Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 07, 1919, Image 1

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Returning to Seattle, after a few | Leaving for Banks and Forest
days here looking over the mill, was Grove, Sunday, was Mr. and Mrs. E.
----- o-------
W. Jenson, of the Seattle firm of A. IL. Hopkins and family. They will
Try a swim at the Bayocean nata- F. Coats.
. . Mrs. _
Hopkins relatives out there
a couple ot weeks.
H. H. Rosenberg returned from
L. C. Goldsworthy left for Amity to Vancouver B. C. last Friday where
Fred Scherzinger, and daughter.
vist Friday.
he went on a combined pleasure and Miss Mildred, left on the Friday
To get to Bayocean, take launch business trip.
morning train, he, for Portland, and
at Bay City.
If you like fancy shooting and rope she, for Oregon City. They will both
visit friends while away.
A. C. Daniels left for Portland this throwing, go to the Gem Theatre
Friday and Saturday and see Oregon | Next Sunday, August 10 there
morning on a business trip.
Rose perform.
I will be a gospel meeting at 11 a.m.
L. Labowitch drove to Seaside and
Returning to Portland Monday and 8 p.m. at the Maple Leaf School
back Sunday.
was D. Curtiss, who had been visit­ house. Rev. Aug. Olson, missionary,
Dr. Wise will be at Cloverdale ing his daughter, Mrs. Della Alley, will conduct the services.
every Thursday.
• for a month.
I Mrs. Robt, H. McGrath has just
Go to Bayocean for a pleasant out­
_____ of
F. M. Leslie returned to Portland been appointed superintendent
ing fend picnic.
* Wednesday after a few days spent the Allied Church Sunday school, to
Cecil Kinnaman is spending her near Netarts, where he was looking succed O. V. White, who has been
out of town for some time.
over his ranch.
vacation at Seaside.
Tillamook Jottings.
Haberlach for several days.
Barker is now manager of one of the
large Portland laundries.
Spending a few weeks vacation at
Rockaway are Mrs. D. Kuratli, of
Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. E. I.
Kuratli, of Hillsboro, Miss Marie
Meier, also of Hillsboro, Miss Alma
Spicker, of Portland, and Miss Rosie
Abplanalp, troni Tillamook. They
are staying al the Edelweiss cottage.
Driving in by horse and buggy
from McMinnville during Saturday
night, was Charles Rowe and Glen
Brenniman. They drove practically
all night to get here, and are visiting
with Mr. Rowe’s sister, Mrs. Hubert
O’Dell. Mrs. O’Dell’s sister, Miss
Ethel Rowe, is visiting here for a
Can See No Reason for Remarks in
Papers Saying Roads Not Good
------ o
“The roads to Tillamook are in the
finest condition I have ever seen
them," declared H. R. Blauvelt, ex­
ecutive special for the Oregon Life
Insurance Company, of Portland,
who drove in here by way of Astoria
and Seaside yesterday, "and I think
it is too bad that the papers have
given out the impression that they
are not good, for they are more than
good, they are excellent."
Mr. Blauvelt says the beaches are
only thickly populated in spots, and
those are where the people came in by
i train, and then wish they had driven
in by machine, when they see the
excellent roads. The Portland papers
have had stories in them that scare
¡the campers away, he said, and while
they write of poor roads, the actual
roads are better than many so-called
good roads in the valley.
Archie Gist and family have sold
Miss Eugenia Smith left today for
Fred C. Baker left this morning to
W. J. Gilbert is at Beaver visiting
their candy store, "Gist’s Candy
attend the State and National Ed­ Portland, with a friend, Miss Lydia Kitchen,” and moved to Salem. Art
during his vacation.
itorial Association meetings in Port­ Campbell, who has been visiting here Wallace is going to move his clean­
Ip town Monday from Bar View
from Portland. Miss Smith will stay
ing and pressing equipment from
was Claude Johnson.
I There is a bilk going through the 1 out for a few days vacation.
First St. and will occupy the place
Oregon Rose at the Gem Theatre
Going home to Portland on Mon­ in a week or so as a cleauing and
county "touching” those who own
Friday and Saturday.
autos for »2.50 for a device that is day was Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Tittle, pressing parlor and a tailor supply
who have been visiting their folks, shop.
The two Hoyts at the Gem Theatre simply a fake.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Tittle, at Fair­
Friday and Saturday.
Lou Cates and wife, of Dallas, for­
A. H. Harding vs. C. P. White and view for the past two weeks.
Errold Haltom went to Pottland Eva White is a suit filed in the the
mer editor of the Polk County Ob­ Friday, Aug. 8—"The Eternal«City”
Paramount production featuring
Mrs. Minnie Priest
Dunton, of server, left Monday after camping
Sunday for a few days.
circuit court to recover »2900.00 on
Pauline Frederick.
George L. Shuman Co., of Chicago is at Netarts for a week Lou says he is
Go to the Gem Theatre, where you
“The Two Hoyts”—Vaudeville,
in town this week at the Tillamook out of the newspaper game for good
always see a good show.
Miss Bernce Böckler left for her Hotel. She is agent for a set of
Oregon Rose in fancy Shooting and
home in Portland Friday, after vis­ reference books.
Dr. Hoyt the Texas Cowboy Ma­
Wonder that point, for the longing to get
Born to the wife of Gordon Graham
iting for two weeks with her aunt, World."
at Bay City, August 1, a son.
back will get the best of them before
Mrs. C. De Ford.
Saturday, August 9.—“False Evi­
Credit Service Co. vs. Ridehalgh & long.
T. B. Handley has been in Port­
dence” Metro production featuring
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Earhart and Co., is a suit filed in the circuit court
land since Monday on business.
J. A. Parker has come from Forest
Viola Dana.
children left for Battleground, Wash­ to recover four sums of money, viz.,
Grove and will become one of our
Miss Arlie Jones, of Portland is ington, Friday, where they will make
“The Two Hoyts" Vaudeville, Sec­
»27.50, »102.00; »85.00 and »75.00 business men. He will engage in the
visiting with Mrs. S. S. Johnson.
ond and last performance.
their future home.
for merchandise furnished the de­ harness business, and will occupy
Sunday, Aug. 10—"Cecilia of the
Jeff Harris left for Portland Mon-
the building with J. C. Holden on
Pink Roses” Select production feat­
day to attend buyers’ week in Port- last night late, with his bride, of a ■ , A two headed calf was on exhibi­ Second St. Mr. Parker comes to Til­
uring Marion Davies.
few days. She was Miss Iva Powell of tion at one of the barns in town lamook with the best of recommenda­
"Pathe News.”
last Monday. The heads were quite
Monday, Aug. 11—“Jane Goes a-
Mrs. H. V. Berg w’ent home to Moh-
Mrs. Frank Bester’fe brother, Al­ perfectly shaped, but had no neck to harness maker.
1 Wooing” Paramount production
ler Friday, after spending a week
bert Turney, from California, left rest on. The animals body was re­
Lt. Ben Stain and wife, and baby ! featuring Vivian Martin.
for Portland Saturday morning, moved to Portland.
daughter, Anne Louise, and Mrs. • "Lyons—Moran Comedy.”
Dr. Wise will be at Nehalem Hotel
after visiting here.
Mr. Walter Kinnamin, aged 7.2 Stain’s mother, Mrs. Bailey, of Eu­ Tuesday, Aug. 12—“Johanna En-
each Friday and Wheeler each Sat-
Mrs. Lon Hadley returned to New­ years, died last Wednesday, and the gene, arrived Saturday night. Lt. I lists” Artcraft production featur-
ing Mary Pickford.
berg Monday after visiting with Mr. funeral was held Friday. Mr. Kinna­ Stam is out of the army, just dis­
Bungalow City at Bayocean fur­ and Mrs. Hubert Smith, just beyond min had been critically ill for a long charged, and he and his wife will
"Pathe News”
nishes what you want for a beach
time, and the doctors had had no probably stay here. They will be a Wednesday, Aug. 13. "Quicksand”
Beaver for Bix weeks.
production featuring
welcome addition to Tillamook’s Paramount
hope of saving him.
C. I. Clough left for Portland Tues­
I Dorthy Dalton.
younger set.
A marriage license was issued to
After visiting her mother, Mrs.
day to attend the Buyers’ convention
“Bray Pictograph.”
George E. Sullivan and Lucile G. and also a druggists’ convention th a t Hattie Fowler, forh three weeks,
Leaving for Portland on the Mon­ Thursday, Aug. 14—‘The
Love That
is being held this week.
Dares” William Fox production
Jack Steinbach drove to Wheeler
featuring Madlaine Traverse.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCourt, of
this morning where he will work on Portland were in town the early week or so and then return to her with her sister, Mrs. John Pohl and
“Hyde and Seek Detectives" Mack
home in Aberdeen, W il .
Mr. and Mrs. Parrazo for a few days.
the dredge.
Sennett comedy (2 reels)
part of the week as the guests of
Mrs. B. D. Russell and Hon of Wal- They say the road is fine all the way
Ed G.Freeman left on the Saturday Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Schultz.
Walla, and Mrs. G. Clapp, of Wal- along the bay to the spit at the head
train for Hillsboro.where he will vis­
Mrs. William Christensen, Mise la Walla arrived Wednesday and are of Netarts bay. Automobiles can go
Nazarene Tent Meetings.
it relatives.
------- o-------
Mourene Carroll, Miss M a r i on Reed, visiting Mrs. £. J. Hughes, Mrs. clear to the head of the bay.
The Nazarene Church expects to
Oscar Huber, who has been in town and Miss Elsie Schultz drove over Hughes is Mrs. Russell's mother,
After visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
begin a tentmeeting on the Chautau­
on a business trip left for Portland from Neah-kah-nie Monday.
and Mrs. Clapp is her sister.
Bud Withrow at NetartB for several
qua grounds next week, August 14,
this morning.
After staying with her sister, Mrs.
Leaving for Portland on the Wed-
with the B. T. Flanery, Evangelistic
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hiner have .re­ C. C. Woods at Cloverdale, who has nesday morning train was Mr. and of Portland, returned home Friday. Party as workers, assisted by the
turned from a trip through Wash­ been ill, Mrs. G. G. Graves returned Mrs. A. Hansen, who have been This was the first trip Mrs. McCar­ pastor and other local helpers. Rev.
had made to this region since Flanery is a preacher of unusual
to her home at Mohler, Sunday.
ington by auto.
camping at Barview for several I thy
After visiting with Mrs. J. B. Car­ weeks. Mr. Hansen is with the War­ she was a little girl, twenty years a- ability and of national reputation
John Lamar and wife left for
go. They say they had a wonderful but is best known in the middle
Portland Sunday to attend the buy- lisle for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. R. ren Construction Company.
time fishing and crabbing, and liked
F. Countryman returned to their
west. These meetings will be free to
er’s week there.
Capt. John H. Gibson arrived home Netarts very much.
alL Services every night at 7:45 and
last night to see his parents. Rev and
The Dayocean Hotel is a commod-
Ollie Minor has been here visiting on Sunday at 11 a.m., 2:30 and 7:30
Leaving on the Wednesday morn­ Mrs. C. E. Gibson. He came from
ious and attractive place for Bay-
for a few days from Moh'er. and has p.m. Meetings for next Sunday as fol­
ocean visitors.
and Lucy Hemming, who have been leave tomorrow, as he is only on just returned from a trip to Crater lows:
Mr. and Mrs. Max Schultz left for
Lake, The Dalles and Eastern Ore­
10 a.m. Sunday School, in charge of
a leave of absence.
vacationing at Netarts for a week.
Portland Saturday, expecting to be
gon points, where she spent three or William Fletcher.
Miss Agnes Gardiner, a missionery, tour weeks. At Creater Lake it was
Miss Helen Gibson and Miss Beu­
gone about 10 days.
11 a.m. preaching by the pastor.
lah Rogers returned Sunday from left for Ocean Lake, Wash, Monday, so cold that ice froze on a pan of Rev. A. F. Ingler.
A marriage license was issued to
Bayocean, where they spent a week, after speaking pleasingly at the I water left out at night, she said,
7:30 p.m. Peoples' service followed
Edward Blum, of Hebo, and Mrs.
with Miss Roger’s sister, Mrs. Millis. Nazarene Church here, Sunday. She (While at The Dalles, the opposite ex- by the evening sermon. Special sing­
Matilda Kueibel.
will stay at Ocean Peak for a few ! treme of heat was found.
ing. /Ml welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tornell and son
Dr. und Mrs. S. M. Kerron, of Eu­ of Oakland, California, left for Port­ days, then journey to Nampa, Idaho.
Several bungalows are being built
gene. are visiting with friends in
Mrs. Hattie Marvin Hodgdon died by Tillamook people over at Netarts.
land today, and will later go home.
Tillamook this week.
They have been camped at Netarts Sunday evening after an illness Among those is the cottage of Geo.
lasting but three days. She is mourn­ Hanslmair, which will be completed
Mrs. J. Hermes returned to her for the last two weeks.
ed by her husband, nine children and soon. It is mostly stained already. It Finds Business Good, and in All
home in Portland Friday, after a
Mrs. M. Ivey and Miss Petty, her
many friends. The funeral services is about 20 by 15 feet. Dr. Elmer
weeks rest at Netarts.
daughter, have been visiting with
------ o-------
were held Tuesday. Rev. C. E. Gib­ I Allen is also building a little bung-
E. L. Hart vs. W. D. Murphy and another daughter, Mrs. Zozel at
R. G. Stuart, representative I of the
son conducting the services.
| alow nearby, and several outside
wife is a case appealed from the jus­ Cloverdale, they left on the train for
be- Oakland, California branch of the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald, .people have bought lots and will
tice to the circuit court.
Portland today.
al- Chevrolet Motor Vonipany was
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quigley, and
Tillamook Monday, on his way to
Herman Farmer went to Portland
Miss Fayne Bell, of Portland came
sister Miss McDonald; and Mr. and
'Astoria and Eastern Oregon, to see
Monday, expecting to stay a few in Tuesday afternoon to visit her
Mrs. Henry Smith, were in town
David Martlny the local Chevrolet
folks at Beaver, and stayed over
.days transacting business.
from Blaine Monday shopping and to
agent, about business prospects here
------- o-------
Miss Amanda Schwabbauer left for night in Tillamook with Miss Laura attend the cheese convention. Hans
, The season is near at hand when for next year. Mr. Martlny expects a
.her home in Salem Friday morning, Bays.
Jensen was also in from Blaine.
* you will harvest the evergreen black- greatly increased business, and is
August Ludtke vs. Louis Ludtke
after a vacation at Netarts.
J. J. Meyers of Portland, left on . berries and it is our desire and hope ordering 70 cars over last years or­
Miss Glenda Summerlin left for and wife is a suit filed in the circuit the train this morning for a short ! that you have a profitable crop. The ders.
court to cancel the deeding of certain
Mr. Stuart is enthusiastic over his
Portland Monday after visiting with
business trip. He and his family are ¡demand for the evergreen was never
land belonging to the defendants to
Mrs. Embum for seven weeks.
camping at Netarts, having driven 1 better, and we will start the paying company, and says they will do near­
their son, Louis Ludtke.
in last week. He says the roads were price off at a good substantial figure, ly 100 per cent more business in the
Only the best in pictures at the
Returning to her home at Newberg in good condition. Mr. Meyers is man- 1 planning at all times to give grow­ northwest this year than they did
Gem Theatre every night you can’t
Saturday, was Miss Mildred Fergu- ager of the McKinley Apartments in ers all the market affords. We are last ye: r. Every dealer is giving in
pick .a poor one. Go any time.
here to stay, and came here with that bigger o.dei.. which speaks well for
son, who had been visiting at Netarts Portland.
Miss Faye Harris, Miss Mayme La with W. Logan and family for a
intention and have had practically the popularity of Chevrolets.
Charles Burgraff, an architect of
follettg, W. Wilmot and W. Kenne­
the united patronage of all the berry »400,Ouv addition has just been com­
Albany was here Monday and Tues­
pleted lor the Oakland plant, so they
dy drove out to Portland Sunday.
A pleasant trip to the beach at day. Mr. Burggraf has built several producers back of us, and we want to will no*, be able to turn out every
— ------
-■ by of the Tillamook business houses and ask you for your further support,
W. R. Rutherford and Mrs. Ruth­ Barview, was en,.,
kind o* motor that the eastern plant
erford came in Sunday night to visit the Misses May Nehl, Blanche Harris public buildings. He says, Tillamook, and assure you we will give you makes. a total output of nearly
with Mrs. Rutherford’s parents here. and Nora Cronqulst, and Mrs. Helen like Albany, his home town has some
30,000 vurs is expected from the
all times.
fine business blocks, for a town its
After visiting here for two weeks Borba.
Our cannery is operated exclusive­ Oaklan:: plant next year.
Spending the day at the beach at size.
Mrs. N. Johnson, of Portland, left
ly in the canning of small fruits.
was Mrs.
for Hillsboro this morning.
Mrs. H. Pollock and daughter, of
We will furnish you crates free ot
Mkith and baby daughter, and Carl Seattle, left on the train for Port­ charge.
O. C. Morris, assistant operating
----- ------
Pollock. They left on the morning
morning land and home this morning. They
supervisor for the Southern Pacific
Reject«... Mr. Dolan'z Paving Bid On
have been visiting
Graves Canning Co., Inc.
was in town this morning.
8evc„;. St.—Fire Commissioner»
Opposite Tillamook Bakery
C. F. McDougall of the McDougall sister, Mrs. Kennedy in Tillamook,
.«..«Ort Poor Condition.
Mrs. J. H. Hathaway and daughter
Co., of Portland, left Wednesday af­ and Mrs. Kellow and Mrs. Farmer at
Gladys, returned home Tuesday from
ter spending a few days here Install­
Tlie *..., Council after holoin;, over
a pleasant visit with friends in Porl-
ing machinery for the Coats Lumber
A. 1.
fc.M *>., **•* •?«. ***..**! k, - .
S. P. Strang, representative of the
paving from last Thursday, rejected,
After visiting a while with their
it Monday night at their regular
John E. Altchison. senior land ap­ left Wednesday after a few days
daughter. Miss Una Emerson; Mr. praiser of the Interstate Commerce
meeting as being too high. The bid
here on business. Mr. Strang has
was slightly over the 10 percent
and Mrs. F. W. Emerson left Thurs- Commission has finished appraising
been coming here regularly for many
allowed above estimated cost.
‘the Tillamook-Hillsboro line, and years, and says he believes he knows
The report of the fire coinnission
Van Patton’s daughter, left this morning for San Francisco. more Tillamook people than he does
here from Salem was heard in part.
Elizabeth, is visiting her mother, and
Elmer Bennett is here visiting with Portlanders.
The official report has not yet been
expects to leave for Portland S'J"- his brother R W. Bennett, a week
Miss Aurelia Birch, and sister
lead, as they send their finding to
or so. ___
Mr. Bennett is a discharged Birch, of Rickreall, have been visit­
the state commissioner at Salem,
H. R. Shoemaker left for Portland I niav|ne, and has just returned from ing with their sister Mrs. Ralph Lu­
who forwards it back here, before it
Wednesday morning after visiting Siberia.
cas. and left Wednesday morni’ ?
is givei. out to the public. There is a
with his brother at Beaver for a
After a two weeks fishing trip at with Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Mary
barn or two in town that the com­
Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Freeman Mapes for their home. Mrs. Mapes
mission will probably condemn as
Jeopardizing and endangering the
Judge W. W. Condor left for his returned to Portland Wednesday. 'and Mrs. Lucas are going back
adjoining property in case of fire.
home in Corvallis Monday, after be- They report fair luck with the catch­ them to visit.
The resignation of Mrs. Everson
ing in the city a few days on busi­ es they made.
Earl B. Barker and family
from the Library Board was accept­
Robert Myers from Portland has
lived in Tillamook a number of
ed and Mrs. George Kiger was ap-
With The Two Hoyts
The special nurse brought down been visiting at the E. G. Lantz camp ago came to the county to camp and
pointed by Mayor Boals to take her
At Gem Theatre
from Portland, for Mrs. Vidito. Mrs. at Netarts since a week ago Sunday. visit old time friends. While In the
place on the library board.
Bpeirs. left Saturday morning for
city they stayed at the home of Carl
------ o-------
August & A 9.
day there last week.
Renewed Interest Shown in Work,
Every Woman Invited to Next
Week-end Parties, and Picnic Din­
ners Fill Week—Swastika Meets
------ o------
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lewis. Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Condit, Mrs. W. J. Reich-
ers, Mr. and Mrs. George Hanslmair,
and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Conover
motored up Wilson river Tuesday
night and had a delightful picnic
A delightful afternoon was spent
by members of the Swastika Club at
their meeting last week at the home
of Mrs. Carl Haberlach, where Mrs.
Burge was hostess. Social conversa­
tion and games took up the time
pleasantly until a late hour, when
the hostess served refreshments.
The guests for the afternoon were
Mrs. Barker, of Portland; Mrs. Dr.
Robinson, and Mrs. B. C. Lamb. Mrs.
Harrison won the prize in the games.
Leaving on the Friday train to
spend the week-end at Barview, were
Mrs. E. H. Stark, and her sister,Mrs.
L. W. Garrett, who is visiting her
from Pendleton. They will be join­
ed Sunday by Mrs. Stark’s daughter,
Miss Blanche, and a party of friends.
The party of five couples went down
Saturday night and stayed with
Stark's until Sunday evening.
The Civic Improvement Club held
a reorganization meeting the last of
July, at the city hall, and much in-
teristing work has been planned for
this year. Since the war work is fin-
ished there is renewed interest in
club activities among the women,
according to Mrs. W. Stanley Coates,
secretary of the Civic Improvement
The club extends a cordial Invita­
tion to the women of the city and
county to be present at the August
meeting, which will be held Wed-
nesday. August 13, at the city hall
at 2:30.
------- o-------
c . .
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Blaine
Hays and Mrs. Frank Hyde delight­
fully entertained the O. E. 8. Ken­
sington Club. A musical program and
guessing contest being the happy* fea­
tures of the afternoon. The selec­
tions on the violin and singing by
Professor and Mrs. Carl Griessen, a
piano selection by Mrs. Tucker, and
the duet by Mrs. Lee Doty and Mrs.
Leslie Harrison, were very much en-
oyed by all. Much of the pleasure of
the meeting went to the hostesses for
the beautifully decorated table and
dainty refreshments served.
Tlie club members present were:
Mesdames H. A. Williams, P. Todd.
Botts, Stanley Coates, Gruber, Mer-
rick, Henkle C. Stanley, Wlley,
Reedy, Lee Doty, Foster, Tucker,
Heyd, Hays. The invited guests were
Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. R. O.
Jones Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Griessen and
Mrs. Leslie Harrison.
Aviation Field Needed
------ o------ -
Many cities over the country have
made arrangements for an aviation
and Tillamook is lagging in
lliis respect. A short while ago a ser­
ies of pictures were run in the mag­
azines showing how many airplane
accidents had occurred because the
aviators had been unable to find
suitable landing places, With ma-
chines flying north along the coast
every little while as the reports from
the San Diego and Mather Fields
seem to indicate they will, Tillamook
should prepare an aviation field,
and work to have a station establish­
ed here.
Fred C. Baker, made
Tillamook Cfoi
of organisa
Mrs. J. B. Gillldkha
the Portland Chapter
can Red Cross arrive
Mrs. Faye F. Catlin, B(
home service work at
day, to meet with.,thfl
Tillamook County Ref
At the meeting* fl
fleers were appoffl
land chapter, as 1
tion had been uni
ing with enough?
to elect. These self
officers pro tem,’ aiidK
a meeting can beflfl
directors and meflll#
and elect officers^f^
At the meeting
officers of the EJfcew
appointed by thejJ
were: ChairmaflKM
vice-chairman, Mr«. 1
Secretary, Mrs. A.*tV
urer, Chester McQM|
Mrs. Rachel StanlJJyTj
Mrs. Gillingham jj
rather disappointed J
Tuesday night, as |
ami she had wantefl
to come. The Red Cl
alive concern, and CM
when the interesfl’ 19
That the Red CroJ
as an active ordezi
ended, seems to be ■
people who are
interest, but this’ J
Red Cross is a peril
tion, and will caj
wherever there is fl
orders keep going.,fl
Reconstruction* fl
kinds is being eairfl
Cross, and it servflffl
epidemics and big fl
vice may be needsdl
time, and stronkvfl
needed in every flfl
the work.
' 'Members of ths^H
tee acting with
C. J. Edwards,
Lamb, Dr. D.
Stanley Coates.
It la planned to
members of the dll
notifying them of J
by the Portland efl
them to come to *fl
for a meeting to I
permanent officers!
The directors bfl
are: Doctors, C.J9
Smith, R. T. Boa!
Robinson and Dr. fl
are; Henry CrensM
J. Edwards, J. I
Clough, E. E. Koch/
A Pennington, C. M
Turnbull, Geo. Lalj
Mrs. W. Holmes, Jfl
Botts, Mrs. Robisoi
Mrs. Bert King, M
Mrs. John GroatJ
Kuratli, B. C. Lamb
S. A. Brodhead, Rai]
Coates, Geo.Willia|i|
W. M. Heaston,
Nair, Rosenbdrg
W. B. Sutton,
Page, Merril SmitM
Erwin Harrison, fl
B. Handley, Honifl
Those appointed!
the county are: M
er; Toni Watt, Brf|
derson, Nehalem';«
Mohler; A. J. Jonefl
J Maxwell. Fairyi«
South Prairie; Johl
City; Chas Ray. CM
J .1
Lewis, Oretown;
Change in Method of Calling for
Paving Bids, and Right to Enforce
"False Evidenc^'l
New Sidewalk Construction
tic drama in whicl
seen will be preset
The election Monday brought 80
voters to the polls, 58 of whom voted
tor the ordinance ullowing property
owners to bond to build concrete
walks and ullowing them 10 years
In which to pay for the improvements
and for the city to advertise lor bius
o.i more than one kind of paving al
- l...,u tor a given street.
At present ». lien the city advertis­
es for paving H must specify the ex­
act kind, whetlie., Wunenile, gravel
concrete, crushed rock concrete or
any other kh*u.
IU. Then
bids for the
Is allowed
p............. g Uil all that
. ...v,...-/ la . ns is.
may b<
oil vaiiuu^ AiuUs oi puviug
submitted and the proper,y owners
in meeting wth the city council de­
cide which ls the best for the money,
and choose that kind. The new ordl-
nance also shortens the time limit
for remonstrances against paving
from 20 to 10 days.
The new sidewalk amendment al­
lows the council the right go make a
citizen who has a dangerous walk
put In a new one, or if after he is
notified <o put. in a new one, and
doesn’t do it. the council may put a
lien against his property and build
i he walk itself.
United Artisans.
------- Q-- ---
_ will be held at the K. of
P. hall to-night (Thursday) at 8:15.
All Artisans are welcome.
Theatre Saturdufl
story tells of the c
trothal which exil
lage in the mount
Here Madelon, a J
grows to wonianh
all to be the proi
Gordon. Madelon;
love Lot but she «
Burr, and refuses
ditions of her pe
man she does not
With t