TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST TUESDAY, AUG. 19th GEM THEATRE THURSDAY. AUG. 21, PRIVATE PEAT War Scenes on the Battle Fields of Europe Ke-Lived for You I PATHE NEWS MISS ADVENTURE William Fox Production featuring Peggy Hyland All the thrills of a lifetime in this i cut ure. Love, Adventure, Ocean Voyage, Horrors and Joys. A romance of the deep blue sea. You can’t afford to miss this one. That’s what this Picture Is. Peat simply shows you the sort of thing he went through in France Gives you a vivid idea of what it is like to actually be in the trenches- If you want to know what happened to your boy in France, don’t fail to see “Private Peat.” I I 14. 1910. Her First Mistake,” 2 Reel Mack Sennett Comedy OFFICIALS IN COUNTY JAIL. and will help to liven things up. Tillamook now' has a good band of twenty-five pieces. These boys will Chief Deputy District Attorney and give an open air concert every after­ . Friends Were Arrested Here as noon and evening of the fair. Practical Joke. fair board was fortunate in securing -------- o the services of this excellent organ­ The chief deputy district attorney ization. L. Ham­ tor the stale of Oregon, Our Prices are always right. mersley, and Earl Bernard. deputy Coming—"The Old Homestead district attorney, and Tom Garland, an attorney, all of Portaland decided \\ hen Denman Thompson wrote it would be real stuff to take a vaca- "The Old Homestead" forty years lion hiking over the Wilson river- ago, he little dreamed of the prodig­ onte to Tillamook thence ious success it would achieve. Astoria and home. famous play held the stage continu­ But Mr. Bernard and Mr. Garland ously tor more than thirty years and thought while it would be good fun, more than twenty millions of Ameri­ it wouldn’t be enough without get­ cans saw it at one time or another. ting Mr. Hammersley in bad, so they 5c5d5dSdSdSdSd5?.5d5dSE5dS2SZ5?SBS25?5?5?.,TE5?Si5?SHSESHSH5n5?S?SHSH5H5H52 This famous play has been pictur- went to the sheriff T. M. Hulbert, at lzed by Paramount and will be shown Portland, and asked him to call up at the Gem Theatre next Friday, the sheriff at Tillamook and have August 15. Mr. Hammersley arrested when he “The Old Homestead’ 'is a rich— arrived here. Mr. Hulbert thought and therefore rare—combination of that sounded good, but more was bet­ good old fashion rural comedy and ter, so he sent down a description of the deepest pathos. Opening In a all three men, changing their names peaceful farm country far from the slightly, and asked the sheriff here glare and blare of Broadway, the to hold them when they arrived. story takes the innocent son from When they arrived the sheriff had his happy abode and flings him into one of his friends notified him, and the maelstrom of New York’s life. he took the three men in Thursday (Here he falls victim to the lure of afternoon, to their astonishment, the new existence and nearly breaks and put them in jail, and there's the heart of his grieving family. When you think of a piano or a player you invariably where the fun began. The sheriff at But his simple old father, putting Portland could not forsee that a think of THE WILEY B. ALLEN Co., too. Why! all his trust and faith in the power woman was going violently Insane at For over 45 years they have been selling pianos of of good over evil, goes to the city In Rockaway the day the men arrived search of his son, confident that he here, and she was brought to the merit and proven durability to the thousands of satisfied will be guided to him by Higher In- jail, and so Mr. Hammersley and his purchasers here on the coast. Every buyer is a loyal telligence. The pathos and dramatic friends had the pleasure of being booster for THE WILEY B. ALLEN Co. force of the scenes which follow are “in”, with one of the “outs”. founded upon the most effective of The men were released after a Just a word about PLAYER PIANOS. They are very all appeals—heart-interest. couple of hours, and left Friday popular all over the country. You and your friends will morning early. Let’s hope they had fall in love with one of the new “EUPH0NA” or “SOLO a pleasant trip. _. We have the Finest Line of Auto Accessories in the County ALDERMAN 525Z525a5Z5aSZS2525Z52525B525a5a5e5Z5ZS25252SZ52525252525aS252525Z52S A million cars is the proposed out­ put for next year, or about 4000 a day. Over 1000 Fords are delivered to Oregon every month. A recent convention of Ford agents from every part of the country was held in Detroit and Ford announced his future plans as far as he knew them then. I r LELAND B. ERWIN, Buy your Auto Springs from ill ALDERNAN & POORMAN, Ford, Dodge, Overland, Oakland and Maxwell. Notice to Contractors. ------ o------- Our Prices are Right. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Tillamook County ^5ES?SB52SZSE5HSHSZS2S25B5ZSZSH5?5a52S252Sc!5ES252S2S25HSa52S252S2SZ5252 will until 10 o'clock a.m. o’ August 9. 1919 receive proposals for con­ structing the Magarell bridge on Eg Nestucca river, according to the ¿SHS2SH5E525¿5ESH5H5Z5SSF5Z5HSH5?SHSÍScLS2Sa5H5HSESESESasa5HS2S2S2SaS25?5 plans and specifications ow on file with the County Clerk, of Tillamook County. Oregon, and at that time publicly opened and read. Each proposal shall be in u sealed envelope plainly marked on the out­ side "Proposals for the Construction of Magarell Bridge,” and shall be ac­ companied by cash, certified check or bidder’s bond equal in amount to 5 per cent of the total of the amount bld, the same to be payable to Tilla- mook County. Proposals shall be made on forms furnished by the £ County Clerk. re ­ The Court reserves the right to ject any or all bids. Homer Mason, County Clerk First publication. Aug 14, 1919. Last publication, Aug. 28, 1919. § Sale on Matti •esses cj at i Board of Equalization Meeting. ------ o------ Notice is hereby given that on Monday September 8th, 1919. the County Board of Equalization wiil meet at the office of the County A - sensor in the court hou. > , in Tilla­ mook City. Oregon, and publicly < x- amine the as-esstnent rolls ot Tilla­ mook County, for the year 1919. and correct all errors In valuation, des­ criptions of lands, lots or other prop­ erty. Said board will continue in ses­ sion from day to day until the ex­ amination. correction, and equaliza­ tion of the said assessineiit assessment rolls shall be completed, All complaints should be filed with the board the first week. All persons interested are requested to appear at said time and place, as no changes can be made after the adjournment of the board. Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, August 12, 1919. C. A. Johnson, County Assessor. Harris’ Furniture Company 3 M I £ Ln $26.00 Silk Floor Mat tresse on Sale for . . $24.00 Silk Floor Mat- tress on Sale for $20.00 Ln § a 3 ß* 1 CJ L_ziV/V/ This is just for a short time in order to mrke room for our new shipment of Furniture. icSt_ _ I