TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST agement. It is true that when the Statement. o armistice was signed it seemed that Of the Tillamook County Bank of the bottom dropped out of many Fred C. Baker, Editor. things, and Red Cross activities were 1 Tillamook County, State of Oregon, one of them. Tillamook county was 'showing the amount standing to the ¡SCRIPTION per year $2.00 no exception to the rule, for other credit ot every depositor, July 1, ' cities and counties had the same ex­ 1919, who nas not made a deposit, or perience. Probably only a small pro­ who has not withdrawn any part of Advertising Rate*, play Advti, per inch • • 20c. portion of the people of this county > i.is deposit (commercial deposit), know how far reaching are the ac­ principal ur irueiest, for a period ot »9 99 ” . .half page 17Vac. tivities of the Red Cross, and a little 'more than seven years immediately »9 99 ” ... full page 15c. more education along those lines prior to date, with the name, last alt per line 7c. would soon convince most people Known place ot 1 evidence or pustof- that it is very important to maintain fice address of such depositor and the iders, with reading matter tact of ms ueath if known. per line.................................. 7c. these organizations in every county, Acorn, Root, Tillamook, Unknown,' One feature of the Red Cross is the aces of meeting» etc, per line 7c. home service department, which has 25c. to do with discharged soldiers, their Burlingham, Tillamook, Uuknov., I wives and families, and this is a 46c. work of considerable more magnitude Creamery, Balia, Tillamook, un­ than most people are aware. Even in known, 77c. -o - ■ The Oregonian made a canvass this county there are some distress- Ebermati, L., Portland, alive 15c. oag Oregon editors as to their ' ing cases that the Red Cross is handl­ x-vans, E. L. Portland, alive 9 7c. Ginn, E. San Francisco, alive, 29c. utrence for candidate for presi- ing and there will be considerable more as time goes on. It Is this home Miller, W. H„ lilianiook, Unknown, it and a large proportion of them service department of the Red Cross 3c. - oieu tail. that is to become a feature of Red Nelson, Ernest L, Tillamook, un­ ------- o - — , Cross work in Tillamook county, known, 37c. Jp goes the price of talking. If Smith, L. F. Garibaldi, Alive, 77c. u. aun t care about paying high which will be in the hands of a 1 special committee appointed for that Turner, C. A. Tiliamooa, unknown, ces ior telephoning, why, you can ‘ purpose. The influenza epidemic, ac­ 4C. the next best thing—order the cording to the prediction of the medi­ Vernon, Janies, Tillamook Unknown, king machine out. cal profession will sweep over the $1.05. country again in a few months and Withrow, Frank, Tillamook, Un­ The county judge bad a large del- the Red Cross chapters and branches known 3c. ation of Bayocean property owners are making preparations to cope with State ot Oregon, til on him last week, made up the disease. This is something for the County of Yillamook ss: -gely of women, who put i|p strong 1, Walter Williams, being first du­ Tillamook branch also to fake in guments in tavor of the coinple- hand. In the near future the people ly sworn, depose and say upon oath, >n of that long delayed road. Every of the county will be given an op­ that 1 am the cashier of the '1 illa- rson who wants to be fair must au- portunity to become better acquaint­ mook County Bank of Tillamook, t that Bayocean is justly entitled ed with the Red Cross officials who County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ i a way out, and to delay the com­ will visit Tillamook, and who will gon; that the foregoing statement is etion of the road is doing Bayocean explain what the different depart­ a full, true, correct and complete lank injustice. ments are doing in this great work. statement, showing the name, last ------- o------- With every county in Oregon with a known residence or postoffice ad­ Of course, no one takes seriously Red Cross organizatibn, Tillamook dress, fact of death, it known, and e proposition to move the capital county must fall in line. Of course it the amount to the credit of each de­ bm Salem to Portland, although will not require the strenuous work positor as required by the provisions lite u sentiment could be created of last year, but what Red Cross oi Chapter 148 of the General Laws favor of the latter place •* ------ work is done here should be done of Oregon, 1 jo 7. und Chapter 214, ot it some fcamzatiun took the matter in hand well and in the right spirit. the General Laws ot Oregon, 1917. ’.lieho..', Marion county’s attitude Walter Williams, I the road question seems to have Subscribed and sworn to oetore me FISHERMAN DRIFTS IN HALF rated tv hostile feeling. That county tins 12th day ot Jury A. D., 1919 DEAD AT NETARTS BEACH -led against the $6,out),01)0 bond is- Margaret Coates, e notwithstanding Marion county Notary Public of Oregon oulu oe greateiy nenetitted by the Engine Stalls on Him While Fishing My commission expires Nov. 20, 1922 in Columbia, and he Floats Out to -citic Highway, it being leported Sea With Little to Eat. at $1,1)0(1,000 of state money has Miss Traverse in "The Love That ea expended in that county. In Dares. Floating in on the tide at Netarts Inamoon me county officials have dazed troni last Thursday evening, town a magnanimous disposition in Madlaine Traverse w ill be seen treeing to co-operate with the slate exposure, hungry and thirsty, was again at the Gem Theatre next jgliway Commission on a 50-50 Wesley Wadsworth, a fisherman on Thursday in "The Love That Dares," [sis, and it was for that purpose the Columbia. His engine stalled on a William Fox production. This, ii is e people ol Tillamook county voted him the Saturday before while he said, again gives Miss Traverse an bond issue of $430,000 at the was fishing in the Columbia, and he opportunity to register on the screen BClal election. Mark the difference, drifted out over the bar in his little her great uramatic power. "The Love arion county voted $800,000 bond fishing boat. That Dares” (reals with the wealthy The tides and the north wind class. Its characters include an idle sue for good roads, but not to co­ perate with the State Highway drifted him along the coast south, millionaire who has everything in bmmission on a 50-50 basis. No one and all the while for nourishment he the world but the woman he loves— j !tnts to oeuy Marion county of a only had a little water and two and despite the fact that she marries j st share of the state load money, sandwiches for the five days he float­ another man he continues his pur- 1 it the spirit of co-operation was ed this way and that, as the wavea suit. He attempts to trap the old 1 eking in that county. This is one tossed him. No boats went by him on sweetheart, but she is saved through sason why other parts of the state the lonely sea, and no one saw, or the bitterness of a girl whom the e showing resentment. It would be paid any attention to the little craft millionaire has cast oft. Harry Millarde, who directed “The Jifair to class all Marion county listlessly and dully drifting south. On arriving off the bay at Netarts, Danger Zone” and "Gambling in eople, as lacking the spirit ol co­ berat ion, lor there are a large num- the tide changed a little and brought Souls," in which Miss Treverse has L_ „• progressive -—„¡,i.„.. jer of citizens u ¡n ti14U the boat In nearer shore, where Mr. already appeared, directed “The Love , punty, but, unfortunately, Marion Wadsworth in desperation, climbed That Dares.” tiunty has a whole lot ot mossbucks over the side, and swam to the spit • He then ho lack the progressive spirit of through the breakers. Marion Davies In waved Ills arms, and attracted atten­ ■ Cecilia of the Fink Roses.” pu r counties. tion of one of the campers, who went o------ ------- o------- over and brought him to Netarts. He Marion Davies, the celebrated stage The high cost of living is now a was in a worn-out, exhausted condi­ beauty of Follies fame makes her inning question, which, liad the tion, but with good food and water, Select debut in the appealing title resident stayed at home and called they soon had him better. role of "Cecilia of the Pink Roses," ongress together to grapple with Friday about noon he was able to from Katherine Haviland Taylor's he problem immediately the armis- go over to the spit with some of the novel of thd same name. This un- ice was signed, the country would campers, and get liin boat. Sunday a ow be getting back to normal con- friend came in, and towed Mr. Wads­ usual story will be shown at the Gent Jtions. That is the reason every- worth and his boat back to the Col­ Theatre Sunday. August 10, and this delightful young star will be seen in iiing has been going up, up, up. The a role far removed from anything she !i >0if|er place to reduce the nigh cost umbia. has ever done on the stage, interpret­ f llvi'iN. is at Washington, und that ing the sympathetic character of the Defending Shantung Deal. I where a start should be made in spiritual young heroine in a manner --------o------- Utting a stop to the wasteful meth- which gives assurance of a success­ ds oi the democratic administra- Defending the Shantung ileal, tliu ion. It cost the taxpayers two bil­ Wheeling Intelligencer says, "the ig­ ful motion picture career. The dramatic moments, pathetic lons of dollars while the govern­ norant Chinese" of Shantung are not ment had control of the railroads, “fit for self government.” The quali­ incidents, und shining love scenes mother billion dollars was voted to fication of the average Chinaman for quicken the pulse throughout the guarantee the farmers *2.26 per self government is quite equal to great human drama in which you >ushel of wheat. ThiB is only two that of the average Japanese. One meet Cecilia, the little girl acting the tei.is where the government can re- proof of tills Is that China ha < njoy- good angel to her crude father and luce the high cost of living, for this ed local self government for some her misguided brother, the simple nouey comes out of the pockets of forty centuries, and lias outlived priest whose goodness spreads lme he taxpayers. Instead of the demo­ every other government the world sunshine over the gas-house dim.ict, unt ic party living up to its political knew at the time of the birth of tlu unsympathetic principal o. .... promise that it was going to reduce Christ. Another -proof is that the gins school, narrow minded chimren of the idle rich, the "cloniuers” the ihe high cost of living, the reverse is Cninese people were cap..ole of he case, so much so that people all throwing out of power an autocracy settlement-workers und the real man jver the country are clamoring for ii similar to that which prevail.- in who wins her. The simplest sort of reduction in the coat of living and Lipan, and drop the custom of < ai- Btoly, yet presented with ail exquisite want a stop pul to the wasteful sys­ petor worship. The Chinese are capa­ charm which make, it a series of tem ot . pending Hie people s money. ble of self government, with a civili­ smiles and tears, a suspense underly­ zation and a government more than ing every moment. A- the name sug­ W ir< rry that the Slate High­ to ty centuries old. If they a - not gests, it is u veritable "fragrant rose way Cornu -Ion did not decide on made the objects of international petal Heating on a spring breeze." Till day the Miami-Beach route con­ piracy by statesmen who profess to 70 ATTEND JERSEY MEETING j troversy for the sta.u highway be guided by "ideals" and "visions,” through th- north part of the county but who, as u matter of fact have because lii-.e Is going to be more or 1 idulged In this instance iig-the most Mei. July 31st, at Win. Maxwell's Farm—rtan Club Room. les.- contention mid probably hard disgraceful piece of gran larceny in feeling. It was so when the Little modern history. The fact that advo­ The Tillamook Jersey Cattle Club I Nestucca vs Three Rivers roads were cates of an unamended league ot na­ in controversy. As the Tillamook tions covenant defend this Shantung met at the farm of Win. Maxwell, County Creamery Association went robbery is a sufficient commentary July 31st. Mr. Maxwell’s held con- ' on record In favor of the Miami road, ut>on the professions of devotion to sists ot thirty-five excellent Jerse>* and no doubt the granges of the “liberty" and "justice" throughout He does his milking with an electric -county will do likewise, there Is go­ the world with which their claims milking machine. A fine dinner was spread lu the ing to -» considerable difference of ire accompanied. And th- actually opinion. For thill reason we would ask th. I'nited States to ass--t In i.nd orchard at the noon hour. It was have preferred that the State High­ underwrite this infamous act of rob­ very much enjoyed by all. There were seventy inembers pres- way Commission had made a decision bing a friendly republic to enrich ent. which was a very good atten­ on Tuesday so that all this contro- and strength n an autocratic i llli- I versy could have been avoided. The tary power which avows a purpose dance as there are quite a few still . Wheeler people played for delay in to pursue further the claim that our harvesting, that could not be present. nuiklug a decision and won out. policy of oriental exclusion const It u- 1 he Club rented rooms at Tllluinook I With this situation confronting us. tes a denial of Japanese nutional City, which they expect to fix up as a sort ot club rooms, and place with­ the snap shot man strongly recom- rights. in it a very extensive library touch­ meiuls that the county court put Home vim in the road work next year. Oregon LifeSpecial Agent in the Cny ing on the Jersey breed and where the members may spend their idle There la no reason why the hnrdsur- minutes while in the Cheese City. faclng cannot be completed tn Gari­ II. R. Blauvelt, Executive Special The uext meeting will be held at baldi and as far as Cloverdale next ot Oregon Life Ins. Co., I k at the Til­ the farm of Mark Bays, of Cloverdale year. It can and should be done, and lamook Hotel. ’ It is what the people demand. When Mr. Blauvelt says the Oregon Life August 15. Every Jersey breeder thin la done probably the State High­ is doing an enormous business a» the near Tillamook City must try and way Cuiuuiiaaion will be ready to u< citizens of Oregon are begiuuing to attend this meeting on Mr. Bays' clde In ragaid to the beacli-.Mlami realize that it is a good bu-.'lieas tn place. A big basket lunch «ill b< served nt the noon hour. mute. W« feel greatly dlaappionted support Oregon industries. that u U bupouHtble, at this season "It Is about as convenien' to tiirr; The Japanese hav- killed 361 Kor­ o« the year to Uy five miles of hmd- one's bank account In Nov York as wmied road north ot this city, but It la to carry one's life Ins-rance in ean demonstrators in favor of self lh*' “'*■ r"a'’ l" New York" said Mr. Bl iuvelt. ' An 1 determination of peoples m 41 days. *• tar as Garibaldi anyone knows that would 1>- n- xt to It s a gc. d deal safer to talk about I freedom ami self-determination hi a i impossible," i Mr. Blauvelt e-ipec* - to be tn Tilla- presidential message than it U in a Radimook tor the entire i.ion'h -it Au-.i.st good deal ot the territory dominated "™»^«aiw-yrr: ________ and would “ like to ve» anyone inter-¡by some of the powers it la clamed — s.---- joined ... Kjm. IT1** »er.. ime' « — »>•) I »*•- fe'.bave in a .Av.nial to amxdd. u^._, _ pat. mankind. 7. 1919- llamunk ïliruhlihût litorial Snap Shots Don’t Fail to Attend The 6th Annual I I I T ues., W ed., Thurs., and Fri. « August 26-27-28-29, ’19. 4 GLORIOUS DAYS 4 In Which Fun, Pleasure, Sport and Profit will be mingled This is the Event of the Year, Don’t Miss it Recreation for all the People Premium lists may be secured by addressing Geo. B. Lamb, Secretary