V TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. AUGUST 7, 1919. : Ln Ci I 8 ESSEX MOTOR CARS 1 1 1 Aiderman & Poorman, HUDSON \ SUPE»/ A SIXyAi 1 □i t & Immédiats Delivery oí ELGINS, MITCHELLS and MAXWELL TRUCKS. » I Automobile Dealers, TIRES, TUBES, ACCESSORIES GAS AND OILS / ■ E. THIRD STREET, BETWEEN 1st AND 2nd AVE AUTOS Hudson, MitchellI Essex, Elgins, Chalmers, Maxwell. TRUCKS Maxwell, White, Atterbury. * |25S5B5H5-¿5í3B5asa5H5HSH5252Sa5ESH5asaSH5í.1^5BSH5E5H5a5H525H5a5H5Z5H525¿5¿S < / A 9 I I J / r^ì ? i a tn » MITCHELL ELGIN ESSEX pi • / against you in the above entitled NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM­ Street; thence West to the West line of the East line of Second Avenue Notice to Contractors. cause from and after six weeks from (extended) of Norton’s Addition to East with the North line of 11th PROVE CERTAIN STREETS IN 'Eilamook City; thence South to the Street and running thence East to the TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON. Notice is hereby given that the the date of the first publication South line of Edrick Thomas Donation West line of Third Avenue East; County Court of Tillamook County, hereof, to-wit; July 24, 1919, the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all Land Claim; thence East al®ng said thence South 105 feet; thence West will, until 10 o’clock a.m. ot August last publication being the 4th day of whom it may concern, that the Com­ South line of the Edrick Thomas Don­ to Second Avenue East; thence North 8, 1919 receive proposals for con­ September, 1919, and if you fail so mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­ ation Land Claim to the Southwest to place of beginning. That the City Recorder be, and sh± structing the section of coast high­ to answer fbr want thereof, the gon, deeming it expedient to improve corner of Lot 3 in Block 9 of Norton’s the streets hereinafter described, did, Addition to Tillamook City; thence is hereby instructed to cause this re­ way from Station 182 plus 50 to Sta- plaintiff will apply to the Court for on the 21st day of July, 1919, adopt South to a point 105 feet South of the solution and notice to be published lion 261 plus 50 on Tillamook Hay the relief prayed for in the com­ a resolution for said improvement, South line (extended) of the Easterly for three consecutive publications in City section according to the plans plaint, to-wit: That the contract of which said resolution is in words and portion of 12th Street; thence East the Tillamook Herald and the Tilla­ and specifications ___________ ___ now on __ flic with ___ matrimony existing between the to the West line of the street or road mook Headlight, the city official news­ the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ plaintiff and the defendant be annull­ figures as follows, to-wit: papers; that the City Engineer is leading South from Tillamook City; RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE CER­ thence North to the North line of the directed to cause to be conspicuously ty, Oregon and at that time publicly ed and dissolved by the Court and that plaintiff have an absolute di­ TAIN STREETS IN TILLAMOOK Easterly portion of 12th Street; thence posted at each end of the line of opened and read. Each proposal shall be in a sealed vorce from the defendant and such East to point South of the center line the propsed improvement a copy of CITY, OREGON. BE IT RESOLVED that the Common (extended) of Block 4 of Drew’s Add­ this resolution and notice within three envelope plainly marked on the out- other and further relief as the Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, ition to Tillamook City; thence North days from the date of the first public­ side "Proposal for the construction Court may deem Just and equitable. deems it expedient and hereby declares to a point 105 feet South of the South ation of such notice, and that all per­ of Coast Highway Sta 182 plus 50 to Ths summons is published by order its intention to improve following line of 11th Street; thence East to the sons concerned be thereby notified of 261 plus 50, and shall be accompan­ of Hon. Geo. II. Bagley, Judge of the the date of the first publication of place of beginning. streets in said City, to-wit: That said assessment district shall said notice, and that objections and ied by cash, certified check or bid­ above named court, said order being Ninth Street, from the East line of Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City, be a,.i is herby designated as Local remonstrances to the proposed im­ der’s bond equal in amount to 5 per dated the 21st day of July, 1919. Johnson & Handley Improvement District No. 11, and the provements may be filed with the City cent of the total of the amount bid. Oregon, W’est to Stillwell Avenue; P. 0. Address Tillamook. Ore Tenth Street', from the East side of property, and all thereof included Recorder within 20 days from the the same to be made payable to Til- date of said notice. Thayer’s Aaddition to Stillwell Avenue within said district is described as Attorneys for Plaintiff. tamook County. Proposals shall be All persons concerned are hereby made on forms furnished by the and from the West line of Lot 1 follows: notified that said resolution was a- The South half of Blocks 15, 16, 22, Block 3, Sunnymead Addition to Tilla­ County Clerk. mook City West to Third Avenue 42 and 43, and whole of Blocks 23, 24, dopted on the date aforesaid; that the Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. The Court reserves the right to first publication of this notoice is made 25, 26, 27, 28, 44, 45, 46 and 47, and West; ------ o------ reject any or all bids. July 31, 1919, and that objections and the North half of Block 29, 30, 48 and Eleventh Street from the East line Notice is hereby given, that by Homer Mason, County Clerk. of Thayer’s Addition to Stillwell Ave­ 49 of Thayer’s Addition, or Additions, remonstrances to the proposed im­ provement may be filed with the City First publication July 24, 1919. virtue of an execution and order of to what is now Tillamook City: nue, and The South half of Blocks 3 and 4, Recorder within 20 days from said Last publication, Aug. 7, 1919. sale Issued out of the Circuit Court Twelfth Street, from the West side of First Avenue East to Stillwell Ave­ and all of Blocks 5 and 6 of R. R. date. of the State of Oregon for Tillamook nue, and from Stillwell Avenue to Hays’ Addition to the Town of Tilla­ Done by order of the Common Council County, on the 19th day of May, of Tillamook City, Oregon. mook (now Tillamook City.) Bids Wanted to Build School House. 1919, on a decree of said court made Third Avenue West. Dated July 30, 1919. ------ o------ Blocks 1, 2 and 3, and Lots 1, 2, Also 1st Avenue East, from a point The Board of Directors of School and entered on the 5th day of May, 70 feet South of Tenth Street to a 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and the North half Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder point 125 feet North of the Easterly of Lot 8 in Block 4 of Drew’s Addi­ of Tillamook City, Oregon. District No. 28, Mohler, Oregon, will 1919, in a suit to foreclose a mort­ tion of Tillamook City. portion of 12th Street; receive bids for the construction of a gage, wherein Edward Kleist was All of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Notice of Hearing Administrator’s two room school house. Plans and ■ plaintiff and Irma M. Vose and R. H. Stillwell Avenue, from 9th Street South to the Easterly portion of 12th and 9 Norton’s of Addition to Tilla­ specifications can be seen at the i Vose and Rosanna Vose, his wife, Final Account. mook City. Street; home of H. H. Tubesing, chairman. were defendants, wherein the plain­ All of Block ’ s 1, 2, 3 and 4 of First Avenue West, and an extens­ Notice is hereby given that Thomas Sunnymead Addition to Tillamook All blds must be in by one o’clock tiff recovered a judgment again, t tile ion thereof, from a point in the McGlinchy, the administrator of the City, except the North half of Lots p.m. on the 6th day of August, 1919, defendant for the sum of 1764.0U lo- center of 9th Street (extended) South estate of Edward McGlinchy, deceas­ and must be accompanied by suffi­ ! gether with $122.40 accumulated 6 and 7 in Block 2; of 12th Street. Tract beginning at the Southwest ed, has filed his final account with cient security. Board of directors re­ ¡interest, all bearing interest at the Second Avenue West, from a point 100 feet North of the center of 11th comer of Block 2 of Sunnymead Ad­ the county court of Tillamook county serves the right to reject any or ali I rate of 8 per cent per annum from Street South to the center of 12th dition to Tillamook City, and running Oregon, and that said court has fixed blds. I the Sth day of May, 1919, for the thence Nofth 105 feet; thence West Street. [further sum of $75.00 attorneys fees Monday. August 18, 1919, at ten A. D. Lommen, Third Avenue West, from the inter­ to the West line (extended) of Nor­ o’clock a.m.. as the time, and in the Clerk Dlst. No. 28 land the further sum of $22.00 costs section of the center of 10th Street ton’s Addition to Tillamook City; Mohler, Oregon. and disbursements, the said execu­ with 3rd Avenue West South and thence South to the Northwest comer office of the county judge of Tilla­ tion being to me directed und com­ Southerly to the center of 12th Street. of Norton’s Addition to Tillamook mook County as the place for hear­ manding me to sell the property By laying and constructing a sewer City, thence East to the northeast ing said final account.. Notice is Notice. along said portions of said streets, comer of Block 2 of said Norton’s ¡further given that all persons are hereinafter described to satisfy said ------ o ------ and from the point of the intersection Addition to Tillamook City; thence | hereby required to appear at said judgment, accumulated interest, at­ South to the North line of 10th Street; In the County Court of the State of of 12th Street sewer with the sewer and place and show cause, if Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, torney fees, costs and disbursement». to be constructed along the line of thence East to the place of beginning. ¡time I together with the costs and expenses 'any, they can, why said final account Tract beginning at the Northwest Third Avenue West, running in a In the matter of the Estate of A. of sale. corner of Block 3 of Sunnymead Addi­ i should not be allowed and said ad­ W. Fox, deceased: Southerly direction to Trask River. Now therefore, I will on the 6th All of said improvements to be tion to Tillamook City, and running ministrator discharged. Notice is hereby given to all to day of September. 1919, at the hour Dated July 12, 1919. made in accordance with the charter, thence W’est to the Northeast corner resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ of Lot 1 in Block 3 of Norton’s Addi­ Thomas McGlinchy, Ad­ whom it may concern, that the un­ of 10 o’clock a.m. on raid date, sell mook City, and in accordance with the tion to Tillamook City; thence South ministrator of the Estate dersigned has been by the County ! to the highest bidder for cash in plans and specifications, and estimates to the North line of the Easterly part of Edward McGlinchy, Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, hand, at the court-house door in said 3; tnence thence tast East to of work therefor, made and prepared of Lot 3 in Block J; duly appointed Administrator of the ¡county, and state, all the right, title, deceased. by the City Engineer of Tillamook the West line of Block 3 of Sunnymead Estate of A. W. Fox, deceased; and and interest of the said defendants, City, Oregon, filed in the office of the Addition to Tillamook City; thence | Johnson & Handley, Attorneys. all persons having claims against and each and all of them, had at the City Recorder of said Tillamook City. North to the place of beginning. said estate are hereby notified to date of said decree, in and to the Tract bounded on the North by All of said improvements to be made Notice. present same duly verified, as by law followlifg described property. sltuat- 57I5Ì525Z5Z5BSZ5Z525ESB5HS25HSHSZ5ESZS2S2! ------ o------ at the expense of the property, and I Block 3 of Drew’s Addition to Tilla­ all thereof adjacent thereto and spe­ mook Crty; on the West by Stillwell Tn »ho County Court of the State of required, to the undersigned, or to ed in said Tillamook County: to-wit : I his attorney John Leland Henderson, All of the South half ot the Nori h- cially benefitted by said improvements Avenue; on the East by 1st Avenue Oregon for Tillamook County. within the limits of the district es­ East, and on the South by 12th at Tillamook, Oregon, within six east quarter of the Northwest quar­ In the matter of the last will and tablished and defined by this resolut­ Street. testament of Henry Lederer, deceas­ months from this date. ter of Section 18 in Township 2, Tract bounded on the North by Lot ion. Dated July 31st, 1919, the first South of range 9. We t ot the Wil­ Be it further resolved that the plans, 5 of Block 4, Drew’s Addition to Till­ ed. Notice is hereby given to ail whom publication of this notice. lamette Meridian, containing 20 specifications and estimates for the amook City; on the west by 1st Ave­ George J. Scharff. Ad­ proposed improvements so made and nue East: on the South by 12th Street it may concern, that the County acres. ministrator of the estate and on the East by the center line prepared by the City Engineer as a- Court by its order and decree made Dated this 2nd day of August, 1919. For disenfecting where Contagious or of A. W. Fox, deceased. foresaid, the estimate of the probable (extended) running North and South and entered therein on the 12th day W. L. Campbell, total cost thereof being the sum of through Block 4 of said Drew’s Addi­ of July. 1919, the undersigned was John Leland Henderson. Sheriff of Tillamook County. infectious diseases are prevailing. $13,199.76, be and the same are here­ tion. ' Attorney for said estate. Tract beginning at the intersection duly appointed the executor of the by approved. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ That the boundaries of the assess­ of the South line of 12th Street I last will and testament ofi the above ment district to be benefitted by saiJ with the West line of the street . named deceased, and all persons are Summons. Ornamental Fire Placet Built ful Germicidal mixture and by its use improvements and assessed therefor or road leading South from Tillamook hereby ¡» it if led having claims ------ o------ of Brick and Stone, All Fire City, and running thence South 105 against said estate to present them nJ are hereby established as follows: In the Circuit Court of the State guaranteed will improve general stable conditions. Places absolutely Beginning at the center of the east f“et; thence West to a point 105 feet I to the undersigned at his office in of Oregon for Tillamook County. not to smoke or money re- line of Block 49 of Thayer’s Addition West of the west line of Stillwell i the county court houi se in Tillamook Harry J. Foster. Plaintiff funded. to Tillamook City, Oregon, and run­ Avenue, and 105 feet South of the ‘ C: y, Oregon, with the proper TH Brick work of all kinds done I ning thence North along the East line South iine (extended) of the Easterly ichers thereto within six (6> Dorothy Foster, Defendant. on short notice. of said addition to a point in the cent­ portion of 12th Street; thence North We make a specialty of re­ si ths from the date of this notice, To Dorothy Foster, the a er of the East line of Block 42 of said to the South line of the Ed rick pairing smoking Fire Place». ted this 16th day of July, 1919. Addition; running thence West to a Thomas Donation Land Claim; thence named defendant. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. point T75 feet West of the West line East to the West line of Stillwel* G. B. Lamb. Executor of In the name of of Stillwell Avenue and 105 feet North Avenue; thence South to the South the last Will and Testa ­ gon • of the North line of 9th Street (ex­ line of 12th Street; thence Eari to ment of Henry Lederer, You are hereby required to appeal tended); thence South U> a point 106 the place of beginning. ^Jtpct beginning at the intersecy» ietl N rth ,5 ) CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND * So ki § æ C. 1 alph e . I. CLOUGH CO mat r