It is not only an All-Round Serviceable shoe but it is also a Good Looking business shoe—It is the Universal shoe for Universal Ser­ vice! It is always DependaUe and Trim Looking! Good ALL And it Feels THE TIME!