TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 21 QJUlanwok Frei C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION pastry and fancy work to the pavll- llon on Tuesday morning. Committee. For Sale. ------ o------ per year $2.00 Dairy-man, this a snap for a is man who wants to make money. 180 Advertising Rates. acres, 2% miles south of Coquille, Display Advts, per inch........... 40«icres cleared, % mile frontage on Locals ........................... per line river, about 5 acres up land, balance Beaders, with reading matter per line.................................. 7c. the very finest bottom easy to clear. Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. Fair barn on place, no house, My soon, price is »90 an acre if taken worth »150 now, easy terms to right man. Addriss Mrs. K. A. Cole, Myrtle Point Oregon. Editorial Snap Shots. ------- o------ The G. A. R. had such a good time a tew years ago when its encamp­ ment was held in Tillamook a few years ago, they have not io« gotten to talk about it, and, of course, have a desire to visit the good people of this county again for their 1921 en­ campment. By all means send them an invitation and promise them an­ other good time in Tillamook. It was very gratifying the way the people of this city opened their homes and entertained the members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C., and we are confi­ dent that they would gladly do so again should the encampment come to Tillamook in 1921, and all ar­ rangements would be just as com­ plete as it was five years ago. Bride is Accused of Husband's Mur- der in “Out of The Shadow. 11 Appearing as a young Austrainiau briue who is wrongfully accused of the muraer of her brutal husband, Pauline Frederick, the talanted Par­ amount star, will be seen in a power­ ful characterization in her latest photoplay, ‘Out of the Shadow,” at the Gem Theatre next Monday. Aug. 25. The role is one that taxes Miss Frederick's powers as an actress to their utmost, but it is said that her portrayal is one of the finest of her screen career. The story of the photoplay, which is a picturization of E. W. Hornung’s celebrated novel, "The Shadow of the Rope." is unusually dramatic and there are numerous tense situations all of which hold the interest to the final scene. How Ruth Minchin, the young wife, induces the real criminal to confess his crime and how she lat­ er finds happiness in the love of a strong resourceful man, are admir­ ably shown. ------ o------ Governor Olcott has left the state to attend a meeting of western gov­ ernors. It seems only a few days ago, when asked to call a special session of the legislature to ratify the wom­ an's suffrage amendment he was willing to do so if the state legisla­ tors wGuld forego their constitutional salaty and mileage. We wonder if the governor is doing the same thing himself now that he is out of the ntate. Oh, no, Olcott Is not built that way. The governor has since decided not to call an extra session of the legislature and the woman, suffrag­ ists are up in arms. So here is a chance for state senator Vinton to nlake a political play and call the state legislature together. He would have the admiration of every woman suffragist in the state, go to it, Vin- ton. Let's all get busy and put our shoulder to the wheel to reduce the high cost of living. It Is no« only in food stuffs where the cost of liv­ ing comes high, but in a good many other things. For Illustration, the excessive telephone rates. If the peo­ ple of the county would order their phones removed from their homes right away, it would have the effect of making the telephone companies take a tumble to themselves, but it would be the means of bringing about a consolidation of the two com­ panies. After reading this go im­ mediately to your phone and in­ struct central to remove your phone from your home right away. We hear that 20 persons at Bay City did this and we hope all parts of the county will follow suit and when we've re­ duced the cost of telephoning let’s start in on something else. ------ o-------- There’s something wrong some- where. This is what appeared In the daily newspapers Tuesday: "Secretary Baker defended today before the senate subcommittee on military affairs his recommendation for an army of 576,000 men by say­ ing thut in view of the disturbed con­ ditions of the world he did not wish the responsibility of asking for a small force." Lloyd George, premier of England, is reported as saying: "If the nations increased their armaments, the league of nations would be a mere scrap of paper and sham." The logic of this is the United States is increasing its army when it is not necessary, unless It Is to pre­ pare to fight Japan, for there is something very significant in the government sending a large fleet to the Pacific Coast when there is a de­ mand. not only to deinobolixe the army, but to allow the boys who joined the navy to returne to their homes. According to Lloyd George, by the United States increasing its army, it is helping to turn the league of nations into a scrap of pa- sr. Gladys Brockwell Coming at Gem Gladys Brockwell, who has become famous for the emotional characters she has put on the screen, will be seen next Thursday, August 28, at the Gem Theatre in the new William Fox production, "The Forbidden Room." No role she has enacted has placed so severe a test upon Miss Brockwell'8 ability as does the char­ acter she assumes in this play, if one may judge by an outline of the story. Htfl- purt is that of an innocent young stenographer who is put in a trying predicament by men who hate her employer, the District Attorney. To save her own reputation and that of the District Attorney, she devises and executes a scheme whereby the corrupt "framers” are framed and are forced to confess their guilt. Miss Brockwell had a new director for this picture. He is Lynn F. Rey­ nolds, who previously had made some very excellent pictures with Toni Mix as the star. The cast is an especially good one. Including Wm. Scott, J. Barney Sherry and Harry Dunkinson. CATTLE EXCHANGE WORKED OVER. ------- o - Building being remodeled by Dr. I Reedy, who Also Plans New Garage. I i i i Dr. J. E. Reedy Is rapidly renovat­ ing the old horse barn near the de­ pot that he bought, and is establish­ ing a cattle exchange there. The building will be thoroughly white­ washed, and cleaned out, and fifty stalls built. The building will b- us­ ed botli for showi..„ off the animals, and also for auctioning them off. It is hoped that the building will cause more animals to be brought to Tilla­ mook, and make this an even more important livestock center. The land on 2nd Ave. between the new Condit bungalow on Seventh fit. and the Bottling works on Eighth, has just been purchased by Dr. Reedy, and he will build a combina­ tion tin shop and garage there. Dr. Reedy has the agency for the Ford parts also. i Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Tillamook County will until 10 o'clock a.m. of Sept. 5. 191 . receive proposal« for con- trueiing the Magarell bridge on Big N« .-tueca river, according to the plans and . peclf peclfications leal ions now o file witli the County Clerk, of Tillamook Count/. Oregon, and ut that time with considei- pubitly opened and read. hm.rd evei y- Each proposal shall be in a sealcd leeii.g fo: envelope plalnl. marked on the out- 1 ruli' tu fleece Ic "Proposal« for the Construe ion i for everything tiny buy. . .ugarell Bridge,” and shall l> ac- is lo blame for Hie profl­ co npanied by cash. certlfled ch ck now causing lively di .«'us- c r bidder'.- bord equal in amount to elass o. prollteers blue ing 5 p< i ent of the total of the amount class of prof i tee is. We hid. the same to be payable to Tilla- pre I lent, liud he remain­ mook County, Proposals shall be ed at home instead of going to France made on forms furnished by the and looked after the interests of tin- County Clerk. pi iple of tlie United States, condi­ l’he Court reserves the right to re- tions would hi vc be 'i quite diffcienl ject any or all bids. today. Instead of the cost of living Holier Mason. County < lerk becoming lever w lie i tile in ml-: ice t p iblicatton August 21, 1919. Igned. the cost continued tu -. « Fir. La-> publication, Sept. -I. 1919. r and the democratic t rat ton L ook no steps io cur Notice. leei li g which went on tun' —o-—— riun; h. It is now general di To the owners of stock in Bay City, and agitation thut is foie.ng the ad- Be it known by these presents; liiinlstratlou to do something, but that there wan an ordinance passed having been in the profiti erlng game by the b City Council Thursday night ttnelf. when It guaia'.t «i »2.26 pvr nt the city hull requiring all stock bushel for win at and made th pci - be k< pt from being turned loose pie live on aubstitut' I 1 \\ wli II1 ih re? hed ,. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY, X^EBSTER HOLMES, Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies Dry Goods and Gasoline BAY CITY, OREGON. Alfalfa Hay, quality quaranteed at lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. Let B-K be your disinfectant. It is sate, .clean and powerful. For sam at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. ATTORN EY-AT LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Let your co-worker on the farm be the Cleveland Tractor. On display at Kuppenbender warehouse. Roosters for sale—Thorough, bred roosters of different varieties. Ap­ ply to John Hofman, Tillamook. 3 R. O. L. HOHLFELD. OREGON 1'1 LL ANOOK, B lock , Tillamook EDWIN E. SMITH Oregon. Tillamook AVID}ROBINSON, M.D, Fresh and Cured Meats PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mutual Phones. Oregt n NATIONAL BUILDING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: .O pposite MARKET, Mutual Phon. Bell Phone—2F2 school, 6 cows. 2 yearling heifers, T illamook 3 calves, 1 sow, 3 horses. All wa­ gons and implements, furniture and house, all crops. Price »7,000. Tillamook, Terms. Address J. Bagley, Myrtle Point, Ore. rp H GOYNL, BAY CITY VETERINARIAN. J2)R. L. L. HOY, 200 acres, a snap, near P. 0. and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Edward S. Bettcher, of Denver, Colo, and Miss Henrietta H. Gillam, of Tillamook were married August 19th by Rev. H. E. Tucker at the par- bJtcial Sale used Sewing Machines, including one Singer, »10 to »25. sonage. The young couple will make Singer Agency Opp. P. O. Tillamook their home and are living In a residence recently purchased on For Sale, 90 acre dairy. Near Myrtle 5th Street. Mr. Bettcher has organ­ Point, 19 cows. Reg. Bull ‘-i inter­ ized the E. S. Bettcher Milling Com­ est in 14 calves, 2 heifers, 2 colts, pany which will establish a flour and 2 mares, 1 horse, 1 sow, 10 shoats. feed mill in Tillamook. Plans are un­ All farm implements, separator. der way, and soon this new industry Price »11,500. terms. Address box will be offering the people of Tilla­ 234, Myrtle Point, Oregon. mook, and Tillamook County a high­ ly satisfactory and nationally adver­ Black team for sale, weight 2800. Six years old. Inquire at Headlight tised brand of flour. Mr, Bettcher office A-21 recently graduated from Cornell Uni­ versity and is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. His wife has been attend- Miscellaneous Advertisements. Phone Main 73. FIRST STREET. C ourt t jjsl TILLAMOOK OREGON. NELSON & CO General Merchandise Bay City, Oregon. O. egon p T.|BOALS,|M.D., J’OH’i LELAND HENPERSON. attorney ; ¡ and ; COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW “ Tillamook • - - • ’Jieg HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. ------- o------- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Oregon Tillamook Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. Phone 72. T. BOUS SPECIALIST. Announcement. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ----- o------ in Complete Set of Abstract Books Disease of The Twentieth Century wood saw now Office. in operation. ply to Ernest Gesler, Tillamook. S EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Taxes Paid for Nou Residents All orders promptly attended to. T illamook B lock , Only Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave oiders Live Stock Ins.—See Watson. Till a moos .... Oreg-on at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. 310 Selling Building, Portland. Ore. Karl Wilhelms. Both Phones. Grandma Norton Royally Entertain­ Dr. Wise—Dentist. ed. Wanted to rent dairy ranch with 20 ------ o------ to 50 cows, or will buy stock—Ap­ A very pleasant and appropriate party was given Grandma Norton and husband last Friday afternoon in the city park at Amity. The after­ noon was spent in playing some of National Building. the games of girlhood days, among them was "Drop the Handkerchief", Let W. A. Church write your hay insurance. * which all the girls enjoyed. Refresh­ ments of cake, ice cream and punch were served. A short program was Get your gas and car supplies at Jones Trading Co., Bay City. given, Mr. and Mrs. Norton both sang a song and Mrs. J. E. Miller Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. gave a splendid talk, afterwhich Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. grandma Norton was presented with a beautiful silk dress. Mrs. Miller’s Tillamook has a resident piano tuner, call Singer .\gency—Opp. P. O. speech was as follows: "Friends: I think you all are fully Pianos and o gans for rent. Singer Agency—Opp. P. O. aware of our reasons for this gather­ ing together today—and each of you present are tacitly saying to Mr. and Counter Sales Books—Order youi Sales Books from W. F. Baker, especially, Mrs. Norton, that the, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call have proven worthy and creditable 68 Headlight. citizens in our midst—and to be truly worthy in God’s sight, and in Wanted to Rent—well stocked dairy the sight of right thinking, clean- ranch on shares. Handy to school hearted people is better than inher­ and cheese factory—O. E. Scott. iting and possessing wealth no mat- Sheridan, Ore. care of Paradise ter how , vast the amount. So Mrs. S-4. Orchard Farms. Norton we especially turn our thought—simply that we are fully Buy vonr crabs of Hays & Blanchard. aware of her "goings out and com- Bay City. Phone 162. * Ings In,” whilst in our midst. "We occasionally meet a woman Why not place your feed orders for the future with Kuppcnbender. whose old age is as beautiful as the bloom of youth and we wonder— Suttons Market you can with all the struggles of life—how It At pail filled with pure lar has come about. What her secret is per pound, the so called 10 lb pall —we will just venture a few reasons holds 9 lbs, so it costs you »3.60. and think we shall have guessed Compare this with the price you right: She has known how to forget are paying and note the saving. disagreeable things. She has kept her nerves well in hand and inflicted Buy your hay at Kuppenbender’s warehouse. them on few. She has—-to a degree— mastered the art of saying pleasant Dr. Ramsev, Osteopath. Room 4 tilings and meaning much ot it. She Masonic Building. has learned not to expect too much even of her friends. She tries to make Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with D t . her labor congenial and retains a Wise. healthy lot of illusions i. e. does not uciieve the world generally wicked We handle Trojan Powder. Best for stumping. Tillamook Feed Co. and unkir.d. She has. and is. help. d.i nist ruble, and ..mpathizing wi ... >r fo. sale—10c. per gallon. th orrowful. in short, she i? trying ;y to Vincenz Jacob, Route No. to do as shq wishes o be none by. 1, Tillamook, Ore A-21 and n w that there is. halo of white hair about her head and her step« See the Tillamook Feed Co. about Tiepublic tires and save money. growing uncertain with her many years, siie is loved and considered. Life Insurance, there is nothing The woman old in years, but youn" For better than what the Mass. Mutual In spirit is said to b - 'the sweetest offers. Ask to : ee specimen policy. blessing mankind knows” and —AV. A. Church. "tll'iiadnui" Norton is proving it. Shall we whose sun is slowly setting Tillamook Feed Co. b. ys hides. Come in and investigate their prices. in the West find in her an example and a source of benefit and encour­ agement? We trust so and as a See Willitms about Miller Cord arT Fabric tires. Prices right. Satisfac­ okra of our regard nr.d appreciation tion guaranteed. Tillamook Feed we join «n presenting her some:bins Company. whivii we think she will enjoy v.i.ii- I_____________ __________ __ life lasts.” i'hose at the ocea ion were: Mes- Wanted—Spruce blocks from clear spruce three and a half to four feet diiu<- . O. E. Taylor. George Aider­ in didmetor. To ma' etisie - found­ man. Geo. .»lassey. Clara Broadwell. ered. Must ling those can be qr Edith Jones. John Breeding. J. E. id straight, lie free from knot Miller, F. Grabel, John Briedwell. W. two cars per Can use from one joii<*s, 8. Robison. \\. Ingalls. G. O. month.—F. W. Gates. 1436 Ma­ Oliver, Gosnel M. Holme.-«, Zoe Abra­ cadam Rond. Portland, Oregon A.21 ham. P. Burn? and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Giant Day, If von tire contemplating buying a and Rev and Mis. A. I-. Lacy. dr saw see the Tillamook Feed Co : nd get prices. Rigirtereu jrsey Milk Ccw for Sale. ------ o ------ F '-‘.s. Cantei ’S :ind Photo Su:’ lies bulk l il as developed 10c. with print 1 have m ■ eral head of . SO TU«? orders J. W. Edwall. * iows for s.'.’ . some fresh will be tri i soon and 1 e Williams, of the Tillamook Feed fresh 111 ’he spring. Co. and get price on the hand Mar. of these town a some 19 series Studebaker care, be­ Golden St Maw fore buying your new car. others to well bred bulls are two St. Mawres thre heifers, and a number of five thousand miles hc'iors coming ihree yea price right, at Tilin­ have first calf. to. R. :«w« for selling no place to kc< P them. Inquire nt Todd Hotel, or at Dr. Wise can be found nt his Tilla­ port office. P. W Todd. Owner. mook office across the street from the court house, Mondays. Tues­ days and Wednesdays until further For Sale. I notice. ltl* > pMwnger Mitchell. Only ba** run Good tires on a bnm>- BAYOCEAN. Visitors from many states continue to come to this beau tiful pleasure ground, which is quite evident that Bayocean will become very popular just as soon as our auto road is completed. All are welcome. F. D. MITCHELL. Notice the Nobs They’re scientifically placed to prevent skids and those dangerous side slips. Their firm, sure grip means safety. And yet, they don’t “fight the roed Just the tires for our kind of roads- There are four other United States Tires—every one of them a good tire. s No matter what your individual needs may be, we can fili th am. United States Tires are Good Tires We know United States Tires are Good Tires. That’s why we sell them. Nelson k Co, Bay City ; KeitowBros, Hebo Whoder fiance, IL J. Malta, Wtata.