TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, AUGUST 7, 1919. idealistic peace conference at Paris. swallow It whole like a good little The popular name of the league in Democrat. "The league of nations China is: "The League of Thieves.” furnishes the chart by whic^. you he House of Commons has voted ' The United States has lost through can avoid secret alliances,” continu­ a lai trade preference to territory | the course of President Wilson in ed the Senator; "President Wilson in to Great Britian as a manda- this matter, the good will of China knew that.” The constitution of the r under the league of nations, which was the heritage of the Hay United States, for which the Demo- ! s tails for reciprocal concessions policy. It is up to the Senate to prove cratic politicians of the present day i British trade. We have been told to China and to the world that this I have no respect, furnishes the chart oleful periods that one of the pur- ' nation does not propose to be party by which secret alliances are pre­ ea of the league of nations was to to the partition of republican China vented so far as this country is con­ vent trade discriminations. But 1 for the benefit of imperialistic and cerned. It provides much to the dis­ have become so accustomed to be- militaristic Japan, even with the gust of President Wilson and his told the exact opposite of the prospective presidency of the league henchmen, that in the making of > th that we would be surprised by of nations for six years at $200,000 treaties the President must have the other policy. a year in the offing of a salve for ; advice and the consent of the Sen­ - o------ conscience. ate. Once adopted, however, the Three cheers for our peerless ------- o------- league of nations destroys the force ler, the beef trust,” cries the New “I for my part, do not want to be­ of this provision, because the repre- k World, the country’s chief dem- long to a nation, I believe that I do sentative of the executive in the atic organ. Didn’t know who the not belong to a nation, that needs league of nations will attend to the r peerless leader of the d. o. p. to be taken care of by guardians, I treaty making business and the sen­ i, but in view of the state of the want to belong to a nation, and I atorial prerogative will be destroyed f trust's health after six years of am proud that I do belong to a na­ entirely. The covenant of the league jplete control of the country by tion, that knows how to take care of of nations opens the way to secret' party which promised to pulver- itself.”—From Woodrow WilBon’s diplomacy by private agents of the all the plutocrats, the World has “New Freedom.” executive, which the American Con­ 'bably named them. ------- o------- stitution attempted to close forever. ------ o Why a nation which is getting out •resident Wilson told Europe when of the peace treaty vast accessions of ; The Cost of Food. went to the peace conference that- territory, like France, Great Britian, | league of nations plan must be Italy, and Japan, might be willing to ------- o------- pted because of the united voice commit such a bit of international (From Harvey’s Weekly.) America demanded it, and now he grand larceny as that of Shantung, When we think of the cost of food, Is the American Senate that the can be understood, Why a nation ited States must adopt it because that wanted nothing at the peace we think first of all the cost of beef. will break the heart of the rest of conference, and got it, should be But the cost of beef we are told, is > world If we do not. This is like willing to participate in the thiev- i conditioned upon the price of pork, vy, Crockett’s coon trap, it catches ery is puzzling to all those who oc- j Now the price of pork, according to t coming and going. casionally get their eyes on the I Mr. Armour, is largely determined by the price of corn, upon which the , ------ o------ ground. porkers-—saving the razor-back var­ L delegation of negroes from Abys- ia, laden with solid Ivory gifts for Governor Bicket, of North Caro­ iety—are fed. Now corn is at a top­ > President, got a two hours au- lina, haranguing the Baptist Assem­ I notch price partly because of the nce at the White House the other bly at Wilmington. N. C„ in behalf higher wages of farm hands, but still L That is just a hundred and of the administration plan for a molt because of the sympathy be­ inty more minutes than a delega- league of nations, said that the only tween it and wheat, which is, after n of negores from Mississippi or reason Senator Lodge opposed it was all, the real basis upon which food ith Carolina could get for the dls- it was not his baby, that if it had values are determined. And the government, says Armour, sion of self-determination of peo- been his baby he would have carried s in some parts of the U. S. A. it all over the country and exhibited is responsible for the high cost of it proudly. Well, one thing that wheat, because it has guaranteed v few days after Joseph Daniels could have been said about such a $2.26 a bushel for it; to make whicn 1 made a speech at the Methodist baby, a North Carolina subscriber guarantee good, Congress lias appro­ tenary at Columbus telling us suggests, is that it would have been priated a billion dollars of the peo­ product of ple's money. t the statesmanship of President a made-ln-America So then we have the taxpayers of Ison had ended wars for all time known parentage. the country paying a billion dollars ------- o------- I ushered In the age of peace on Senator Pat Harrison of Mississipi to keep up the high cost of living! th, good will to men, he let the itract for a battleship which is to objects to “rank partisanship” in the What was it that Lewis Carrol had t twenty-three million dollars and consideration of the Cecil-Wilson the mob in Sylvie and Bruno cry? covenant. Coming from the represen­ 'Less bread! More taxes!” 1 be completed in 1923. Meantime, without in the least tative of a state in which partisan­ ------- o------- ’resident Wilson says: “No peace ship has by force, fraud and legal descrediting Mr. Armour's diagnosis, i last, or ought to last, which does trickery overthrown a republican which is no doubt largely true, it recognize and accept the princi- form of government, and where an will be well to consider also the re- that governments derive all their expression of opinion by a Republi­ lationship between the high prices t powers from the consent of the can exposes him to persecution and of food and all commodities, and in­ 'erned.” Yet the Paris treaty, proscription,—a state in which only flation of the currency, For it is a Ich transfers 38,000,000 unwill- three per cent of the population votes well known principle that an inflat- QR. O. L. HOHLFELD. ■ Chinese to the sovereignty of and yet iB instructing the world In ed currency means a depreciated cur- VETERINARIAN. >an, means, we are told, “guaran- the principles of "democracy”—this rency, and a depreciated currency dislike for partisanship deserves a means high prices. d peace.” Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone place in a comic supplement instead We are Btlll of course, normally on k lecturer at the Chautauqua In of in the Congressional Record. Tillamook a perfectly sound gold basis. Yet our Oregon. ------- o------- e the other night advocated "one circulating medium is inflated—or, Because President Grant spent a let us say, expanded—to an extent irch and one party for all.” Just AVID, ROBINSON, M.D., the Record reporter was leaving few weeks vacation at Long Beach I unprecedented in our history. Down tent, he heard a woman say, "I for the benefit of Ills impaired health | to 1881, with the single exception of for this one church and one party in 1876, a Democratic House of Rep­ 11865, when it was $20.58, our per PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Iness, but for me it must be the resentatives passed a resolution de­ capita circulation never rose as high national building , Jiodist church and the Republican manding to know by what constitu­ as $20. From 1881 to 1903 it ranged tional authority he assumed t0 t ,per'¡from $21.4 1 to $29.42; never reach- ty. TILLAMOOK OREGON. form executive functions away from * | ing $30. From 1904 to 1916 it rang­ T -- ---- °------- daps and orders found on three the seat of government. Now u dem­ ed from $30.77 to $39.29; never goes to Europe reaching $40.00. In 1917 it was ipellns attacked and downed in ocratic president BOAl.S,.M.D., North Sea in August, 1918, indi­ every tew weeks and there is a clamor $45.74; and in 1918 it was $50.81. ed they were bound for New York of praise from the Democratic side of This expansion of the currency has PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON bomb that city, according to a the House because at last we have a proceeded pari passu with increase ry told by flight Lieut, John president who works on both sides in the cost of living. Thus reckon­ Surgeon S. P. Co. nklns, of the royal air force, who of the Atlantic! From which it may ing the "index number" of the cost (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Ived at Kingston, Ont., from over- be interred that the Democratic idea of commodities at par, or 100, in ■ s. He says he was with the squad- of presidential duty vartes with the [1913, the year before the war, but a Tillamook - Oregon politics of the administration. which shot down the Zeppelins. year when inflation had already be- ------- o ------- ------- o------- : gun to a marked degree, we find Senator Ashurst told the Tam- he United States induced China to OBERT H. McGRATH, that back in 1905, before inflation lure war against Germany. Nat- many society on the Fourth of July was greatly marked, it was only 84, CoUNSELLt >R-AT LAW, lly China holds the United States that he didrt't altogether like the while in 1918, with inflation at full jonsible for the loss of Shantung league of nations, but he was going ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN ?, blast, it was 195. titpan through the action of the to shut his eyes, hold his nose and THE TWO HOYTS VAUDEVILLE ROAD SHOW Gem Theatre Tillamook Friday-Saturday AUGUST 8 and 9. The Hoyts have played in Tillamook at different times in the past several years. They have never failed to make good. Their acts are clean and refined and savors of nothing but the Best. Oregon Rose, Cham­ pion Lady Rifle Shot, does some wonderful shooting and roping acts. She is also a most attractive dancer, Dr. Hoyt is known as the Great Texas Cow Boy. He is a ma- gician of rare ability, singing, reciting and comedy characters are also rendered by him in a most creditable manner. An excep­ tional chance to see a real Western pair of performers. Don’t Miss It—Two Nights Only. ADULTS, 45c. CHILDREN, 24c. Change of Program Each Night. Tax 5c. Admission Total 50c. Tax lc. Admission total 25c. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P orti and O ffice 1110 W ilcox B ld . r^ARL HABERLACH D ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock D Tiilaiiiook Oiegon KBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, Q r . l . l . OREGON hoy PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, '•p H BAY CITY MARKET Oreg«.« GOYNK, EDWIN E. SMITH. A T TOR N E Y - A T-L A W. onice: O pposite Tillamook R. J. Reynolúa Tobacco Uo. covri f Oi»go n OH'i ;l.KLAN»¿HENDERSON, attorney ; ; and COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW - Tillamook - Orqp« EVER was such right-handed-two- fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert! That’s because P. A. has the quality f You can’t fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck I So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you’ve got the big prize on the end of your line I N T. Hoi IS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bot ks in Offlce. Taxes Paid for Non Residents T illamook B lock , Tillninook .... Oregon Both Phones. Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch— well —you feei like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy dayS sentiments I Fresh and Cured Meats. ajen Contentment is a state of mind IMPERIALES MOUTHPIECE CIGADETTES create it. Their full fla­ vored, satisfying blend is the secret. They are a quality smoke. 10 for 13c The John Bollman Co. Branch Maawfacturerg HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. SPECIALIST. Disease of The EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT -Call 159J ■ According to Essen dispatches to Swiss newspapers. German manufac­ turers after lengthy experiments have succeeded in creating a gaso­ line turbine. The engine. It ia assert­ ed. will enable an airplane to fly virtually without noise. Mutual Phones. NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. ------- o------- Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. FISH BRAND SLICKERS, will keep you dry as nothing else will , FISH BRAND POMMEL, the be«t Saddle Coot in the world. f * DEALERS EVERYWHERE A. J TOWER CO. — — BOSTON. Registered Jersey Milk Cow for Sale. I have several head of Jersey milk cows for sale, some fresh now. some will be fresh soon and balance be fresh in the spring. Many of these cows are bred to COVE MEAT COMPANY Poppies Golden St Mawes, and the others to well bred bulls. In the lot East Garibaldi. are two St. Mawes three year old heifers, and a number of well bred Fresh and Cured Meats. heifers coming three years old. will Special Delivery. Parcel post orders have first calf. Reasons for selling no place to keep solicited. them. Inquire at Todd Hotel, or at P. W. Todd, Owner. Phone 32 F 14 Garibaldi, Oregon. . post office. Phone 72.