» TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST What the Editors Say ------- o------- four distinct reservations which he deems essential before the senate can afford to ratify the treaty. Like Root and Taft, he insists on a revision of Article X so that no foreign council can declare war for 1 us. He insists on exempting the Mon­ roe Doctrine from the provision of the covenant. He insists on our right to with­ draw after two years’ notice and without any strings to the procedure. He insists that we, as well as every other country, shall have control over its own domestic questions, such as immigration, tariff, etc. Until these reservations ate adopt­ ed no senator with an ounce of pat­ riotism left in his blood can afford to vote to ratify the treaty.—Gazette Times. 7. 1919. T It is an inspiring thing to see the soldier boys get home from France one day, and the next to see them don their overalls and right on the job at work. They do not seem to care for a vacation but are eager to do their part in the activities of peace.—News Reporter. - ■ o It is estimated that it will cost the United States a billion dollars to maintain tbe price of wheat at *2.26 a bushel this year. If a man had spent *1 every minute of every hour, day and year since Januaryl, A. D., 1, until the present, he would have -pent only a little more than a billion dollars.—Telephone Register. ------ o A story conies from California to the effect that one fig tree down COAXING YOU TO SMILE. there this year netted the owner “I want to be procrastinated at de *300. We have no way of knowing, but, shucks! how much do you sup­ nex’ corner,” said Erastus Pinkley to pose that old fig tree in the Garden the street car conductor. of Eden netted when leaves alone "You want to be what?” ’Look in de dictionary. "Procrasti­ were all the rage in wearing apparel for all the fair sex of that neck of nate: put off.” . ------- o------- the wood«?—Itemizer. During a violent thunder storm the Oleomargarine. What is it? Some teacher began to tell the wonders manufacturers say “it is butter,” of the elements. "Jimmy,” she asked, “why is it some say “it is just as good as but­ ter,” others say that "it is made un­ that lightning never strikes twice der more cleanly conditions than in the same place?” “Because," said Jimmy, confidently butter.” while there are still others who will declare that “it is butter”. “after It hits once, the same place It is not in Holland, nor in Denmark ain’t there no more.” nor in New Zealand. The greatest ------- o------- The small boy was the first to ans­ dairy country in all the world is wer the telephone. The person on Oregon.—Oregon Dairy Bulletin. the other end of the wire was a ------- o Swift & Company have sold stock friend of his mother, and the follow­ in their company at par to more than ing conversation ensued: "Is this Mrs. Blank's residence?” 15,000 of their employes, The em- "No Maam; this is Mrs. Blank’s ployes will now be in a position to learn whether or not the stock has little boy.” ------- o------- been drawing too large dividends whether or not they are getting too Customer: "You say this hair re­ little for their labor. Nothing has a storer is good, do you?” better effect in stabilizing industry Druggist: "Yes sir; I know a man than to have all employes partners in who took the cork out of the bottle the business.—The Sentinel. of this stuff with his teeth, and he ------- o------- had a mustache next day." Robins are protected by Oregon laws, and yet robbins destroy thou­ I should like a porterhouse steak, sands of dollars worth of fruit every with mushrooms, said the stranger, year. It is impossible to make the “some delicately browned toast with growers believe that these birds car­ plenty of butter—” ry off enough bugs and worms to “ ’Scuse me suh,” interrupted the warrant their being protected. May­ waiter. "Is you tryin’ to give an or­ be the state officials responsible for der or is you jes’ reminiscin’ 'bout the enforcement of the bird law can old times?” throw some light on the matter. ------ o------ There is no real intention down this The young man sidled into the jew­ way of doing the robins an injustice. eler’s shop with a furtive air. He —Observer. handed the jeweler a ring with the stammered statement that he wished The report comes from Paris that it marked 'with some names.” the Huns will have to surrender to “What names do you wish?” in­ France 500 stallions, 3000 fillies, quired the jeweler. 90,000 milch cows, 1,000,000 sheep “From Henry to Clara,” the young and 10,000 goats, according to the man blushingly answered. report made by the French peace The jeweler looked from the ring commission. To Belgium the Huns to the young man and said in a must surrender 200 stallions, 50000 fatherly manner, “Take my advice, ' mares, 50000 fillies, 60,000 50,000 cows young man, and have it engraved and 40,000 heifers, The Huns must simply ’From Henry’.” pay for stealing cattle, for the « fl , O.ilA *<>11 ” nant made safe for Amerlca. He ha« "Why Sing", she asked, "what are cooking would tell. Tenderfoot Tire Buyers HEN you find a man who is still shopping around for tires you may be certain is he still a tenderfoot on the tire question No matter how long he has owned a car he hasn’t yet learned to profit by the experience of men who really know. W Let him ask fur and abide by the experi­ ence of the men whose cars have Firestone Gray Sidewalls on every wheel, including the “spare.” He will never change again | and all kinds of trade All Work u GUARANTEED. L V C A N Z N G R E p We carry a Full Line of A United States Tires, i Also Used Tires and Tubes R We take your Tires in Exchange. I N W est C oast R ubber C o G « First Street, next to McNair’s Hardware Store. TILLAMÓOK, OREGON Have you seen the Model 90 Overland Car ? Like tbe one that broke the world’s record at Oklahoma, going 7 days without a stop CHAS. F. PANKOW, Tillamook TIRES Most Miles per Dollar They Win You On Quality! Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great because their refreshing flavor and fragrance and mellowness is so enticingly different. You never tasted such a cigarette I Bite is elimi- nated and there is a cheerful absence of any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor I Carnels are made of an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are smooth and mild, but have that desirable full body and certainly hand out satisfaction m generous measure. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price for quality, flavor, satisfaction. No matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your taste! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO Winston-Salem, N. C. ALiEX. MeNflIR & GO GEjMERRLt HfiRDCUBRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere