v‘- ■ a. - i aMB TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 21, 1919. Xr Chas. Morgan and son Walter, T. B. Potter Realty Company. very popular Navy’ Blues and made a short call with friends and to Coovrivbt 1919 Hart Schaffner & Mai Black. take a look al his Garibaldi property, I Notice of Sale Boiler, Etc. on his way to Nestucca, where he has 1 çJ7Men’s Pants. cJMen’s Shirts. Sealed bids will be received until been employed by John Nelson and Fall Coats I I 8.00 o'clock p.m. August 29, 1919. ltamsey, of Bay City to take churge ( Men’s Dress anti Work Hants in blue at 325 Chamber of Commerce Build­ of their mild curing salmon plant at Bolivia Cloth, Velour, Zibilene and Plushes are the I ing, Portland Oregon, for the follow­ that place. Charles knows good fish ! serges, striped worsted and heavy wool fabrics front which these handsome furor plush trimmed I ing: I 1, 100 horBe high presHure Scotch and just what to do with it. kerseys. Some wonderful values at prices I I Coats are made, the linings consisting of pretty floral ami W. A. easier and family left for j Murine type boiler, double butt strap figured silks. The colors include the following new from $4.50 to ♦ 3.65 pair. 72 in. by 15 ft. 150 to 175 lbs work­ Eastern Oregon Saturday by auto, j f Mr. Casler has been running the I I ing pressure, good condition. favorites Denmark, France and Trooper Blues. Kangaroo, 1 yerticle double lup seam boiler, Green Tree Hotel since last spring. , Liberia, Morroco anil Wisteria, etc.« 1120 h.p. 85 flues, 5 ft. 3 inches long, Their many friends were sorry to j li 2I deeds flues. I The New Fall Styles in lose them from the community. Fall Dresses 1 Feed water heater for 100 horse J. J. McCormick came in from Port- . I boiler. land Saturday to look after his hole! I New Youthful styles for Worn tn and Misses are shown >1 1 a l-hoenlx Phoenix Iron tundem compound, here. Mr. McCormack has leased the »•condensing type, enclosed crunk, uu- the famous College Princess Dresses in Navy Blue Jiomatic, about 30 h.p. engine 7*4 by Green Tree Hotel to J. E. Repass who ■rges in Vestee and Coatee effects. Military braids and will conduct the hotel in the futilre. 30, 11 by 10. ...... Run only about 10 days IB ..................... 8 6 inch standard flat bottom box- ittoiis are the trimmings and very smart are they in M—2 without base. rle and finish. There are also some ultra-modish models Attention Berry Growers. 2 3 7-16 standard flat bottom box­ 9 ------- o------- Tricolette and Paulette in Russian Blouse effects and « > IBB—2 wit hout base. Graves Canning Co., are ready to ! 9 ■ 1 6 inch cold roiled steel shaft 12 Mallory Hats (Cravenetted) represent the ultimate in style, receive your blackberries at any time » fpet_ long. oïï 1 piece 3 7-16 rolled steel shaft 14 They will furnish you crates free of I appearance and Lasting qualities obtainable todav and the feet long. Dress Skirts charge, and you can obtain them at 1 piece 3 1-16 rolled steel shaft 10 any time by calling at the cannery styles find colors shown here for Fall are, well worth looking ( Teel long Without a doubt the smartest and most stylish selec­ 1 iron pully 15 inch by 96 inch 6 opposite the Tillamook Bakery. Re­ over. The new colors art. slate, neutria bronze, seal mixed, tion of separate Dress Skirts offered for Milady’s choosing. member Graves Cannery Co. operate inch bore, standard key. There are both regular and large sizes in the smartest of, 2 sprockets 3 7-16 bore. 4 inch an exclusive berry cannery, and are black mixed, slate onyx, laurel, gunmetal, castor chamois find pitch, 1*4 standard face, 16 tooth, here to stay and will pay you at all models and they tire made of heavy Bengaline Silk, Silk i times the full market price t «olid clutches shift lever. I serge blue. There are blocks with plain or bound edges and Poplins, Tilffetas, Novelty Duchess Satihs, Plaid Chiffon 1 Sprocket 6 inch bore 4 inch pitch fruit. i face, 16 tooth, solid clutch shift J. M. Smith is affiliated with the Taffetas, Wool Poplinsand novelty wool plaids. wide and narrow bands. I ever. Graves Canning Co. as field manager 1 16feet of chain for name- -steel cast I 3 detachable hub sprockets 4 inch Anyone wishing to sell their berries inch face, 48 tooth, 6 picked or otherwise, can call Mr. 4 tilch, 1*4 Smith at his residence on either nch bore. : 2 pair standard flange couplings 6 phone. Boÿs Double Knee and Seat itches by 3 7-16 Inches. Graves Canning Company. Inc. I In the Piece Goods 40 feet 14 inch 2 ply leather helt. I 1 1 6 Inch high pt ensure gate valve. Department. I, 1, 5 inch low pres.nt.e gate valve. Every day brings some­ HOW ’ S YOUR BLOOD? ■* inch high ptosstire gute valve. thing new in the Piece Goods 4 n jltCh high pressure flanged Ids. (Some with 2 pairs of Pants). i in ul.iili high pressure flil’ ged Ts Department <>n the Main Pimpiês -aid Eruption« 1 66 inch high pressure flanged T. Floor. Here area few of the Mer a Bad Blood I 12 feet 6 Inch high pressure steel The double feature at the point of interesting arrivals of the . ¿ipe. double strength. last lew days. greatest wear practically doubles the 50 feet 5 Inch high pressure steel Teople who have impuro er impover­ Colonial Draperies. Jpe double strength. ished blood should be c? refill to take life of the garments at no increase I X, 40* feet 4 inch high pressi! re steel only a temperance remedy made of wild Lovely designs atol color­ Ipe double strength. roots and barks such aj Dr. Pierce's I ings in New Cretonnes for of cost. The pants are full lined, ' All sixes of flanges, couplings, _ _ . un- Golden Medical Discovery 1s and has Fall han gitigs. The colors ms. valves from *4 Inch to 8 inch. been for nearly 50 years, Ingredients I seams are taped, and finished with in these fabrics tire produced 1 storage oil tank in ground und printed on wrapper. A pe car tank 4 by 10 feet. by Firinaniline and Super- The first day you start to take this belt loops, watch and hip pocket, hot- V ¡1 douille doubl set fuel oil pumps 4 H by reliable medicine, impure germs and lizarine dyes, the latter being i K by < ,-ccumulation begin to separate in the the fastest known dye to the tom strap with buttons and button 8 foot laundry mangle old style blood and are then expelled through textile trade for fabrics of 1 wood stave tank 60 inc-hen by 72 the eliminative organs. holes. The fabrics are thoroughly this kind. Modestly priced chos diameter. Pacific Tank and In place of the impurities, the ar­ pe Co., Portland. from 39c. to $1..' I yard. shrunk and are fast colors. The 1 turnstile made by Coin Machine teries and veins gradually get fresh New Silks vitalized blood and the action of this Smpany. Jackets are in Norfolk waist seam good blood on the skin means that pim­ Lovely Duchess Satins in <1 barber chair. Í All the above may be seen at the ples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, rash, several rich colors, yardwide anti belted waist seam models and acne and all skin blemishes will disap­ . .ktatorlum, Bayoceun. Oregon. nt $3.-«8 yard. Novelty Lining i / I tj double dissolving McIntosh lun- pear. Then you must remember that some of the suits have an extra pair Satins at ♦2.49 and $2.98 yard. A' I rn. Arc light and rheostat curtain. when the blood is right, the liver, stom­ Í 40 inch wide Crepe Meteors 4 Single McIntosh lantern Arc light ach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, I of pants. There are sizes to tit boys active and vigorous and you will have and Pcblettes at ♦4.50 and jt rheostat Curtain. a Edison lamp and lamphouse, no more trouble with indigestion, back­ 7 to 18 years of age and they are $5.(’3. 1 teostut and parts of Edison N. P. ache, headache. Curtain Scrims. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis­ •«bine Not N' complete. yblne priced from $13.95 to ♦19.85 Plain white, cream mid ecru miscellaneous — covery to-day at any medicine dealers, 1 boxes, _-li,i. H boxes. in tablet or liquid form, or send 10c for Scrims, Scrims in colored »tly unlabled Boys’ Furnishings trial package to Dr. Fierce'* InvaUds’ metal can with cover. borders ami Casement Cloths Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. metal reel box in pretty colorings, mostly 36 The Boys will find our selections • box carbons % Inch (about 25) inches wide 25c., 35c., 38c. Spokane, U'osA.—“1 had scrofulous ’ Beyant switch. as complete in their needs ns in to ~3c. v ard. sores on my body and limbs and boils •■ Rew Ind Pulmotor. 31 in. Renfrew Mad were always coming out iu different pliers Dad’s. Shirts, Underwear Hosiery, Hat*. Suspenders, • *14« atuy be mude on individual Serpisitme C'r . I took treatment from several doctors bu I lieuts. oi the whole, 27 in. Outing Flannels yd Beits, etc., etc. mad«' of the (irai they did me no good. At last I Item, 27 ill. Dress Ginghtims vd ,e Muiaioi lum, using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical D” mi. ii.l>- ai, 1 1 have i. ■ . i ■ I aav t. »» I r ’ Annual Fair Week Exposition of Fall Styles i I 11 I Ladies' and Misses' Fall Wearables Announces these New Arrivals I -■ $38.50 to $50-00. Mallory Hats, $5.00 to $7.00 Í V V « 1 1 < 1 I I Steel Fiber Suits ■ I I I I tifa 1 I L Ä2# y y I