FIRST BANK of BAY CITY MICKIE SAYS Sixth Annual Tillamook County Fair, August 26-27-28-29. SKV, OtOJA rsuR NOTICI that wu boost somi , ADVlRTlSSRS MORS THAN OTHKRS? WtVC, THIT'S A REA­ SON THS F6.U.SRS VMS BOOST ain T aax T vas lini trtin ' T" O»T CUT RATUS ON THtlR AOVSRTtStH* 'N CROWOlN» " $3 AO XNTO A 50 CftHT We an just 14 years of bank service for the people of Bay City art country. We invite your further patron­ age, and full co-operauon so we may be able to give you still better service, tou are cordially invited to carry your business With us. Depository for City, County, Port and Slate. BAY CITY NEWS Four glorious days of Fun, Pleasure, Sport and Profit, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 26- 27—28 and 29. Premium List may be obtained from the Secretary. G. B. LAMB. Mrs. Hickerson spent Sunday in Tillamook. Jesse Hays moved to Bayocean for the summer. i • Í -, • ” Miss J. Curr is visiting with Mrs. Barley Witt. • Mrs. Blelhm 18 visiting _ __ her ____ hus- band in Washington. TiUamookfcHeadtight’s Trade Mart. - Equity in $550 almost new piano for sale at a bargain. Inquire Sing­ er Sewing Agency, Opp. P. 0. For Sale—Typewriter, in good con­ dition. Inquire at the Headlight office. Just you hear the Brunswick, it plays all records at their best..—Palm Confectionary. • Let B-K be your disinfectant. It is safe, .clean and powerful. For sale at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Let your co-worker on the farm be the Cleveland Tractor. On display at Kuppenbender warehouse. For Sale: Underwood typewriter, wide carriage, used but snort time, practically new, Cost new $129.00 will sell for $75.00 cash. Inquire at Tillamook Garage. 1 Bought at very Special It» the New Fall Shades Prices and Shown for the are Now on Display first time. Here. Those of our customers who have been waiting for these charming Draperies will agree they have been well worth waiting for. These famous yarns are put up in the convenient 1 oz. and là oz. Balls and come in all the most favored new shades such New, Crisp, Dainty Wirthmor Waists Zy4s Always the Nation Over These New Popular Wirthmor Models are just A 11C53V AWV.VV -a as pretty and desirable as can be, and each of the four styles pictured above protray the very latest ideas in Wash Blouses for present wear. The beauty and finish of these waists is known by discriminating women from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Canadian to, the Mexican borderand the price is always just One-Fifty. Sold Hereabouts at this Store only. Just Received. (Some with Extra Pants) Sturdy correct modes in Footwear for fancy Louis dark with two pairs of pants. i These are Suits tor real Boys and they are priced very modestly, value and style considered. Come see them today. Come see them today. Wanted—Boy to help milk ten cows. Address M. Guthert, Hemlock, Ore. and w ¡list line styles, some The Oxfords are shown in both black and dark Russian Calf with Louis Cuban, Cuban and Military heels. Dr. Wise—Dentist greys Belted and « Cross Worsted Browns for Boys 7 to 18 in Plain and Colonial styles with and weight Suits it) fancy blue stripes, There are Black Kid Pumps fancy buckles, Cuban hefels. heavy Cassimere and early Fall wear and new “Red your choosing. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Lnmma Wool, 11 oz. Balls at Per Ball................... 65c. “Niks” Fall Suits Cross’’ styles are here ready for Black team for^alc, weight 2800 Six years old. Inquire at Headlight office A‘21 Germantown, 4 ply, 1 oz. Balls atJjPer Ball 45c. Oxfords and Pumps Red For Sale, for this week only, lot and a uioueru live room house partly furnished. Located on 3rd Street and 6tl' Ave. Very reasonable. For terms see owner, J. O. Olson. There are.itwo kinds to choose from Boys’ Steel Fibre Cros Shoe For Trade—A fine 196-acre Wiliam ette Valley farm for a Tillamook dairy farm. For particulars write A. Crossan (owner), Lebanon, Ore. R. F. D. 2„ Box 61 A-7. as Gendarme, Lily Green, China Blue, Apricot, Maize, Orange, Purple, etc. New Fall “Red Cross’’ Oxfords and Pumps are the Special Sale used Sewing Machines, including one Singer, $10 to $25. Singer Agency Opp. P. O. * Live Stock Ins.—See Watson. The August Sale of Dr.'s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. National Building. _ ____ Let W. A. Church insurance. write your Get your gas fund car supplies Jones Trading Co., Bay City. Remnants and Odds and Ends hay And Special Offer ot at SIX TABLES OF REMNANTS AT 29c.-48c. -69c.-88c.--gl.19-$1.98. Continues with Bargains added daily Dr J. B. Glider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Tillamook has a resident piano tuner, call Singer Agency—Opp. P. O. Pianos and organs for rent. Singer Agency—Opp. P. O. Counter Sales Books—Order .youi Sales Books from W. F. Baker, ngent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call 68 Headlight. General Merchandise, Bay City. Oregon. Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. Phone 72. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY, BAY CITY, OREGON. uit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 73. * For Sweaters 1 I Sunlight Yarns Draperies Bordered Scrims, yard 29c. Colored Scrims, yard 35c. Casement Cloths, yard 38c. Pair of Six Year old Geldings. . Well broke, Weight about 1500 each. Match team, black. Will sell at Dr. Reedys cattle exchange Saturday, August 16. NELSON & CO., i t. I IHJHMOR There are Casement Cloths, Fancy Bordered self colorMarquissettes,Col­ ored Bordered ScrimB and self color Scrims in White, Cream and Arabian. Alfalfa Hay, quality quaranteed at lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. f Mutual Phones. o - — For Sale a 10 ft. Perfect Stay-Round Silo. See Geo. Williams or write D. L. Shrode, .Salem Ore. • Phone 32. resh and Cured Meats» New Fall One cent a word per issue. CITY DRUG CO. Confections, Soft Drinks and Patent Medicines EDWIN E. SMITH TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. centres, have arrived until late in the season. Corne and view the new arrivals in each Department. You will not be importuned purchase, though we advise early choosing this year in all lines of wearing apparel. • - . —»--• t:— Liberty Bonde of any denomination taken at face valué in lieu of Cash. BAY MARKET, By Mail 1c. extra for 15c. and 20c. pat. terns, 2c. extra for 25c. and 30c. patterns These patterns are used by novices with tite same success as when used by profes­ sional dressmakers. order to protect ourselves and to insure timely deliveries this Fall we requested that practically all our purchases be forwarded by express as soon as ready. We are now receiving merchandise daily, which, had we ordered shipped in the regular way, would not owing to the abnormal conditions obtaining in manufacturing •k ay city ^ofeni’s | New Fall Goods Are Arriving Daily By Express. The Cttyjm Tillamook Bay. ard were guests at his house Friday, and had a Tillamook Bay famous crab lunch that they certainly enjoy- •d. : , James Walker, of Tillamook was a Sunday dinner guest at the Duncan home. Later in the evening, Mr. Walker, Miss Wilkins, Mrs. Duncan, and son motored to Elmore Park, calling on Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilkins, Last Monday Miss Ada Bozorth at the "Ocean Crest.’’ visited in Tillamook. The mill is putting in new trans­ ■ Leo Wilson and Harry McCune left fer tables, increasing the capacity of for The Dalles Saturday. the output to between sixty and Miss Lottie Beebeheiser returned seventy thousand feet. It has been cutting between forty-five and fifty-' from a trip to Portland last week. Mrs. L. A. Brooks and son spent a five thousand feet heretofore. Mr. Butler has been in the city for few days in Portland, returning Monday. the past week making plans for lie Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ivey and stalling new machinery in his can­ children left Saturday after spending nery, so he can handle the evergreen blackberry crop this year and will a week here. be in a position to handle ail the Harry Williams will move to Bay­ fruits and berries in the future. ocean. He has secured the contract Mrs. Roberts, of Portland, who has for removing sand. been staying at Bayocean has gone to Francis Provoost is leaving for meet her husband at Portland, and Kansas Friday after visiting with his they will return to Bayocean. Mr. parents for a while. Roberts is part owner of the Roberts Returning from a vacation at Mt. Brothers Store of Portland and has Hood Lodge was Mrs. George Linder, just returned from a trip east. who arrived Wednesday. The new chief of the fire depart­ R. Johnson moved from Tillamook ment and city officials are well to Bay City Sunday evening. He was pleased with the showing made as the new charter bears twenty four married the week before. names. Among which we find several A new fire department has been that have been in like departments, organized, and will probably be able so expect very good results. to meet all future emergencies in Wednesday evening the fire chief Bay City. took his men for a drill. They did Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hickerson, of , very well under the circumstances, Brooks, the father and mother of as everything was new to most of Rev. Mr. Hickerson are visiting them. Next week they will have ■with them. another drill. The chief will train Mrs. Baird’s daughter, Mrs. Mood- his men so he can challenge the Till­ enbaugh, who has been visiting with amook fire team in the near future. her for some time, returned to Salem A large picnic of Bay City people this week. was enjoyed at Neah-Kah-Nie Sunday Leslie McCurry, a discharged ma­ afternoon, The party drove up in ma- rine, has been visiting his brother chines in the mornivg and stayed and family. His father is here with nearly all day. Among those pres- ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nelson him also. and family, Mr. C. L. Nelson and Butler's cannery opened operations family, Wm. Jolly and wife, Bert for the fall Wednesday, starting by Nichols, Miss Doris Brace and Miss canning salmon. Later they will can Winifred Brace, Mr. and Mrs. Shafer fruits and other produce. and many other friends of the party. Mrs. Bert Gillen, and Mrs. James Cap. G. M. Stokes and G. M. Allen, have been visiting with Mrs. MlllHap. Deputy State Fire Marshals, were in­ They motored in Sunday from Port­ troduced at the city council by land for a couple of weeks. Mayor Gerard. After having examined It is reported that Harry Elliott the source of Bay City water supply run into a telephone pole Sunday and facilities to fight fire they were night, wrecking the fenders of his able to give the council facts and figures about suggestions for fire machine and doing other damage*. Capt. Stokes La. been in MI hs Bernice Nelson and John Nel­ protection. department for years. His the fire son returned from Portland and Cor- was forcibly composed of — vail is Wednesday where they had subject the happening of different been visiting and on a business trip. facts of of fighting fires. On the spheres The Bay City volunteer Fire De­ strength of his speech depicting th< 5? partment is to be reorganized. The unpreparedness of Bay City for fire Jity Council lias elected E. E. Smith occasions, the councij got busy and I is chief and also as marshal of Bay appointed a paid chief, to proceed at I Jity. once to organize a volunteer depart­ Lee Teulch. manager of the Peo- ment and also passed an appropria­ »les Theatre of Portland, drove in tion for supplies needed in the fire vith Mr. James and Mr. Nolan Sun­ house. ay and left the same day with Notice. ■ hem. ----- o----- Trevor Hare was fined $10 for To the owners of stock in Bay City. Meding Wednesday night, though Be it known by these presents; ime of the witnesses to the affair sclared they thought he was not ex- that there was an ordinance passed by the City Council Thursday night •edlng the speed limit. ,1 Master Edward Gillen was given a at the city hall requiring all stock to be kept from being turned loose n rprise party for his ninth birthday inside of the city limits, beginning i st Monday. Many of his little the first day of September, 1919. if T lends gathered at his home to play not observed a fine will be imposed. mes and have refreshments. *a< Also Dog ordinance: Three dollars id Three families were in town Wed- if paid before the 15th of August, te <«r sday looking for holmes and could 1919 and foul dollars after. A strict id no vacant houses. Some of the enforcement of the ordinance will ct 11 workers stay at Garibaldi and follow with a fine or imprisonment, down every morning from by order of E. E. Smith, City Marshal. ap. G. M. Stokes and G. M. Allen, time acquaintances of Mayor Glr- ^Iways Use Butterick Patterns, 15c.—20c.- 25c—30c. mler Clemenceau is said to have March 4. 1921. ked of a celebrated states General Haig says "they »re wrong iwt 11« had a heart of gold, but who think we will never have to wood, and Clemeucoau was fight again." CITimt be itrtranged to disagreeable noise* have all th«« In Europe stopped until they get us I bound and gagged In another he- terno- . arraiigenunt ? »•Uli keepu»-out-of-war Wanted to rent dairy .Ranch, com­ pletely equipped on shares or cash or will buy. Phone Red Clover Creamerv or address Box 135-A R. D. 1, Tillamook. I REMNANT TABLE NO. 1. Remnants at Each 29c. • • • ♦ • • REMNANT TABLE NO. 2. Remnant« at Each 48c. REMNANTgTABLE NO. 4 Reninants*at Each 88c. • • • • • * REMNANT TABLE NO. 5. Remnants at Each $1.19. REMNANT TABLE NO. 3. Remnants at Each 69c. REMNANT TABLE NO. 6. Remnants at Each $1.98. Wanted to Rent—well stocked dairy ranch on shares. Handy to school and cheese factory—O. E. Scott, Sheridan, Ore. care of Paradise Williams about the Republic, the Orchard Farms. 8-4. See the Tillamook Feed Co. about If you are contemplating buying a See yello.v chasis truck that serves so drag saw see the Tillamook Feed Republic tires and save mouey. well and honestly, a truck at an Co and get prices. Buy your crabi of Hays & Blanchard, honest price. Tillamook Feed Co. Bay City. Phone 162. ♦ For Life Insurance, there is nothing better than what the Mass. Mutual Films. Cameras and Photo Supplies offers. Ask to see specimen policy. Films developed 10c. with print | “Are you a successful salesman work­ Why not place your feed orders for the future with Kuppenbender. —W. A. Church. • orders.—J. W. Edwall. • I ing among farm trade? Or are you ambitious to become one? Do you want to earn $250.00—$350.00 a At Suttons Market you can get your Tillamook Feed Co. buys hides. Come Mcu Wanted—for planing mill work in and investigate their prices. pail filled with pure lard at 40c. Day and night, eight hour shifts. month, wholesaling groceries to per pound, the ao called 10 lb pall Apply or write to Chas. K. Spauld­ farmers? Steady demand. Yearly holds 9 tbs. so it costs you $3.60. Strayed, mouse colored cow. About ing Logging Co., Newberg, Ore Alt repeater. Same territory, if F • Oil. Belts «nd «11 kind« of Sewk* B1, so m; I Needles. five miles east of town. Missed Compare this with the price you give age. experience, phone num- j • Machine supplies. Repairing a ■pecialty.# Sunday morning. Sylvester Werner. are paying and note the saving. See Williams, .of the Tillamook Feed ber. Car required. H. Huntington, I Phone Will Garrison. New Home Users Co. and get prices on the hand-| Box 2090, Portland. Oregon. A-21 are quality chosers. Buy your hay at Kuppenbender’* some 19 series Studebaker cars, be­ warehouse. Sec Williams about Miller Cord and For Sale By fore buying your new car. Fabric tires. Prices right. Satisfac­ SHARFF lb DUBIVER Tillamook Astoria Auto Stage. Dr. Ramsev. Osteopath, Room 4 tion guaranteed. Tillamook Feed 172 3rd Street Auto Tires—investigate the Republic Masonic Aullding. Company. • ------ o Standard, five thousand miles NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE guarantee, price right, at Tilla­ COMP ANT. ____ Leaves C. I. Clough’s drug store Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Wanted—Spruce blocks from dear mook Feed Co. Wise. I at 8 p.m. Tuesday — Thursday and spruce three and a half to four feet For Sale. in diameter. To make easier hand­ Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ ! Sunday mornings. Bay City at 8:20; 1918 5 passenger Mitchell. Only We handle Trojan Powder. Best for ling these can be quartered. Must mook office across the street from j Garibaldi at 9 and Nehalem at 11. been run 300 miles. Good tires on stumping. Tillamook Feed Co. be tree from knots and straight. the court house, Mondays, Tues­ . Leav« Astoria at 8 p.m. and krriv- machine and one extra, also a bump­ Can use from one to two cars per days and Wednesdays until further er. Will sell this car cheap. Inquire Vinegar for sale—40c. per gallon. | ea in Tillamook about 2 p.m. Apply to Vincenz Jacob, Route No. uiuu h.— F. W. Gates. 1436 Ma­ notice. at Willard Battery Station. 1, Tillamook, Oro. A-31 cadam Road. Portland, Oregon A.21 I <• 'Vi?