TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 7, 1919 FIRST BANK of BAY CITY We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of Bay City and tributary country. We invite your further patron­ age, and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. BAY CITY NEWS The City on Tillamook Bay. Miss Myrtle Miller left for Port- land Sunday. Mrs. John Holland is greatly im- proved in health. Lloyd Blanchard has gone to Bay­ ocean for a while. M tb . J. K. Elder and daughter are here for a short stay. Mrs. Chap Ridehalgh is visiting her Eister Mrs. J. K. Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Hobson- Ville are leaving for Salem. Mrs. C. TUlman, of Portland is Visiting friends in Bay City. Cleaning and pressing at Bay City barber shop.—F. W. Smith, Prop. * Miss Edna Morris, of Bay Ocean was a Bay City visitor Wednesday. Mayor C. F. Girard and wife, and Miss(A. Keene visited the beach iati Sunday. Mrs. W. Ridehalgh and Bob, her Bon visited friends at Rockaway Sun­ day. Mrs. T. Gillen Is making prepara­ tions for a trip to California for her health. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morris of Bay­ ocean came across the bay on Mon­ day on business. The Bay City mill is keeping busy filling orders for lumber as fast as they are sawed. Mrs. W. J. Black and son, from Montana, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Provoost. Leo Wilson has killed two black bears the last week, selling same to Portland, were in town Wednesday on their way to Rockaway. The T. T. T. Club ha» adjourned their meetings until September 1st on account of the abseuce of some of their members. George Johnson and family have moved to Bayocean to assume his du­ ties as care taker of the famous re­ sort and will be gone all summer. Some friends of E. E. Smith arriv­ ed on Saturday and are camping at Barview. They are Shorty Hartman and wife and Mrs. Elmer Woods, all of Portland. Captain L. E. DeRock runs excur­ sions every Wednesday between Bay Ocean and Tillamook. Boat leaves Bayocean at 9:30 a.m. and returning leaves Tillamook at 2:30. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Bay City and Mrs. Roberts and her uncle of Bayocean went to Neah-kah- Nie Tuesday evening and found the roads in excellent condition. Vivian Martin at The Gem. The heart appeal of "Jane Goes a- Wooing,” the new Paramount pic­ ture starring Vivian Martfn, which will be shown at the Gem Theatre next Monday, August 11, is certain to make it popular with film fans, according to report«. It has decidedly more dramatic interest than most of the recent Martin stories and in ad­ dition presents a likeable and hap­ py story of courageous little stenog­ rapher. This girl Jane Neill, is loved by two men. one of them Mickey Dono­ t van, owner and manager of the "White House” lunch cart, and the other, Monte Lyman, a rich young man, whom Jane meets whfen she takes a job as stenographer in his uncle’s house. Vivian Martin is said to be at her ' best in the role of Jane. GARIBALDI NEWS NOTES ------ o------ A car load of lumber is being re- moved by auto truck from the side track at Miami station to the Hob­ sonville mill to build 1 water tanks for the Coats Lumber Co. Geo. Krumlauf is at home with a bad cut on the side of his foot, re­ ceived while at work on the county road. Dr. Hawk dressed the wound. C. M. Weller is at the beach recov­ ering from an accident received while moving the pipe line above the Hobsonville mill. Mrs. R. Peterson from Tillamook was visiting Miss Powell over Sun­ day. Miss Alta McFarland, of Portland, spent the week-end with Mrs. Vivian Walker .1 Mrs. Jack Levenhagen, who has been spending the past month in San Francisco is expected home this week. Mrs. R. W. Bleim was visiting in Garibaldi from Bay City Monday. The deep sea boats arrive every night loaded with a good supply of fish from the ocean which find ready sale to the campers. Will. Sharp locomotive engineer oil the Great Northern returned to Seat­ tle via Seaside and Astoria Monday morning. i Butterick Patterns, 15c., 20c., 25c., 30c. Men ’s Neckwear, $1.00, $1.50, $2 00, $2-50 A display of the richest and most handsome weaves in Men's Silk Ties ar­ rived today by express. They are all in the popular flowing end styles and aie wonderful values at the prices. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. By Mail lo. Extra for 15c. and 20c patterns and 2c. extra for 25c. and 30c’ patterns. Subscribers please call for Seotetnh... Delineators. (^Augmenting the August Sale ot REMNANTS AND ODDS AND ENDS By a Special Offer beginning at 9 A.M., Saturday, (^August 9th of SIX TABLES OF REMNANTS AT 29c.--48c.-69c.-88c.-$1.19-$1.98 I Good useful desirable lengths of Muslins, Sheetings, Tubings, Ginghams, Percales, Fine Cotton Wash Fabrics of all kinds, Woolen and Mixed Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets and Velveteens—in fact practically every kind of fabric found on our shelves. Look for the tables with these numbers and secure your share of the wonderful sav­ ings made possible .by this event. Lieutenant Francis Provoost has Liberty Bonds of any denomination taken at face value in lieu ofCash. been working on a new design of air­ plane, so as to be able to Bolve the mystery of air currents, making It possible that Bay City might some day have an airoplane establishment. Spending the week-end here from McMinnville were, S. E. Cummings, Co. Commissioner, and Mrs. J. W. Mayfield, Miss Rose Mayfield, from the assessor’s office, and Master « Waldo Sears. They were guests of Priced $1.19 to $1.49 for only Priced 63c. to $1.00 for only Mrs. Albert Biggs. Priced $1.53 to $1.99 for only New improvements are going on in Bay City. Main street is getting to look like a boulevard now that it Is E. E. Smith the butcher. filled. As soon as the highway is Mr. Ole Drompea came home on a hardsurfaced it is the intention of visit the latter part of the week, the city to hardsurface all cross i surprising his family and friends. streets In the business part of town. Phone Rates Take Real Jump By Yimminy. The two Moodentaugh famllys --------Q-------- C. H. Jones and family and Mr. came to Bay City on a vacation. The Douglas were intending to drive to ladies are daughters of Mrs. Bair. The Pacific Telephone and Tele­ I Portland Tuesday. Mr. Jones sudden­ graph company has filed with the Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Flagg and rheumatism and F. W. Smith were among those who ly became ill with Mr. Douglas and Public Service Commission tariffs is now in bed.. covering rate Increases now effective epent Sunday at Bayocean. daughter. Mrs. Sullens, will go and The increases are principally in t I Miss Florence Elliot and Lois Wil- place an order for dry goods. charges for residence phones, and are son from McMinnville spent the week Priced $4.48 to $7.98 for only Priced $2.79 to $3.39 for only . Quite a conflagration occurred effective through Oregon. The com­ Priced $2.13 to $2.63 for only end in Bay City and Rockaway. pany says the newest increases are Miss Inez V. Bozarth and their Tuesday morning. One freight car Tillamook's famous necessitataed. The Public Service niece, Miss Virginia Nelson are visit­ louded with cheese, arrived tn Bay City and the Commission is expected to review the ing Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bozarth. corner of the car was burning. The rates immediately. State and Port­ Professor P. H. Wyman, and family 1 hose cart was called into action and land city officials propose to fight motored to Portland last week by fire wan soon put out. Strange to tlie increase. The principal charges the way ot Seaside for a vew weeks visit. say the car was sealed, and the fire are as follows: Old New The people in the fishing coldny t! got ablaze inaide. Rates Rates Bay City are getting everything in J. S. Goin and A. E. Wiad. •tin have Individual residence .. $3.00 $3.75 readiness for a good catch this full. ^Advance Showings rented Doc McKinley’s ,;uni:; ■ for Individual I esldence with Mr. H. B. Flagg has bought the the time being, looking to vurd buy- Of Fall Stales in desk set house owned by Huns Lesuiid, where Ing property for the coitsir.K tion Two party residence. . . . . Mr. F. W. Smith lias lived for the of a concrete building in til.' near Two party residence with past two years. Mr. Wiedman future. Mr. Goin and i desk set are men of ability ’ and understand J. and E. K. Elder and family, and Four party residence . . Mrs. W. Ridehalgh, Jr, arrived at their business as first class mcclt- Immediate investigation cl the Bay City to spend the summer at attics and auto repairers. rates and promise of an early hear­ Z^Are now being made Here. their bungalow. ing. looking for a reduction us soon Mr. Robert McCulley and family as the commission again assumes su­ Fortunate, indeed, are we in being able to make such Mrs. Balas and her mother of are moving from Bliy City to Wheel­ an announcement as this while many other Buyers all over Hayocean came across the bay on er. They stayed over night with Mr. pervision, was promised by the Pub­ Buchtel, business wijft the C. H. Jones trad- and Mrs. George Williams and en­ lic Service Commission, the country are literally begging for merchandise. This is Corey and Williams last night. ing Company. joyed a lovely dinner and social just another instance (if our untiring efforts to provide the Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McBride, of Dil­ evening and breakfast and left Bay correct modes in Wearing Apparel at just the right time. THE DUAL PURPOSE COW ley, Ore., and Mr. McBrides mother. City with a warm spot in their heart The styles shown are absolutely authentic the label, Visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock for a for the friends that made their re­ maining hours in Bay City so pleas- few days. Has the dual purpose cow a place Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cone, Mrs. Ing in a strictly Dairy Community?. The Florence Marquet and Miss Gladys C. F. Girard has opened a real following article from the Douglas Richards motored to Portland for a estate office for business land of all Co. Farm Bureau News is well worth in each garment guaranting this to the purchaser. weeks outing. descriptions, small and large tracts, studying by Tillamook people. We cordially invite you to come to the store and view at Miss Frankie Allen, school teacher Prof. G. E. Day, Guelph, Ont., says: at The Dalles, has been spending her houses for sale or rent. Sole agent your leisure the wonderful garments now on display. “The man who would try to make vacation Ip Buy City ns guest of Mr. for the Woodlawn Add. to Bay City. 150 lots to choose from at $75. $100, a strictly dairy breed of the Short­ The Coats and Mrs. Albert Biggs., The Suits and $125 per lot. Just a few minutes Mr .and Mrs. J. T. Butchuell and walk to center of town, on easy horn is wasting time and spoiling made of such popular materi- are shown in 36 and 38 in. Jacket wife, ot the Bank ot California, terms. • good material. The man who wishes als as Bolivia, Velour, Zibiler.e lengths and medium Ions, eood to specialize in dairying should take and Plush are beautifully lined walkiris width skirts. There a ready-made dairy breed, and not and have Roll Collars, Raglan are vestee effects with high close fool away his time spoiling a good and Full sleeves, some with fitting collars of plush and velvet beef breed. But there are many plush collars and cuffs. The in such fabrics as Serpe Poplin, BAY CITY, OREGON. furniers in this and other countries predominating colors are Den- Velour, Tricotine, Chiffon Broad­ who through circumstances, inclina­ mark, France and Trooper Blues, cloth, Duva de Laine Vid Mix­ tion or otherwise, cannot or do not Slate, Kangaroo, Liberia, Mor- tures and the colors are Oxblood, wish to specialize in dairying, but roco. Navy, Wisteria and Black. Navy, Bark, Cathedral and Bat. they want a cow that will produce a fair amount of milk and raise a Phone Main 73. calf which can be developed into u I first-class butcher's bullock. In other Early Fall Styles. Just Received words, these men do not want a dairy cow. but they want a two-pur­ pose or dual purpose cow. to supply the requirement of such men Is legi­ timate business, and no breed will The famous “Stylefit” separate Dress Skirts A part consignment of our Fall Stocks of Mal­ fill the bill so well as the Shorthorn, are well worth your inspection for they are the which has been noted for its milking Phone 32. lory Hats for Men arrived by express and are qualities from Its earliest history. smartest and most up-to-date garments now being now on display and sale. These Hats were not Such noted Shorthorn breeders as shown for Fall wear. There are both regular and One Bid for Paving 7th St. None for Dalton1» “Quicksand" Has Thomas Bates and Amos Cruickshank due until later in the season, but in order to in­ large sizes in smart becoming styles. The fabrics attached great importance to the Strong Appeal. Third. sure delivery we requested that shipping date be represented include plain and novelty colors in That human quality of determina­ milking qualities of their cows, and — o— discarded many an otherwise good tion which seems to be an American advanced and this concession was eventually ob ­ Wool fabrics and in plain and fancy silks such as Only one response was received characteristic pre-eminently, the cow because It was unsatisfactory aa Wool Poplins, Wool Plaids, Heavy Bengaline tained. The Hats are shown in both the regular a milker. A number of our leading from the city's call for blds for pav­ spirit of which has recently shown in Shorthorn breeders today, including « « Silk, Silk Poplin, Chiffon Taffetas and Novelty a government office when signs were and “cravenette’’ finish and such new shades as ing Third and Seventh Streets. A. T. distributed about the building read­ William Duthi. share in the opinion Duchess Satins. Some very smart styles are Dolan bld for the 7th street Job. ing. "It can't be done -go do II." is of Bates and Cruickshank. and It has Neutria Bronze, Slate Onyx, Castor Chamois, shown in plain colors of Taupe, Navy Blue and though his bld was too high, to come one ot the strong features of "Quick­ been demonstrated over and over Serge Blue, Gunmetal, Seal Mixed, Black Mixed Black. within the 5 per cent above the esti­ sand.” a Paramount picture front the again that a fairly heavy flow of and Black. Brims are both plain and bound and milk is not antibonistic to beef pro­ Thomas H. Ince studio in which There’s a splendid selection of sizes to choose mated cost allowed by the old city bands both narrow and wide. duction. To run after world records from, and tlie prices are very modest considering charter. The bld was opened by the Dorthy Dalton Is starred and which in niilk production or to compete will be shown at the Gem Theatre Come ! See them today. council at the special Thursday meet­ next Wednesday. August 13. the style and value. with the strictly dairy breeds is quite ing. With the new amendment. 10 In this photoplay Miss Dalton Is another question, and the man who per cent above the estimated cost Is seen as a young w ife whose husband attempts to do this with the Short­ horn Is taking the Shorthorn out of allowed on paving bids, and Mr. is wrongfully accused of forgery and out of its proper sphere and working Imprisoned. Determined that she will Dolan's bid is on the edge of this al­ I a serious Injury to the breed." I Mary Pickford in Military Picture. Hughes’ celebrated story "The Mob­ time of war is limited. It is said the lowance but was rejected as being prove his innocence, the wife becomes a cabaret singer and in this capacity ilization of Johanna". It was direct ­ picture abounds with novel and hu­ too high. ed by William D. Taylor and the morous situations and enables Miss There has been no paving in town lures the man who really committed Although a military photoplay ECONOMY CLEANERS tor two years, and the ciMinctl is the crime into a confession. This QR J. G. TVRNER, which deal» only indirectly with the military atmosphere was provided by Pickford to do some of the most de­ and dyers rather anxious to begin improve frees the husband and all ends hap- "Our Mary's" own regiment of sol ­ lightful work ot her career. world struggle for democracy. Mary mem, -gain, now that the war is | plly after a narrow escape from the diers—the 143rd Field Artillery—of Etti SPECIALIST. The timely character ot the story, Pickford ’ s new Artcraft picture 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. ,, BrtOlUUonaweie laid <>x. t I" quicksands of life, which abound on the charm of the picturization. the OREGON 1 "Johanna Enlists" which will be pre- which she is the honorary colonel. every hand and trap us If we are not POR PLAN'» '~';r tlX ** meeting. There is a real military courtmar- wonderful acting ot "Our Mary" and sented at the Gem Theatre Tuesday. MODERN EQUIPMENT. wary. 'J.11 ll”‘ “*"1 1 Regular Monthly \ ¡»its to August 12 Is an offering of timely In­ tial, filled with thrills and military her adequate support are all cited as ■'■fc'R,"™' is allow .1 Miss Dalton is said to bave ixen impressiveness. The regulations are reasons why the photoplay should be PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Tillamook and Cloverdale. terval to the thousand of admirers “• »’t;A1,’ ' ‘ r,’n «iven a partIcularly powerful emo­ atrlctly adhered to and in thia rv- received with enthusiasm by the WATCH PA PB» FON DATK8. of that dainty Artcraft star. rtJKaatran tional role tn thia production which E. F. Schults, "Johaana Knltote" la a pietuTisa- spect'the plctur. Is in the nature of motion picture public. The support 1 was directed by Victor L. Schertzing- Ato» kfh«Ma> Marta* ot Mupart an ■educational force for those whose provided for the famous star to in written by John Ly nch. •WEStS«* •* rtUMary Milan i* •very way adequate. Table No. 1 REMNANTS Table No. 2 REMNANTS Table No. 3 REMNANTS 29c. Each. 48c. Each. 69c. Each. Table No. 4 Table No. 5 REMNANTS REMNANTS Table No. 6 REMNANTS 88c. Each $1.19 Each. $1.98 Each. Ladies ’ and Misses Suits and Coats C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY, Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline. CI'TY DRUG CO Confections, Soft Drinks and Patent Medicines BAY Mallory Hats Ladies’ Dress Skirts i