Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 14, 1919, Image 6

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Biggest, Best, Amusement Offering
Presenting à Ciean, Clever Program of
Geo. M. Cohan’s Greatest Comedy
A Typical Cohan Laugh Maker
The Established Comedy Hit
A Comedy Plot with Catchy Songs
12 High Class Musical Comedy Artists
Complete New Program Nightly.
The Best Company ever seen
locally. Direct from a year’s stock
in Seattle. Twenty six weeks in
7 o’clock and 9 o’clock
Bargain Prices
Come Early and Enjoy Yourself,
Popular Prices.
Tract beginning at the intersection
ning thence North along the East line
of said addition to a point in the cent- of the South line of 12th Street
er of the East line of Block 42 of said with the West line of the street
Addition; running thence West to a or road leading South from Tillamook
point 375 feet West of the West line City, and running thence South 105
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all of Stillwell Avenue and 105 feet North feet; thence West to a point 105 feet
whom it may concern, that the Com­ of the North line of 9th Street (ex- West of the west line of Stillwell
mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­ tended); thence South to a point 105 Avenue, and 105 feet South of the
gon, deeming it expedient to improve feet North of the North line of 10th South line (extended) of the Easterly
the streets hereinafter described, did, Street; thence West to the West line portion of 12th Street; thence North
on the 21st day of July, 1919, adopt (extended) of Norton’s Addition to to the South line of the Edrick
a resolution for said improvement, Tilamook City; thence South to the Thomas Donation Land Claim; thence
which said resolution is in words and South line of Edrick Thomas Donation East to the West line of Stillwel'
Land Claim: thence East along said Avenue; thence South to the South
figures as follows, to-wit:
line of 12th Street; thence East to
RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF South line of the Edrick Thomas Don­ the
place of beginning.
ation Land Claim to the Southwest
corner of Lot 3 in Block 9 of Norton’s
Tract beginning at the intersection
Addition to Tillamook City; thence of the East line of Second Avenue
East with the North line o£ 11th
BE IT RESOLVED that the Common South to a point 105 feet South of the Street
and running thence East to the
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, South line (extended) of the Easterly
deems it expedient and hereby declares portion of l^th Street; thence East West line of Third Avenue East;
its intention to improve following to the West line of the street or road thence South 105 feet; thence West
leading South from Tillamook City: to Second Avenue East; thence North
streets in said City, to-wit:
Ninth Street, from the East line of thence North to the North line of the to place of beginning.
That the City Recorder be, and she
Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City, Easterly portion of 12th Street; thence
East to point South of the center line is hereby instructed to cause this re­
Oregon, West to Stillwell Avenue;
Tenth Street, from the East side of (extended) of Block 4 of Drew’s Add­ solution and notice to be published
Thayer’s Aaddition to Stillwell Avenue ition to Tillamook City; thence North for three consecutive publications in
and from the West line of Lot 1 to a point 105 feet South of the South the Tillamook Herald and the Tilla­
Block 3, Sunnymead Addition to Tilla­ line of 11th Street; thence East to the mook Headlight, the city official news­
papers; that the City Engineer is
mook City West to Third Avenue place of beginning.
That said assessment district shall directed to cause to be conspicuously
Eleventh Street from the East line be and is herby designated as Local posted at each end of the line of
of Thayer's Addition to Stillwell Ave­ Improvement District No. 11, and the the propsed improvement a copy of
property, and all thereof included this resolution and notice within three
nue, and
Twelfth Street, from the West side witnin said district is described as days from the date of the first public­
ation of such notice, and that all per­
of First Avenue East to Stillwell Ave­ follows:
The South half of Blocks 15, 16, 22, sons concerned be thereby notified of
nue, and from Stillwell Avenue to
| 42 and 43, and whole of Blocks 23, 24, the date of the first publication of
Third Avenue West.
Also 1st Avenue East, from a point 25, 26, 27. 28, 44, 45, 46 and 47, and said notice, and that objections and
70 feet South of Tenth Street to a the North half of Block 29, 30, 48 and remonstrances to the proposed im­
point 125 feet North of the Easterly 49 of Thayer's Addition, or Additions, provements may be filed with the City
to what'is now Tillamook City:
Recorder within 20 days from the
portion of 12th Street;
The South half of Blocks 3 and 4, date of said notice.
Stillwell Avenue, from 9th Street
All persons concerned are hereby
South to the Easterly portion of 12th and all of Blocks 5 and 6 of R. R.
Hays’ Addition to the Town of Tilla­ notified that said resolution was a-
on the
__ ______________
date aforesaid; _________
that the
First Avenue West, and an extens­ mook (now Tillamook City.)
Blocks 1, 2 and 3, and Lots 1, 2,1 first publication of this notoice is mane
ion thereof, from a point in the
center of 'th Street (extended) South 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. and the North half | July 31, 1919, and that objections and
of Lot 8 in Block I of Drew’s Addi­ remonstrances to the proposed im­
of 12th Street.
provement may be filed with the City
Second Avenue West, from a point tion of Tillamook City.
All of Blocks 1, 2,’3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Recorder within 20 days from said
100 feet North of the center of 11th
Street South to the center of 12th and 9 Norton’s of Addition to Tilla­
Done by order of the Common Council
mook City.
All of Block's 1, 2, 3 and 4 of of Tillamook City, Oregon.
Third Avenue West, from the inter­
Dated July 30, 1919.
section of the center of 10th Street Sunnymead Addition to Tillamook
with 3rd Avenue West South and City, except the North half of Lots Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder
of Tillamook City, Oregon.
Southerly to the center of 12th Street. 6 and 7 in Block 2;
Tract beginning at the Southwest
By laying and constructing a sewer
along said portions of said streets, corner of Block 2 of Sunnymead Ad­
and from the point of the intersection dition to Tillamook City, and running
------ o------
of 12th Street sewer with the sewer thence North 105 feet; thence West
Of the Tillamook County Bank of
to be constructed along the line of to the West line (extended) of Nor­
Third Avenue West, running in a ton's Addition to Tillamook City; Tillamook County, State of Oregon,
thence South to the Northwest corner showing the amount standing to the
Southerly direction to Trask River.
All of said improvements to be of Norton’s Addition to Tillamook credit of every depositor, July 1,
made in accordance with the charter, City, thence East to the northeast 1919, who has not made a deposit, or
resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ corner of Block 2 of said Norton’s who has not withdrawn any part of
mook City, and in accordance with the Addition to Tillnmook City: thence
plans and specifications, and estimates South to the North line of 10th Street; his deposit (commercial deposit),
of work therefor, made and prepared thence East to the place of beginning. principal or interest, for a period of
Tract beginning at the Northwest more than
man seven years
by the City Engineer of Tillamook
< Block
‘ 3 of Sunnymead Addi-, prior to date, with the name, last
City, Oregon, filed in the office of the corner of
City Recorder of said Tillamook City. tion to Tillamook City, and running known place of residence or postof-
All of said improvements to be made S l S PiTitóHttS """""
at the expense of the property, and
fact of his death if known.
all thereof adjacent thereto and spe­ tion to Tillamook City; thence South
Root. Tillamook. Unknown.
cially benefitted by said improvements to the North line of the Easterly part Acorn.
within the limits of the district es­ of Lot 3 in Block 3; thence East to
tablished and defined by this resolut­ the West line of Block 3 of Sunnymead Burlingham. Tillamook. Unknown
Addition to Tillamook City; thence
Be it further resolved that the plans, North to the place of beginning.
Creamery, Balin. Tillamook, un­
Tract bounded on the North by
specifications and estimates for the
known, 77c.
proposed improvements so made and Block 3 of Drew's Addition to Tilla­ Eberman, L.. Portland, alive 15c.
prepared by the City Engineer as a- mook City; on the West by Stillwell
foresaid, the estimate of the probable Avenue; on the East by 1st Avenue Evans. E. L. Portland, alive 97c.
total cost thereof being the mm of East, and on the South by 12th Ginn. E. San Francisco, alive, 29c.
the same are here- Street.
Miller, W. H.. Tillamook. Unknown,
Tract bounded on the North by Lot
malarie« of the aaaesa- 5 of Block 4, Drew’s Addition to Till­ Nelson. Ernest L. Tillamook, utv
banaAttad by said amook City; on the west by 1st Ave­
known, 37c.
hvrafur nu« East; on the South by Í2th Street
on. tjw East by the center line Smith. L h F. Garibaldi, Alive, 77c.
) running North and South Turner. C. A. Tillamook. Unknown
dock 4 of said Drew’s Addi-
Withrow, Frank, Tillamook,
known 3c.
State of Oregon,
County of Tillamook ss:
I, Walter Williams, being first du­
ly sworn, depose and say upon oath,
that I am the cashier of the Tilla­
mook County Bank of Tillamook,
County of Tillamook, State of Ore­
gon; that the foregoing statement is
a full, true, correct and complete
statement, showing the name, last
known residence or postoffice ad-
dress, fact of death, if known, and
the amount to the credit, of each de­
positor as required by the provisions
of Chapter 148 of the General Laws
of Oregon, 1907, and Chapter 214, of
the General Laws of Oregon, 1917.
Walter Williams,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 12th day of July A. D., 1919
Margaret Coates,
Notary Public of Oregon
My commission expires Nov. 20, 1922
Notice of
Hearing Administrator’s
Final Account.
------- o-------
Notice is hereby given that Thoma.»
McGlinchy, the administrator of the
estate of Edward McGlinchy, deceas­
ed, has filed his final account with
the county court of Tillamook county
Oregon, and that said court has fixed
Monday, August 18, 1919, at ten
o’clock a.m., as the time, and in the
office of the county judge of Tilla­
mook County as the place for hear­
ing said final account.. Notice Is
further given that all persons are
hereby required to appear at said
time and place and show cause, if
any, they can, why said final account
should not be allowed and said ad­
ministrator discharged.
Dated July 12. 1919.
Thomas McGlinchy, Ad­
ministrator of the Estate
of Edward McGlinchy.
Johnson & Hundley, Attorneys.
-------------■--------u. -
------ o------
In the Circuit Court of the State
•ft Oregon for Tillamook County.
Hurry J. Foster, Plaintiff
Dorothy Foster. Defendant.
To Dorothy Foster, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore­
You are hereby required to appear
iand answer the complaint fil«d
against you in the above entitled
cause from and after six weeks from
the date of the first publication
hereof, to-wlt; July 24. 1919, the
last publication being the 4th day of
September, 1919. and it you fail so
to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in the com­
plaint, to-wit: That the contract of
matrimony existing
between the
plaintiff and the defendant be annull­
ed and dissolved by the Court and
that plaintiff have an absolute di­
vorce from the defendant and such
other and further relief as the
Vernon. Jarnea. Tillamook Unknown, Owurt may deem jw»t and equitable.
Ths summons is published by order
.of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the
above named court, said order being
dated the 21st day of July. 1919.
Johnson & Handley
« P. O. Address Tillamook, Ore
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
and the further sum of $22.00 costs
and disbursements, the said execu­
tion being to me directed and com­
manding me to sell the property
hereinafter described to satisfy said
judgment, accumulated interest, at­
torney fees, costs and disbursement.,,
together with the costs and expenses
of sale.
Now therefore, I will on the 6th
day of September, 1919, at the houi
of 10 o’clock a.m. on said date, sell
to the highest bidder for cash ii
hand, at the court-house door in said
county, and state, all the right, title,
and interest of the said defendants,
and each and al! of them, had at the
date of said decree, in and tc the
following described property. situat-
ed in said Tillamook County: to-wit:
All of the South half of the North-
east quarter of the Northwest quar­
ter of Section 18 in Township 2,
South of range 9, West of the Wil­
lamette Meridian,
containing 20
Dated this 2nd day of August, 1919.
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillamook County.
In the County Court of the State or
Oregon for Tillamook County.
In tile matter of the last will and
testament of Henry Lederer^ deceas­
Notice is hereby given to al! v.hom
it may concern, that the County
Court by Its order and decree made
and entered therein on the 12th day
of July, 1919', the undersigned was
duly appointed the executor of the
last will and testament of the above
named deceased, and all persons are
having claims
against said estate to present them
to the undersigned at his office in
the county court house in Tillamook
City, Oregon, w’ith
the proper
vouchers thereto within six (6)
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 16th day of July, 1919.
G. B. Lamb. Executor of Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
------ o------
the last Will and Testa­
Notice is hereby given, that the I
ment of Henry Lederer,
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamook County, has appointed
the undersigned administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of
In the County Court o» the State of Walter Kinnaman, deceased, and any
having claims
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, and all persons
In the matter of the Estate of A. against said estate are hereby no-
' tified to present the same, together
W. Fox, deceased:
Notice is hereby given to all to | with the proper vouchers, to said ad-
whom it may concern, that the un­ , mnistrator at his residence north of
dersigned has been by the County i and _ near Tillamook City, Oregon, or
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, l°,T’
,att<^,ney’ , at his
duly appointed Administrator of the l office
”” in
~ Tillamook City, Oregon,
Estate of A. W. Fox, deceased; and 1 within six months from the date of
all persons having claims against this notice.
Dated August 14, 1919.
said estate are hereby notified to
G. H. Foland, Adminis­
present same duly verified, as by law
trator with the will an­
required, to the undersigned, or to
nexed of the estate of
his attorney John Leland Henderson,
Walter Kinnaman, de­
at Tillamook, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated July 31st, 1919, the first
publication of this notice.
Registered Jersey Milk Cow for Sale.
George J. Scharff. Ad­
ministrator of the estate
I have several head of Jersey milk
of A. W. Fox, deceased. cows for sale, some fresh now, some
John Leland Henderson,
will be fresh soon and balance be
Attorney for said estate.
fresh in the spring.
Many of these cows are bred to
■ Poppies Golden St Mawes, and the
Notice of Sheriff’» Sale.
------ o------
I others to well bred bulls. In the lot
Notice is hereby given, that by are two St. Mawes three year old
virtue of an execution and order of ■ heifers, and a number of well bred
sale issued out of the Circuit Court heifers coming three years old, will
of the State of Oregon for Tillamook 1 have first calf.
County, on the 19th day of May, j Reasons for selling no place to keep
1919, on a decree of said court made them. Inquire at Todd Hotel, or at
P. W. Todd. Owner.
and entered on the 5th day of May. post office.
1919. in a suit to foreclose a mort­
gage. wherein Edward Kleist was
plaintiff and Irma M. Vose and R. H.
Vose and Rosanna Vose, his wife,
Holden, after spending
were defendants, wherein the plain­ months in extensive study tn technic
tiff recovered a judgment against the and interpretation with Mrs. Carrie
defendant for the sum of $764.00 to­ Louise Dunning, of New York, will
gether with $122.40 accumulated return to Tillamook and open her
interest, all bearing interest at the studio September 1. Applications for
rate of 8 per cent per annum front admittance to the classes of the Dun­
the Sth day of May. 1919, for the ning system ' or for private lessons
further sum of $75.00 attorneys fees will be received after August 1st.
------ o------
Scores of Tillamook Headen
Learning the Duty of the Kiel
To filter the blood is the 1®
When they fail to do this thii
neys are weak.
Backache and other kidnep
may follow.
Help the kidney’s do their wfl
Use Doan’s Kidney Pills—
ed kideny remedy.
Proof of their worth in thefel
Mrs. O. L. Ahlestrom, 7th St.il
Ave., Forest Grove, Ore., says: ftl
I need a kidney malicine I 4
Doan’s Kidney Pills for I haves'!
found anything that does » ,
much good. When my back "
weak and sore and my kidne?
irregularly, a short use of
Kidney Pills makes my back '-1
er and puts my kidneys i»- .
working order.
Price 60c. at all dealers. •j
simply ask for a kidney reared?"
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the sawj
Mrs. Ahlstrom had. Foster-M-
Co., Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y.~