r TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 7, 1919, I REMICK CLAIMS SETTLED. o----- Insurance Companies and Heirs Agree. . F) t Promoting YOUR WeUare-As Well as Ours. N C OI RAGING the opening of bank accounts carried a far greater benefit to lhe person or household or business that DOES IT than to the hirst National Bank. You see WE have many hundreds of customers to depend upon for our success—whileYOU have but YOURSELF to look to for succeeding Don’t fail to]' Nationalize" vour bank account. DIRECTORS : A. H’ Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. C. J. Eduards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holaen. Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. F OREGON. TILLAMOOK. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, I A Letter from a Bayocean Enthusiast County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL PHONE. MAIN 3. MUTUAL Three life insurance companies j which held policies Lggregatlng more I than $100,000 on the life of Jesse B Remick, sawmill operator, who w us : found dead in bed ai his home In this citj, April 7, last, ha\e effected a settlement ol all comestible insur- rance witit heir.- of the deceased, ac­ cording to Roger Mac Velgh, former | attorney for Mr. Remick. who say., I he has been authorituvely Informed of the settlement by officials of the insurance companies. It was said ■ estate hud been paid approximately $100,000 ill full settlement. I Included in nearly ¿l.OOu.OOO in life insurance held by Mr. Remick was something over $100,000 which had been taken out less than a year before he died. In case of suicide the compan­ ies would not have been required to pay this insurance. The coroner’s jury returned a' sui­ cide verdict, but the family has al­ ways maintained that his demise was accidental. A quantity of cyanide of potasium was found at Mr. Remick’s bedside at the lime of his death. Mem­ bers of the family have always insist­ ed he took the poison in mistake for medicine, and in settling the contes­ table insurance, it Is understood the insurance concerns, after complete in­ vestigation, have accepted this theory PHONE MEN WANTED! ■ -J, SOLDIERS PREFERRED “5 For Construction Work On Whitney Co. Job at Idaville To the Editor: Do Tillamook people realize all that Bayocean may mean to them? Destined, on its wonderful natural attractions alone, to become one of the greatest resorts in the north- I west, Tillamook residents need only aid in getting the road between - these points finished to add good business and publicity to their assets. The world lias heard of Tillamook cheese, cream and butter. Visitors at Buyocean always visit this famous I town and yet so often, even as I : came away disappointed that they found no place to feast on the famous | cheese, milk and butter. Has no en- , terprising Tillamook merchant ever I thought of a dairy lunch? When I | think of Tillamook I dream of a ' place where thick cream might be I enjoyed and cheese served invitingly. ! I am sure a fortune awaits the cue who opens such a place when the road is finished between Bayocean and Tillamook. Bayocean, to me, is a spot of won­ derful natural attractions and an in- ¡' spiration. as well. (Ah, beaui.ious spot! Where grerpon. nature bending, Her efforts brought to play.. And mads a wondrous panorama Of ocean,, hill and bay. Stand on the verdure-clothed cliffs above the ocean, I And view its restless waves., A symbol of life’s ceaseless struggle, 1 Void of the rest we crave. Then turn and contemplate the;! beauty i lookouts use tas In pbiees and great- Of lull encircled bay ' ly reduced 11 eir efficiency through­ And si.o reflections there of . peace, out. This coi dition improved, some­ eternal what late in UUy, To follow life’s short day. The accumulated shortage of pre- And o'er a sunset, gold and rainbow eipitation in many seations «ntether with the larti' number of fires still colors, smouldering »..old burns and slash- Thy soul with rapture fill. Forgetting for a moment all thing» ings, make it necessari-that unusual I precaution b< taken to avoid dis­ earthly. astrous Auguvstand S'«rombar, fires, To feel the Heavenly thrill. ___ _ ___ ____ E'en now the memory of the. mux- muring ocean. BAYOCEAN UELEGA'HON HERE The calling of the gulls, TO SEE COURT ABO UT’ROAD > Con.clued with those wild scenes u£ i beauty, ' Twenty-five oar,Thirty Taxpayer» a»d ’. My fevered spirit lulls. Residents CStne Up Lftit UTtdAy —Mrs. H. J. Martin, To see.'Judge Rare. Manager Hotel Bayocean. Good Wages, Clean Camp, Single Berths, First 1 BE A LEADER i A urn a.d erst trade ti[i. In ute/r romwamfy aad may trfl a. nrwr nai>an"—Ei.y An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution? Äwwi owijot. I »>U MÍW-. Oregon Agricultural College Trains for leadership in the industries snd professssns as follow* HOME ECONOMICS. AGRICULTURE. COMMERCE. FORESTRY. PHARMACY. MiTStC. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIL ENGINEERING. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL ENGINEERitSG. INDUSTRIAL A.ETS MINING ENGINEERING. LOGGING ENGINEERING. MILITARY SCIENCE The College training includes course^ in Englssh. Economics. Art. Ma-Jh-matict. Modern Language,. Physical Education. Industrial Journalism. Natural Sciencea. and ail euenuala si ar, education. ( Three regular terms—Fall term begins September 22. 1919 ■ 1 ■ fl»*-’-‘lia*"* "'nnu*'~"1 liniijn ar Í ?iri 1 n *1 1 1 írtfl • 1| For College Catalog. (Mustrated Booklet and other information address THE REGISTRAR. Oregon Agricultural College. Cbtvalhs I r~ INI .T HF City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. All Work Guaranteed. Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock of Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Your Patronage Solicited. J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE Ou?., TILLAMOOK. $ is Class Grub and Plenty of it. APPLY TO M. GAVIN, Supt. i I ForRajotte,Fobert ¿¿Winters 1 » _ j I NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS i i Under authority of the Postmaster General, on ac­ count of recent increases in wages to employees, totaling for the State of Oregon upwards of $225,000.00, certain •hange rates have been approved and made effective July 29, 1019, for the State of Oregon. A delegati«» of 25 w 3ft mw» and’.1 worn* it waited., upon County Judge-; Extreme dryness in all but the un-(Hare Friday H»d;asketto know whatt J IHE NEW TELEPHONE RATES and which will be effective for four months after Federal control or until mediate coast country, with fast dry- pionpects th<;re were fur the «wnplr— reviewed by state authorities. ing out of the latter, emphasizes the tion of the Bayocean mad. The couni­ The following statement has been The increased rates will yield an ade by the The Pacific Telephone annual revenue upwards of $250,000, need for great care if the fire aitua- ty has at pr< w»t paverixoad,rnnpin® id Telegraph Company in regard to the net return to the company with tion is to be held in check during down to the oM shipyard. and the» it ends, about three or ftmr miiias .e new rates: the new rates now made effective is August. “The increased rates for telephone approximately 2% per cent on t^e The large number of fires W.ULU. from the Bajrpcean ptved ro»get to IJkyoceun direct consequence of the heavy in­ Commission. tinguished Is a tribute to the alert­ except by terry actus* th«? bay. aa»d ' ease in wages effective June 16th, The new schedule of rates is ident­ nounting to in excess of $225,000 ical with the one approved by the ness of fire protection agencies but an old traIti.around Sy the Vghlhpuae, | r the State of Oregon. These wages Postmaster General for the State of also serves as a warning that August and as many of th« campers come in j to the people who work for the tele­ Washington, which was made effect­ may prove an extremely trying machines, and do not like to leave fone company and who render this ive March 1, 1919. The rates are the month. * them acre«« the Bay, Bayocean is j rvice. is handicapped, and. does, not get as | same in both states for exchanges Reports received from Northwest ­ The Public hss been very familiar that are comparable. many visitors as iiotherwitso wuald. j ern states by the Western. Forestry «th the difficulties involved in at- All business taken on and after mpting to give telephone service July 29th will be at the new rates, & Conservation Association show I Also they stated, to the court, that ■ der wages heretofore in effect. and bills to present subscribers for (but during July over 1000 tires oc­ many of them «ime. frly. We believe that no further proof as mil­ buy produce here,as v «11 as boosting They also constitute the only un- to th<‘ advanced cost of living and the and berry pickers. Not over 1 ‘Stionable legal rates in each and general high cost prevailing for laoor lion feet ot green timber was killed for Tillamook when Ley get home. Many of the women came in with >ry instance. The public has been I mid materials is necessary, and that but loss ot bucked logs and camp zing rates recently fixed in an order the telephone using public will accept buildings and equipment will be a market baskets oa. their arms, mutv led by the Public Service Commis- this increase in telephone rates in the considerable item. A force of 100 proof of the good Tillamook would i of Oregon, which became effect- same spirit of fairness and consid­ wardens employed by the Washing­ ; reap. If u open rvad permitted daily May 1, 1919. eration as it has the advance in al- Vith regard to the Public Service i most every other necessity in these un- ton Forest Fire Assn., is now on trips here tor shoppers from Bayocean .The people said they were willing to duty. nmission and its order, it will be ' usual times.” — ■ ' ■ Oregon reports 400 fires. mostly I do anything, anything at all t >elp >embere«i by the public that the in- tigation instituted by the Comntis- __ the road, and that they | The Sew York World defends Hen­ small ones originating from light- in _ getting 1 last November, ami one of the ry Ford for not knowing who Bene­ ning. campcis and logging eatapk 1 were tired and weary of waiting. Any I | |t thorough ever carried out by any dict Arnold la on the ground that There has been practically no loss of assessment, or help that they can I i imission, resulted in an increase this Is technical knowledge. Some of green timber but some damage to give would be gladly supplied, was •ates effective in May. he relief involved in that or«ier, as these organs of bet raj al of American logs and buildings and logging th. outspoken word of all. A road only two planks wide on ed by the Commission, was design- Independence ought to read upon the equipment. The full tore«- of patrol­ lo cover only wage increase which sitbjci i of Benedict Arnold amt w hat men is now ou duty composed ot 53 either ide from the shipyard down th ha