amrrn Fred C. Baker, Editor. 'that Is a pussier to the snap shot tnan, and It anyone can solve this st . ¡problem for us we will be grateful, dodging automobiles, but tn "the face of this new danger where shall peo­ ple flee? Traffic rules and regula­ tions for those who use the air as a NEHALEM ARTISANS PICNIC. highway will probably have to be made, requiring air ships to travel lanes like the ocean going vessels.— Many New Members Taken into Or­ ganization There, and More Coming. Telephone Register. Society News. GARIBALDI IÏWS KOTES. Mrs. F. Strueby was called to the i bedside of her son. Frank, who is in I the Good Samaritan Hospital with i typhoid fever. He has not been ex­ of years before the beach route can Advertising Rate«, be graded and hardsurfaced. pected to live. isplay Advti, per inch ■. ------- o------- 20c. Dr. Will Pollock and wife, of For­ 99 There have been 33 new members est Grove after spending a few- Portland is deserving of a great ” • - half page 171/ac. 99 added to the Nehalem assembly of weelu in the Cove have left for Sea­ Chapmans Figure of praise for the manner in I ” ... full page 15c. deal . the United Artisans, No. 469.since side where they will make a short which it is giving the glad hand to -ocals ........... per line 7c. visitors to Oregon, and we are glad C.C.Chapman.who has a name that W. H. Harris and wife. Supreme Dep- stop before returning home. The doc­ eaders, with reading matter to know that other cities are follow­ ¡always reminds one of a popular pat­ I uties, have been in the field, with tor has become a proficient crab f per line 7c. ing Portland’s example. The welcome ent medicine, is inclined to boast of > prospects of several more to be ini­ catcher. ’ Í . SaS2SHS25aSH525ESBS252S2S2SHSH5PS2SHSZ52S2525SSES2Sa52S25a5jLSE52SBSi £ • • ’ otices of meetings etc, per line 7c. iaad entertainment given the Nation­ the fact that he lives with figures,has tiated Friday evening, August 22, at Mrs. Walter Baily, wife of Port- I ' ' - - ■ ____ al Editorial Association and the Ore­ them for breakfast, dinner and supp­ I cue K. of P. hall, Nehalem. land's best violinist, who has been gon State Editorial Association was er and sleeps with them at night. At the last meeting night, Brother spending the summer here, likes it so aSE52Sa5BSZ5a5B5B525Z52Sî5e5aS2Sa5BSB5B5HSHS2525H52SB5a525BS25asa5HS252s Jcomplete in every respect and the Everyone to his own taste, as the i nudson, Supreme Master, and Mrs. well that she has decided to remain. editors certainly have good reasons old woman said when she flirted Hudson were present. Brother Hud- I to appreciate Portland’s hospitality, with the famous osculatory cow, and ! son gave one of his best talks, which here for the wlnrer. -------- o►— Mr. and Mrs. Landen and family ----- done J----- to •- if Mrs. Chapman raises no objectionto | was welcomed with acclaim. The Oregon State Editorial Asso- ' for everything possible was itiou .went on record as favoring a ! make the meetings a success. The h r nubby keeping that kind of com- i A large beach picnic was held at and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ryon and sciai session of the state legislature " editors from the east will long re­ puny, the rest or the world should’! Manzanita beach last Sunday, a family, of Portland are visiting here ’ the purpose of ratifying woman’s member the splendid hospitality they not worry. i large crowd attending. The dinner with Mrs. A. A. Ryon. J. Van Nortrick who has been frage amendment and to amend received at Portland and meeting the Chapman should be more careful consisting chietly of baked chicken Three years ago anr representative sold twenty-seven i Roosevelt highway measure, as progressist business men of that pro­ of his digestive organs, howeter, if i pot pie, made by sister Briggs, also working at Hobsonville ¡s’ at home ,5 government does not guuiantee gressive city. The other cities which he wishes to continue on the editor­ j chicken sandwiches, and everything with a sprained arm. families in Tillamook Scribner’s Ideal Home Music i 'intaining roads which are built by Mr. and Mrs Parker and daughter, entertained the editors were Salem ial job. Some of the figures are apt for the hungry to feed on. It was Library. eral aid. and Grants Pass while the editors to take hold like a hook worm and much appreciated. Brother Hudson Orpha, of Forest Grove have been “THOSE BIG GREEN BOOKS,” ' were on their way to Crater Lake, put his solar plexus in the hospital. and wile stayed over Sunday to at­ spending the summer in the Cove. ’he snap shot man gave the Presl- i and they too, left no stone unturned, He should use more freely the ro­ tend the picnic. Also present were Mr. Parker expects to be located in with their pur- These 1 families have been delighted _ J I t of the Oregon State Editorial B'ving the visitors a splendid time, tund ciphers which would tend to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hudson, and Tillamook permanently, but Mrs. chase and deem these books more valuable each year they ociation an Informal invitation 1 he visiting editors were loud in give him enbonpoint, much to the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hudson, of Parker and daughter may return to possess them—and worth many times what they paid. I, the association to visit Tillamook their praise of the splendid reception Improvement of his own figure.— Portland. After dinner surf bath.l.,= Forest Grove where the latter will continue her music study. Miss Park ­ t year. As comparatively few Ore-,aild entertainment given them by Cottage Grove Sentinel. was the main attraction. We are publishing a new edition. While we will be editors have visited this county, ¡Portland and the other cities, which er expects to graduate next June. I =--------- „ ------- o------- able to fill a few orders at less than half what the new rould be good busine.-v judgment surpassed anything they had exper- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ellis who have A crowd of Tillamook and Beaver Who Will Be It? edition sells for—you will be lucky to secure yours now. the different organizations in the , lenced elsewhere, , and as to what been spending the summer at their people enjoyed a day at Pacific City , ------- o------- they saw * in they were per­ ity to send an invitation to the ' *' “ z Oregon, ' Sunday when they had a picnic home on Wilson river were visiting Ask some of your friends who own them or your music l ' fectly amazed. It was quite an effort Answers submitted by Oregon edi- elation. there, and spent the day at the sea friends in Garibaldi on Saturday. teacher and learn what a help they have been, also what ¡and cost considerable money one way tors to the questionaire of the Ore­ side. They drove down in machine ------- o------- Pete Svenson and a party of ladies a saving. Communicate with the undersigned until Mon­ iree of the Portland Newspapers I and another to entertain the editors, gonian as to their choice for repub­ and had a picnic dinner at noon went deep sea fishing Sunday. They le Oregonian, Telegram and ! but it was money well spent, for lican candidate for president shows in the grove. paid a visit to Seal Rocks at Cape day. August 18th s—tendered the National Editor- when they get back on the job many that Taft, Hughes and Wood are fav­ Those who composed the merry Mears, where they saw many seals FRED W. ROOT. Tillamook Hotel. ssociation as well as the Oregon K°oJ write ups will appear in eastern orites, in the order named. party were: Mr. and Mrs. Herman. and birds, also two whales in the It must be admitted that there is } Editorial Association, a ban- and middle west new-spapers giving . Representing Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sapping­ distance. They returned with several no strong crystallized sentiment rel­ . It is fortunate that the Port- interesting articles on Oregon. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kellow, fine cod and a forty five pound CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS ative to presidential possibilities, Journal was not one of the Mr. and Mrs. Guy Schopptrt, Reed. Chinook. Pete says he’s going to take New York, though the three named have their i, for the splendid banquet would a time and get a harpoon next Farmer ar.d family, Miss Laura adherents. been exceedingly distasteful to “ Publishers of good books for a century” Bays, Miss Cora Coulson, Miss F’ayne whale. There is still time for the Repub­ .tate editors had the discredited is of Portland Magna Nyphus, Bell, A. L. Bays, and F. A. Beltz. ------- 0------- licans to bring out a strong candi­ lai taken part in the invitations. visiting Mrs. S. P. Svenson. | “Chickens” cost a lot of maney date that would unify all factions ------- o-------- Mrs. Schultz who has been spend­ complete surprise to Coming as a these days — doesn ’ t matter which and lead to a campaign characterized e Oregonian says: "Representa- ing the summer at Garibaldi Cove, friends was the an- many of their | with oldtime enthusiasm. McArthur draws attention to a kind, either.—Itemizer. has returned to her home in Forest o------ • There is a feeling that a new man, nouncement of the marriage of Mrs. of the high cost of living Frances Wylie and John Steinbach, Grove. History may repeat itself it you one who has not run in former con ­ 1 is generally overlooked. This Miss Alta McFarland, who has been who were married last Saturday with > low cost of money, due to ln- are only patient. Thirteen years after tests would prove stronger with, the the Rev. C. E. Gibson officiating. visiting her sister, Mrs. D. C. EHis, n of the currency to meet war the civil war eggs sold for three 1 people. The republican standard They were married quietly with only has returned to Portland where she . Small liberty bonds have the cents a dozen.—Telephone-Register. bearer should be a leader with a the necessary witnesses present. The wiTf attend school this winter. ------- o------- broad vision of world problems as effect, for many of them have Mrs. Bennett, of Rockaway ' Some people think they have a lot to well as domestic questions. It is too best wishes of their friends go with used to pay current bills. Busi- ranting Miss Powell on Friday. them. That it’s; foolish to put up s no longer carried on at war be proud of because they have kept 1 early to point to the issues of the ------- o out of jail all their lives. Of course I coming campaign. That the leader and therefore a large amount with an. ordinary chew, The ladies of the Shakespeare Club COVE MEAT COMPANY currency issued to finance war they know more about themselves for the republican party should have enjoyed a basket picnic at the little when it doesn’t cast any­ than you do and know exactly how a firm grasp of financial questions, could well be retired. If less East Garibaldi. I in order to suggest and apply reme- firm of Mrs H. Crenshaw on Wilson more to get real tobacco ' were available, less of it lucky they have been.—Itemizer. ------- o------- | dies that will relieve the present River last Friday. The youngsters in soon buy a bushel of potatoes satisfaction. Plans are on foot to build a nat- heavy burdens of taxation, seems to the party had a nrerry time swim­ Fresh and Cured Meats. ices would start downward.” I ' ming in the river, while the ladies , ional highway from Minnesota to be the need of the hour. ------- o------- i Every day more men dis­ Special Delivery. Parcel post orders Mexico and call it the Woodrow i Taft, in past campaigns, has never chatted pleasantly over their needle­ editor, while on a trip with work. An appetizing lunch was en ­ cover that a little chew of aroused any great degree of enthusi­ solicited. it the Eastern editors, found , Wilson highway. Must be a single track highway built in the form of a asm; Hughes was not an aggressive joyed by all. The guests of the club real good tobacco lasts f traveling with some Wiscon- , campaigner, at least the people did were Mrs. Williams, Mrs. J. Frank­ Phone 32 F 14 Garibaldi, Oreg-on. itors, who were loaded with i ! circle.—Gazette-Times. longer and gives them real I not take strongly to his candidacy. lin, Mrs. K. Bothwick and Mrs. ------- o ------- of information about the num­ 49,498 AMERICANS KILLED The government is going to sell, Wood is not well known, except as he Holme sc contentment. editors in that state and the ------ o------ ------- o------- through the rural postoffices, its un­ received a rebuff from the adminis­ unount of cheese it produced, There’s nothing like it. i The marriage of Gall Buell and ‘¿05890 Wounded in War, Says Hhal used canned meats and vegetables tration, in not being sent to France tted in with a query like this: Miss Constance Hoskins was solemn­ Report. left over from the war. Each post- with the army. is it that Tillamook county Oregon, however, will be in the Re­ ized Tuesday morning by Rev. C. E. ■ jffice will be a grocery store, and the took the first, second and Washington, Aug. 12—Final jas- postmasters, clerks, and rural car- i publican column whoever is the can­ Gibson. The brother and sister of prizes for cheese in the east?” i riers will be the solicitors. Tuesday’s didate. When the nation flocked to the bride, Mr. and Mrs. George Hos­ ualty reports from the central rec- put up in two sty Its sconsin editors were aware of 'papers reported small declines in the Wilson it remained solid for Hughes, kins attended the ceremony. The «jrifa office of the American expedi-«- id when we threw our ques- RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco price of grain and farm products.— 1 the Republican standard bearer.,— bride amd groom left Immediately tionary forces in France, made pub­ thein they smiled and re- News Reporter. for a week’s vacation at the beach, lic by the war department today, Willamina Times. W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tooacco : “Some of oiTr dairymen Their many friends with them hap- gaw the total battle deaths as 49.-1 ■ ¿king up.” 498, total wounded 205,690 and! | Suggested contributions to a Glas- I piheBSv ______ Wcyitian-Brufbn Company, UO" Broadway. Ndw York City America A Monarchy? ------- o------- prisoners 4480. i sary <»f Words and Phrases to the oo bad that our editorials on ■o “Only slight revisions,” will be; New Diplomacy, thus: Tillamook Jottings. visit to Tillamook upset Bro. made in this report, it was announc- ! __ 1 At the same time: Any old time, In a current issue of the Saturday iy’s democratic apple cart, (d.. I F)K. O. Ju. HOHLFELD. T. Butin not yet but soon. I Eeven Post, Henry Watterson, the standing that six years ago Mrs. J. S. Blair went to Portland K'veent corrections in the list of I Open Covenants: Secret bargains. I noted democratic editor, takes the ected brother Haid the demo- I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. missing have reduced the number to VETERINARIAN, I Association of free nations: Junta position that America is liable to Wednesday morning. irty was going to reduce the only 127 names as compared with phnn_ of the Big Five. T. J. Berry came in on a business Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in I become a monarchy. Mr. Watterson Mutual Phone t of living, and less than Self determination: The bossing of has been intimately connected with trip Tuesday and left Wednesday 284,.ff00 for France and 121,000 for Office. irs ago published a whole lot England. To July 1, the army had re- ■ Tillani'jwk small powers by big ones.—Harvey’s I national politics for more than a morning. Oregon. «out “he kept us out of war,” Taxes Paid for Non-Residents pot ted 149,433 cases of disabled sol- [ Weekly. generation, and has an insight into R. C. Helman, Mrs. Holman, and lat has taken place and the T illamook B lock , dBsrs to the war risk insurance bu- J affairs that few Americans have. In family have been visiting in the city t of living thut continues to Tillamook .... Oregon rexu'. It was estimated the final totalj J~}AVID;R ü BINSON. M.D., “A man may invest $2,000 in a passing along the possibility Mr. for the past week. with the wilful waste in con- which costs him 10 cents would be close to 200,000. Both Phones. motor car. I Waterson deplores the possibility the war. democrats who live Mrs. F. Nickolas and Miss A. Sum- I I PHYSICBAN AND SURGEON a mile and is in the hospital half of and shouts for the republic as loudly i house are not in a position the time, but nine times out of ten as any man can. But in the end he erlin went to Rockaway Wednesday Announcement. HENRY C. VEERECK, M. D. stones at Republicans or ------- o - ■■ he won't complain of the expense comes back to the point and shows tor ai ¿ay’s outing. national building , blican party. SPECIALIST. Twentieth Century wood saw now ' even if he knows it. Rut let that that ultimately the desire for a rad­ Mrs. R. T. Boals left for Portland - ----- o------- . TILLAMOOK OREGON. same man pay $50 more in taxes, ical change in government will come Wednesday, where she will visit and un operation. Disease of The t quite a few Eastern Ore- and irrespective whether he gets free AU orders promptly attended to. j from the people who pay the taxes. have a weeks vacation. I tb who expressed their ap- EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT use of a million dollar pavement, he Going to visit at Raymond, Wash- j Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders The article narrates the selfish­ T. IW>ALS,|M.D., i of how Tillamook County will yell ruin and damnution until Only at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. I •d out on the irrigation the cows come home."—Medford ness that is apparent in all politics ington. was Mrs. J. Donovan, who/ I Karl Vilhelms. For Appointment - -Call 159J in America, and boldly charges that left on the Wednesday morning train. and, of course, we express- PHYSMHAN AND SURGEON, Tillamook Oregon. Mall-Tribune. there is graft everywhere—from the preclatlon of what they had highest town to the little township I After a pleasant visit with Mrs. £. I ■ Support of a national administrar Surgeon S.P. Co. the Roosevelt Highway The President’s wise, logical, and Apart from the two ineas- statesmanlike veto of the ‘ rider" for officers—graft, graft, everywhere. II. Hathaway, Mrs. J. M. Weisenbach, tion in a war on Germany does not i M. O. O, F. Bldg.) or Reedville Wednesday mom-'of necessity involve support of the »lectton brought about a abolishing the daylight saving plan In the end, Mr. Watterson inferen- let same administration in a war waged Tillamook H-rutlve spirit between the | appears to have been effective. After tlally concludes, the people will tire tag. Oren on Clow, of Portland came In ! on lhe Constitution and the institu-. Eastern Oregon and the some bluster, Congress passed the * of graft and inefficiency, and then A. It. looking for a home, but was .tions ot the I nited States. will come the ranger hour for the 'lties in Western Oregon, bill without that rider and tlie Pres- Tuesday J3OBERT H. McGRATH, ------- o------- ons showed -plendid dis- [ident ln.s signed it, and there is no I reatest democracy in the history unable to find a house and left Wed.- j I ! Perhaps the reason Lloyd George md we felt glad that some indication that any attempt will be of the world. nesday. CoUNSEI.LOR-AT L aw , does not select an ambassador t« the ktern Oregon editors took made to put the ’’daylight repeal This, coming at a time when all Miss A. Alli.-on was a passenger on iUnited States in that he believes ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN 7 hand and thanked us for torwaid on its own merits as an ln- the world is going in foi democracy, the Wednesday train going to. Port­ >te Tillamook people had 1 dependent measure. For all of which, will seem out of place to some. But land, after visiting here with Mrs. Great Britlan does not need a repre- . TILLAMOOK, OREGON. tentative in Washington in order to' Con measure. • much thanks. Let us hope thut them it must be remembered that the •.ad- l’aul Fitzpatrick. P owtiand O ffice have her Interests well looked after. — Cl —— I will be on further talk of repealing i ieal changes in Europe calm luring Mrs. Homer Mason went t®. Salem ILIO W ilcox B ld . e high cost of living, here one of tile most practical and benetl- the war upheaval, and that if the A Columbus editor noticed a incident we wish to relate |cent nonomic measurts over enacted new governments cannot produce a on the Wednesday morning train to arl haberlach churchman on his way from a mass stumbled onto in Portland ¡by congress. prosperous era the people can and visit with her daughter, Alkgra Mc­ Harvey’s Weekly. meeting where resolutions in favor Leod, for a week or so. lay. \\ lien Portlanders go change, It is a; j may make another —-o- — of "preferring one . anotlMit” had markets a id asl: th" price ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. After visiting with the William W< like to read th« Medford Trib­ together possible, as pointed out by mutton, i hey are inform- une, but because it has a perisc.ipo Mr. Watterson, that (lie Untied Lang family of Beaver for a week, been unanimously adopted, jostle an I T illamook B lock old lady out of a seat on the home ­ i ts 42c. per pound, and column is no reason for it being roll­ States may then get into line and Miss Hazel Oaks left for Pe Ell. bound street cur. There i.s too mti.’h ro cut it v.p into chops the lie contends Washington, Wednesday morning. ed that way. On a busy day we lay it also have a monarchy, ♦ >*egtu disposition both tn religion and poli­ FiÜHinook tton Jumps in price from aside thinking that some day w«- will that the cost of royalty is a mere After a visit here wi.tli relatives, tics to substitute high sour di ng Electricity’s latest gift to per pound. Or. in other with drop in tile bucket compared have time to saw open the wrapper. nd family pronunciameutos and big programs w EBSTER HOLMES, Mr. and Mrs. G. Olsou the housewife—greatest Portland meat markets the sum grafted under a democratic ’1 he result generally is that we soon lelt for California Wed'.u .ay niorn- for the simple and commonplace ef­ since the electric iron per pound or $1.15 for have :.n accumulation look like form of government. Mrs A. fort on the part of the individual to . . ing on the train. Mr. : and electric vacuum I a loin of mutton weigh- a package of cigarettes. There i n’t ATTORNEY-AT-LAW While ve cannot agree with many ! Olson went v.’ith them a.. » .nr as Port­ do his bit toward actually helping , cleaner—the nds Into chops. And tills, even enough dratt between the wrnp- of Mr. Wattersou'x contentions we I land. COMMERCIAL BUILDING. the world on to the place where I rmed. is what is taking pers for proper ventillatlon for the are forced to admit that he has al­ Deputy Sheriff Aschim left on these things will mean something, i on meat markets. No one Smudge Pot. it i. to be hoped that ways and does occupy a position giv­ FIRST STREET. inion men for trading nt stalo und national Editorial Associa­ ing him information that enables Tuesday morning for Hood River, to « ib - bring back Harry Newell, who is hops where that kind of than P ortable TILLAMOOK. tions meeting in conjunction in him to judge more accurately OREGON 1 wanted in this city ou a charg. of economy CLEANERS is going on. This is a Portland this week will adopt ringing most men.—Observer. S ewing M achine | forging checks on the First Natio. al illustration why the high Resolutions against exenauges that AND E’ l ERS • l l hoy Bank of this city. g continues to jump sky- are wrapped to look as I ho they had I No more tiresome fflcient evidence to prove been pressed into a wienie casing Notice to People Entering Races 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. I treadle pushing - no aioflteers are putting it with a sausage filler -Gaxette limes I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Attention Berry Growers. more backache— r little people of Portland. MODERN EQUIPMENT. Register before the Fair begins electric motor does the T illamook B lock , • > - o------- with A. C. Everson. Horse riders will Graves Canning Co., are ready to The recent blimp disaster in Chica­ PERMANENTLY LOCATED. hard work. i well to look squarelj at be expected to ride in Jockey custom. receive your blackberries at any time Tillamook, ' the controversy over go wherein an iiltuted airship caught Anyone having any wild animals, They will furnish you crates tree of Oregt n. E. F. Schultz. A foot control gives any of the highway in the fire unexpectedly and made its fatal horses, mules or bulls, that they charge, and you can obtain them at speed desired. dive into the office of a bank, where if the county. The snap want to see ridden, bring them to the H GOYN any time by calling at the cannery fully aware that a large xorie 150 employes, were rounding Fair, ns two roughriders promise to opposite the Tillamook Bakery. Re­ The entire machine in nir citizens favor the out their day’s work, exploded the ride anything. I member Graves Cannery Co. operate its case can be carried ATTORNEY-AT LAW. ■ ■ ■ o------- who have not taken in- ga« tank. killing and injuring several, anywhere—it’s no larger I an exclusive berry cannery, and are fion the cost, which is a discloses that there was no statute Office: O pposite C ovri F jj B1> here to stay and will pay you at all REGISTERED AND GRADES applicable in the case. The Goodyear than a typewriter. I nt matter. When need- What do you mean,“0nly"?! times the full market price tor your Tillamook * Of Any Breed. rovements, most of us lire and Rubber Co., the owners of O. »gon Ask for a demonstra­ fruit. to under estimate the the dirigible, promptly offered to tion. J. M. Smith is affiliated with the Some of our young ladies at Pacif- niUe expensive and dif- make good the material damage done. J OH’i LELAND, HENDERSON. AUCTION SALE EVERY rhU appeal's to be the This bring up a new danger, and ic City have adopted the latest fad Graves Canning Co. as field manager Anyone wishing to sell their berries adds a new value to our accident in women ’ s attire. We often think Nisons who discuss SATURDAY AFTERNOON. attorney ; picked or otherwise, can call Mr. I demerits of both policy. We can keep off the railroad we are to meet an unusually fine ------ o — — ; and KfiMMt cost and right of way. we can stop, look and looking lot of young men. when i lo. Smith at his residence on either i Dr. J. E. REEDY y tu grade ii.ten when we pass over a grade they are only young women. phone. COUNSELLOR.AT-LAW - Mb route «rowing, we have become experts in —Nestucca Valley Enterprise. Graves Canning Company, Inc. Tillamook • . . . OreR0a In Barn Near Depot. UBSCRIPTION for we are free to admit that we are at a loss to see where the money is per year $2.00 going to come from and the number Save Money on Brake Lining Buy from ALDERMAN & POORMAN. ditorial Snap Shots. MUSIC LOVERS i i What the Editors Say a a / THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW T h « r L atest r Western Electric 0R. . . , ? 4 Stock Exchange COAST: POWER co THE ELECTRIC STORE