TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 14, 191Ó RECOGNIZE GOSPEL OF LABOR <- Law of Nature Demands Certain Quan­ tity of Work From All Kinde of People. * YOU Are Invited to Attend The 6th Annual Tillamook County Fair / August 26-27-28-29, ’19 “The law of nature Is that a certain quantity of work is necessary to pro­ duce a certain quantity of good, of any J:ind whatever. If you want knowl­ edge. you must toll for it; and If pleas­ ure, you must toll for It." These words of John Ituskln are especially appro­ priate now, Arthqr Hunt Chute writes In Leslie’s. This admonition Is needed not mere­ ly by the manual laborers, but ulso hy all classes, and especially by the "poodle fakers" of so-called high so­ ciety. An afternoon trip to the most expensive hotels discloses the fact that the war has not completely purged us from the Idle rich. One may encoun­ ter there a new species, formerly known as a “lounge lizard." now called a “sofa cootie.” A soldier pointed me out one of these specimens, exclaim­ ing: “Think of our brave who have fallen, and a thing like that survives!" We won this war—why? Because we heeded the law of sweat. In the crucial hour our society spewed out of its mouth the Idle rich and the Idle poor. We tolerated only one class, the workers. Vincent Astor and Klngdon Gould had to step up and do their duty just the same as the Fricasinn! twins ; from "Little Italy.” Now that the war , Is won, this law of sweat should re­ main Imperative for all classes. Ev­ ery man and every woman owes a duty of work to his age, and society of the future should be so organized as to in- I slst that that debt is paid. Referring to the law of sweat, we must realize that there are two ways in «-hich a man may fulfill his obli­ gations, either by brain sweat or by brawn sweat Rightly speaking, the mental workers belong just ns truly • among the laboring classes as the man­ ual workers. In the truest sense both | | are producers. BIRD KNOWN IN EVERY STATE Writer Suggests That the Flicker Might Well Be Adopted as Amer­ ica's National Bird. This Will be the Best Stock Show Ever Held in County A Splendid Display of Cheese, Garden and Farm Products Canning Demonstration Every Afternoon by Champion Canning Team of Oregon •r Come and See the Races Races Every Day Band Concea l Each Afternoon Also Evenings Evening Entertainment Features, Rough Riding, Etc All Sorts of Races and Athletic Stunts for Boys and Girls On Thursday, August 28th This Fair is Preparing for YOU, Don't Miss It The alert and industrious flicker Is suggested by Frank M. Chapman, writ­ ing in "Our Winter Birds," as the na­ tional bird, because It is a native of every state In the Union. He says it 1 Is also adaptive and intelligent, peace- j ful though brave, useful and beautl- i ful, but he cannot sing. The bird makes up for his failure to contribute vocal solos by drumming exhibitions that any trick snare drummer would envy. When the bird gets on a tin roof or gutter, and Is feeling facetious. Its work with Its beak is marvelous. “It wins Its way peaceably If It can, but If it is aroused it fights for all It Is worth," Mr. Chapman writes. “It is a beautiful bird, known by many oth­ er names, such as crescent bird, be­ cause of the black crescent on Its breast; golden-winged «’oodpecker, be­ cause of the yellow revealed In its v. Ings when It flies; the cotton rump, because of the «-hite on Its back, and the yarrup and yellowhammer. Its home Is anywhere between Central America and Canada and in character, habits and uppeariuice It Is clearly a credit to the country.” 1 GENERA^ HARDU1ARE J^itehen Ranges and Heating »Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere One or the Other Imperative. George had not been overkind to his wife when he left for camp. And the prospects for his wife when he returned were not any brighter when she got this note from him: “Them white folks here put some sirup In my arms from the blood of a mad bull and a game chicken that will make a nigger fight a cannon and I is already feeling like fighting. When I comes home wld that fighting blood in me, and I finds out you ain’t been doing right, watch out for George; and I knows how big you are.” The wife took the note to the judge of the county in which she lived. “Well, Elizn,” said the judge to the colored wife, after he read the let­ ter, “What can I do for you about this?" “Judge,” replied Eliza. “I’s wan’ a divorce er sum of fiat sirup.” No Idle Chatter. When n young girl I was timid and shy, and having attention dir< led to me always caus ’d me much embnr- rnssr.ii’nt. One evening I wr.s invited to a rather forma! dinner party. All the girls present were considerably older than I. so I said nothing until about the middle of the meal, although the others were chatting in a desul­ tory manner. Suddenly a young woman sitting at my right turned to me with the ques­ tion: "Don’t you ever say anything?" It seemed to me that the attention of every one at the tnble was focused on me. and blushing furiously. I stam­ mered: “Oh. yes, .sometimes, when there's something Interesting to talk about." A stony «11 mce greeted mv remark.—Chicago Trlhune. Y STRENGTH AND SERVICE. Ol’ must look for both of those elements if you seek a banking connection which will afford you the maximum advantages. For STRENGTH consider our own Resources plus Federal Reserve System and Federal Jurisdiction. For SERVICE— remember our policy of upbuilding and develop- rnent. “Nationalize” Your Account. D HECTORS : A. H . liunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, T armer. C. J- Edwards. Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holaen, Vice Pres. tí. C. Lamb. UuUding Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. P lechers, Cashier. I TILLAMOOK. ORF GON c!5E5E525H5H5B5H5i!5c5Z525a5Z5c 5H5BS25F City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. Ail Wcrk Guaranteed. Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Steck of Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Yuur Patronage Solicited. J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. c t Bit the Bones. / Charley, the cook, has a mania for “shooting craps.” One day he missed his dice, and having always worn a smile. It was at once noted that there 5?'2SH5a525252SESaS2Sare52SHSE5BSZ5H5H525ESHSH5e52SE5HS2SH5H5H£B5B5H5Z5? «ns something wrong, bei-nuso he was all gloom and had a solemn took like one who hnd come to great grief. We had hash for supper. The bugler, hav­ ing a heaping mess kit full of hash, was making great progress when all of a sudden he bit Into something hard­ er to e: t than hash. Charley is once more wearing his smile of content- For disenfecting where Contagious or mi -,t. being satisfied now with him­ in fectious diseases are prevailing. self and the world. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND Notice to Hunters. For sale Pedigreed Irish Spike Tall I Water Spanne! pups. Enquire A. E. Williams. Tillamook. Premium Lists May Be Secured from G. B. Lamb, Secretary flUEX. JVIcNMIR & CO Men Wanted. o------- For planing mill work. Day and night—eight hour shifts. Apply or write to Cha«. K. Spauld­ ing Logging Co.. Newberg, Oregon. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE, ¡ DRUGGISTS. »